
By normamikorslayme

212K 9.1K 5.3K

read it. More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four.
Thirty Five.
Thirty Six.
Thirty Seven.
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine.
Forty One.
Forty Two.
hey, this is important.
a few screenshots.
Forty Three.
Forty Four.
Forty Five.
Forty Six.


7.7K 299 264
By normamikorslayme

Your POV

I woke up to Jess constant moving. I looked over at the time and groaned.

"Sorry for waking you up. I can't sleep," she mumbled softly looking up at me.

"It's fine. Nightmare keeping you up?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, I just couldn't fall asleep," she replied. I rolled over on my back and gestured for her to m on my chest. Once she did, I started to massage her scalp knowing it would put her to sleep. A few minutes later, she was knocked out. I fell asleep shortly after she did. I woke up a few hours later to my phone going off.

"You gotta be kidding me," I groaned softly reaching over to grab my phone. It was full
of text messages from fake friends that I hadn't blocked. I left them all on read before blocking them completely. I sent a quick email to my professors and put my phone on do not disturb.

After an hour of trying, unfortunately I wasn't able to go to sleep. But on the bright side, Jess was still asleep. I slipped out of her grasp and went to the bathroom. I looked a complete mess. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before throwing my hair into a messy bun. I looked out of the bathroom to see if Jess was still asleep before I heard movement. She was spread out across my bed and cuddling with my pillow. I texted my manager telling her I couldn't come into work that day and all she said was enjoy my break and that she'd see me when I got back. It was weird, but I was all for it.

"Y/N/N?" Jess asked scared. "In the bathroom," I replied and heard her let out a relaxed sigh, "since I won't be going to class or work, we're going to go run some much needed errands. Go get ready and what not."

"Okay, can we go to the mall?" she asked. "We were going anyways. I need new clothes since I wear basic the same shit all the time," I answered walking out of my bathroom. I put on something comfortable on.

While Jess got ready, I made her her favorite thing to eat for breakfast. A bagel with cheese, a seasoned over easy egg and a few slices of bacon on it. I just had a bagel because I wasn't too hungry.

"Yay, my favorite," she said happily accepting the bagel and went back into her room. My phone started ringing and I took it out of my pocket. Once again, Beyoncé was FaceTiming me and I answered.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning. What's your best friend's name?" she asked.

"Jessica Romero," I replied.

"Thanks. I thought you had class today."

"I couldn't leave Jess by herself, so I didn't go to class. I'm gonna spend the day running errands."

"Go put a jacket on."

"Why? It's not that cold out."

"Put a jacket on, Y/N," she said using the same motherly tone she had used the day before.

"Fine, I'm going," I said walking to my room and threw my phone in my bed. I threw on a hoodie and picked my phone back up while adjusting the hoodie on my head.

"Is that better?" I asked.

"Yes, it is," she said with a small smile on her face, "Your flight is for 5:30 am. Julius will meet you at the airport, bring you to your hotel and bring you to see me."

"I can't wait to say 'Move, Julius'," I said impersonating her and making her laugh. It was one of those genuine laughs that made her face turn red.

"He's always in the way," she said stilling laughing making me smile.

"He just be tryna do his job," I replied.

"Whatever. I'm gonna let you go. Have a good day."

"You too. See you tomorrow," I replied hanging up my phone, "come on, Jess."

"I'm ready," she said walking into my room. I grabbed my wallet and my car keys before following her out of the house. I locked the door behind me and unlocked my car so she could get in. I got in and put my phone on the charger.

"So, why are we going to Los Angeles?" Jess asked as I started the car.

"So Beyoncé can tell me she's my mom even though I already know," I told her, backed out of the drive way and swiftly put on my seat belt.

"How do you know?" She questioned.

"I needed my birth certificate a while ago, so I had to go get a copy of it and her name is on it. I just want to hear her tell me and explain what happened," I explained.

"So you mean to tell me you knew she was yo momma and you didn't tell me?" Jess asked in disbelief.

"Bitch... I look just like her. Yo slow ass should've put two and two together," I said as I stopped at a red light.

"Girl, fuck you," she replied playfully and slapped my arm. I rolled my eyes and continued driving to the mall.

"It's Black Friday today. Good thing I don't have to buy anyone anything," I said to myself. Jess was too busy smiling at her phone. I honestly could've cried at how packed the mall was and it didn't help that the picture went viral. I kid you not, as soon as we stepped foot in the mall, it was like moths when they see light. The mall security helped us through the crowd.

"Are you two okay?" the security guards asked and I nodded. Jess, on the other hand, was shaken up a bit.

"What stores are you two headed to?" One of the security guards asked and we shrugged.

"I just came to get a coat, boots and a few hoodies," I said. They escorted us to every store until we got everything we needed, which took fucking hours. They escorted us back to my car and we left.

"Fuck the rest of those errands. I'm tired," I said and Jess agreed, "actually, I want to get a tattoo."

"I wanna take a nap," Jess whined.

"We can go home after I get my tattoo," I told her and she just whined even more, "fine. We'll go home... after my tattoo."

"Why are you like this?" She asked whining. I just laughed and went to the best tattoo shop in the city. I parked in front of the shop and got out. Jess got out with a pout on her face.

"You can finally get your nose pierced," I told her and locked my car. We walked in and walked over to the receptionist.

"You look just like Beyoncé," she said excitedly.

"That's not the first time I've heard that," I replied with a fake smile on my face.

"What are you looking to get done today?"

"I want to get peonies on my forearm," I told her and she nodded. She handed me a waiver to sign. I read over it and signed it. I looked over the tattoo artists' portfolios while I waited.

"I know the perfect guy for this tattoo. Yo, MJ. Come here," she yelled out. A buff tatted guy came out and walked over to where we were.

"She wants a tattoo of peonies and flowers are your specialty," she said gesturing towards me.

"I'll draw something up and come right back," he said. About half an hour he came back with a drawing.

"I like this. Let's do it. I'm trusting you, man," I told him.

"Come one, then," he said leading us to his tattooing space. He cleaned everything down, changed the needles to brand new ones, shaved the hair off my arm and cleaned it of. He laid down the stencil on my arm and made sure it had completely transferred to my arm. He put the stencil aside and turned his machine on.

"You ready?" he asked and I nodded, "keep this arm relaxed at all times or it'll hurt like a bitch and mess up."

I nodded and he started tattooing. It didn't hurt too much. It felt like a constant itch that you couldn't scratch.

"Is this your first tattoo?" he asked and I nodded, "this one is on the house because you let me have complete creative control over it."

"Wow. Thanks," I replied. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went on social media. My followers were constantly growing. I was already at two million and I hadn't even done anything. He finished faster than I expected him to. It was probably because I was too caught up in a movie I was watching. He cleaned the tattoo off and snapped a quick picture for me.

"Thank you," I told him.

"This wrap will help the healing process. Make sure you are gentle with it. Keep it clean. When it starts to peel, don't peel it. Just get some anti itch cream and call it a day," he explained while wrapping my arm. He gave me extra wrap for free and sent us on our way. He just didn't know I slipped two hundreds in his sketchbook and wrote a little note. Jess didn't get her nose pierced because she chickened out and was ready to go home.

"Come on, crybaby. Let's go home," I said gesturing for her to walk out of the door. She stood up and walked out. I managed to trip her on the way to the car because she wasn't paying attention.

"You're an asshole," she said and shoved me. I rolled my eyes and got into my car. She got in with a frown on her face and her arms folded across her chest. I started the car, put my seat belt on and waited for her to do the same.

"Put your seatbelt on," I told the smaller girl and she didn't. I undid mine, reached over, grabbed the seat belt and put it on for her.

"Crybaby," I mumbled while putting mine back on and pulled off.

"You shouldn't have tripped me."

"I told you about not paying attention when you're walking."

"The car was literally right outside of the door."

"Jess, it doesn't matter. Anything could've happened. This world is too messed up for you to not be paying attention," I told her sternly and she sunk down into her seat.

"I can take care of myself. I don't need you nor do I need you nagging me like you're my dad," she mumbled thinking that I couldn't hear her.

"I'm nagging? You won't hear my 'nagging'
anymore. You can take care of yourself, then do it," I told her. The ride home was accompanied by an awkward silence and the sound of Jess typing on her phone. I parked my car, got out and grabbed my stuff leaving Jess out there to get her stuff on her own. I stood by the front door watching her struggle with her bags.

"Y/N, can you help me?"

"No, you don't need me." I said as she walked up the stairs to the front door. I closed it. She was on the verge of crying. The thing about Jess was that she was a sensitive crybaby that let her mouth get herself in trouble. A spoiled crybaby. Jess still had the innocence of a child. She couldn't help it, she didn't have the best childhood when she lived with her mom and had no way of expressing herself. It was almost like a headspace, but it wasn't one. I sat on the sofa watching her try not to cry while carrying her bags.

"Can't cry your way out of this one, Jess," I told her and she dragged her bags to her room. They weren't even heavy. She just over exaggerated. A few hours later, I made us lunch and went to go check up on her. She had fell asleep after her crying fit. I shook her body gently until she woke up.

"Eat then start packing," I said handing her a plate of food and left out of her room. I ate while I packed my clothes and ended up taking a nap afterwards. I ended up sleeping until midnight. I groaned softly and grabbed my phone off of its charger. I saw that Normani, Zendaya, Kehlani and a whole bunch of other people had followed me back, but guess who didn't. My own momma didn't follow me. Rolling out of bed, I managed to hit my head on my nightstand.

"That's a sign for me to go my ass back to sleep," I murmured as I rubbed my head and eventually falling asleep.

Sorry for any grammatical errors.

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