Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Ba...

By SquishXWatt

12.2K 134 66

(Rewrite in progress...)This is the old version of the story. I will be working on a rewrite of this as well... More

Chapter 1: Battle Aboard
Chapter 2 Part 2: Allies
Update and a Thank You!
Chapter 3: Rise of the Clones
Chapter 4: Alpaca Falls
Hiatus Update
Chapter 5: Futility's End
New Cover!
Hiatus Update #2
Hiatus Update Numero 3
Chapter 6: Splintered Path
Fanart!(Ch.6 Spoiler)
New Official Twitter Page!
Update #4
Update: 5
Countdown to Chapter 7!!
Chapter 7: Samus's Last Stand
Chapter 8: Dead Soldier Walking
Chapter 9: The Ascension Part 1
Chapter 10: The Acension Part 2

Chapter 2 Part 1:Recruitment

700 11 0
By SquishXWatt

The Birds were chirping.
The Grass was swaying.
The fish were happily swimming in the lake.
It was a nice sunset to end off a cool Fall day.


Just then a small object, acting as a meteor, fell into the lake, sending small tsunamis out of the huge body of water.
Fish swam away in fear, bugs hopped or ran or flew away, wanting to avoid human contact, and the grass began soaking wet.

Ness, instantly out of breath from the fear and fast approach towards the earth, came out of the water head first, gulping as much air as he could to prevent his lungs from collapsing.
Pulling himself onto shore, Ness began shivering. The water was freezing and the wind chill didn't help at all. He began coughing, attempting to force the last remnants of liquid to evacuate his lungs.
Just then he saw the airship he had fallen off, began to leave.
Ness tried to run after it, to finish the fight he started, but he was exhausted, unable to move his body forward. He had no choice.

He had to walk it.

But where?

It was getting late, so hopefully there was a village or somewhere he could stay for the night. When he saw it.
It was only 30 miles away from the looks of it, and there he could rest easily at the Mii Embassy, which was built to enter chosen contestants from the Mii race to enter the tournament.
Ness began walking towards the bright city. Full of confidence, unknowingly being

followed by something in the sky.


Samus stood up and immediately felt a sharp pain in her chest, falling down again, but used her arms to catch herself, letting her stay sitting up. She looked around at her surroundings. She was in some sort of room, like a cabin.
She herself was on a table, in her Zero Suit, dried, and her armor was missing. She stepped off the table.


Samus looked down. She had stepped in a strange liquid. It was orange and sticky.
"Was this ink?" Samus asked herself.
She attempted to move forward to figure out her surroundings when suddenly


Something jumped out of the ink, making Samus jump. That something came out of the ink when it

stood up?

Samus however, was pointing her gun at it, the spare one she keeps in her suit. The humanoid creature then turned around and stepped back to possibly avoid a direct shot. Samus began to slowly lower her gun to get a look at the Humanoid and when she did, she fell in awe.

The creature seemed to resemble a human girl. She had tentacles that seemed to be the institute for hair and black around her eyes as if she was wearing goggles. She was eating a plain white t-shirt and black shorts with pink sneakers.

"Woomy?" the creature responded

Samus was confused. She had no idea what it said.

"Uhmm I'm sorry?" Samus responded
"Ngyes?" The creature said, becoming confused itself
"I have no idea what you're saying" Samus said.
Suddenly, she had an idea! Samus put her hand in her back pocket, trying to grab something inside.
When she had it in her grasp, she pulled it out and brought it to her face. It was a metal square with a button on the side. When she pressed it, the metal square unhinged and two sides popped out, turning the small square into, what appeared to be chokewear necklace, with a small monitor attached to it.
"This will make me understand you. Put it around your neck" Samus said, holding it to show the humanoid.
The creature hesitated for a moment, but grabbed the necklace type device and placed it on her neck.
"Oww! That hurts! What did it-" The humanoid stepped back in shock, covering her mouth with her hands.
Did she-did she just speak English?!
"Woooow woooow Oh my gosh!" The humanoid began testing the new voice joyfully.
Samus smiled. "Heh. Now I can understand you"
"Whatever this is, it's amazing!" The Humanoid said delightfully.
"So....I just gave you a piece of my tech. Are we still gonna be strangers" Samus said grinning
"Oh yeah! name is Orange and I'm a inkling!" the inkling said, still marveling at the tech bringing her an English voice.
"Well...Orange, could you tell me what this place is?" Samus asked getting on her knees to meet the Inkling's height.
"Oh you're in the swamp! This is where me and I my friend Blue stay. We saw a huge flash go over the sky and something splash into the water. We saw you in the mud so we dragged you here. We were supposed to be at our houses in Inkopolis, but we sort of crash landed here"
"Crash landed?"
"Yeah. We were traveling on a cool airship, and we were near the end of the ship. Suddenly this huge fog came in and this huge cloud that kinda looked like a ghost was in front of the ship. At least I think it was a cloud. The ship stopped and me and Blue fell of the side. We've been staying here ever since."
Samus thought about it for a second. Was the cloud and the Reaper somehow connected? However she came to horrifying possibility. Was the airship The Reaper took control of the same one Orange is talking about? That would explain why nobody was on there except doppelgänger soldiers.
"Orange I need to tell you something important"
Samus said, which earned her a raised eyebrow from Orange.
"What is it?"
"Do you know about the Reaper?"
Orange stood there for a second, puzzled but then shook her head
"He is a demon that entered our world" Samus continued.
"He is a giant undead skeleton, with the power to harvest souls and keep them in a gem around his neck"
Samus paused for a moment, swallowing.
"My uhm...Friends all died trying to stop it"
Samus tried her absolute best to maintain her composure, which was incredibly difficult.
"I crashed here. Now I don't know where the Reaper is headed to now. I don't even know how to contact anyone.
Orange stood there, feeling sad if not a little unhelpful.
"But I have an idea on what to do. The city of Alpaca is nearby, and it has the Mii Embassy. It could have a way to give me a direction on where to go."
Orange stood there for a minute, trying to take it all in.
"Hmm? What is it?"
"Blue hasn't come back yet"
"What do you mean?"
"He usually would be back by now with food, but he hasn't. I'm worried. Especially with all that stuff about a Reaper"
Samus stood still for a minute
"I understand. First I need to find my power suit. Once we do that, we can go searching for your friend."
Orange's skin froze to white when she heard the end of the sentence, and she began sweating with guilt written all over her face.
Samus, noticing this, asked "Orange. You said you dragged me here, but what about the suit I was in?" Samus asked in a developing worried, angry, and concerned stare
"W-w-well I wanted to surprise you when you woke up by having your armor nice and shiny, and almost as good as new! But there were cracks in it, so I could only wash the stains and buff the scratches. But when I finished washing it off, the paint came off, so I panicked and tried painting it in with my ink. But when I turned around to ink it more, it was gone."
Samus in a cold stare, asked "so where is it then?"
"At the bottom of the nearby valley?"
Samus was in shock and panic.
Orange could do nothing but clinch her teeth and shut her eyes in anticipation for a devastating blow.

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