Photographs (Luke Hemmings)

By Procrashtonates

384K 10K 4.2K

When her world gets shaken up, Bailey, her family, and her new amazing group of friends have to adapt their l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
No update- just words!
Long Time No Talk!

Chapter 7

10.2K 303 38
By Procrashtonates

I woke up to a knock on my door. I opened my eyes and flinched at the sunshine that was peeking in through my window.

"Hm," I groaned while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"I'm leaving $20 on your dresser, do the dishes please," my dad said walking into my room with his work uniform on. I realized he must be leaving for work, which meant it was only 9AM.

"Thanks, I'm going to Ally's tonight so i'll be home tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay I love you."

"Love you too, dad," I said as I flipped over trying to go back to sleep.

After trying to sleep for about 10 minutes, I sat up realizing there was no hope.I was one of those people who couldn't go back to sleep 95% of the time after being woken up.

I dragged myself out of bed and pulled my hair into a ponytail as I made my way to the kitchen. It was still early so I decided to make myself a ham and cheese omelet.

I took my breakfast and went into my room and turned on my laptop to watch Netflix while I ate.

After finishing my episode of House, I walked back into the kitchen to clean up.

I hated actually making any food that involved more than my microwave because then I had to do the dishes by hand since my dad never replaced our dishwasher. He said it saved us money to do them by hand anyways.

After cleaning up the kitchen, I walked outside to get the mail. I winced at the brightness of the sun once I stepped outside. The sounds of birds chirping and my neighbors mowing their lawns filled my ears.

After retrieving the mail, I flipped through each envelope but of course nothing was for me. I walked inside and threw the mail on the table before walking back into my room.

I sat on my bed and took a deep breath before looking at my phone.

*10:30am, Friday* I decided to get in the shower since I had plenty of time before Casey picked me up.


"What movie now?" Ally asked, holding up a stack of DVD's. We just finished the fourth movie of our movie day.

"I don't care," I said scrolling through my timeline on twitter, "but, I'm going to vote for something funny."

I looked over at Casey waiting for her to say something, but she was too busy typing on her phone.

"Ashton?" I questioned giving her a suspicious look.

"Yeah," she said with a smile.

"You never told me about him like you said you would," Ally said, as I scooted over to make room for her to sit on the bed.

"Oh yeah," Casey said sitting up intrigued.

"So, a few weeks ago Bailey and I went to his hockey game and then we went to get five guys. Anyways we went back to his house afterwards and then I don't know he just seemed really cool. He wasn't the same immature guy I had a crush on three summers ago. I really liked him, and now we're together," Casey said, making her story short and sweet as per usual.

"Did you guys make it official?" I asked Casey, since she felt like she was getting mixed signals yesterday.

"Yeah, last night he dropped me off and we kissed, and he told me he really liked me. So I hope it means we're together," she said laughing.

"Gross," Ally and I said at the same time, bursting out into laughter.

"Shut up! So what's happening with you and Luke?" Casey asked, looking at me with piercing, suspicious eyes.

"Nothing really," I said nonchalantly.

"Oh come on, something is going on," she said pushing me lightly, "I see the way you guys act together."

"We hung out once, and shared a drink at the movies....there's nothing happening," I said trying to be convincing.

"You shared candy too," Casey said pushing further.

"Do you like him?" Ally asked me sincerely.

"I guess. I mean, he's really cute and I like hanging out with him," I said trying to move on with the conversation. I hadn't sorted out what I thought about Luke yet and I didn't want to do that right now.

"Pop in another movie," I said nodding my head at the stack of DVD's.

After 5 minutes, Casey and Ally finally decided on one so I sat back and relaxed, directing my attention to the TV screen and pushing Luke out of my mind.


After staying up until 6 in the morning; Ally, Casey and I were extremely tired when Ally's mom woke us up at 11AM for breakfast.

We all silently ate our breakfast consisting of pancakes and hash browns. I wasn't very hungry when I woke up, so I pushed the remains of my food around on my plate with my fork.

We all knew that if we spoke to each other before we all had time to wake up it would end with each of us snapping at each other, so we each enjoyed the silence.

After cleaning up, we made our way back to Ally's room all falling onto the bed in exhaustion.

"My mom will be here in 10 minutes, do you need a ride home Bailey?" Casey asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah that would be cool," I said gathering my stuff.

After saying our goodbyes, we climbed into Casey mom's car.

"Have fun?" Her mom said pulling out of Ally's driveway.

"Mhmm," Casey and I hummed in unison.

The car ride was short, and quiet since Casey and I were way too tired to talk about anything.

Once I got inside of my house, pushed open the door to my room letting out an exhausted sigh. I walked over to the window beside my bed, putting up the brown curtain I had bought recently to cover my window. I hated the sunshine creeping into my room as I slept. It was hard for me to sleep with the bright light.

Once I was done adjusting my curtain, I crawled right into bed, too lazy to even put my things I packed for Ally's house back where they belonged in my room. I pulled my covers up to my chin, and let my body relax. It was only noon, so I let the exhaustion take over figuring it was no harm to nap for a few hours.


I fluttered my eyes open, staring at the blackness swallowing my room. The darkness deceived my internal body clock; it felt like it was past midnight, but I was too lazy to turn my head and check the actual time. I stared into nothingness, just letting my thoughts flow through my brain.

A faint knock on my door is what brought me back to reality.

"Hey Bailey, I brought chinese food home. Are you feeling okay?" I heard my dad say while opening the door.

"Yeah I was just taking a nap, i'll be there in a minute," I said, slowly making my way out of bed.

I ate dinner with my dad in the living room since we didn't spend much time together.

We sat on the couch watching our favorite baseball team. It was nice to have these "bonding" moments with my dad, but they didn't last too long. He usually got a phone call, or he had things to do.

After watching the game, I took our dishes from dinner into the kitchen and started to clean the mess. My dad worked hard during the day, so I figured cleaning up was the least I could do.

"Kitchen's clean, goodnight Dad," I said walking to my room.

I sat on the edge of my bed, picking up my phone. I unlocked it to see I had a message, and a smile immediately grew on my face.

*You're not in jail are you?* Luke sent to me.

*No, not yet anyways haha*

*Just wanted to make sure, teenagers are crazy*

I laughed, *Yeah so crazy we watched over 4 movies in one night!*

*How badass!*

*You know me* I sent back laughing at how easy sarcasm came to Luke.

*What are you up to?*

*Actually about to go to sleep*

*Ouch, sorry I'm so boring :-(*

I smiled at Luke's text because he always used that lame nose in his smiley faces. I liked it though because it was very unique to him.

*Yeah you're so boring, Luke. You put me to sleep.*

*Or you're just weak*

*Or I'm just tired* I sent back trying to mock him, apparently mocking each other was our "thing".

I tried to keep my eyes open but I was way too tired. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.



hey guys!

I know this was short :(

I'm going to try and update again real soon (like within the next one or two days) since this was just a filler that was super short!

This story hit 500 reads and that makes me happy that people actually take time to read each chapter :)

Thanks to everyone who comments and votes or even adds this to their reading list!

my twitter is @Procrashtinates if anyone cares

Have a great day!

-Ricki :)

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