Make Me Beg! (BoyxBoy, Do...

By DrGigglez

1.6M 53.3K 10.8K

"Just try it, it will feel amazing." She said wiggling it in front of my face. "Ew, God no." I replied, knock... More

Make Me Beg (BoyxBoy)
1-Make Me Mad
2-Make Me Wonder
3-Make Me Ask
4-Make Me Start
5-Make Me Late
6- Make Me Regret
7- Make Me Question
8-Make Me Mock
9- Make Me Realize
10- Make Me Deal
11- Make Me Sarcastic
12-Make Me Miss
13-Make Me Think
14- Make Me Difficult
15- Make Me Motivated
16- Make Me Impress
17- Make Me Give
18-Make Me Nervous
19-Make Me Figure
All of The Facts!
20-Make Me Show
21- Make Me Reveal
22-Make Me Hurt
23-Make Me Break
24- Make Me Rebel
25-Make Me Long
Take Me Now! BoyxBoy.
26- Make Me Wonder
27-Make Me Control
28-Make Me Walk
30- Make Me Warm
31- Make Me Weak
32-Make Me Disturbed
33-Make Me Crave
34- Make Me Reminisce
35- Make Me Tell
36-Make Me Confess
37- Make Me See
38- Make Me Try
39-Make Me Joke
40- Make Me Express
41- Make Me Wait
42-Make Me Plan
43- Make Me Beg
44-Make Me Prepared
Things to know
45- Make Me Return *BONUS*
Heads up

29-Make Me Adjust

28.2K 927 194
By DrGigglez

If you know how to make book covers  please message me (: SHOUTOUTS TOO!

@purplebutterfly1128 <-----Your ass is too funny, my God .

@spencer_889<-- Thank you for your comment

@Wallflowers_And_Wind <---Girl boo these back to school commercials SUCK!


@canihaveasmoke <--- I've missed the hell out of you where you  been woman?


             ASPENS P.O.V

 "Well it has been over two and a half months, this has been going on..". I said, looking at the floor Time was going by fast. We only had a month and a half left of school. Bryan and Dawson would be leaving. Taylor and I.. we'd be Seniors.

              "Yeah, we're not moving fast at all. Aspen look I can go to the store right now and get whatever  you think we need". Bryan said. I held the phone tight and took him off speaker phone "I uh, it's up to you, I'm still confused about this". I said, he laughed "I won't do anything you don't want me to". He said.

         "Not that. I was some hermit a few days ago and now I'm sexual. I might be gay and I'm some how a dom and I have a boyfriend! this is so wild Bryan". He chuckled and I glared.

                    "Just take one step at a time! Theres no need to rush it's like learning to fly, or falling in lovee". He started singing, I laughed and shook my head "Bryan, I'm sorry but you have a terrible voice..". He scoffed.  "Well if it helps, your boyfriend is kinda.. sexy just saying". 

        "Yeah yeah, he kinda is". I whispered.  "Taylor should be over there soon, you sure you don't want me to go with you?". He asked, "No I'll be fine, it's been awhile since me and Taylor hung out, maybe I'll come over after if it's fine with my parents". I said, "Okay, that'd be great and on that note I have to go Dawson just popped up on my window, holding food". He said.

            I laughed "Okay, see you later". I said before hanging up. I put some shorts on and a black V-neck as well as some Toms.  "Where are you going?". Austin asked, I turned to see him, with a new haircut. "Some party with Taylor". I said, he raised an eyebrow "On a Tuesday?". He asked.

       I shrugged "You're right, haha but Taylor insists an invite was given to him weeks ago." Austin rolled his eyes "Bring me back some food,  Dad got called in and you know how mom is". He said, she was currently watching Scandal and refused to move from her couch, Ugh last season she has us bring every single thing to her  .Until we told her we had a pause button on Netflix.

           "Or i'll just make you something before I go". He nodded quickly and I grabbed my phone and key turning everything off before following him downstairs.

    "French Toast?". I asked.He nodded and sat on the bar stool "Mama want some too!!!". My mom yelled, clapping her hands together. "See, dad has this new case which is really cool! this girl tried to have her dogs ashes tattooed in her, and the shop refused so now she's trying to sue dads client". Austin said, sticking his finger in the powdered sugar.

            "That could cause infection though..". I said, whisking eggs in a bowl and adding a little bit of salt and sugar. I heated the skillet and dipped the halves of bread into the egg and put them in the skillet. "I want a lot". Austin whispered, pointing at more bread "Geez i'm not done yet"

          I sliced up more bread and pulled the already cooked ones out, quickly adding honey and sugar on top. "Oh my God, smells like orgasm's". Taylor said walking in and sitting on a bar stool, he pulled out a double whooper, a medium fry and a hershey cake "Save me some of that too". He said, taking a big bite of the burger.

                 I gave him a puzzled look and cut up some more bread "Don't get all wild now". I said, as he burped and continued eating.   "You should spank Bryan, his ass is pale needs some color". Taylor said.  Austin cleared his throat and Taylor yelped "Oh shit, hey Austin, I'll buy you donuts if you don't repeat what you heard". Taylor said, handing Austin a fry.

            Austin nodded and took the fry. I set the last of the French toast down, saved a plate for dad putting it in the microwave, putting some in a container for Bryan and Dawson. Plated my moms and handed Taylor and Austin some. I poured sugar over it, then added syrup, handing a plate to my mom.

       When I get back Taylor had already inhaled his food and had stuff all over his face "What the hell?! All you do is play drums". I said, shuddering as he let out a loud burp. "Gymnastics too, silly". I shrugged, whatever "Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom, then we can go". I nodded and watched Taylor hurry up the stairs, the hell he didn't use this one for.

                      I cleaned the mess up and laughed at how Austin was eating "Was it good?". He nodded and poured more syrup "Have fun". He said covering his mouth. I nodded and turned just as Taylor walked downstairs. "You good?". I asked, as I looked at some red in his eyes. He nodded and I kissed my mom before walking out the front door.


 "Here, this is it". I said  pointing at a two story house a few cars were already there and I stopped the car. "Maybe Bryan and Dawson should've came". He said, shrugging "They're at the gym now". I said getting out the car and closing it behind me.

          "How fun". He said sarcastically. "Do you like Dawson?". I asked, He shook his head no "Then why do you have him on speed dial as number one?". Taylor turned a shade of red "Because!". He yelled in a high pitch voice "He's bigger than my brother and like yeah..". I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the door.

                "Don't take any Molly, okay? you have a boyfriend and a bestfriend that loves you". I shrugged his hands off me and laughed "Shuddup". I knocked on the front door and Taylor scoffed "Dumbass, open it it's a party not a family gathering". He turned the knob and walked. I followed behind and the door closed behind us.

              "Every gay boys dream, five hot guys, drinking beer in Tanktops life complete". Taylor squealed amused  "More like, life over". One of them said, before walking towards us.

      BRYANS P.O.V

         "I can't believe you're making me do this". Dawson said rolling his eyes. I smiled and sat in the waiting room "Well uh, you should do it too, if you're thinking of getting with my brother". I said, filling out the papers "He doesn't want me". He muttered, filling out a packet as well. "Why are you getting tested if you've already had sexual contact with him?". Dawson deadpanned.

    I rolled my eyes "I know, but it's always nice to know and it's comforting , Theres no such thing as not enough testing". I replied.

                "So you're just gonna give up?". I added, looking at my phone to see if Aspen messaged back. "I don't know, been chasing him for months". He said setting the pen down. "Maybe because you act like a whore?". I said. Dawson rolled his eyes "I haven't had sex in two months, yeah I've still been dominating but nothing has been on my dick, or in me, but my hands". 

          "Could have lived without hearing that. "Ah ,Bryan?". I stood up and smiled, "That's m"e "Daws-".   "That's me". He said, standing up and greeting the nurse. "Right this way". The nurse said to me. I followed behind her and took a deep breath.

             "This your first time?". She asked wrapping a piece of latex around my arm. I shook my head no and took in a deep breath.  "Are you a student?". She asked. I nodded handed her my school I.D "Well your test will be free, so that's a good thing, how many partners have you had?". She asked.

      "Around eight or nine". She nodded "Do you use protection?". She asked again "Uhm, maybe twice I didn't". She nodded and caught me off guard by sticking a needle in me.  

                   "Alright, Bryan I'm going to test you for everything, is that okay?". I nodded and she smiled   "You're a very handsome young man. I'm sure everything will come out negative, you didn't hear this from me but a lot of people come in saying they've have more partners then I can count on my fingers and toes!". 

               I looked around nodding giving her  a smile. That was none of my business, at least no names were spoken.   "All done". She said, pulling the needle out and grabbing the tube of blood. I let out a sigh of relief "Your test should be mailed to you, in four to five days". She said, flipping through the pages I sighed again. "Is there any way I could come pick them up?". She nodded.

              "Yeah, We'll give you a call  when we get them and thank you for coming". She said, smiling. I nodded and let her put a cotton ball and band-aid on my arm, before I walked out.

         I stood in the waiting room, waiting for Dawson to come. I looked at my phone again and sighed, still no answer. Dawson walked in and walked to me "I don't like needles, I'm never doing this again". He whispered, wiping his eyes Oh My God, he was crying.

             I handed him a tissue and we walked out the clinic "Can we get some food". He murmured,getting into the passenger seat. I nodded "We can go to your favorite". He smiled and laid his head down on the window.

             I pulled into Applebees and we got out, walking in "Don't tell anyone about what I just did". He said, "Already forgotten". I said, as we walked to a booth with the waiter.

            "Hey, I'll get these two". Someone said. I turned to see Dayden and smiled "Haven't heard from you in awhile". I said, he shrugged and set menus down "I've been trying to work on my studies you know, plus you both are leaving for college, so I just left you guys be".  Aww, poor Dayden "Hey, we won't be leaving, we're spending out first year at a community  college, down here". 

              Dayden nodded "The regulars?". He asked, we both nodded and he set a dessert menu in front of us , walking awat.  "So, you and Aspen". Dawson said. I nodded "I know, weird too, seems like yesterday, I was still calling him shorty and teasing him, now I'm spending nights at his house and giving him blow j-".

     "I can live without hearing that!" Dawson said. I gave him an evil look and flicked  a piece of my straw paper at him.


 "I'm stuffed, so fucking stuffed". Dawson said, putting his stuff in the to-go box. I put mine in a bag and slid out from the booth "Come back here soon". Dayden called smiling at us, We nodded, heading  for the exit.

        "Aspen still has yet to text me" I said "Relax he's at a party, maybe he  can't hear his phone".  I nodded, "Yeah, you're right". We walked across the street and back to the car when Dawson's phone went off. "Oooo, it's Taylor calling, put it on speaker". I teased he chuckled and shook his head, answering it but putting it on speaker phone anyways.


 "Help us! plea- please!". I heard Taylor cry. I looked at Dawson and he held the phone closer to our ears "What's goi-".   Taylor screamed and begged again "H-He- Ahhh!". I heard Aspen scream and I dropped the container. "What the hell is going on?". I said.

                "Get the fucking phone". Someone else yelled.  "No!". Taylor yelled , someone cursed and I heard another yell from Aspen "Get the phone, or I'm blowing your head up". Taylor screamed again.

       "Bl-blue hou, Get off me!!!". Taylor screamed, before the phone hung up.


               Another punch landed on my stomach and I hurled. My stomach hurt so bad as I threw up again . I let out a whimper and he punched me again and again and again. I clenched my stomach in pain and he pulled me up by my hair and turned me facing away from him. 

                    "W-what are you doing!?!". I cried as I closed my eyes not able to watch Taylor. I sobbed harder as I heard his belt go undone "Whoa, whoa what are you doing?". Someone asked "Relax, just having some fun". I felt my lip tremble, as he grabbed me by my arm and shoved my pants down.

             "P-please". I sobbed, he smacked the back of my head making my glasses fall off .The crunch on the ground let me know he  stepped on them. He grunted before slamming the belt against me, knocking me back on the floor. He slammed it back against me with as much force as he could. 

      "Hey stop it!". I covered my ears with my hands and looked up over at Taylor, who was kicking.  "Get away from me!". He screamed again. He kicked at the man again and the guy growled,stepping on Taylors legs bending down above him.

             "Your bitch ass, gone learn today". He said before spitting on Taylor. Taylor gasped and pulled out a pocket a knife , stabbing him in the shoulder. "Shit!". He yelled and kneed Taylor in the face. Taylor hit the back of the wall, "N-no! No!". He screeched, the guy smirked and slammed the heel of his boot on Taylor's hand.

          I ignored the hits I was getting and screamed as loud as I could, hearing the crunch of Taylors hand. He slammed his foot into my stomach, making me throw up again. "Tay-". I crawled towards him, sobbing.

    "What did you do!?!?!". I screamed, as I looked at his hand, I crawled over him and shook him, but he wouldn't move "What did you do! What did you do!?". I screamed again. The guy smirked, and put his boot over me. "You want some too? Huh, ugly ass". He jumped up and kicked me in the arm, knocking the breath out of me.

                The door burst open and I closed my eyes sobbing louder as I held Taylor.

"Whoa! Whoa, what the hell!?". Someone screamed "You weren't supposed to beat them up!".He yelled "What? what are you talking about". The guy sighed "You stupid asses, what the hell, get out!". Someone yelled. I heard grunts and someone walked towards us.

             "D-don't you dare". I hissed, he held his hands up. "Relax, relax I swear i'm gonna get you guys help. I promise". He pulled his phone out.

            "I have two boys here, who were left for dead". He said into the phone, taking his jacket off and putting it over us.


      It's not my fault (: I did nothing. 





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