The Arising: A New Start of L...

By SNovaC

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The Arising: A New Start of Life Set in The Arising Universe First Book In The Arising Series A Group Of Stu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 36

134 12 5
By SNovaC

We got into our car after waiting at Tungkillo for two hours. I drove around Tungkillo for a while. But there was no trace of her anywhere. We kept looking around for a little longer. We stopped at a few houses and checked them. We looked for Walkers. We looked in cars. We looked everywhere. But she wasn't here. Well she wasn't in the vicinity of Tungkillo. We all got back into the car. We all sighed as a Walker walked up to our car. The Walker started to hit the car and try to grab us. Aydan rolled down his window and stabbed it through the window. As he rolled the window up Mabel said "We could look around in the city for a while. She might be there"

There was a moment of silence.

"I really need to be getting back to Underdale to look over Ana's people. They need me back there. I'm sorry to say it but. I really think it's time to head back now. We can always try to find her tomorrow" I said.

"No. I want to keep looking for her. If you want to go back you can but I'm going to look for longer" Mabel said.

"Ok. Let's try to get one of these cars started for you then" I said.

We all got out and looked through the cars. I opened the front door to the car right next to me. I saw keys. I turned the key and the car slowly turned on. Mabel and Aydan walked over to me.

"I'll take this one. It looks like you are gonna need a better car. Let's just unload all of the stuff we got into my car first" I said.

Aydan, Mabel and I all walked over to the first car with all the supplies in it that I collected on the way for the crops. We all put it into my new broken down car. Once we finished we all walked up to each other.

"Alright. I'll see you at Underdale" I said.

"Yep. We will see you soon" Mabel said.

"Stay safe" I said.

Mabel walked off to her car. I walked up to Aydan and shook his hand. I got closer to his ear.

"Keep her safe" I whispered.

"I will" Aydan said.

We all took our separate ways. I drove a different way to Underdale to see if I could see anything useful on the way. I drove past a burnt down supermarket. I stopped the car and got out. I walked up to the supermarket and noticed that it used to be a Safe Zone. I walked in and saw burnt Walkers all over the ground. I looked around but nothing was salvageable. I was about to walk out when I saw a marking with white paint. I got closer to the marking but it was too dark to see fully.

I shined a torch on it. I couldn't believe it. It was a circle with a star inside of it. It was the same symbol on the helicopter that flew over us. Whoever these people are, they must have a big community of people. These people could be dangerous. I walked out of the supermarket and got back into my car. I drove forward heading back towards Underdale. I finally made the long drive and stopped in front of the gate. Marc opened the gate. I drove in and parked my car. Marc came running over to me.

"Thank god you're back. You've got to check on Ana's people they have been arguing all day. Something bad could happen very soon man" Marc said.

"Ok. Thank you I'll go check it out" I said closing my car door.

"Where's Mabel and Aydan?" Marc asked.

"Don't worry. They are still looking for Frances. They may be out there a bit longer" I said.

"Ok. That's good" Marc said.

"Alright I'll see you soon" I said.

"Yep see you boss" Marc said.

I decided to go and see Megan quickly first before I check on Ana's people. I walked past the oval. As soon as I walked past the oval I heard screaming, yelling and swearing. I slowly looked over at the oval as I walked past and I saw a big group of people surrounding something. The group moved to the left a little and I saw someone getting beaten up. I started to jog over thinking that it would be a fight with themselves. But as I got closer I saw Hunter stand up and punch Kane across the face. Then Kane punched her multiple times.

"Shit" I said as I started to sprint.

I quickly ran in and pushed Kane to the ground. I pulled out my revolver and pointed it straight at Kane's head.

"Back off!" I yelled angrily.

I looked at Hunter. Her face was completely red. Her eyes were puffy, she couldn't even open them much. I got down on my knees and held Hunters hand.

"It's going to be ok" I said.

Hunter coughed out blood.

"One of you! Go get Jeremy now! Also someone tell the doctor so he gets ready. Right fucking now!"

Someone ran off to find Jeremy. I saw Ana walk through the crowd. I stood up and aimed the gun at her head.

"What the fuck is your fucking problem? You just sat there and watched this happen. Is that who you are now?" I yelled furiously.

"I don't know who I am anymore. I was going to do something but something just made me stay back" Ana said.

"Well you probably know what is going to happen now. No food for any of you tonight. Also Kane has to either be locked up, sent back to Mount Barker or executed. I quite like the third option" I said.

"Wait we came here to work for food and weaponry. We have been working our buts off today. We deserve food" Ana said.

"Fine. We will give you the left overs. The food we feed you inside these walls don't go towards the food you get at the end of this. So you should thank us. Now back to Kane's fate. What do you choose?" I said.

"Lock him up" Ana said.

"Ok" I said.

I saw Jeremy sprinting towards me.

"Take Kane to the Jail. I'll take Hunter to the doctor" I said.

Jeremy took Kane and forced him to the cell. I picked up Hunter into my arms and walked to the doctor. Her eyes started to become black and bruised.


As Sam walked away a strong hate went all over my body. I became very angry.

"What are we going to do? I think we should take over this place and just take all of their food" Eric said who was one of my guards from Mount Barker.

"Eric we can't do that. You know how much shit we would be in with Arman. We need to figure out another plan" I said.

"Maybe we could take Sam out" Eric said.

I thought about it for a bit.

"We will talk about it later. What he did isn't fair. We deserve something. Tell everyone that we are planning something. Either tonight or tomorrow we will act" I said.


I put Hunter down on one of the hospital beds. The doctor quickly rushed in.

"What happened?" The doctor asked.

"She was beaten by one of Ana's people" I said.

The doctor sighed and started to clean Hunters face with a wet cloth and some antiseptic ointment.

"I knew those guys would just cause shit" The doctor said.

"There's nothing I can do. We need the people to help with the crops. We took their weapons away. But I don't know why Jeremy wasn't looking over them" I said.

"You could send them home and get people from the Adelaide Oval" The doctor said.

"I didn't want to bother them. They already helped us enough and Mount Barker needed the food. They weren't doing anything so I thought if they helped us we could give them food" I said.

"Yeah that makes sense" the doctor said.

I sighed and thought in my head if I should tell him about the helicopter. If I did it might get out and people might start to panic.

"When we went to look for the gardening equipment a helicopter flew over our heads. It had a symbol on it. The symbol was a circle with a star in the middle of it. I saw the same symbol at a burnt down Safe Zone. It's scary that there's people out there who might be military. What do you think?" I asked.

"I think. I don't even know. We just have to hope that they are a friendly group of people" the doctor said.

The door opened fast and Anastasia and Stella ran in.

"Geez what the hell happened?" Anastasia asked.

"She was beaten up by one of the people from Mount Barker" I said.

"Is she going to be ok?" Stella asked.

"She's going to need lots of rest but she's going to be just fine" the doctor said.

"That's good" Stella said sitting down relived.

"When we first met her she was very shy. She was alone and scared. She then opened up one day and told us about her past. She told us what she went through, and that someone saved her. The person being you. You saved her from those people. She told me she would always remember you" Stella said.

It went silent for a few minutes.

"I should go get Megan and tell her what happened" I said.

"Ok" Anastasia said smiling as I walked out.

I walked towards the arts and craft room and saw Megan drawing. I sat next to her and looked at her drawing.

"What is the drawing of?" I asked.

"It's a second part from the other drawing. This is a drawing into the future by about fifty years. That's why you have a big bushy white beard, and Hunter is starting to grow lots of white hair, and that's me as the new leader just like you. I will rule this place as good as you do" Megan said.

"Yes you will. Megan. Hunter. You're mum was in an accident. She's fine. But she's in lots of pain and she would probably like to see you. So would you like to come with me?" I said.

"Mummy is hurt?" Megan asked.

"It's ok. She's fine" I said.

I stood up and held Megans hand. She picked up her drawing and took it with her. I walked her to the hospital and walked her in. As I walked in I saw Alleigh standing with Anastasia and Stella. Megan ran in. She was too short to look over the bed so I picked Megan up so she could see Hunters face.

"Mummy?" Megan said.

Hunter turned her head and faced Megan. She slowly put her hand out. Megan took it.

"I....lhoovee......whyouu" Hunter said struggling to say I love you.

"I love you to mum" Megan said.

I put Megan on the bed so she could lay down with Hunter. I walked back to Alleigh.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine. How are you with this happening and all?" Alleigh said.

"It was scary. But I think she's going to be fine. So I'm feeling worried and relieved at the same time" I said.

"How did it go with Frances?" Alleigh asked.

"We couldn't find her. Mabel and Aydan decided to look for her longer. I needed to get back to look over Ana's people. I guess that was a good decision" I said.


Megan and I hugged each other as we both looked out at the stars.

"Is mummy really going to be ok?" Megan asked.

"Trust me. She's going to be fine" I said kissing Megan on her forehead.

After a few hours of star gazing we both got down and walked to our room. One of Ana's people walked up to me.

"Sam. I've got something I need to tell you" he said.

"Ana is or might be planing to kill you and take over this place. I heard them talking about it" he said.

"What's you're name?" I asked.

"Michael" he said.

"Well thank you I'll have a chat with her" I said.

I put Megan to bed and then walked over to Ana. I sat down next to her.

"I heard that you are planning to take over this place. Is this true?" I asked.

"No. We have our differences but I would never backstab a friend" Ana said.

I stood up and walked away knowing she most likely could be lying. I walked into my room and locked the door behind me.


I slowly woke up. I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes with my fingers. I got dressed and walked outside. I walked past the oval and saw Ana's people working on the crops. Today they are beginning to plant the crops. Before they were preparing the soil. Apparently they are starting to grow tomatoes. I said hello to Alleigh and Ana and then walked off to the infirmary. I walked inside and saw that Hunter was awake. I sat down next to her and gave her a kiss.

"Hey. You feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah. Soon I'll be chasing Megan around" Hunter said.

"Heh" I chuckled.

"Is.... Kane dead?" Hunter asked.

I nodded no.

"He's in the gaol cell" I said.

"Oh. Why didn't you just kill him?" Hunter asked.

"Because it was Ana's choice it's her people" I said.

"And there in you're community" Hunter said.

"Someone from Mount Barker came up to me yesterday and said that Ana was planning to take this place over. We are gonna have to keep our guard up" I said.

"How much longer until they all leave?" Hunter said rolling her eyes.

"At least two more days. I hope" I said.

"I can't deal with them" Hunter said.

"I can't either...... Hunter. What happened? Why did he do this to you?" I asked.

"I was handing out some bread. I walked past him when I was giving out the bread. He then ran up to me and said he wanted first pick, he also said he wanted three slices of bread, and it went from there" Hunter said.

"Ok" I said.

"But the fucking stupid thing is, that Ana didn't do anything to help me. Maybe that person that told you about the plan wasn't lying. They might try to actually kill us" Hunter said.

"You know I won't let that happen. Anyway I've gotta get going. I need to look over Ana's people. Also I need to contact Mabel and Aydan to see if they are ok" I said.

"Yeah. Go" Hunter said.

"Ok, I love you" I said kissing Hunter.

"I love you more" Hunter said.

"I love you even more" I said.

"Well I love you from the moon and back" Hunter said.

"Heh see ya" I said walking out of the infirmary.

I walked to the oval and sat on one of the benches. I took out my walkie talkie and changed the channel to two.

"Mabel? Aydan? You there?" I asked.

A few seconds later Mabel responded.

"Where here" Mabel said.

"Any luck?" I asked.

"No. She's not anywhere" Mabel said.

"I think you guys should be heading back. I need you two here" I said.

"I won't go back till I find her" Mabel said.

I sighed.

"Mabel please" I said.

I waited a few minutes and Mabel didn't answer.

"Shit" I said.

I changed through the channels. Trying to see if I can hear anyone talking.

"Sam! We found this at the gate. It's for you" Jeremy said.

He handed me a walkie talkie.

"Who is this?" I said into the walkie talkie.

"You know me. Are you looking for you're friend? Well I have her here. Safe and Sound. Let's make a deal Sam the man. I wanna see you at you're old community in Tungkillo by yourself. Then we will make the trade. If you try anything. I will kill you and your friends with my new army. See you at Tungkillo tomorrow at midday. Not any later. See ya fucker" The person said on the walkie talkie.

I started to shake a little. I tried to think of what that voice was from. But that's when it hit me. Heath's back.


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