[Discontinued] My Fighter

By pivovarova

15.3K 333 43

Eleanor Crawford is the new student at Atlanta High School. Apparently, Eleanor or Ellie is a quiet, shy girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note

Chapter 4

1.4K 33 0
By pivovarova

"Sometimes, I find that music is so much more attractive than love. I don't know... It's like some kind of euphoria, that love can't bring to you."

[picture on the side is their maths teacher, Ms. Amber. I love her, she's so pretty! hehe]

Well, don't forget to vote and comment. Enjoy chapter 4!:)


Chapter 4 (edited)

As I am walking down the hall, I feel like someone staring at me. Well, I guess I know who.

I wonder why I just can't get Xander's face out of my head althought we just met a few minutes ago. I don't know why but I find him amusing. He's just so different from Adrian. He looks so mysterious and hot with his bad boy aura. I am blushing right now but then I hear someone clears her throat.

"Ehem why are you blushing?" Christa poking my cheek.

"No-nothing I-I was just thinking." I say and staring down the floor.

"Thinking about what?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Hey Christ could you walk faster?! We're going to be late! And it's Ms. Amber's class I don't want to be late. She's sexy yet fierce ya know." Colton says

"Chill! We bring the new girl she won't get angry with us. She'll thank us that we bring her and friends with Eleanor."


"Just shut up and walk to the class!" Xander orders. I startle, I want to look at his face behind me but I am just too scared. So I just keep walking to the class with Christa tugging my hand.


"Well well well boys and Christa, you're almost late. 1 more minute and the bell is going to ring," a beautiful young woman that probably was 23 or 24 years old talks to us right after we step our feet to the class.

"But we aren't late, are we miss? You just came here too early. By the way you look beautiful as always, miss." Colton says and winks.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, "everybody take a seat and get ready. And oh! I forgot that we have a new friend here." She smiles at me.

"Please introduce yourself in front of the class, Miss...?" She asked. "Eleanor Crawford," I answer quietly.

"I'm Miss Amber your maths teacher for this semester," she replies.

"Good luck introducing yourself. Don't be shy honey," Christa whispers to me. Christa, Xander, Carsten and Colton are walking to their seats at the back of the class while I am here, being so nervous to introduce myself in front of the class.

I look ahead and see everyone staring at me. "U-umm hi my name is Eleanor Crawford. I'm seventeen years old and I just moved here," I introduce shyly while playing with my fingers.

I feel someone is staring at me intently. I search for the gaze and I meet with Xander's blue eyes. He is staring at me intensely like he is waiting for something to happen. I am blushing like crazy, I can't help but stare back. Why does his gaze and eyes always trap and freeze me?

"Nice honey. Take a seat!" Miss Amber says and smiles sweetly. "Thank you miss," I say quietly and see Christa waving her hands to me and pointing the seat beside her. If I sat beside her, I would be sitting between Christa and Xander. But if I didn't, I wouldn't be sitting.

So I am walking to back of the class and keep my gaze to the floor because Xander keeps staring on every move I make. I am sitting at the chair and that is when Miss Amber starts the class. "So guys, please open page 3."

Miss Amber have been teaching us for 45 minutes. She teaches maths really well. I can understand her lesson fast and answers her question everytime she asks us to answer her. Although Xander is a little bit distract me to concentrate, I am still able to pay attention to Miss Amber.

Sometimes Xander will just spin his pen, lean back to the chair or lift his leg. Every time he moves, I can see his muscle literally move with him inside that tight maroon sweater from the corner of my eyes.

There is no way he can be that muscular naturally. He must be going to the gym or taking steroids? Ah no way. I shook out my thoughts when something brushes my leg. I realize that it's actually Xander's leg that's touching me. I move my leg a little bit. I look at him and he already looks at me and raises his eyebrow. I blush furiously and look away.

He leans in closely to my ear and whispers, "have a problem there Eleanor?"

I shook my head and mumble, "No"

"Okay then," he doesn't budge his leg and neither do I, I'm too scared.

"Everyone we still have 45 more minutes to do the 10 questions I will give to you. You'll work in pairs with someone sitting next to you!" Miss Amber speaks to us. "Matt could you please give these papers to your friends? Thank you," she gives the papers to the boy who sits in front of her.

"So I guess you're stuck with me, little firecracker," Xander says.

"Umm so-sorry what?"

"I said. You. Are. Stuck. With. Me."

"Oh o-okay. Let's do this then." I say quietly and play with my fingers.

I am thinking how to solve the maths question. I am kinda good at maths because I always got A back then. But I don't know why these questions seem hard. I think it's because this boy who sits next to me that makes me lose my mind? Well I don't know.

We're halfway done with the questions when someone pokes my arm.

"Sstt Elle! Ssttt!"



"Yes?" I look at Christa. "What's going on between you and him?"


"Yes him! Don't act innocent!" She whispers while pointing at Xander with her eyes.

"There's nothing going on with him and me. We literally just met today." I take a glance at him and thank God he was still trying to solve the maths problem while biting his lip.

"Liar. I can see a sexual tension radiating between you two"

"Huh? I mean our legs just accidentally touched there's nothing-"

"WHAT?!" Christa screams and everybody looks at her weirdly. "Christa if you scream at my class one more time-"

"I'll get a detention for 3 days. I got it Miss Amber,"

"Just do your works with your partner," Miss Amber glares at her. "Yes miss," Christa rolls her eyes,

Christa continues to talk to me, "honey, I definitely can feel something is going on between you two and it's going to happen soon."


"Hush you now. I bet on it," she winks at me and starts to do the paper with Colton again. I sigh and start helping Xander to do our maths problem until the bell rings.


It's finally our lunch time. We are walking to the cafetaria and I am amazed. It's so big and look comfortable. It has my mouth open in amazement. This school is really nice!

"The food here are also delicious and cheap," Carsten says to me. I smile at him. "That's my first reaction too when I saw this cafetaria." He grins.

We are already sitting at the table without Xander. I want to ask to Christa where he is but I pull back the urge. I am biting my lips and playing with my fingers when someone puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Hey babe why don't you eat your lasagna? It's yummy!" Oh I recognize this voice, it's Colton.

"I'm going to eat it right now," I answer and then I feel someone towering behind me.

"Move," his sexy voice gets my insides tremble.

"What the fuck bro I just sit-"

"I. Said. Fucking. Move." Xander orders him.

"But I sit here first!" Colton pouts and I feel Xander glaring at him, I giggle.

"Okay okay chill mate! I'll fucking move," Colton grumbles.

Then Xander sist next to me and I blush. Why can't I stop blushing? I really need to stop blushing.

"So Eleanor... I can hear a little bit of British accent when you're talking and why is that?" Carsten asks me while eating his cheese burgers.

"M-my dad is british but my mom is american and I was living in London till I was twelve then I moved h-here." I can feel Xander staring at me curiously.

"That's nice," Xander says and looks at me closely.

"Yeah that's nice," Colton repeats mockingly and rolls his eyes. Xander just glares at him. Again.

"Duh boys shut up. Elle do you want to go to my house today? It's movie night!" Christa asks me. We just met and did she just ask me to come to her house? That's fast.

"I don't know if my mom-"

"Oh come on although we just met but I love you already! Pretty please with cherry on top?" She flutters her eyelashes. The boys just groans and rolls their eyes with her demand.

"Okay then but I should call my mom first and be going home at six," I smile.

"Yeay! I love you so much. The boys will be there too!" She kisses my left cheek. "I really can't wait!" She claps her hands happily.

The boys will be there too? Included Xander?

"Are you all done eating? Let's goooo!" Colton shouts and bangs the cafeteria table

We are already leaving the cafetaria and ready to go to the class when someone whispers at me, "see you really really soon, firecracker," I recognize that voice.

Xander just stares at me and leaves us. After that, the school bell rings and we head back to Art class.


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