Drew Grier: A Broken Girl

By imacoolcat_

78.2K 1.2K 355

At first glance, the Grier family is perfect. But, not all is well for Drew and her brother Will Grier. They... More

Drew Grier: A Broken Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (The End)

Chapter 30

1.5K 19 1
By imacoolcat_

~Drew's POV~

Circumstances, there are a lot of them in life. I was supposed to be on a flight to London, start promoting the upcoming album. My single, Independence Day came out the a week and a half ago. It's been three weeks since I first wrote it. But instead, I'm not in London.

I'm in New York.

My flight, was canceled at the last minute. Delayed about twelve hours. So now, that's how long I have here. My mind, conjured up an insane plan. I wasn't going to stay in the hotel, to get sleep, although that's what I desperately need at the moment.

I tried for a disguise, and if I used the special side entrance of the hotel, I could wander about to where I needed. I kept my outfit simple; black skinny jeans, boots, and a leather jacket. I kept my hair straight, pulling a dark beanie on. And to complete it, a pair of rayban sunglasses.

I hoped, prayed, that this would be enough for me to hide for the night, because there is something I need to handle, or do rather. I think it's fate, that wanted me to do this thing, or maybe the fact that I had to do it.

And that is apologize.

I'm not one to do that type of thing, probably because I am so hard headed. I swept through the streets of New York, heading north a few blocks. Passing the hundred of people filling the city. When I had one destination on my mind.

I kept my head low, lips pursed, and avoided all contact with anyone. I don't want the paparazzi following me today, because lately, they're on my tail and all times. Drew Grier spotted! All the magazines say, the tabloids, the gossip sites. They pay, hundreds of dollars, for any piece of information, pictures. And I don't understand why, I never will.

L.A says it's apart of the fame, but if this is what comes with it, then I don't want it. I duck again, afraid that maybe the stalkers with camera's are behind me. The February frost, bit my nose, as snow trickled the sky. I moved faster, I was only a block away, or so according to my phone.

After some intense digging, I found where I was going when I was at the hotel. It took a few calls, and a few promises of secrets being kept. I wandered, freezing, until finally I got to where I needed to be. And that place, is the Ritz Carlton Hotel, in down town NYC.

“Hi, I was wondering if I could get the room number for Gilinsky?” I ask the young Man at the front desk.

“I'm sorry Ma'am that information is confidential.” He spoke, fuck. I glanced over the counter, he had a sticker, one that stated I AM STRONG. Those are mine, a week ago, I came out with some merchandise, and those were in it.

“Please,” I said, taking off my glasses.

He stepped back, peering in shock. “Fuck, you're Drew Grier.”

“Hi, back to my question, I really need that room number. We can take a picture, I can follow you on twitter, anything you want.” I try, desperate to get it.

“Hell yeah.” He handed me my phone, we took a quick picture.

“If anyone asks, we met because I was lost and I was looking for directions. Please, don't tell anyone I was here.”

“I won't, I'm a huge fan by the way.” He gushed, blushing.

“Thank you,” I gave him a hug, as he went back behind the counter, searching for the number.

“It's 517, I'll have you take the service elevator. It'll be easier so you won't be seen.”

“You're a life saver,” I spoke, “and Hey, Blake,” glancing at his nametag, “stay strong.”

“Always,” he grinned, as he pointed to the elevator.

Five floors, until I was going to be faced with one of my most rash decisions lately. But Jack, he's here. I may have been stalking his twitter, and saw that him and Johnson were attending Digi Tour, something that is similar, on their time off from Magcon. All I had to do was call Sam, ask him as non-nonchalantly as I could to give me the name of their hotel.

The elevator door opens, and I scan the hallway, all clear. Do I know what I am going to say? Hell no, I'm terrified. I walk, my steps short and slow. My heart pounding, palms sweating. I count the room number.




And then, 517. I stand in front of the door, contemplating if this was the right idea. Surely, he would be out, for the day. It's already 4 in the afternoon. Maybe this was a bad idea, my heart started beating faster, I could barely breath.

I knock, slowly, the part inside me that was hoping he wasn't here. But, he was, because the door opened and he was standing there. Clad in a dark blue t-shirt, and jeans. Those dark eye's peering into me with shock.

“Drew?” he asked, confused. “Is it really you?”

“Yeah, it is.” I almost whispered, “can we talk?”

He nodded, “come in.”

I stepped into the room, that was more of an apartment by the looks of it. A living room divided to bedrooms, with a small kitchenette to the side. “So, how are you?” I ask.

“Good, the same old. Drew, what the hell are you doing in New York? In my hotel?”

“It's a weird story, I was supposed to be on a plane to London, to promote for the album and stuff. But my flight got delayed till about 4 in the morning. So, I called Sam, an asked what hotel you were at.” I explained. “We need to talk, about things.”

“We do?”

“Yeah,” I said, sitting on the couch., I decided, that if I didn't say it now, I was never going to. “I'm sorry Jack.”

“About what?”

I reached out, running my fingers over his warm knuckles, and the red welts that formed over them. I frowned, “Mahogany told me what happened when you first heard my song. And I never meant to hurt you Jack, I was pissed when I wrote it, and I had this insane idea that maybe I would get revenge on you.” The event I was talking, is as follows; when he heard Independence Day, he flipped. Mahogany got the story from Sam, Jack hit things, many things, walls, chairs, anything he could get his hands on.

“It's okay Drew, I deserved it, because I am all those things. I controlled you, when I should have let you be your own person. And I'm sorry for that. The only thing I could think about the whole time I was with you was what the hell I did to deserve someone like you. It scared me,” he sighed, “And last week, I found out what you did with Cameron, in Miami. I realized that I drove you to that, I know he kissed you, but you didn't push him away because I was a shitty boyfriend.”

My eye's widened, “Jack- I'm sor-”

“Don't apologize for that. It's in the past, and even though I wish I didn't happen, it frankly doesn't matter.” He said, keeping his intense eye contact with me at a still.

“I was going to tell you, at least I thought I was. How did you find out? Nobody knew but Cam and I.” I ask.

“Matt told me, he saw it happen. He was in the water, and he could see by the rocks.” He muttered.

I looked at my hands, not know what to say. “I wish things went differently.”

“Me too, I think it's safe to say we both made some mistakes.”

I spoke the truth, mumbling, “yeah.”

“So how's life been for you?” He asked, leaning back in the seat. “You're every where I look. Twitter, vine, magazines.”

“Life has been absolutely crazy. In the best way possible. Besides the paparazzi. They're stalkers, with cameras. A bit creepy. How about you? How's life?”

“Amazing, Magcon is going great, we signed our contracts with Digi, so when that starts we'll be ready. We're writing new music, a lot is happening.”

We conversed, like we used to. With out all the added complications. We avoided the subjects we knew were too painful to shed light upon. In the back of my mind, all I could ponder was; Cameron. Jack knew, and maybe he was being mellow because he can't exactly do anything. We aren't together.

But his eye's when he told me he knew, were the saddest I've ever seen them. And it killed me inside, and made me wish I pushed Cameron away from me, and had no feelings for him. When I got up to leave, he stopped me.

“Jack don't-” I whispered.

His hand gripped me, not letting go. “Forget about everything, and be with me tonight, because in the morning, you'll go to London, and I'll go back to Omaha and we'll be in different worlds. Please, stay.” He pleaded.

“I don't know.”

“I know you Drew, and I know, that some where inside, you want and need me as much I want and need you. After tonight, you can forget this happened, and we can both move on if it's what you want. We can go back to being apart, but right now, I can't let you go again. Please, just tonight. We're both hurt, but we both need each other.”

I looked up at him, and knew, he was one hundred percent right. Everything aside, it's Jack. I loved him more the words can describe. I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out if being in love with him, is something of the past, because truth is, I haven't moved on. But I don't know what I am moving on from, the memories, or him.

I did, something my mind knew I shouldn't, but my heart wanted. I pulled his lips to mine, and they crashed together and the weeks we were apart, it was as though they never happened. Like the pain wasn't there, the sorrow, the ache.

It was us, something I was used to, it was what I knew. He wrapped his arms around me, pushing me against the wall. Trapping me in his presence, I was engulfed in him. His strong arms lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist.

I threw my head back, as his lips made his delicious and tantalizing assault to my now warm neck. He carried me, from the living room, into the bedroom. Grazing to the bed, shedding me of my jacket. He laid me down, and I looked up at him with dazed eyes.

I was flustered, and moaning with in seconds after he pulled his shirt over his head. Hands gripped me, where I needed them to; my breasts, aching center. “Fuck baby,” he groaned, as I undid his zipper, stripping him of the jeans that I wanted to be off.

The clothes piled high like a mountain at the end of the bed, while our panting voices filled the room, echoing between the walls. I wanted him, more than I should. His touch, kiss, breath. It intoxicated me to the fullest.

I was drunk, off him. And he knew it. I pinned him to the mattress, as he rolled on the condom. All the pent up sexual frustration, and anger coming out of both of us. “Ride me, please.” He uttered, as his hands helped guide me.

I slid down, and it was another experience. This was one of the things I missed about him. My body hovered over him, as I took full control. And the pleasure, the moans, shot through my body. “Fuck Jack.” I moaned, loud, uncaring of who heard.

“Scream for me baby girl.” He spoke, one of the sexiest sounds I've ever heard.

I could barely breath again, and it was in a good way. As our hips moved to an un-played rhythm- we were sent into another place. No pain, and all pleasure. There wasn't any complication, no fighting, or break up.

It was us.

“Jack!” My voice shattered, wrecking into a million pieces.

“Fuck,” he convulsed, “god, I'm gonna come.”

I didn't know where I was for a few moments, when oblivion took over my entire screaming body. It was another dimension. One, I knew, he was in too. Our panting, breathless actions left us winded but aching for more.

“Lay back,” he spoke, helping me move. “I want to try something.”

I was shocked, at what just happened, and the fact it was still going on. But I nodded, as I was pressed into the mattress. As he kissed down my body, and I knew what he was going. I didn't know if I could do it, again.

He took two thick digits, sinking them into me. The feeling was intense, and it was something new. Our foreheads pressed together, and I could feel the beads of sweat. His finger's pressed their movement, faster, and I knew, I was close.

“Ah!” I cried out, “I can't- I can't Jack.”

“You can, I know you can. Come baby, for me.”

His words, hands, everything took me overboard. I screamed, and I let it take me, him take me. The sheets, writhed in different places, as our bodies pressed against them. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath, I rolled to the side, face him, as his fingers traced my hips.

“Hmm,” he hummed, “what are you thinking?”

“I don't know,” I said, truthfully. “Are you still moving to L.A this summer?”

“Yeah,” he said, “are you still living there this summer?”

“Yeah, at least as far as I know. I have shows, but I won't ever leave California, until at least September.” I explained.

“So I'll see you again?”

“Yeah, you will.” I said, “and Jack, just because we aren't together. Doesn't mean I don't want you in my life. You were right, we both need each other. Even if it's not romantically.”

He sighed, “to be honest Drew, I'd take anything I can get. I still love you, and that will never change. No matter what happens. It will always be you for me. And I don't care if you have someone else, because I'll keep hoping and praying that you realize, feelings you have for another person, will never be the same ones you had for me.”

He was right, in more ways than one. When he said we were both still hurt, this doesn't change anything. Although I wish it desperately would. It doesn't, one night can't fix months worth of things. If it were only that easy. I know one thing is for sure, I was strong enough to leave him last time. But for tonight only, I'm weak to need him.

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