Between Us (18+)

By Mollybetts2

3.4M 85.7K 12.6K

One stripper & One billionaire & One famous footballer... One relationship. Hollie Murphy has never had much... More

1| 'I Don't Do Women Remember?'
2| Wake Up, Make Up
3| 'Look with your eyes not with your hands'
4| Juicy Sweatsuits
5| 'Voy A Soñar Contigo' *
6| You Are Not A Jerk
7| Friday Night Frights
8| Jonnos
9| Diner Date Blues
10| Buisness party -Josh p.o.v
11| Buisness Party 2.0
12| Sugar & Spice
13| Like A Popsicle- Ethan p.o.v *
14| Just Go With It
15| The Royal Lions
16| After Party Come Downs *
17| 'A Fine Line Between Pain And Pleasure'
18| Bedroom Antics **
19| 'I think I prefer it when you're dirty' *
20| The Morning After
21| Fight Night
22| Shower Scrubs*
23| Fight or Flight. 1
24| Fight or Flight. 2**
25| Just Stop Thinking**
26| Mischievous Matrimony*
28| Modelling Madness
29| You Are Cruel*
30| Skinny Dipping*
31| The Contract
32| Orgasmic**
33| Cage Dancing*
34| One Hell Of A Surprise
35| Mile High Club? I Think Not.
36| 'Did You Miss Me?'
37| Barbados Beach Babes
38| Sweet Temptations*
39| Those Three Words**
40| 'Romance Game'
41| Permanent Decisions With Temporary Feelings.
42| Nymphomaniac
43| 'I Want You'*
44| Nobody Can Fuck Me, Quite Like Me.*
45| Open Your Eyes
46| 'One Of Those Films'**
47| Would You Have Chosen Me?
48| What If I Don't Want To Play Nice?
49| Supply Closet Shenanigans**
50| 'Happy Surprise?'
51| 'Let The Guy Finish'
52| Red Redemption
53| 'I Want To See You, All Of You.'
54| The Truth Can Set You Free
55| The Deceiver
56| Toothbrush Massacre**
57| Amsterdam Antics

27| Ice Cold**

57.7K 1.4K 102
By Mollybetts2

***\ETHAN'S P.O.V/***

Minutes later, we were walking into Josh's suite, choosing his over mine since he had an adjoining room with Hollie. Even after a year we still chose to stay in separate rooms to avoid the calumniating rumours that may circulate if people put two and two together. I hate living like this but I know that if people found out about us, it could ruin both mine and Josh's careers, nether the less it still fucking sucks.

Once inside, Josh went directly to the minibar, making drinks for the three of us while Hollie spread out on the bed like a starfish. Typical.

The curtains were pulled back against the windows, the lights of the party glowing and flashing brightly from down below. From our room you could just about hear the beat of the music, the gentle hum was just enough that we didn't need any music in the room.

I removed my suit jacket and tie, tossing them onto the side chair, then unbuttoned the top two buttons on my shirt, rolling up the sleeves to my elbows. All the while I kept my eyes glued to Hollie, watching her as she rolled around on the bed, boasting to Josh about her win. She looked so fucking sexy rolling around on the sheets; however imagining her without the red dress was a particularly appealing image.

"I was on fire down there!" She grinned at Josh and I moved to sit beside her on the large bed, I'm attracted to her like some kind of pathetic magnet.

"Don't let it go to your head," I mumbled, running my fingers absentmindedly through her long brunette curls, "He was probably just letting you win."

Hollie's eyes shot up to me and in seconds she was sitting up to face me, "Excuse me!" Humour was laced through her accusatory tone. Game on then Miss Murphy.

"What?" I shot Josh an amused look, "He's good. He doesn't lose to anyone, especially not a-" I was cut off by a petite body collapsing on top of me. Hollie gripped both my forearms and pushed me backwards onto the bed so that she was straddling my waist.

"A girl?" She shot me a warning glare that told me not to take the bait. I simply let her continue without interrupting, "I am a very good poker player I'll have you know." God, she is sexy when she is annoyed.

I shot her an unbelievable look and shook my head, "You got lucky." I knew I was only feeding into her annoyance but she was making it too easy. I freed one of my hands and slid it over her exposed thigh, her dress had ridden up to her torso as she straddled me.

"That's it!" Hollie hopped off my lap, ignoring my small noise of protest, and began to search the draws for a pack of cards.

"I don't carry cards around with me," I told her, "I don't have an emergency card set."

"I didn't expect you to," she shrugged her shoulders before turning back to the large set of Chester draws beneath the window, "I'm going to find some."

"You're not going to find cards in this room." I gave her a conceited smile before rolling onto my back.

I couldn't believe her luck when she turned to me with a red pack of playing cards balanced between her thumb and index finger, her smug smile was so sexy I couldn't help grinning back at her.

"How ironic," she snorted as she bent back down to the draw and pulled out a small bible, "They keep the playing cards right next to the bible in the bedside draw."

"What are the chances?" Josh shook his head as he pulled three beers out of the minibar.

"Catering to all types of people I guess," I shrugged my shoulders and Hollie snorted in amusement.

"Well then, I guess that makes me a sinner." She pushed closed the bedside draw and dropped back down onto the bed.

"I would much rather do bible study than play cards again with you," Josh joked as he passed Hollie and I beers before joining us on the bed. I took a long gulp, savouring the tase after drinking rip-off spirits at the free bar downstairs all night.

"What does Lady Luck want to play then?" I turned to face Hollie but she had a determined look set on her face.

"What about strip poker?" She smiled mischievously at us both, "Or are you both too chicken?"

I swiped the cards from her and started to shuffle, "I don't know what you're talking about babe, you're going to be the one doing the stripping. Why the hell wouldn't we want to play?"

Josh tried to hide his snicker as his eyes met mine. We had this.

Hollie dealt and I almost laughed at the obvious outcome. She threw one card out and scooped up a replacement.

Josh laid down his cards for us both, it would be us against her. "Full house."

Hollie frowned at her own cards before admitting, "Two tens. Your deal."

I had to gave her credit—she refused to buckle. Kept her emotions firmly hidden and I could tell that she had been taught how to play from an early age. Growing up in strip clubs with no real parents obviously had a knockoff effect.

She tossed down a pair of aces and surrendered gracefully to my three fours.

"One more hand," I told her with a small smile.

"I can count Ethan. My deal." I smiled at her chipped tone. Her fingers flew over the cards. "So, where did you learn poker?"

Josh viewed his hand nonchalantly. "Michael and Lewis normally play a few hands at Jonno's, one day I decided to join them and within weeks I realised that I could really play."

"I thought you would be more of a chess kinda guy." Hollie shot Josh an amused smile. She knew exactly how to wind him up, however to my suprise he didn't take the bite.

He tossed in a card and replaced it. "I'm good at that, too."

She gave an unladylike snort that was a purely Hollie sound. "Show." She displayed her full house and triumph gleamed in her eyes.

I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

"Good hand." Josh offered her a cocky grin. "But not good enough." He threw down four aces. Then stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back on the bed. "Nice try, though Holl."

Hollie gaped in utter astonishment at his cards. "The odds of four aces in five-card draw are... Oh my God, you fucking cheated!" She was instantly kneeling above him.

Josh shook his head and made a tsking sound. "Come on Holl, are you a sore loser? Now about that first piece of clothing..."

"Nobody can get four aces unless he palmed the cards!" Hollie towered above Josh on her knees, her arms were crossed against her chest defensively.

"Don't accuse me of something you can't prove Hollie."

"You cheated!" Her tone held a twist of anger and amusement.

Josh simply snorted. "If you don't want to lose a piece of clothing just admit it, if you're too chicken..." he used her previous words and I swear she growled at him. She works in a strip club, we all know that she isn't too chicken, but seeing her all wound up about cheating...well that's different.

"I still think you cheated."

"Prove it."

"Oh I will."

Hollie launched herself at Josh's stretched out body, her body crashing against his. The breath whooshed out of him as she tried to pin him down to the mattress and stuck her hand up his smart shirtsleeves for the suspected planted cards. Josh grunted as her petite frame pressed flush against his every muscle, intent only on finding evidence of foul play.

I watched in amusement as he tried to push her off him but she simply switched her attention to his back pockets and he laughed confidently. The sound started deep in his chest as Hollie wrestled above him and echoed through the room.

"Hollie!" He gasped between laughing.

Her fingers slipped into his front pants pocket and Josh obviously realised that if she delved any deeper she wouldn't come up empty-handed because he stopped letting her win and changed their positions, with one quick motion he flipped Hollie onto her back and pinned both hands beside her head.

Brunette curls tumbled over her face and covered the white bed sheets as she tried to push Josh off. Large brown eyes peeked out between the strands, they were filled with a fiery passion. Her breasts rose against the tight red dress, her bare legs were also entwined with his, her thighs slightly parted.

She stuck her bottom lip out and blew a hard breath. The brown curls obediently slid away from her eyes. The sight was so hot I couldn't keep my eyes from her. She looked back up at Josh and then her eyes slid across to mine.

"Fuck the cards," her face leaned forward to capture Josh's lips and I heard the low groan that escaped Josh as she did. He instantly released her wrists to support his body weight against his forearms at either side of her head.

***\JOSH'S P.O.V/***

The heat in my groin rose to my head, until the only thing I could only think about was the wet heat of her mouth and her soft body beneath me. I wanted to be naked with her in this tangle of sheets, and instead she was trying to argue with me about stupid cards.

I felt my body in a tight muscle lock. Hollie had been so intent on our argument, she'd forgotten I'd pinned her to the mattress. She opened her mouth to make another smart remark about bondage, then stopped as her eyes met mine.

Oh, God.

I was laying between her open thighs, my hips angled over hers. This was no longer a teasing argument about cards.

"Fuck the cards."

Her voice was raspy. Hesitant. Her nipples pushed against the tight material at the top of her strapless dress. My gaze raked over her face, her breasts, her flat stomach that was hidden behind the red material. Hollie angled her face towards mine and air escaped me as she pressed her lips against mine, my tongue teased at her lips to give way.

The tension pulled taut between us and I lowered my forehead to hers. The rush of my warm breath caressed her lips as I spoke right against her mouth.

"Ethan fucking get over here now." I growled.

My body refused to wait as I claimed her mouth again in a fierce kiss. With one quick thrust, my tongue pushed through the seam of her lips. She continued to rock her hips upward to meet the hard length of my body while also rubbing her torso teasingly against my chest, I couldn't help meeting her thrusts with my own hips.

I ripped my fingers away from hers and slid my palms up over her belly and cupped her breasts beneath the red material of her dress. Damn, she wasn't wearing a bra. She is a woman after my own heart.

Her nipples tightened as I pushed the dress down to her midriff. I stared at her naked breasts, and I swear the heat in my eyes nearly burned her alive. One thumb tweaked her nipple and she cried out.

Seconds later Ethan was perching at the other side of Hollie, he was holding an ice cold beer bottle in his hand and I frowned, "Really? Now is the time you want to sit and have a beer?" I questioned him.

Ethan simply shot me a mischievous smirk before lifting the bottle to his lips and taking a long swig. He then lowered his mouth to Hollie's exposed breasts, releasing the ice cold liquid from between his lips.

"Agh!" Hollie arched her back off the mattress at the sudden coldness that was trickling it's way down her flat stomach, but I restrained her wrists in a vice like grip above her head. Oh yeah, this was hot. Hollie was squirming beneath me, trying to get out of my grip. Not happening.

Ethan's gaze met mine and I simply nodded my head at him before he took another swig of the beer, except this time he reached upwards to kiss her.

"Feeling parched?" I teased Hollie with a wild grin before Ethan released the icy liquid across her lips. Hollie couldn't speak as she simply watched us with an unnerving intensity and swallowed the liquid.

I took another look at the red material covering her body before using all my strength to rip the dress in two. Ah, that's better. I looked down at her revealed body with greedy eyes.

"Josh!" Hollie exclaimed, her body tried to lift upwards but Ethan simply placed a strong hand over her stomach to prevent her from sitting up. "This dress was so expensive and I have to give it back!"

I simply shook my head with a small smile, "I'll pay for it in full, maybe I'll even leave a tip? They deserve something for making you look so damn good."

"Agreed." Ethan rose up onto his knees, "Now you're going to have to stay real still Hollie, or there will be beer all over the sheets." He kissed each of her breasts before following the line of liquid down her body, sucking and licking as he went.

I try to hold back my laugh as I watched her trying to stay still despite the heady combination of cold beer and Ethan's inflaming touch. But her hips inevitably started to move involuntarily to their own rhythm, caught up in the trickle of ice cold liquid. Ethan shifted lower and started kissing the beer at her belly, swirling his tongue into and around her navel.

I moan. Watching Ethan lapping up the liquid lower and lower is so hot; this is better than any porn. He trailed the icy liquid further down her body, into her small pubic hair and Hollie cried out.

"Oh... please... it's so cold Ethan!"

"I know Holl, I know," he breathed as his tongue continued lower. He didn't stop as she cried out louder, instead he slipped one finger inside, then another and he moved them with agonizing slowness in and out. I leaned forward to capture her lips in a heated kiss, quietening her with my mouth.

"Fuck his mouth Hollie," She raised her eyes to mine before doing as Ethan told her, her fingers teased the elastic of my Calvin kleins before fully pulling them down and taking me deep into her mouth. Fuck.

"Come for us," Ethan murmured as he rhythmically stroked the front wall of her vagina. He unzipped his fly and then within seconds he was inside her, hard and fast. "Oh yes!" He groaned as he slammed into her, I could feel her groaning against me, the vibrations from her mouth were enough to push me right to the edge and I pulled out quickly before I came.

Hollie writhed and groaned beneath us before falling into a very vocal orgasm with Ethan. God, that was so quick.

"Do you ever touch yourself, Hollie?" Ethan continued to torture her with one finger even after she had come down from her high.

"Yes." She admitted easily, her body burning hotter as he forced one finger, then two, deep inside of her.

"We need to work on getting you to last longer apparently," Ethan shot me a small smile that I knew only meant trouble. Then he pulled away from Hollie and collapsed into the bed, his breath coming in hard and fast pants.

"It's been a year, I'll catch up soon," Hollie defended.

"I have no complaints with that." I watched as Ethan gave Hollie a suggestive smile, her responding blushed caused a lump in my throat that I pretended not to notice.

"Now would be a great time for your special lights," Hollie groaned before swinging her legs off the side of the bed. I watched her stride for the light switch completely naked, her confidence was admirable and awfully refreshing.

I clapped twice and the light remained on, "Yeah, it would," I mumbled before the room was plunged into darkness, "One of Ethan's businesses actually produced something useful- how shocking!" I teased Ethan with a smile. He simply elbowed my side but I could tell that he was already sleepy as his jab was exceptionally weak.

Seconds later Hollie was crawling along the bedsheets. She then settled into the gap that was perfectly sized for her, her body pressing against mine and Ethan's.

"Best. Wedding. Ever." I mumbled, I could hear Hollie humming her agreement before I fell into sleep.

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