Jerika - All We Need Is Love...

Autorstwa booksby_t

162K 2.2K 740

A Jake Paul and Erika Costell story - Jake and Erika go through sooo many bumps in their relationship it mak... Wiฤ™cej

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49 ~ It will be okay... โค๏ธ
Part 50 ~ I just need space.
Part 51 ~ She needs... you.
Part 52 ~ Jerika...? ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Part 53 ~ Over and Over! ๐Ÿ’™
Part 54 ~ It hurts so bad ๐Ÿ˜ช
Part 55 ~ Ready?
Part 56 ~ Gender Reveal and Tea โ˜•๏ธ
Part 57 ~ Why? ๐Ÿ˜•
Part 58 ~ When she's sad i'm sad ๐Ÿ˜ข
Part 59 ~ Name reveal! ๐Ÿ’
Part 60~ Name reveal! ๐Ÿ’(2)
Part 61 ~ Labour! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Part 63 ~ ๐Ÿธ
Part 64 ~ Jake?
Part 65 ~ Home ๐Ÿ–ค
Pls read ๐Ÿ–ค
10 Facts about Me ๐Ÿคช
Part 66 ~ Queen ๐Ÿ˜˜
Part 67 ~ Gimme A Kiss ๐Ÿ’‹
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70 ~ ๐Ÿ’ Wifey
Part 71 ~ It makes me nerous that you're not nervous ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Part 72 ~ Back in Cali โ˜€๏ธ
Part 73 ~ I'm fine ๐Ÿ˜‘
Part 74 ~ 4th โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78 ~ ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–ค
Part 79 ~ Eternity ๐Ÿ”
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83 ~ โœŒ๏ธ VS

Part 62 ~ She's here! ๐Ÿ˜

2K 29 11
Autorstwa booksby_t

2 am ~

Erika's pov
My mom and Pam are asleep on the sofa and Jake is sleeping on the chair next to my bed. I've been awake for 20 minutes but I've been sleeping on and off all night! I've had contractions every-

Erika: Ahhhhh!

Jake: Rik!

Jake quickly jumps out of his chair. Pam and my mom wake up as well.

Jake: Erika you Okay?

Erika: contraction.

I breath through it squeezing Jakes hand. Once the pain stops I take a deep breath.

Jake: how long have you been awake?

Erika: 20 minutes

Jake: Why didn't you wake me up?

Erika: I wanted you to sleep!

Jake: Aww next time wake me.

Pam: I'm gonna go get some coffee.

Angel: I'll come! Jake do you want any?

Jake: Yes please!

They leave.

Jake: I'll get the doctor so they can check you!

Erika: Okay.

Jake walks out. I grab my phone and look through it.

Alissa calls me.

Erika: Hello?

Alissa: Hey Erika! You're up! I can't sleep. I really wanna be here for you through your labour. Do you mind if I come over? I'll be out before she's here!

Erika: Okay sure! I'm about to find out how dilated I am.

Alissa: Okay. I'll be there shortly.

Erika: k bye

Alissa: Bye

(End of call)

Jake walks in with my doctor.

Dr: Hey Erika, A nurse came to see you an hour or so ago but only your moms were up so she left.

Erika: Okay. I've been sleeping on and off.

Dr: completely normal! It should be very hard to sleep in labour! Anyway let's see how dilated you are.

The doctor checks how dilated I am.

Dr: You're at a 9! That is extremely great! I'll be back in 30 minutes but during then you need to be bouncing on your ball and moving around.

Erika: Yay! Thank you.

Dr: No problem! See y'all soon!

Jake: thanks!

He leaves.

Jake: Are you excited?!

Erika: I'm so nervous Jake.

Jake: Babe you can do it. There's nothing to be nervous about! Just think about that in a few hours we will be holding Olivia in our arms!

*knock knock*

Erika: Come in!

Alissa walks in.

Alissa: So how dilated are you?!

Erika: 9!

Alissa: Oh my god!


Erika's pov
Right now my mom and Pam are standing around us. Alissa is filming montages for us and Jake is standing infront on me holding my hips while my hands hold his neck. My head hangs low while I go through the millionth contraction I've had!

Pam: So how many hours of labour now?

Erika: 11 *grunts*

Angel: How many hours of labour were you in Alissa?

Alissa: umm... 6.

Angel: Oh okay.

I take a deep breath while my contraction finishes. I sit back on the ball and bounce a bit. Jake takes a sip of his coffee.

Alissa: So have y'all got like baby clothes and baby essentials?

Jake: Um... no.

Erika: We have a few pairs of clothes but otherwise no.

Alissa: car seat?

Erika: Nope. We planned on getting it at 36 weeks because we would be getting really excited but that didn't go to plan.

Alissa: Once she's born y'all should order it online and me and Logan can go pick everything up!

Erika: Aww thanks Alissa!

Alissa: No problem!

*knock knock*

My doctor walks in.

Dr: Okay hopefully this will be the last time I see you today!

Erika: Hopefully!

I lay down on the bed. Pam, my mom and Alissa sit on the couch. Jake stands next to me. The doctor checks everything out.

Dr: Okay Erika... we have good news! You're at a 10!

Jake kisses my cheek.

Dr: So now I'm gonna go get everything set up for you. Im gonna send a nurse in here to help you guys get sorted. So who is going to be in the room?

Erika: just me and Jake

Dr: Okay perfect! I'll send a nurse in right away! See you soon!

Jake: Thank you!

He leaves.

Pam: We better get out of your hair!

Pam walks over to me. She hugs me.

Pam: Goodluck Erika, just know that during all that pain its will be 100% worth it once you're holding Olivia in your arms. You'll do great.

Erika: Thank you Pam.

Pam goes and talks to Jake. My Mom walks over to me. She hugs me and kisses my cheek.

Angel: I know you can do this Erika. You're so strong and I'm so proud of you. Olivia will be worth it Okay?

Erika: Okay.

I wipe my tear. Jake walks over to me. He kisses my cheek.

Jake: it's okay babe.

Erika: *sniffles* I know

Alissa walks over to us.

Alissa: Just take a deep breath Rik. I'll see you soon.

Alissa hugs me.

Erika: Bye guys.

Jake: Bye! Alissa let the team know please!

Alissa nods. They wave as they walk out and shut the door.

Jake: I'm so proud of you babe.

Erika: I'm so nervous!

The nurse walks in.

Nurse: Hey guys. I'm Emily and I'll be your nurse during your delivery.

Erika: Ok.

Nurse: So you guys are Jake and Erika right?

Jake: Yes

Nurse: Great, do you have a name?

Erika: Olivia April Paul!

Nurse: Aww so cute. If you don't mind I'm just gonna unhook these machines.

Erika: no problem.

Emily unhooks all the machines to my stomach.

Emily: So you won't be giving birth in this room but once everything is okay we will bring you back in here.

Erika: Okay.

The doctor walks in.

Dr: You guys ready?

Erika: yes

Jake: Yep

Emily: she's already to go

Dr: thank you Emily

2 more nurses walks in. They take the brakes off my bed and they wheel me out. Jake follows close behind.

We finally make it to the delivery ward. They have to hook a few machines up to my stomach and stuff. A few doctors and nurses are in the room. My main doctor was sitting on a seat in between my legs. I have to take my underwear off. The nurse helps me take my gown off. Jake sets the cameras up.

Dr: Okay Jake you stand here. *points*

I grab Jakes hand and peck him on the lips.

Jake: You can do it Rik.

I nod.

Dr: Okay Erika put your legs up on here. Now I'm gonna count to 10 push while I'm doing so then breath okay?

Erika: Okay

I take a deep breath. My doctor counts to 10 while I push.

Jakes pov
Erika pushes as hard as she can. She squeezes my hand while doing so. The doctor finally finishes counting and Erika relaxes.

Dr: Good job Erika. Give a little more this time.

Erika nods. He starts counting again. She pushes and pushes. This went on for quiet some time. I tried as hard as I could to complement and motivate Erika but it just wasn't helping.

Erika: I can't I can't I can't! I'm trying but it's not working!

Dr: Erika you're doing great! I can already see her head!

Erika: Really?

Jake: just a few more and she'll be here Rik! You can do it!

Erika: Okay.

I know Erika is already so exhausted. I could never imagine what she's going through.

Dr: Ready 1-

He continues counting all the way to 10. Each time getting Erika more and more exhausted.

Dr: Okay Erika this should be the last one!

He counts she pushes with a few screams.

*baby cries*

Erika relaxes.

Erika: oh my god!

Tears pour from her eyes and my eyes water.

Jake: You did it!

We kiss passionately. We kiss a lot but it just seemed different. We are parents now. Everything we do and say will affect our baby Olivia's life. I don't just have to look after myself... I have to look after another human being... I'm so happy!

Dr: Congratulations! Jake wanna cut the cord?

Jake: sure!

He passes me the scissors and I put where he tells me to. The move Olivia away and clean her off. I walk back to Erika.

Erika: Record this!

I grab one of the cameras and walk over watching the nurses. The wrap Olivia up in a blanket and put a little beanie on her. I pass the camera to Erika.

Nurse: Wanna hold her?

Jake: Yes!

I cradle my arms and the out Olivia in my arms. I felt this.. love... that I've never felt before. Unconditional love. I love her so much already! I can't wait to see what colour her eyes are. Hopefully their a beautiful green colour just like her moms. I walk over to Erika.

Erika: *sniffles* can I hold her?

Jake: obviously.

I carefully pass Olivia to Erika. She lays her on her chest.

Erika: *sniffles* I love you

Jake: *sniffles* I love you too

I kiss her on the lips.

Erika's pov
I did it. It was so worth it. During the pain I just couldn't stop thinking is it really has good as everyone makes it sound? But it's better. I love her so much. I'm proud of myself that I did it. I wanted to give up so much but I'm so glad I didn't! I love Olivia so much. Jake wipes the tears from my eyes. The nurse passes me a bottle. I lay Olivia down and feed her for the first time.

~ Back In Erika's room ~

Jakes pov
Erika, Olivia and I have been in Erika's room for about 40 minutes now. Everything has settled down and we are allowed to have a few guests. Olivia is asleep in Erika's arms.

Erika: So you're gonna get my mom and your mom first right?

Jake: Yep

Erika: Great

Jake: be back soon loves

Erika: Bye

I walk out of the room. I walk down the corridor and to the waiting room. The whole team was there. It made me emotional to know how long they've been waiting. That is real family. They all hug me, patting me on the back, congratulating me.

Jake: Olivia April Paul was born on April 11th 2018 at 3:06 am.

They cheer. Congratulating me again.

Jake: So Mom and Angel can come Firth. Thank you all for being here but y'all will have to wait a little longer to meet Olivia.

We walk to Erika's room.

Jake: So can we work out who's holding her first so there is no fighting?

Pam: Angel can hold her first!

Angel: No Pam you can!

Pam: No Angel this is your first grandchild! I'm happy being a close second!

Angel: are you sure?

Pam: Positive!

Angel: Thank you

We walk into the room. Angel and my mom quickly walk to Erika and the baby.

Erika: Who's holding her first?

Pam: Angel

Erika carefully passes Olivia to her mom.

Angel: *tears up* She's perfect

I grab the camera.

Erika: Not as perfect as me right?

Angel: Better *chuckles*

We all laugh.

Erika: Agreed

I turn the camera off. I hug Erika.

Erika: Thank you for allowing me to become a mom.

Jake: thank you for allowing me to become a dad! I can't wait.

Angel carefully passes Olivia to my mom.

Jake: I'm so proud of you. Y'all you should be so proud! Erika was so exhausted. She's pushed through and I couldn't be prouder.

Erika: I love you

Jake: I love you too


Jakes pov
I walk down the long corridor and finally make it to the waiting room.

Jake: Where's Zach?

Alissa: My friend has him

Jake: Oh okay, Well y'all can all come see Erika and Olivia now!

*this is who is there*
Alissa, Logan, Rocky, Anthony, Chad, Sunny, Justin, Madison, Kyler, Trav and Cor.

Mad: Are you sure she wants us all in there?

Jake: yes!

They all stand up and follow me to Erika's room. When we finally make it to Erika's room they all use the hand sanitizer outside of the room. Once they finished I open the door and we all walk in.

Evry1: Awww

I walk over to Erika and take Olivia.

Sunny: Who's eyes does she have?!

Erika: We don't know yet, she hasn't opened them!

Rocky: What about hair colour?!

Jake: It seems she might have a dirty blonde but she hasn't had a bath yet so we aren't sure. Who's first?

Erika: Alissa

Alissa: please?

Alissa walks over to me. She takes Olivia in her arms carefully. The nurse walks in.

Emily: Wow go the whole Family here!

Jake: Yeah

Emily: Should I come back later with the birth certificate?

Erika: We can do it now

Emily: Great!

Erika's pov
Jake and I fill out the birth certificate. We sign our names at the bottom and pass it back to Emily.

Everyone had finally held Olivia. She starts crying and the quickly hand her back to me.
Jake goes and gets me a bottle from the nurse. Shortly after he walks in with a bottle. He passes it to me and I feed her.

Once she burps and finishes her bottle Jake takes her and lays her in the hospital bassinet.

Alissa: I think we are gonna clear out.

Rocky: yeah we will let y'all get some sleep.

Erika: Thank y'all for being here. We know that you all we be a big part in Olivia's life and we wouldn't have it any other way.

We say goodbye to them all and they leave.


It's 5am now. We still haven't had much sleep but it's okay. Olivia has her first bath.

Erika: So which picture are you posting?

Jake: this one *shows*

Erika: I'm doing this one *shows*

Jake: Okay

•    ~    •


Liked by jakepaul , kade and 5,632,951 others

erikacostell  Olivia April Paul - 04/11/18
@jakepaul and I are so happy to announce the birth of our sweet baby girl Olivia. Right now we couldn't be happier! Olivia has Jakes dirty blonde hair and my green eyes. I already know she's gonna have Jakes personality just by looking at her! I had a 13 hour labour and Olivia finally arrived at 3:06 am this morning. She weighs 7 pounds and 2 ounces. Thank you for all of your love and support during my pregnancy! I can't wait until I've recovered and work out a schedule to start vlogging for y'all more regularly. Love y'all so much! My last thank you has to go to Jake. Thank you for everything you did for me during this pregnancy. I couldn't of done this without you! Thank you for letting me become a Mom! I love you babe 🖤😘


kade Congratulations @erikacostell and @jakepaul 💖 hopefully I'll be able to meet Olivia soon! ilysm 😘

jakepaul So proud of you! 😍

erikacostell @kade definitely!

erikacostell @jakepaul ily bby 😘

ijcsheehan Congrats Guys! Can't wait to meet my niece! #UncleJc👴


Liked by  erikacostell , loganpaul and 9,375,421 others

jakepaul   Olivia April Paul arrived at 3:06am today, on April 11th 2018. She weighs 7 pounds and 2 ounces.💖 She has my dirty blonde hair and Erika's beautiful green eyes. Erika and I are more then happy and have been waiting for this day for sooo long! Thank you all for the kind dms and tweets during the pregnancy journey. It meant a lot to both me and Erika knowing we had supporters during the hate! I'm so proud of you Erika! You're the strongest person I know. Thank you for allowing me to be a father. I love you and Olivia with my whole heart! 😘😍❤️

erikacostell my loves 😍🖤

kade Officially Uncle Kade!💥

loganpaul @kade yeah but I'm the REAL uncle! 😏

kade @loganpaul Prove it!!

ijcsheehan call me uncle Jc 👴 congrats bro

< back to the chapter... >

~ 10 am

Erika's pov
Jake and I ordered most of the stuff we need. We ordered a stroller, car seat, bumbo, Mamaroo and a sleeper.

Car seat





I also ordered this stuff;

I grab my phone and call Alissa.

Alissa: Hey Erika, Whats Up?

Erika: Well I ordered the stuff and it's paid for so it just needs to be picked up.

Alissa: Okay sure, should I bring everything to the hospital or..?

Erika: Just the clothes, diapers and car seat to the hospital please. The rest could you drop off at the Team 10 house. Also you may want to use the Team 10 van.

Alissa: Okay sure. What are you guys up to?

Erika: Well Olivia and Jake are sleeping so nothing!

Alissa: Okay cool! So I'll be there in around 3 hours.

Erika: Okay

Alissa: also try and get some sleep now so you don't get sleep deprived.

Erika: Okay. I just can't stop looking at her!

Alissa: I get it but she'll still be there when you wake up!

Erika: I know. K ily

Alissa: ily bye

Erika: Bye

I end the call and put my phone away. I close my eyes but they quickly shoot open hearing the cry of Olivia. Jake slowly waves up to. Luckily the bassinet was in reach from my bed. I carefully get Olivia out. I unwrap her from the blanket and lay her on my chest. I rub her back.

Erika: Hey Jake...?

Jake: Yes?

Erika: Wanna change a diaper?

Jake: Okay!

Erika: Yay!

I carefully climb out of bed. Jake walks over to me. I lay Olivia in the bassinet. I grab the camera.

Jake: You're gonna record it?

Erika: It's the first diaper we've changed!

Jake: True

Jake unsnaps the buttons on the bottom of Olivia's onesie. She starts crying.

Jake: Woah whats wrong Liv?

Erika: She's just cold.

Jake: Okay

Jake takes off the tiny diaper and and wraps it back up. He grabs some wipes and wipes her. He grabs a new diaper and puts it on her. He resnaps the onesie. I grab a binky and pass it to him. He holds it in her mouth for a second and she sucks on it.

*ring ring*

I grab Jakes phone. His moms calling.

Erika: Hello Pam

Pam: Hey Rik I'm out in the waiting room and they won't let me in so could you ask Jake to come out?

Erika: sure he'll be out soon!

Pam: Great

Erika: Bye

Pam: Bye

We end the call.

Erika: You have to go get your Mom

Jake: Okay

I take Jakes spot and finish getting Olivia dressed. I put on a shirt since I only had a bra on because I mean it was comfy! I fix my hair into a messy bun. I swaddle Olivia with her arms out because she likes to move her arms. I fix her little hat and pick her up. I lay her in my arms and rock back and forth.

The door opens and Jake, Pam and Greg walk in!

Erika: Greg!

Greg: Hey Erika!

He carefully hugs me.

Greg: omg Olivia!

Erika: You wanna hold?

Greg: Yes of course! I'll sit down

He sits on one of the chairs. I lay Olivia in his arms.

Greg: Guys She's so perfect!

Jake wraps his arms around me.

Jerika: we know

Czytaj Dalej

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