Breaking For You *|A Niam Fan...

By Belle33_NIAMshipper

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He watches him. And every time he does, his heart does a little leap. He looks away, hoping he didn't notice... More

Chapter 1: Strange Feelings
Chapter 2: What Are You Talking About?!
Chapter 3: My Little Snowflake
Chapter 4: Silence Is Sometimes A Good Thing
Chapter 5: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 6: It's A Start, At Least
Chapter 7: Some Saving Needed While Complications Arise
Chapter 8: I Guess I'm Happy For You (Some Larry)
Chapter 9: At Least I Got It
Chapter 10: A Mistake?
Chapter 11: All Touchy-Feely (Larry)
Chapter 13: So Sick Of It
Chapter 14: I'd Never Let You Go
Chapter 15: You what?
Chapter 16: I Love You, Too
Chapter 17: You're Beautiful
Chapter 18: Carnival Fun (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Carnival Fun (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Carnival Fun (Part 3)
Chapter 21: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 22: Cupcakes With Icing On Top...This Should Be Fun
Chapter 23: All Tingly Inside
Chapter 24: You Just Don't Understand
Chapter 25: F**k You, Louis
Chapter 26: I'm. Not. Jealous.
Chapter 27: What The Bloody Hell?! (Some Larry)
Chapter 28: I'm Yours
Chapter 29: This Aching Feeling
Chapter 30: Same Mistakes
Chapter 31: So. Much. Confusion.
Chapter 32: I'll Always Love You
Chapter 33: He's Torn
Chapter 34: Far from alright
Chapter 35: Delusional
Chapter 36: The Ice-Breaker
Chapter 37: Simply Niam
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: Anything But Normal
Chapter 40: We Have Each Other
Chapter 41: I See Life In You
Chapter 42: Something Good
Chapter 43: Home Is With You
Chapter 44: Pancakes, Oatmeal, And a Muzzle
Chapter 45: I'll Give You All My Love (Some Larry)
Chapter 46: Nice? More Like Amazing
Chapter 47: Three Little Words

Chapter 12: Tear-Stained Lips

20.3K 455 124
By Belle33_NIAMshipper

Dang! I just barely noticed I got over a hundred votes! Thank you guys so much! I love you all and you guys are awesome!! Haha, I dedicate this chapter to JessaBear! Enjoy the chapter, mate! 

Haha, and by the way, I'm not British or Australian. I just like saying 'mate' to people. :)) I am part Irish however XD




Harry's POV

"Wanna talk about it?" I murmured softly to him. He only shook his head in response and scooted closer to me so that his face was buried in my neck. I rubbed his back soothingly and soon enough the waterworks started up again. I ran my fingers through his hair as he cried into my arms. I didn't even mind that he was causing my neck to become wet with his tears.

I held him silently, only speaking soft words to him when he cried really hard. I didn't know exactly why he and Liam were fighting but I did know that I needed to be there for Niall. I wasn't about to let him stay here alone all night in the state he was in.

So, because I cared for him, I snuggled him against me and continued to comfort him and stroke his hair until he finally quieted into sleep. I listened to his tender breathing, smiling gently at how peaceful he was in his sleep. But even though I was there, trying to think of ways to get Liam and him to stop fighting, I couldn't stop my thoughts from going back to Louis. I felt a bit selfish thinking about what happened between us but it wasn't something I could control.

What was happening between us?

End of Recap

**   **   **

Niall's POV

I felt like a bloody teenager girl.

You know, stocking up on ice cream, watching pathetic romance movies, sitting in bed all day whlie crying my eyes out.

Yeah, I'm living the life all right.

Although, if anything, I was so grateful to have Zayn and Harry as my two best mates. Considering how useless I was being today, acting like such a child, you'd think they would get sick of me and leave. Well, that's not the case. Instead, they spent the whole day with me in my room watching them sappy movies and giving me advice.

Because of how far things had gotten between me and Liam from the whole 'fake relationship' thing, Zayn had decided to let Harry in on our little secret. Harry, being the greatest friend that he is, completely fan-girled on me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. His quick acceptance of my being gay warmed my heart to the deepest part of me.

Also known as my gut. Ha.

But even though Harry accepted me, it still burned me with a passion how I believed Liam would never accept me. Of course, that theory is bloody ridiculous because of how understanding Liam is. Or so Louis and Harry told me.

As we sat in my room, half-way watching 'Titanic'--which makes it even funnier because Harry always cries to this movie--I was getting sick of just laying around and decided to get up and stretch.

I looked over at Harry, who was blowing his nose into a tissue like the sappy boy he is, and grinned at both boys. I went over to the tele and pressed the button to shut it off, making groans audible in the room.

Harry frowned at me and wiped his eyes with the blanket around him. "Why in bloody hell did ye shut it off? It was just getting good!"

I rolled my eyes at him and placed my hands on my hips. "Haz, you've seen that movie a thousand times. You don't even need the damn television to visual the movie. I'm pretty sure it's already imprinted into your brain."

Zayn let out a laugh and Harry pouted. "Yeah, but that doesn't give ye the right to just shut it off without warning me! Why'd ye do that anyway?" He asked me.

I sighed and nodded at him. "You're right. I shouldn't have. But I have a perfectly good explanation for it!"

This caused Zayn to snort and Harry to raise a brow at me. Seriously, it was getting freaky how they both managed to have a reaction at the same time.

Harry huffed. "We're waiting."

I blinked and instantly went over to grab one of the pillows and smack him with it. He let out a groan of surprise and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell was that for?!" He exclaimed, rubbing his head. I looked over at Zayn and he was struggling to hold back his laughter. I gave him a mischievous grin and stalked towards him. Noticing my look, he stopped his smirking and threw his hands up in defense.

"Whoa there, mate. Don't even think about it. Do you know how long it took me to fix my hair this morning?" He asked me.

I rolled my eyes and both me and Harry replied in unison. "Yes."

He frowned at both of us and was about to say something when I smacked him in the side with my pillow. This caused him to fall on his bum onto the ground with a shocked face. I let out a loud laugh at his expression and looked over to Harry to show him when I felt a soft yet forceful blow go to my face.

I stumbled back and shook my head only to find Harry grinning like a mad man with another pillow in his hand. I darted my eyes to Zayn only to find him scrambling up to grab the other pillow and turn to face me. I swallowed as both boys came towards me with sly smirks on their faces.

I chuckled nervously. "H-hey there, mates. How about we just forget about this and...uh, shake on it? You know, the ole' white flag as symbol to alliance?"

The two of them stopped where they were at, watching me for a moment, before looking at each other with a knowing look. They shrugged and turned their gazes back on me, still smirking.

"How" Harry said before they both charged at me with their pillows raised. I let out a squeak and turned around to head for the door. As fast as they were, I was faster. Even with an injury. Hehe, thanks to my luck leprechaun powers!

I raced down the stairs as the two boys let out yells of excitement behind me. I, on the other hand, only began to laugh out loud and sped through the living room where Louis was sitting and ducked behind the couch.

Louis tossed his eyes back to give me a look and was about to speak when Harry and Zayn came rushing into the room. I held back a laugh as they began to look around and call for me.

"Niall. Come out, come out, wherever you are." Zayn taunted playfully as he stalked closer to where Louis was.

"Yeah, mate. Ye can't hide forever." Harry joined in as he walked into the kitchen. I put a hand over my mouth as Zayn got closer and Louis began to laugh hard.

"What in hell are ye boys doing?" He asked between breaths. I didn't answer and Zayn pouted like the bad boi he is.

"Well, what in name's sake does it look like, Tommo? It's obvious we're leprechaun hunting." Because of that comment, I let out a loud laugh and that's when Zayn jumped over the couch and on top of me to pin me down. I began to giggle like crazy as his fingers ran up down my body, tickling me to death.

"Haz! I found him!' He yelled out as he grinned down at me. I was laughing so hard that I didn't even notice when Harry was sitting next to us, with a smirk on his face. Soon enough, I was gasping for breath because of how hard I was laughing and began to beg them to stop.

"P-please...haha...l-let m-me go...haha...Zayn s-stop!" I giggled loudly. Harry began to chuckle at my begging and Zayn only shook his head as he tickled me harder.

"No way, little leprechaun. This is payback for whacking us across the face with your evil leprechaun pillows!" He exclaimed.

I was now laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my cheeks and my sides began to burn. Then again, my injury was burning with pain but I paid it no attention.

Another minute had passed when Zayn finally stopped tickling and was laughing with Harry as I struggled to get my breath back. They high-fived each other and Zayn got up off of me to hold out a hand. I gratefully took it and stood up, clutching my sides.

"You bloody jerks. Now my sides are sore." I groaned. They only chuckled more at my griping and I brought my eyes over to see Louis on the couch watching us with the biggest smirk on his face. I pouted as all three boys began to hoot with laughter. My lips twitched as I watched them and I would've joined if my sides didn't hurt so much.

I rubbed them as the lads began to calm down, still giggling here and there, when my eyes landed on a form that entered the room. My smile disappeared and I suddenly felt tears prick my behind my eyelids as our eyes met.

Liam gave me a look that I couldn't read and his eyes cast down to the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. I kept my eyes on him, wanting him to look at me again. But he didn't and instead let out a small sigh before turning his body to head into the kitchen.

I swallowed and noticed the hard lump that formed in my throat. Without even realizing what I was doing, I felt my feet follow to where he went and I entered the kitchen.

Liam was taking ingredients out of the fridge and I realized he was going to make omelets. I bit my lip as I neared the island and his body stiffened when he felt a presence in the room. Without turning, he cleared his throat and began to cook as he spoke.

"Do you need something?" His voice was quiet and tender. One reason why I flinched because of how soft it sounded.

I blinked back the tears that wanted to fall and growled angrily at myself for becoming so emotional these past few days. Why was I becoming such a girl? I needed to man up!

I licked my lips and tried to make my voice sound confident. "Liam, look at me."

This caught him off guard, considering he was cracking an egg and he suddenly dropped it to the ground when I said it. He scowled at the splattered egg and shot his eyes over at me.

"What?" He asked, a little irritated. I was beginning to get pissed off with his weird attitude lately. Why were we acting like this towards each other? One day we forgive each other and the next we're at each others throats.

I narrowed my eyes at him and walked over to grab his arm as he started to bend down to clean up the mess. He gave me a surprised look as I pushed him against the counter and looked him dead in the eye.

"We need to work this out. Now." I told him, sternly. He raised a brow at me and gave me a tired look.

"Work what out?" He asked, blankly. I felt my anger rise and struggled to stop myself from screaming at him. It didn't work out to well.

"Fucking hell, Liam. You know what I'm talking about! About me, about you! About us! What the hell is happening between us?" I whispered the last part softly.

The look that Liam gave me wasn't one of surprise. It wasn't one of sadness, regret or pain. He didn't even look interested. If anything, his face was blank. Absolutely blank.

No emotion whatsoever.

"I don't know, Niall. Alright?" Was all he said before he pushed away from me and went over to clean up the mess on the floor.

I felt my lungs squeeze sharply. I couldn't breath and I couldn't help the tears that slipped down my cheeks. Why was he acting like this? He was acting like we didn't matter. Like I didn't matter. I held back a sob and reached towards him.

"Liam...please. Please don't be like this.... Tell me what it is that I did wrong. Tell me and I'll fix it. I'll fix what I did wrong. Please...just don't...d-don't push me away." I choked out. Tears were now spilling down my cheeks and my eyes were becoming blurry. I didn't care. I didn't care if I looked like a mess and a bloody idiot. I only cared about Liam.

I only wanted him to care about me.

Hearing the distress in my voice, his eyes shot up to look at me and the moment they did, they softened up. He bit his lip and stood up away from the mess to come towards me and wrap his arms around me. He stroked my hair as I buried my face into his neck and cried softly.

"I'm so sorry, Niall. Please don't cry. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." He murmured into my ear. I wrapped my arms around his waist and turned my head so my cheek was pressed against the spot above his heart. I sniffed and smiled softly to the beat of his heart while tears rolled down my face. This was where I wanted to be. In Liam's arms, holding him while he held me. Listening to his heart.

Loving him with my own.

I felt him put a finger under my chin so he brought my face up to look at me. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as well but he didn't even pay any attention to them. Instead, he brought his face down so he could press his lips against the tears that fell down mine. He kissed away the tears and I closed my eyes as he did, feeling absolutely loved.

We stood there for a while as he continued to place soft kisses against my wet cheeks. I opened my eyes to look up at him and he was gazing at me with those eyes of his. I reached my hand up to brush away his tears and he leaned his face into my touch. I smiled gently at him and stroked his cheek.

"I'm sorry for what I said, Niall. I'm sorry for being so...cruel to you. I'm...sorry." He whispered to me, his eyes glistening with fresh tears. I watched him sadly and reached up to press my lips against his new tears. A small sigh came through his parted lips and he closed his eyes, making more tears fall. I pulled back to continue stroking his cheek and he opened his eyes.

"Stop saying that. I refuse to hear you say that one more time." I whispered back to him. He gave me a soft smile and pulled me closer so he could bury his face in my neck. I felt a warm feeling of contentment wash through me and I placed my head on his shoulder. I brought my index finger up to lightly touch my lips.

My tear-stained lips.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes as Liam murmured against my skin. His soft lips brushed against it and I let out a small shiver.

"I don't deserve you..." He murmured. I brought my lips closer to his ear and shook my head.

"Don't say that." I told him. Liam laughed quietly and pulled back to look at me. His eyes were a little red and his cheeks were pink. Even when he cried, he looked gorgeous.

"It's true. I don't deserve you at all." He said softly. We stared at each other for a moment, I felt myself be drawn closer into his eyes. He gazed back at me and I watched as his eyes slowly swept across my face and finally landed on my lips. I swallowed as he brought his eyes back up to meet mine. He leaned closer to me and I felt myself blush.

"Can I...can I try something,  Niall?" He asked me, gently. I raised a brow and nodded without hesitation.

"What is it you want to try?" I said to him. He remained quiet and I gave him a look of confusion as his eyes made their way back to my lips. I was about to repeat my question when I was cut off by his lips pressing softly to mine.

I didn't even pause to think about what I should do. The first thing I did was kiss him back and boy...I'm so glad that I did.

His lips were soft and inviting and I couldn't help but moan at how wonderful they felt against mine. He was too perfect. Everything about him was too perfect. The same feeling from the last time we kissed sparked between our lips. I saw fireworks behind my closed eyes and I pressed my lips harder against his. He did the same to me and I felt a shiver run through me when a deep groan came from him.

I felt him push me up against the counter and pull his lips back to take a quick breath before kissing me again. I let out a whimper of pleasure when he pressed his body against mine and I felt him smile against my lips. My hormones grew even crazier when I felt something wetter than his lips press against mine. I opened my mouth and groaned at the sensation of our tongues meeting. Kissing Liam was the greatest feeling in the world. That's when it dawned on me.

Liam was kissing me.

I pulled back so we could regain our breathing and I looked up at him. His eyes were wide and filled with complete happiness. I didn't meant to smile back but when I did, the joy on his face grew. I didn't even oblige when he pressed his lips against mine again. We both moaned at the same time and i felt my face heat up when he brought his head back to start nibbling my jawline and down my neck. I threw my head back as he sucked hard against the sensitve skin. I felt him grip my hips to bring them closer to his and I let out another whimper when he used his teeth to bite my neck.

"Liam...." I moaned. That somehow snapped him out of his daze and he pulled back to give me a strange look before smiling down t me. He brought his lips to my forehead in a quick peck and took himself away from me. I watched as he gazed at me for a moment.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said before he turned and left the kitchen without another word. I ran a shaky hand through my hair and closed my eyes.

Damn it. I told him not to say that anymore. Besides what's he got to be sorry about? I let out a small chuckle and opened my eyes.

I sure as hell wasn't sorry.


Gasp! They kissed again! Haha, how did you guys like this chapter? I enjoyed writing it. *smiles slyly*

Tell me w hat you guys think and vote! Every vote and comment you guys give me means sooo much!! I thank you all for being so supportive! :))

♥♥♥Lots of love♥♥♥

August 10, 2012

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