Why the Straight One? | Book...

By -leavemetodream-

1.5M 69.8K 22.5K

Why the Straight One? Or, my struggle with being gay and married to a totally straight prince. Yeah, you gu... More

Character Aesthetics
Entry 1 - Unrequited Love
Entry 2 - That Letter
Entry 3 - Elliot
Entry 4 - Brothers
Entry 5 - Alan
Entry 6 - First "Date"
Entry 7 - Skittles
Entry 8 - Humor is Essential
Entry 9 - Just Imagine This Working if I Was As Boring As Him
Entry 10 - Your Typical Wedding Night
Entry 11 - More Than Meets the Eye
Entry 12 - It Can't All Be Fun and Games
Entry 13 - Traitors and Cheats
Entry 14 - Strange Night and Stranger Morning
Entry 15 - Way to Make Things Awkward
Entry 16 - Making Plans and Eaves Dropping
Entry 17 - Confusing Emotions
Entry 18 - Harsh Greetings and Strange Confrontation
Entry 19 - "So You're Basically An Idiot."
Entry 20 - "Next Time I'll Just Slap You."
Entry 21 - The Day Before
Entry 22 - Vows and Shots
Entry 23 - "Leave Me Here To Die."
Entry 24 - "You Sound Like My Dad!"
Entry 25 - Unexpected Discoveries
Entry 26 - "You're So Goddamn Confusing!"
Entry 27 - "Will I Be Scarred For Life?"
Entry 28 - Let's Just Say That This Didn't Go As Planned
Entry 29 - No Reason To Stay
Entry 30 - "Stop Laughing At Me!"
Entry 31 - "Are You Blackmailing Me?"
Entry 33 - Impeccable Timing
Entry 34 - Just In Case
Entry 35 - It's A Bet
Excerpt 1
Entry 36 - Go Find Your Man
Entry 37 - I Never Did Get That Information
Entry 38 - A Step Forward
Entry 39 - "And the Top Is..."
Entry 40 - Just Like A Couple
Entry 41 - Home For Christmas
Entry 42 - Separate Rooms
Entry 43 - I Ship It
Entry 44 - Patience and I Don't Get Along
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 4
Entry 45 - Flares
Entry 46 - Feelings Get Involved
Entry 47 - I Don't Always Do the Smartest Things
Excerpt 5
Character Q and A: Answers
Entry 48 - Silence
Excerpt 6
Entry 49 - Raymond's Narrative
Excerpt 7
Entry 50 - A Whole New Side
Entry 51 - Of Elliot
Entry 52 - Old Promises and Angry Outbursts
Excerpt 8
Excerpt 9
Important Announcement!

Entry 32 - Should've Gotten His Number

21.4K 1.1K 450
By -leavemetodream-

"That dude is checking you out." He leaned forward and whispered so just I could hear.

"Seriously? Where?" I started to look around, but he stopped me.

"Don't look now. Wait until he looks away." Thomas looked down at his food for a few seconds, then glanced to his right.

"Okay, go ahead. He's the guy sitting alone to your left."

I looked over at the guy who was now looking down at his food.

"Hmm, I'm impressed. I don't usually get good looking people checking me out. You sure he was looking at me?"

"Yes I'm sure. He wasn't being very subtle. I hope he spills his soup on himself next time he does."

"Wait, are you? Are you j—"

"No." He quickly looked down at his food to avoid making eye contact with me.

"You just want him to spill his soup on himself?" I raised my eyebrows at him, but he kept his eyes trained on his food.

"Yeah, I mean, it would be funny to watch."

"Actually that really would be fun. Looks like a pretty expensive shirt to mess up though."

"All the better." He shot the man a sideways glance, and looked back at me.

"He's doing it again."

"Maybe I have food on my face?"

"I don't see any. No, he's just staring at you."

"Yeah, I can kind of tell now. It's a vaguely uncomfortable feeling actually."

"Wish he'd just finish his food and get the hell out of here." He was gripping his fork so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Well we are on a public restaurant, Thomas. He has as much right to be here as us."

He huffed and took a drink of his water. I could tell that he was trying his hardest not to shoot another glare at the man.

"Should I stick my tongue out at him?"

"I'd like to see you actually do that."

"Okay." I turned my head to the left, and was just getting ready to stick out my tongue when Thomas put his hand on mine.

"I'm joking! Don't! It's so childish."

"It might make him realize that I'm not interested."

"I think ignoring him is the best option." I looked down at his hand that still rested on mine.

"I will if you do." He noticed my eyes still looking at our hands, but didn't remove his hand.

"Okay, it's a deal. So, what did you do with Walter this afternoon?"

I almost laughed. Oh we just discussed him blackmailing me, and Elliot kissing me the other day. No biggie.

"We kind of just sat and talked." He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Walter sat and talked with you? I'm surprised you both could sit still for that long."

"I'll have you know that we were both able to sit for quite a while, and we had quite the discussion while doing it."

"Oh I bet. That kid is full of stories."

"And he told me his one joke that he knows. He told me I should tell you."

"Why me?"

"Well, we are both of the opinion that you probably haven't ever heard a joke before. So now I'm gonna tell you one."

"I'm not even going to answer that. What's the joke?"

I leaned on closer to him, and waited until I was sure he was listening. Besides, I really wanted to see his reaction up close.

"Why did the toilet paper roll done the hill?" He just stared at me, dark eyes clearly not amused.

"Alex, that is your joke?"

"Shut up! You haven't heard the punch line." He sighed, but closed his mouth tightly, and looked at me to continue.

"As I was saying. Why did the toilet paper roll done the hill?" I paused long enough for Thomas to glare at me, and open his mouth to speak.

"To get to the bottom." His mouth twitched ever so slightly as he obviously tried to hold back a smile.

"Alex, that's not even funny."

"Then why are you smiling?"

"Because I can't help it, but the joke is not funny. Who told him that joke?"

He was still smiling. I was going to have to inform Walter that his uncle did smile at jokes.


"Figures. It definitely sounds like an Elliot joke. When he was little, he used to tell lame jokes all the time. Walter is a lot like him."

"I think he looks a lot like you."

"Hmm, I guess he does. But he's exactly how Elliot was at that age. Way too smart for his age, and really annoying because you couldn't seem to win even though he was so much younger."

"You just described exactly what went down with Walter earlier today."

"When Walter told me that he left little Walter with you, I really wished I could have been there. Your conversation must have been hilarious."

"I've never had a conversation with a child before."

"Are you serious?" His eyes widened in surprise, and I laughed.


"But you seem like you would be great with them!"

"I might be, but I've never had the chance until today."

"Well, your gonna have to get used to them if you stick around the palace. There's Walter, and they have another baby due in a few months ."

"Oh, I didn't know that!" I'd actually never seen Grace in all the time I'd been at the palace. I don't think she thought very much of me.

"Well now you do. Be prepared for another Walter." I shuddered and he laughed at my reaction.

"Oh come on, he couldn't have been that bad!"

"No, he was actually adorable, but he asked really personal questions for a three year old."

"Oh I bet." We continued eating for a few minutes after that, my hand still held in his. The reason I could give for it was the man who was looking at me. I think Thomas wanted to prove to him that we were together, and I was fine with that

Thomas stopped glaring at the other man, and everything seemed to be going smoothly until I was on the way back from the restroom. In order to get back to my table, I had to walk by his, so I walked by, looking anywhere but at him. I thought I'd made it, when a hand grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking on.

"What do you say we ditch this place and go somewhere more private?"

I looked back at the man who held my arm, and couldn't help the disgusted face I made at him.

"How about you let go of my arm right now, or that super hot guy over there, who just happens to be my husband, will probably come over and break it off."

He glanced over at Thomas, who had just seen what was happening, and who was looking like he was about to walk over to us.

"Whatever. You're passing up the best night of your life."

He let go of my arm, and I burst out laughing. I didn't care that I was in the middle of a restaurant, or anything else really. The fact that he thought I would choose him over my much better looking husband was hilarious. The man was glaring at me, and probably wished I'd stop making a scene after I'd rejected him. I walked away as quickly as I could, and slid into my seat opposite Thomas.

"What did he say?" There was no mistaking that he was mad now, and I don't think he'd even deny it if I asked.

"He just thought he was pretty hot stuff, so I kindly let him know what I thought of that. Why he thought he stood a chance against you is beyond me."

His eyes softened, and most of the anger left his face. He took my hand in his again, and leaned a little closer to me across the table.

"Is he still looking over here?"

I glanced over, and sure enough, he was staring right back at me, not even bothering to look away.


"Good." And with that he took my face in his hands, and kissed me...hard.

And you know, I kind of wish I'd gotten that's guy's number or something so that I could thank him for everything he'd done. I'd never been more grateful to someone in my life.

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