Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

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Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 37

1.6K 51 24
By TeresaSullivan427

"No that's a lie, I would never do something that could put my Dimka in danger that way."

"Really?" Roza asked.


Once again my Roza turned to the window, "please play the first recording."

A few moments later there was a recording of Tasha's phone call to Darius being played over the speakers in the room.



"Darius, it's Tasha Ozera. I have a little proposition for you."

"What type of proposition is that Tasha?" He asked sounding more than a little exacerbated at her call. 

"I want you to gather your people and make an attack on court three months from today."

"Tasha, I don't have but twenty-two people left in my group, the others have all been killed or restored by Queen Thorn."

"Well luckily for you I am giving you a chance at getting your revenge for that and against that little blood whore as well as to replenish your numbers."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that Queen Thorn is actually that slut I was telling you about a few years ago, Rose Hathaway. And she has somehow managed to blackmail, bribe or slept her way into being the queen of the entire moroi and dhampir world. And she is permanently living at court now."

"Well, that is interesting, but we can't attack court regardless of who is there."

"Why not?!!"

"There was a group of approximately fifty strigoi that attacked court last year. And every single one of them were restored before they ever got inside the court grounds good. And they were restored all at one time."

Tasha growled, "that little bitch if fucking up everything!!!"

"Why can't you just go to court and do this yourself?"

"Because the little whore has had me banished from court. As well as having me banned from anywhere even remotely associated with the moroi world at all."

"Well, I don't know what you expect me to do about it."

"If you will do this I will fuck you again. I will stay with you for three months and we can fuck as much as you wish in almost any way that you please."

"Tasha, you are a fairly decent lay but you aren't good enough to die for. What else do you have to offer?"

"I will suck you off enough to blow your fucking mind."

"What else?" He pushed. And I could tell that he was pushing for something specific.

She growled again, "fine, I will let you fuck me in the ass as long and as hard as you have always wanted to."

"Now that sounds like a good idea. You know that I have always wanted to fuck you in the ass. I hope it is a hell of a lot tighter than that over used pussy of yours."

"You will be the first and only one that I have ever allowed to fuck me in the ass. God, the more we talk about it the wetter I am getting I guess I will have to fuck Ethan until you and I can get together."

"I don't care what you do, but that ass better still be a virgin when I slam my dick into it."

"It will be, I promise."

"All right, I will do this. I will see you in two weeks."

"I can't wait. Oh wait, while we are talking price I want you to fuck me with your tongue again for a few hours, suck my clit and then feed from my pussy again too." 

"No problem whatsoever."


I was completely disgusted, nauseated and fucking appalled at the contents of Tasha's phone call.

"Now, would you like to lie to us again by telling us yet again how you haven't done anything wrong?"

"It doesn't matter what I tell you, you little blood whore because you will be dead in a few weeks anyway. And then I will have my Dimka back and we will raise those children as our own they will NEVER even remember you." Tasha sneered and gloated at my Roza with a laugh that bordered on lunacy.

"Ms. you will never harm my fiancée and you will never ever get near our children. Because I will personally blow your yeblya brains out first." I couldn't wait for her reaction to the revelation that Roza and I are engaged. (fucking)


Roza, Alberta and I all smirked because I had gotten just the reaction that I had wanted and expected out of her.

"Yes, I proposed to my Roza a little over a year ago. And I thank God that she said yes."

"No!!!" She tried to dive at Roza over the table but she was so weak from the lack of blood, food and water that instead she collapsed back into her chair.

"Oh what's wrong? Are you hungry?" Roza needled Tasha again.

"Why are you treating Ethan like a king and starving me?"

"Well, as far as we know he hasn't done anything wrong. Well, anything more wrong than fall in like, lust or love with someone who is a monster. So, why shouldn't we make sure that he is fed and comfortable?"

"Yes, he did. Calling Darius was his idea."



"Play the second recording please."



"Darius, it's Tasha Ozera again."

"What do you want this time Tasha?" He really sounded exacerbated this time.

"I was just wondering when you are coming to the States?"

"I told you last week that I would be there in two weeks. Why are you in such a rush?"

"Well, after our talk I fucked Ethan but the poor bumbling idiot didn't fuck me hard enough so now I am dying for you to come pound me. I am already dying for your dick to slam into my cunt just as hard as possible."

"Does this Ethan know anything about what you are up to?"

"Which part, fucking you or the attack on court so I can get Dimka and fuck him?"

"Any of it, all of it?"

"No, the simpleton actually thinks that I am in love with him."

"So, he has no clue that you want me to re-awaken Belikov because you are hoping that as a strigoi he will fuck you hard enough to where you can't walk for six months?"

"No, of course not. I don't tell him anything about my plans he would go running back to court to be a little tattle tale."


"Now correct me if I am wrong, but before the second recording was played, you accused Guardian Ethan Moore of helping you plan the attack on court. Is that not what you said?" Roza verbally tortured Tasha but Tasha refused to answer just continuing to stare at me.

"Do you think that she is doing that just to try and piss me off?" Lyubov' moya asked me. (my love)

"I most certainly do. She is trying to push your buttons, she is trying to make you jealous and angry. Hoping that it will knock you off of your game somehow."

"Well it isn't working, you are MINE just as I am yours and I know that."

I smiled because I was glad that she was so secure in our love for each other now. Knowingly I leaned over and kissed my Roza passionately, and just as expected Tasha looked like she was about to blow her top.

"Would you like for us to play the rest of that recording?" I asked her myself as I nuzzled lyubov' moya cheek. It was, after all, the rest of that recording that pissed me off big time. (my loves)

"That was the end of the conversation."

"No, it wasn't. Please play the next portion of the recording." I instructed Joziah myself.


"Mind if I ask why you want her children?"

"For a couple of reasons actually. If for some reason Dimka is still attached to the little rug rats after he is re-awakened. Then I am hoping that they will provide the needed inducement for him to be with me. Even if I have to threaten their lives and hold them prisoner until he gives in and fucks me. But if he's not and they get to reminding me to much of their blood whore of a mother, then Dimka and I can use them as blood bags. And when I finally make the decision on when to awaken myself then I can use the blood whores children to do so."

"Not that I care, I used to would have cared but I don't care any more. But when I would have cared I would have said, 'that is just fucking sick' Natasha."

"Who cares? You don't care, I don't care and I know that Dimka probably won't care either. All that matters to me is getting Dimka's dick in my cunt and ass. That is all that I have cared about since the very first time that I saw him."

"When was that?"

"Well I was fifteen and he is seven years younger than me. So he would have been... eight years old."

"Do you know what people call that Tasha?"

"A pedophile. But I don't give a flying fuck what other people think. And it wasn't for anyone but him so I don't know if it still counts. I have just always wanted his dick, his tongue, his fingers and his fist in my cunt. I have dreamed of him fist fucking me several times."

"Well that pussy of yours has been used so much and it is so loose that his fist would probably fit with no problems."

"God I hope so. Because his dick is massive and his hands are even bigger. And I want him in me all the way up to his elbow."

"How do you know how big his dick is if you've never fucked him before?"

"I have seen him naked twice. The second time I supposedly 'accidently' walked in on him when he was getting out of the shower a few years ago. Right after he graduated from St. Basil's actually."

"What about the first time?"

"As I said he was eight, he had just gotten out of the tub and wrapped himself in a towel. But I pulled the towel off of him and just stood there gazing at him for a few moments. Before I started to reach out to touch his dick. But before I could feel his skin against mine his stupid blood whore of a big sister called out for me."

"I don't even know what to say Tasha." He laughed.


"You disgusting bitch!!" I fumed. Every fucking time that I heard the things that she planned for my children. It took everything that I had in me not to just gut her zhopa like a yeblya fish right where she sat. (ass, fucking)

"I wonder what poor Ethan would think if I were to tell him what you really think about him? If I were to tell him that have been fucking several different strigoi for over fifteen years? Including the whole time that he thought that the two of you were exclusive. What if I were to tell him that you want Dimitri re-turned because you are hoping that if he were a strigoi again that he will sleep with you? If I were to tell him everything that you said on all of those recordings? What do you think that he would say if I told him all of that?" Roza asked the suka in question. (bitch)

She shrugged. "He wouldn't believe you because that incompetent idiot is so in love with me that he wouldn't ever believe a word that you have to say against me. He is just that crazed for my cunt."

Disgusting suka!!!! (bitch)

"Is that what you really think?"

"Of course, he would never take the chance that I would leave him, I have him wrapped so tightly around my little finger. That the imbecile can't even think for himself, not that he has ever been able to do that."

"Well, I guess we will just have to see won't we?" Roza asked.

"You can tell him everything but he will never believe you." Natasha repeated with a smug smirk.

Roza turned to Hans, "arrest her. I want her charged with her plans to attack court, harboring, conspiring and associating with multiple strigoi. I want every soul at court counted including the unborn children and that many accounts of attempted murder added to her charges. I want five counts of conspiring to commit royal kidnappings and the royal assassination of each of my children. As well as, as many as is necessary counts of conspiring to commit royal assassinations also added for the other royals at court. I also want a charge of conspiring to and attempted turning of the king into a strigoi and a count of attempted murder of the queen."

Tasha gasped.

"Oh, didn't you know Ms. I am king now." I smirked at her.

"But... but how?"

"Because that is the way that my fiancée wanted it. I am the father of her children, her fiancé, her future husband and because of all of that I am also her king."

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by this creature, I also want her charged with any and everything else that you can possibly come up with. I want her charged with everything that those recordings and witness statements can possibly prove. Including as many counts of lying to the reigning king and queen as is pertinent, because of the lies that she told while she's been in here. Also, I want her charged with everything that I didn't have her charged with when I banished her from our world."

Hans bowed his head to my Roza, "yes my queen."

"When she is found guilty I want her sent to Tarasov and her fangs ripped, as painfully as possible, from her head. I want her placed in a straight jacket, for twenty-one hours a day seven days a week fifty-two weeks a year and placed in a padded cell. I don't want her to receive any mail, e-mail, phone calls or visitors. There is to be no type of outside communications of any kind for her at all. She is to have no more contact with or access to the outside world at all. She is also to be fed with synthetic blood from a bag, one bag a day. That should keep her weak enough to where she can't use her magic. I also want her head shaved and her kept bald. We will see just how pretty she thinks she is when she is bald as an egg and with that scar on her face. What about you Mitya, is there anything that you wish to add?"

"Yes. The cell that she is to be placed in, as our queen said, is to have padded walls and floor. But the ceiling is to be made of five foot thick unbreakable, bullet proof and impenetrable glass. After she has served two years she will be brought back to court under very heavily armed guard. Where she will be hanged by the neck until she is dead. Once she is dead she will continue to hang for a month before her corpse is removed and burned."

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