90 days to live

By Bestfootforward

85.3K 3.4K 569

'My mother used to tell me that life is just a series of battles; it is up to us whether we are brave enough... More

90 days to live - Chapter 1
90 days to live - Chapter 2
90 days to live - Chapter 3
90 days to live - Chapter 4
90 days to live - Chapter 5
90 days to live - Chapter 6
90 days to live - Chapter 7
90 days to live - Chapter 8
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. i
90 days to live - Chapter 9 pt. ii
90 days to live - Chapter 10
90 days to live - Chapter 11
90 days to live - Chapter 13
90 days to live - Chapter 14
90 days to live - Chapter 15
90 days to live - Chapter 16
90 days to live - Chapter 17
90 days to live - Chapter 18
90 days to live - Chapter 19
90 days to live - Chapter 20
90 days to live - Chapter 21
Please read:)

90 days to live - Chapter 12

2.6K 119 27
By Bestfootforward

A little taster of chapter 12 - please tell me what you think.

I rub my hands against my quads, trying to relieve my smarting palms. The Sicarii Guard lies on the floor, his face hidden by a lock of brown hair. This time, he is completely unconcious. I'd half-expected to disappear after the butt of my dagger knocked him out like in the simulator. Of course though, this is completely real. The bruises on my arm shine out as evidence.

Slotting my dagger back into my pocket, I bend down and unclip the keys from the belt. They jangle against one another. I scoff at the Sicarii; he thought he would win. It was predictable. I find myself staring on at the Leto with nothing but detestation...it feels odd, it feels evil.

Hopping up, I'm careful not to place to much pressure or accidentally bump the plum-coloured splotches on my arm. I begin to move away, back towards Kyle's cell. My paranoia that the Sicarii will catch me off guard once more causes my to peer over my shoulder every few seconds. However the Sicarii remains, face down and immobile on the floor. As I scamper back to Kyle's cell I can't help but feel an oddly fulfilling sense of satisfaction.

I shouldn't feel good about hurting anything no matter what species - I'm officially the worst Caritas in the world. 

"But then again, you're not technically a Caritas anymore" The snarky voice in the back of my head snickers. I shake my head, as if it will rid my mind of this innate voice.

"I'm not a voice" It says again. My eyes widen.

"I'm your Torpen" The voice sounds almost pleased. 

"What the hell?" I yell. I have a Torpen inside my head? 

"Stop screaming - you scream far too often." The voice says irritably. 

I stumble backwards and rest against the wall of the passage. The cells are only a little further down and the bars I broke through earlier still remain in their positions. 

"Lara, whats wrong?" Kyle shouts. 

I swallow. "I'm okay, I'm just coming"

"Don't bother with him - leave him to die here." The voice instructs me. All of a sudden, I find myself turning around away from the cells and back towards the exit. My limbs are propelled forward. 

"No, we're going to free Kyle" I say yet my legs don't stop. I'm pushed out, back round the corner and the unconcious Sicarii come back into my view.

"Lara" He calls again. The anguish in his voice is distinguishable.

"Listen little girl, I'm the one in control. No one fights against their Torpen" My supposed 'Torpen' says. On the wall ahead, a large looking glass mirrors the cell passage. The image projected is one of a labyrinth but my eyes are fixed on themselves. They're obsidian.

Suddenly everything seems to slide into place. Jared's eyes, his cold skin, the mood swings. He ws being controlled by his Torpen when I met him up until the day his soul regrew. To become Torpen you not only have to have your soul extracted, you also have to have a Torpen inserted. My body, soul and mind belong to Jared and likewise with his. As the realisation dawns on me, I feel my anger flare. The keys drop from my fingers and land with a irritating clatter on the ground.

"Punch the mirror" The Torpen encourages me quietly. 

"It's unfortunate" I grit my teeth, forcing the words out though my body is not in my control. "that nobody fights their Torpen because I'm going to."

My arm jerks forward towards the mirror, ready to split the whole glass into millions of fragments. My hand is a mere few centimetres when I suddenly feel my Torpen's steady control over my body slip slightly. I rein my arm back into my body and restrain it firmly against my chest with my other arm. 

"Bad decision"

"Then work with me" I hiss under my breath.

There's a pause. My arms fall by my sides and my head is refreshingly empty. The sensation is wonderful.

I just need to get rid of the Torpen.

"I don't work with anybody." The voice snarls. 

I clench my fists, my temper flaring easily. I can't lose control, not now, not when my time is limited. Avoiding wasting time is imperative.

"Compromise." I grit my teeth. "You can have control to fight any of the Sicarii but please, do not hurt anyone I say not to."

There's another pause. Carefully, I ease back away from the mirror and back towards Kyle. The sweet bliss of silence is soon destroyed as the Torpen speak again.

"Don't think I don't realise what you're doing" It snarls. "I promise I will not take over and hurt Jared, Kyle, Elizabeth or Carlisle but those are the only people with your protection."

I sigh with relief. "Thank you" I say gratefully. It's the best I can hope for at present.

"But don't think for a second you have control. Your boyfriend was stupid enough to get kidnapped and have his soul extracted. I am the consequence" It says.

My nostrils flare. I cannot let it provoke me; that's is a Torpen's goal. 

For the first time, I sucuumb to a sense of understanding. I realise now why Jared did what he did. I accept that he wanted to be rid of his Torpen. Any action can be justified by prescence of a Torpen and I now know the full effects despite the brief few minutes in which I've obtained mine. I feel as if I'm on tenterhooks - I don't want to hurt anyone.

I look back to the mirror to see my eyes have returned to their normal chocolate brown. Feeling confident that I have enough control I begin to walk back to Kyle, grateful that my hands are not bloodied and the mirror is still a mirror. 

The keys lie on the floor before me and I bend down to scoop them up.

"Lara, is everything alright?" Kyle asks. 

I reach his cell and line up the key for his door with the lock. The barred door clicks open, creaking as I push at it. Kyle's smiles withers as he eyes fall on my blotched arms. I roll down the sleeve of my suit, feeling self-concious of the ugly bruises.

"The guard" I explain. He nods.

"Please just get this" He indicates at the ankle cuff. "Off."

I bend down in front of his ankle. Selecting a random silver key, I try the lock. It doesn't fit and as I remove it, it takes a few sharp wiggles to dislodge it. 

"Sorry" I say as I glance at Kyle's grimace. He leans his back against the door, his arms crossed above his head, his eyes closed. I take that as a signal to continue.

I pick up another key from the ring. It doesn't fit either. This time I carefully remove it, not causing Kyle as much agony as last time. I pick a dirty gold key this time and as it slots easily into the keyhole I sigh with relief. I turn the lock and the cuff falls away from Kyle's ankle.

Kyle groans yet I have to turn away. I'm unable to look back at his swollen ankle. The inflammation I saw with the cuff on was the least of the trouble. His ankle is bruised, bloody and infected. It requires treatment urgently.

Kyle sits up, his arms are still tied with the chains on his wrists. I shuffle backwards, avoiding looking back at his ankle. I shudder at the thought of it. Picking up the silver key I tried earlier, I insert it into the lock on his wrist cuff. The chains fall onto the floor and I move round to unlock the other side. As soon as his other wrist is free, Kyle rubs at the crimson indents in his skin.

"It looks bad doesn't it?" He says. I smile sympathetically at him, unable to reply honestly. 

"We should get moving - I don't know when the Guard will wake up" I say, pushing off my knees. 

"Ok" Kyle says.

I watch him place his hands back on the floor, testing his weight on his wrists. He closes his eyes, as if hes syching himself up for the exertion. After he doesn't move for a few seconds, I decide to speak up.

"Whats wrong?"

His eyes open. The grey hue is no longer angry or impassive. Instead it reflects a dismal hopelessness. 

"I can't walk - my ankle is too weak" He says.

"Leave him"

I hadn't considered that. My eyes flicker back to his ankle. Immediately I regret it. The cut skin is infected and oozing pus. The bruised outer edges would crumble his chance of standing with any sort of pressure. I reach for the water bowl in the corner.

"What are you doing?"

"It needs to be cleaned" I reply. There is nothing I can do for the pus or the infection but the water may provide some kind of relief. Kyle nods for me to continue.

"Do you have a cloth?" I ask. 

"Use the suit" Kyle says tiredly, leaning his head against the wall.

I frown doubtfully. Pulling at the sleeve of my suit, the lycra rips cleanly leaving me with a square shaped cloth. Although its not the best material to hold water, I don't have anything else. A tickling sensation against my arm makes me look down. My eyes widen as I see my suit growing back a new sleeve. 

"Useful isn't it?" Kyle sighs. I smile.

I fold in the cloth in half and dip in into the water. After its fully soaked, I wring it out until it is a damp compress. 

"This may sting." I say, placing the cloth cautiously against Kyle's ankle. Instead of wincing as I predicted, the stress and fear flows out of his expression.

"Lara go and find Jared"


"I said go and find Jared" He repeats.

"What? I can't leave you here" I say. I stare quizzically at Kyle.

"Leave him." The Torpen whispers.

Kyle shrugs and runs a hand through his copper coloured hair. 

"Yes you can. Come back and get me once you've found Jared and if you can't I'll find my own way back." Kyle says.

"That's ridiculous; somebody will come down here and find you. Once they find you, they'll kill you" I reply seriously. "What if the Guard wakes up and comes in here"

Kyle shrugs nonchantly. "Then I'll have to fight him"

"Kyle you can barely stand." I point out.

"Fine" He sighs, thinking for a moment. "Then on your way out...could you...?"

Could I what? Kill him? 


If I let the Torpen overtake my control then I would not even notice. It would be my first direct kill outside of a simulator. But then again, if I allow it control, I may not be able to recover.

"Say yes."

My mouth opens immediately out of my own control but I don't allow any words to come out. I smile with satisfaction.

"Why are you smiling?" Kyle asks. I shake my head. "So will you do it?"

It will ensure Kyle a little more protection and time. His ankle may even heal. I look down to his injury and my thought is rendered ridiculous. That cuff could not have done a better job at massacring Kyle's ankle. No doubt, that was the Sicarii's plan. A solo mission is much more difficult. Kyle would have been very helpful.

"Yeah, I will" I nod my head. "I promise I'll come back and get you as soon as I've found Jared - hopefully it won't take too long."

Kyle's hand slides into his suit and withdraws two concealed sabres. 

"Lara, put the STO ahead of me if it comes down to that" He says.

"It won't" I reply simply. Copying his actions, I reach behind my back for my dagger. The pocket seals up seamlessly as soon as the weapon rests in my palm. Kneeling down, I reach forward and wrap my arms around Kyle's neck. His hands meet my waist, embracing me for a few moments before pushing me back.

"Go" He says. He sounds exactly like Ally did. 

I wonder if she's alright. God I hope so.

"Keep the cloth damp and leave it on your ankle. I'll come back as soon as I can" I say, leaning back on my knees. I feel an uncomfortable ache settle in my stomach at the idea of leaving him. Whether its the fear of going out on my own or the fear of leaving him here injured, I don't know.

"Prioritize the STO Lara" He says sternly as I stand up. I nod in understanding. 

I turn around and begin to walk away. Almost immediately I feel worried and tense. Before we Kyle, I felt calm and relaxed about my fighting abilities because I knew I could rely on him to have my back. Now I'm left in deep water, having to face the sharks all on my own.

As I exit the barred door, I turn back to face Kyle. 

"Do you want me to lock the door?" I ask. The keys lie on the floor by his right arm.

He nods. "Lock it and then throw the keys back to me. That ensures a little bit more protection."

He reaches down and slides the keys across the floor. I bend down and pick them up. Pulling the door closed, I swiftly lock the door. I stretch my arm through one of the gaps and toss the set of keys back to Kyle who catches them.

"Go." He instructs.

I smile gratefully and turn away. Silently I pray that Kyle stays safe and the Sicarii don't come down to the prison. If they do...I shake away the thought. I know Kyle is too weak to fight and he certainly can't run away.

As I leave the corridor, I'm faced with both the task and the problem of eliminating the Guard.


I poke my head out of the prison, checking both ways. 

If the Sicarii base is set up in exactly the same way as the STO block, which I highly suspect it is, I just need to use my knowledge of the base plan to find my way to the heart. If I go there then maybe I'll see Jared in one of the those videos seeing as he is clearly not in the prison. 

I slip into the empty corridor and quickly run along. The adjoining passage ahead seems wider than the one I'm currently on. It may be one of the main passage ways to the heart. 

I wonder if Iron and the rescue team actually came into the Sicarii base. I highly doubt they would. Its too dangerous. However, they will await our arrival back and if we do not return, we will be a lost cause. They wouldn't risk any more lives.

I continue on to the larger corridor. I'm more wary of my surroundings now and I listen closely for any footsteps. My legs begin to ache but I will them to carry on. I haven't run like thisfor a while. As the passage continues to widen, the number of doors become more frequent. Instead of being cautious and trying to get by stealthily, I blindly run past them all. My stomach jitters with excitement that I'm so close to finding Jared. 

I must be careful though. I cannot allow my haste in finding Jared to ruin everything.

"If someone comes along, just kill them." The Torpen inputs.

"No" I whisper firmly. 

"You will if I have control." The voice says cockily.

I'm about to respond before something catches my attention. A gruff laugh resonates down the hall from a nearby room. It sounds menacing and dark yet it doesn't fail to send shivers down my spine. 


My eyes become watery with joy. My legs power on with a new-found energy. He must be in one of these rooms. 

"Don't go soft. Find him now." 

I blink away the tears, following the Torpen's advice.

I slow to a brisk walk. At each door I pass,  I peek through the glass window. Empty...empty....empty...empty.

My head raises as I hear the sound of a low, husky voice talking. Shivers shoot all over my body. I almost feel nauseous though I'm not sure whether it is from apprehension or excitement.

At the next door I go past, I poke my head round a little too far. My eyes widen with shock as I see the Leto Rex, the Auctor and the entire party of the Leto Rex. My heart beats fast as I press my back to the wall. Luckily it appears that none of them saw me. 

I creep past the door and continue down the corridor. 

At the next door I stop outside, I can clearly hear the sound of Jared. I feel my eyes begin to tear up once more at the thought of seeing him. I can't believe I've finally found him.

I'll walk in, I'll see him, we'll kiss and then we'll go and get Kyle and get out of here. My thoughts bring a smile to my face.

"Such pathetic thoughts." The Torpen scoffs.

"I think I'm perfectly entitled to them" I whisper. 

I take a final look around the passage to ensure I'm safe before I retract my dagger. My suit immediately swallows it back into my pocket. I glance down at myself hoping I'm presentable before scolding myself. Jared won't mind what I look like. With that thought in my mind, I place my hand onto the door handle.

I'm finally getting to see him again. My smile widens.

Taking a deep breath, I push down on the handle and open the door. I take one step in the room and there he is. Tall, dark, and with some woman attached to his lips in a passionate embrace.

I gasp with horror as his obsidian eyes turn to meet mine.

"Hello Lara" He smirks, holding the woman tightly against him.


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