Between Us (18+)

By Mollybetts2

3.4M 85.7K 12.6K

One stripper & One billionaire & One famous footballer... One relationship. Hollie Murphy has never had much... More

1| 'I Don't Do Women Remember?'
2| Wake Up, Make Up
3| 'Look with your eyes not with your hands'
4| Juicy Sweatsuits
5| 'Voy A Soñar Contigo' *
6| You Are Not A Jerk
7| Friday Night Frights
8| Jonnos
9| Diner Date Blues
10| Buisness party -Josh p.o.v
11| Buisness Party 2.0
12| Sugar & Spice
13| Like A Popsicle- Ethan p.o.v *
14| Just Go With It
15| The Royal Lions
16| After Party Come Downs *
17| 'A Fine Line Between Pain And Pleasure'
18| Bedroom Antics **
19| 'I think I prefer it when you're dirty' *
20| The Morning After
21| Fight Night
22| Shower Scrubs*
23| Fight or Flight. 1
24| Fight or Flight. 2**
25| Just Stop Thinking**
26| Mischievous Matrimony*
27| Ice Cold**
29| You Are Cruel*
30| Skinny Dipping*
31| The Contract
32| Orgasmic**
33| Cage Dancing*
34| One Hell Of A Surprise
35| Mile High Club? I Think Not.
36| 'Did You Miss Me?'
37| Barbados Beach Babes
38| Sweet Temptations*
39| Those Three Words**
40| 'Romance Game'
41| Permanent Decisions With Temporary Feelings.
42| Nymphomaniac
43| 'I Want You'*
44| Nobody Can Fuck Me, Quite Like Me.*
45| Open Your Eyes
46| 'One Of Those Films'**
47| Would You Have Chosen Me?
48| What If I Don't Want To Play Nice?
49| Supply Closet Shenanigans**
50| 'Happy Surprise?'
51| 'Let The Guy Finish'
52| Red Redemption
53| 'I Want To See You, All Of You.'
54| The Truth Can Set You Free
55| The Deceiver
56| Toothbrush Massacre**
57| Amsterdam Antics

28| Modelling Madness

52.3K 1.2K 168
By Mollybetts2

***\HOLLIES P.O.V/***

"You have to audition babe, there is no way I will let you just pass this up," Becky was balancing precariously on the platforms of her stilettos, the wooden beam of the staircase taking most of her weight as she continued to pester me. She was looking down at me from the staircase leading upstairs to my bedroom.

I just ignored her, flicking to the next page of the magazine I was pretending to read. However Becky was becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

"Hollie Murphy if you continue to ignore me I will not be accountable for my actions, I may have to keep you chained up hostage until you agree to go with me." Becky gave me an award winning smile which I just shook my head at in return, she wasn't going to be able to charm her way out of this one. No way was she going to force me to audition for a modelling agency.

"Well then, I hope you brought the handcuffs because I'm not leaving this apartment." I flicked onto the next page which happened to be titled, 'Joshua Lloyd captures more than just hearts and league titles in latest match- could this be another golden league for the royal lions?'

"Speak of the devil," Becky mumbled under her breath, I whipped my head around to face a skittish looking Josh at the doorway. "I might've recruited some help."

"Son of a bitch," I rolled my eyes before throwing the magazine onto the coffee table, a small scowl forming across my lips as I turned to face Josh. "You're not going to be able to change my mind on this." I told him honestly.

Josh looked nervous. Good. He had a right to be, I had no interest in auditioning and I had told Tom, the agent, this straight away. I swivelled my chair away from him so that I was facing the kitchen.

Last week, after leaving the wedding reception I had been scouted by an agent, he had given me his card and told me to get in touch. When I didn't call back he turned up at Elite and after 10 minutes of watching me and Becky dance he had given me a slip of paper with an address and a date. That was it.

And now I was being forced to go to the audition by two of the biggest pains in the ass I have ever come across.

"Oh come on Holl, you're always telling me how much you hate your job. Why not try this out and see how it goes?" Josh cautiously pushed off the doorframe and made his way towards the kitchen stool I was sat at.

Oh no mister, you stay right where you are.

"Don't you think exotic dancing and modeling will ruin any potential chances I have of getting a respectable job at some point?" I glanced between them both, clutching at straws for any excuse to not go through with this.

"You have a stage name at work." Becky told me with a 'duh' look. Oh God...

"Becky our employment history is searchable under our social security numbers." I tried not to land that blow too hard, I assumed that she would know this already.

"No one is going to care that we worked in clubs whilst in college or our early twenties. Stop making up excuses to not go through with the interview."

"How many times do I have to-" I was cut short when Josh reached forward and spun my stool to face him, his hips pushed dominantly between my slightly parted legs.

"You're going." His voice held no room for argument. Stubborn bastard.

"I am not," I glowered at him in a silent challenge. He took the bait. Before I could even try to protest his arms had wrapped around my torso, my waist flopping over his shoulder as he simply picked me up as though I weighed nothing.

"We'll see about that," Josh hummed before crouching to pick up my usual pair of vans, "Becky get her blue denim jacket from the top shelf of her dresser will you?" Josh continued to walk to the door with me thrown over his right shoulder, "make sure that it's the washed-out blue one as it makes her eyes stand out best".

I really tried to hate him in this moment but when he goes and says things like that it completely derails me...damn you Josh, he really is impossible to stay annoyed at.

"Of course," Becky told him, but before she turned into my bedroom she made eye contact with me, she gave me a sheepish smile and mouthed, 'sorry'.


Once we reached the doors leading to the outside of my apartment block, Josh spoke up to me, however it was hard to hear him over the overwhelming embarrassment I was currently experiencing- everyone was looking at us as though we were completely fucking nuts. I couldn't really blame them, Josh was carrying me like a limp sack thrown over his shoulder.

"You gonna play nice now Holl? If I let you down you have to promise not to hit me okay?" I could tell that Josh was enjoying every second of my embarrassment, he is too strong for his own good. Although I couldn't deny that I was enjoying the feel of his hard shoulder muscles beneath me...although I did wish that it was in a different context, maybe somewhere a little less public.

"Yes sir." I muttered under my breath as Josh dropped me back onto my feet, his eyes were glazed with...surprise?

"Say that again." He told me with a mischievous smile. Oh God. What have I just gotten myself into?

"Yes sir?" I cocked a surprised eyebrow at him but Josh simply stepped forward to open the passenger side door.

However before I could get into the passenger seat, Josh leaned forward to whisper, "I want you to remember that later." The door then slammed shut behind him. I was lost for words as I then continued to watch him walk around the hood of the car, sliding in at the drivers side.

"Tell me about the audition then," Josh pulled out of his parking space and onto the highway, his forearm resting against the window.

"I'm applying for an agency".

I watched him roll his eyes before replying, "Okay smart arse, what are you applying for?".

"It's a porno. You okay with that?" I challenged him, his head snapped towards me in record time, his eyes hard.

"You're joking right?"

I played along with the idea even though in reality it obviously wasn't a porno- but it was too good watching him freaking out like this.

"No, I thought Becky told you this?" I questioned him, trying to hide my smile.

"No she fucking didn't," Josh kept his eyes on the road without looking at me.

"I'm only doing it for the money so it's not like I know the guy or anything, you don't need to worry babe," I gave his hand a quick squeeze over the wheel however I couldn't help noticing how hard his hand was gripping onto it.

"Hollie." Josh warned me and I gave in.

"It's just modelling, better?" I questioned him, I watched him visibly relax.

"Considerably." He hummed while changing lanes, "Although it would be hot to watch you in a porno-   with us." He clarified before pulling into a large car park.

"I'll keep that in mind," I promised him with a small smile. Yes, I would definitely keep that in mind.

"I think we're here," Josh parked the car and walked around the hood to open mine for me.

"Ever the gentleman." I complimented him whilst stepping out.

Josh barked a laugh before slinging his arm around my shoulders, "You wish babe."

Becky met back up with us at the doors into the building. Inside the walls are mostly glass, the elevators are a shiny brass, and there's a guy in a suit whose only job appears to be spraying them constantly with cleaner and wiping them down. He's got a jaw that would look good on the side of a mountain and a butt tight enough to rival Josh's.

"You might want to wipe the side of your mouth- is that drool?" Josh nudged me with his hip, a small smile spreading across his smug face.

"Joshua Lloyd you make me sound like a nymphomaniac." I accused him playfully.

"Try and deny it Murphy." Josh gave me a challenging grin before a man who appeared to be in his late 30's approached us with a polite smile.

"Hollie Murphy and Becky Nelson, we're here for an interview." I introduced us quickly and he led us into the elevator.

Josh told me that he would pick me up when I'm finished so I just got into the elevator with Becky. We got off on the sixth floor, which was emblazoned with the words 'MODELLING&MEDIA' in big red letters on a dark wooden backdrop. The blonde receptionist was more beautiful than half the actresses on the tabloid covers. I tried not to gawk at her perfectly outlined lips and winged eyeliner.

"You're staring," Becky mumbled under her breath as we passed the reception desk.

"I can't help it. Does this place only hire people who could star in their own movies?"

"Most probably- although looks aren't everything," she said airily, however I didn't believe her because clearly this establishment requires photo applications. Gotta be beautiful to work in show biz, I guess, even if you're behind the scenes.

We were ushered into a huge conference room, it was full of people sat at a large circular table. I quickly scanned the table, but I didn't recognise anyone, not that I really expected anyone even remotely famous to be here.

A tall man with dark hair and plastic skin stood up from the head of the table. "Good morning Miss Murphy and Miss Nelson. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

I awkwardly shook the hand he extended. "Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Lewis."

"Please, call me Andy. Have a seat. You, too, Becky." As Becky and I settled in the chairs closest to his, he went around the room and made a bunch of introductions I could hardly keep up with. As he finished reeling off a long list of names I prayed I wouldn't be expected to remember them all.

"This is Jenny Watts, the director, and her team." He gestured to a redhead with huge boobs, then at the three people—two women and a man—flanking her. Next, his hand moved toward four stone-faced men on the other side of the table who were only here for legal reasons. Great. I found myself missing Ethan and Josh as I continued to listen to Andy talk, they would know exactly what to say to lighten the sky high tension in here.

"And this is my assistant Meredith—" he nodded at the petite brunette to his right "—and her assistants. Paul—" a nod to the Asian guy to his left "—and Saul." A nod to the slightly overweight guy next to Paul.

Woah. His assistant even has assistants? Once the introductions were out of the way, Andy wasted no time getting down to business. "I know that you have no idea about what to expect here, so maybe we should start by asking some simple questions?"

"Um. Okay, fire ahead." My voice sounded unusually timid in this massive conference room.

"Why don't you start by telling us a little about yourselves?" he suggests.

I'm not sure what he wants us to say. Does he expect me to recite my life story? Sad anecdotes about my fucked up childhood? Or maybe he wants trivia-type stuff? My favorite color is blue. I'm scared of large spiders and my favourite movie is probably a tie between Greece, dirty dancing and pretty woman, classics are hands down the best.

My confusion must've shown on my face because Andy spoke up, "Why not tell us about-" but at that exact moment a tall guy, roughly 6ft pushed open the door and casually strolled through. I could tell that he must be important due to how the atmosphere in here shifted as soon as he entered.

His jeans are low enough that the brand of underwear he's wearing is completely visible as he reaches across the table to grab a bottle of water from the centre. I couldn't help but wonder whether he was getting paid by the brand to show them off in which a way. His arm muscles are defined enough to be noticeable, and I watch in fascination as his right bicep flexes when he twists the bottle cap off to take a gulp.

Those muscles remind me of the shirtless spread Josh did for Vogue a couple of weeks ago. It was all over the web because the editorial spread had one shot of him in his Calvin Klein underwear only, and the size of his crotch got everyone speculating whether the editor had some fun with the enlargement button- I can officially classify that she most definitely did not.

"Who the hell is that?" Becky hissed while leaning toward me slightly. I simply shrugged my shoulders in response because I honestly had no idea.

"Damion, this is Becky Nelson," Andy held out a hand to gesture to Becky but Damion's eyes were wholly focused upon mine with an unnerving intensity, "-and this is Hollie Murphy."

"Ah," Damion stepped towards me and held out a large, muscular hand, "Hollie Murphy I have been awaiting our official introduction."

I gave him a confused look before glancing to Andy from behind his shoulder, who was currently avoiding my eyes like the plague, "Why is that?" I eventually asked Damion.

"Oh, because I'm to be your 'boyfriend' for the next two years of course."

I froze- wait he can't be serious. Can he?

"Excuse me?" I glanced between Damion and Andy for an explanation. Andy coughed slightly, loosening his shirt collar whilst giving Damion a slightly annoyed look.

"Damion we were just getting to the specifics of this contract, but I guess now that Hollie knows-" Andy shot me a worried look, "would you be okay with this, obviously depending that the audition goes well?"

"I-I don't know what to make of this," I told him honestly, I couldn't look up at Damion.

"We can do some shots with you both and then if everything goes well we will sign you. Your name will blow up and have a knock on effect with your career if you 'date' Damion. You will just need to attend some parties and public events together, the media will put the rest together for you." Andy explained with a nervous smile.

Damion was still looking down at me so I risked a quick glance up at him beneath thick lashes, "just because you're all muscles and sex appeal doesn't mean that I'm happy about this or that I'm going to bow down to you," I warned him.

Damion chuckled darkly before retorting, "I would be disappointed if you did- I find girls with a little fight in them far more attractive."

I scowled at him, "Then you're going to find me comprehensively un-resistible because I'm not interested in a relationship with you in the slightest."

"Does that mean that you're going to say yes to the contract then?" Damion gave me an infuriatingly smug grin before lifting the bottle of water to his lips, taking multiple large gulps without taking his eyes off me. What a dick.

"Don't let it go to your head," I mumbled beneath my breath. I secretly quite liked Damion already but there was no way I was going to admit that to him, maybe we could be friends at a push?

Damion gave me another one of his self assured smiles before screwing tight the lid of the water bottle.

"You shouldn't drink from plastic bottles," I crossed my arms across my chest as I spoke yet I didn't miss how Damion noticed that the action caused my boobs to press together, "you're killing the barrier reef."

"I'm sorry that my drinking offends you Hollie, next time we meet I will make sure to bring a reusable water bottle." His sarcastic and slightly condensing tone caused a slight smile to form across my lips, I tried to hide it but I know that he noticed it.

"Look at that, you're getting on like a house on fire already," Andy spoke up with a shaky voice, his small joke to lighten the tension in the room only served to make it worse. Both Damion and I shared an amused look before I turned back to face Becky.

Becky nodded encouragingly at me, but I couldn't help feeling slightly jealous that she would be modelling without the 'fake boyfriend' anchor weighing her down.

How would Josh and Ethan take this?

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