The Extroverty-Introvert

By LethargicGenius

1.5K 198 55

Hey Guys! John is a 15-year-old student who is trying to figure out the best way to stay connected with his... More

CHAPTER 2:-The Problem I Have With Weddings.
Chapter 3:- Embrace the Third Wheeling
Chapter 4:-A Bad Start Does Not Mean It's A Bad Day.
Chapter 5:-Always Keep Your Phone In The Bag!
Chapter 6 :- Abdomen Guards Should Be In All Sports!
Chapter 7:- Never Daydream When A Girl is Talking.
Chapter 8:- Grandmothers
Chapter 9:- Is it Pancakes Or Videshi Dosa?
Chapter 10:- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 11:-Should I Make A Move?
Chapter 12:- The Things We Do For Love
Chapter 13:- Tutoring Natalie.
Chapter 14:- Can A Hairband Be A Weapon?
Chapter 15:- Watson, We Have A Problem!
Chapter 16:- Lost and Found.
Chapter 17:- Those Are A Nice Pair of Tits.
Chapter 18:- Do My Instincts Warn Me?
Chapter 19:- The Creep is Back.
Chapter 21:- The Target's Daughter
Chapter 22:- Perspective
Chapter 23:- The Betrayal
Chapter 24:- What the heck Rachel? Where are my Clothes?
Chapter 25:- Overconfident in a Tuxedo
Chapter 26:- Psyche Grandma Rose!
Chapter 27:- Always Lock the Door
Chapter 28:- The Brief Past
Chapter 29:- Juan and Jose
Chapter 30:- Prom

Chapter 20:- Wait, You're a Gangster?

33 6 0
By LethargicGenius

3 days pass by, and there is no sign of the Creep been found, None of the faculty members approached me, from the time I screamed at the Office till now. This was getting weird, to the point at which I was doubting myself to be hallucinating about this man altogether.

Math class gets over, and Akaash walks up to me.

"Hey man listen, you want me to drop you home?", he asked.

Well, this was weird. Akaash and I both live in the same society and also traveled back home with the rest of the guys in the school bus, so why was there a need to specify dropping me home?

"Um, dude we go home in the same bus remember?", I replied in a confused tone.

"No, I meant that I'd drop you home in my car instead. Dad's come to pick me up today.", he replied hesitantly.

"Ahh, okay. I get it, so have you told him about the scratch on the car? Or has he even noticed it?", I asked.

I know it was quite stupid of me to ask such a question but given the situation, I think it was apt to get my doubts cleared right here, right now.

"Actually he hasn't; My cousin repaired it in about a few days and it is looking shinning new! So you want to come along?", he asked again.

"I mean I get it that your Dad has come, and it wouldn't hurt going home in a sports car, Soooo meh I'm in!", I gave him a high-five.

Not moments after we walked down the stairs and towards the gate, I heard it.


"Ah, that might be him.", Akaash said.

"Oh, it IS him!", I reassured.

"You know what's better than having a Girlfriend? Having a Fucking Collection of Sports Cars!", he screamed as we crossed the gate.

"Oh boy, I'll save that for Priyanka to listen to!", I laughed.

The guy just looked back and smiled. 

I don't know why he was behaving a bit weird today.

I observed that the gate was filled with a crowd of kids and confused adults trying to figure out why was there a sportscar outside the school. At first, I wasn't shocked to be part of the dramatic entrance but then I scanned the road completely and noticed that there was not one, but a LINE OF LUXURY CARS behind this freaky Tesla Model X like, What the Fuck!

"Dude! What is this, an exhibition of yours outside the school?", I asked while gazing at the Audi's, Mercedes and there was a fucking Ferrari! Like how is there a Ferrari here!

"I'll explain later.", he said and looked at the driver, "Zaid just take the cars to the destination on the GPS.", Akaash said and then lays back on to his seat.

I was sitting in the front seat, while this prick sat at the back seat, there were about 9 cars that I could see on the road behind us and this "Zaid" dude was taking us to some place that I don't know. Frustrating as it was, I was enjoying the sound of the car and the commotion that we had created.

"John, why don't you be kind and play some music eh?", Akaash smirked.

Subconscious Mind:- "Is this guy high on something? Why did he say be kind? Like bitch, I've known you for 12 years..."

I played some Cardi B songs like Bodak Yellow, then switched to Trap Remix Music of PostMalone's Rockstar, then it hit me. Where was Akaash's Dad?

"Akaash, you said Uncle was coming to pick you up right? So where is he?", I asked trying to not look concerned.

He paused the music, looked at me in the eye and said, "He's been Abducted."

So let that sink in. Yes, take your time, because I was confused as to what should my reply be? Should it just be "Oh you're joking right?", or should it be, "Oh what are you going to do about that?". Either way, I wasn't in any situation to help him, so I just stared back at him with a blank face. 

Akaash pulled himself back to his seat and he was back to his business of scrolling through Instagram.

"So wait, did I hear something wrong or do you just don't care that your Dads missing?", I turned back from the front seat, reaching out to the prick.

"Not really, it's just a matter of fact that we need to get rid of some people. That's it.", he replied while still not looking up from his phone.

This was different, I had never seen this kind of behaviour from Akaash. Then again his choice of words as a reply didn't really give me any hint as to who was the culprit, so I just let it slide by assuming that he was having mood swings.


We arrived at this big mansion that looked somewhat like Akaash's Farmhouse that he talks about a lot, but that's in Pune so it wouldn't make sense. So I step out of the car and walked towards the Door of the house following Akaash, then for some reason, I glanced at my phone because of which I noticed the location. It was showing PUNE! 

For a second I just stood there outside the Door trying to figure how and why was I here? Then Akaash screamed, "John! Come in bro, I need to show you something."

"Coming!", I ran upstairs towards the direction of the sound.

Man, this house was HUGE! Like a family of 6 could just stay in separate parts of the house for weeks and meet each other in the main hall and it would feel like they just came back from a mini-vacation!

I opened the suspected Door to the room and there I saw, a 16-year-old prick looking smart in a Tuxedo and wait, what's in his hand? My face changed expression drastically as I walked up to Akaash's dressing room.

"Hey! What's that in your hand mister? Show it to me right now!", I yelled.

Akaash just stared at me in surprise and turned back to his full-size mirror and continued to dress himself up.

"John, could you pass me that knife?", he asked.

"Why would you need a knife?", I questioned.

"Just give it to me already.", he smirked.

I walked up to the table and picked up the knife and walked up to him.

"Isn't she just a beauty?", he asked.

"Who?", I asked while handing over the knife.

"This knife John! She's a cold-blood murder weapon used only for special occasions.", he smiled.

I laughed back.

"So what do you cut with it? Salmon? Rich Meat at Get-togethers?", I added.

Akaash looked back and face-palmed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I did not really tell you why we were here, didn't I?", he laughed back.

"Uhh...yeah", I said.

Akaash walks up to the cupboard and opens it up. He picks up a similar Tuxedo and hands it over to me.

"Here, wear this first and then we'll talk."

I didn't question him one bit and turned around and began to change while looking at the other mirror which was conveniently placed on the other side of the room. As I started to wear the pants, he began to speak.

"So John, the reason we are here today is to solve some problems that we created about 3 weeks ago, which has led to the abduction of my father. You see I've only shown you one half of my life all these years as a rich kid who cares about his friends, but you need to see the other side of me too so that you can understand the story."

I was struggling to put on the shirt, so I interrupted.

"Hey, could you get me a bigger size?"

I heard a grunt from the other side followed by, "FINE!"

I know I was being needy right now, but then again YOU brought me to freaking Pune to solve some problem of yours, then It totally becomes my right to wear comfortable clothes too!

"Here, take.", I heard as my vision turned black for second because the shirt fell on my head.

Then I yelled back at him, "You were saying something!"

I think I was yelling for no reason at all now, but still, Akaash continued.

"So yeah, My dad was a politician before he entered into the Alcohol business when he came to Mumbai, and at the span of 5 years in politics he had developed quite a lot of influence and with influence came death threats from opposition parties which wasn't much of a concern back then so he did not bother keeping protection for himself.

One day though, Dad was giving a speech against some drug peddlers who supplied drugs to kids and adults via. the help of the opposition party, suddenly the guy standing beside him fell down onto the ground and his chest was bleeding. Not seconds later the guy on the left too fell down. Then Dad panicked and ducked down, within seconds the whole ground was evacuated and there were a lot of 20 people injured at the shoot-out, with 2 of Dad's friends shot dead. This deeply hurt him, and my Grandfather advised him to shift from Kerala to Mumbai and start over again. "

By this time I was struggling to wear the tie that came with the Tuxedo so I ran out towards Akaash and asked him, "Hey bro, do you know how to tie this?"

This time Akaash was pissed, he literally nodded, took the tie and wrapped it around my neck and screamed, "I'm trying to share a real-life story to you right now but you don't seem to give a damn about it, why is it huh?"

I struggled, wiggled and panted, "Ahhhhhhh! Staaaph, I'm sorry bro!"

He let go of me, and I gasped for air.


"Will you listen now?", he asked.

"Yes, I will; Jeez man you almost killed me!", I said.

"So, the bottom line is that Dad still has enemies, and the one you bumped into that night is the right-hand man of Dad's Enemy, Sylvester. The right-hand man himself being, Rashid Bakir, just a drug addict who loves to kill people when it's the right time."

I was stunned. This was too much information for my brain to process already and add to that their is probably more to the story, it sounded so much like a prank.

"Listen, I get it that you are trying to cook up a story to calm my nerves down about the guy that I bumped into last night, but at least try and make a valid story man! Like seriously? A murderer? Your Dad being abducted, him getting death threats and somehow this guy is the right hand of some Evil dude? This is bullshit.", I said while attempting to remove each piece of clothing to change back to my school uniform.

Akaash wasn't having this behaviour of mine and snapped!

"Is this why you call yourself MY Best-friend? Like really? I need your help right now and you're backing out? Is this why I wasted my time bringing you all the way to Pune?"

Subconscious Mind:- "AHAH! I knew it, you were in Pune the whole time! No? Not the right time to celebrate?" 

I was silent.

Akaash walked up to me and said, "Listen, John this is a serious situation and we need to save Dad right now, else I don't know what will happen to him. My Grandfather might have already sent a rescue team to him, but I don't trust them. So please cooperate with me man, after all, you're the only one I can trust."

Subconscious Mind:- "Awww, this is so cute. Friendships should never come to an end!"

"Alright this one time I will help you, so tell me what is the plan?", I looked up at him.

"Oh that's quite simple, we get in the car, reach the location with my team, bust in the house and bust out with Dad.", he made it sound so simple.

I nodded, understanding the situation just from the top and ignoring the "bust in and bust out".

Then I rubbed my chin to make it look like I was in deep thought, then I replied, "I'm in!"

"Oh goody! Finally, you agree to something adventurous!", Akaash jumped in excitement.

We walked downstairs looking fresh and handsome like French Models ready for the ramp, walked through the gate and got it the car. Then I remembered something.

"Hey Akaash, what was that thing in your hand when I walked into your room while you were changing?"

He laughed again and said, "Oh that! Here take it, you might need it later.", he handed it over to me.

"Keep it in the left-hand side of the Tuxedo so it's easier to draw.", he advised.

Subconscious Mind:- "Draw? Huh, might just be a darn paint brush after all.." 

He continued, "I have my own too on the left side, that's why."

I looked at the thing and laughed at him with my thought of it being a paintbrush and asked him, "Hey are we going to get rid of dried up paint stains with these in the house?"

He laughed again took a pause and said, "You're right, tonight the walls would be full of red paint that would be spread by us!" 

I laughed back at him and asked, "And why is that?"

"You still didn't get it? It's a GUN. All of the people against us are going to go CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG !"

"Wait, what?!", I yelled but my voice was again overpowered by the sound of the Tesla taking off on the open road.


Hey there You GUYS!

Omg, I'm so sorry to have missed last week's upload, but this time I've come prepared! This chapter is bigger than before and compensates for 2 weeks of lack of content because there is a sudden twist in the story! 

"Wait, What?!" is the last line by John in the story, was it yours too?!

Until next time! Peace! :D

(P.s. I'm so happy that we have crossed 700+ reads! :3)

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