Supercorp oneshots cause I sh...

By Couldbemoregay

362K 12.1K 1.9K

{Requests are open} My collection of Supercorp stories, ranging from Harry Potter AU, to Red kryptonite Kara... More

Before you read
Not the way I wanted you to know
Red Krytonite
Secret admirer
Later life
Caught of guard
When a hero dies
Red kryptonite is back
Role swap au
Golden boy
Everyone hurts sometimes
I had to
Ok here are some more
Caught in the Act
My wife
Mad woman with a box
Jealousy thy name is Kara
Still a sucker for Supercorp
Some More
I got some more
It's Ok
Writers block
Elemantary my dear Zor-el (verison 1)
Elementary (version 2)
Holy f*ck
The supernatural
Bed surprise
It's been a while.
An Act
An act (part 3)
An act (part 4)
Script (part 2)
Friendly Neighborhood
Friendly Neighborhood (part 2)
Freed (part 2)
Its been a while
April fools
(In)Correct quote
Stars and stripes
Stars and Stripes (part 2)
'Lena' (part 2)
Definition of Perfect
Rather the fallen Angel
Rather the fallen Angel (part 2)
Rather the fallen angel (part 3)
(In)correct quotes
High Lady
High Lady (part 2)
Elseworlds (part 2)
The Doctor
The Doctor (part 2)
The doctor (part 3)
Secret spilled
Script (part 3)
Sociopath (part 2)
Sociopath (part 3)
Imaginary friend
New Years Kiss
Captain My Captain
Captain My Captain (part 2)
Fire on Fire
Fantastic beast and where to find them
Heathers (part 2)
(In)Correct quotes
Kara Sandiego
Luthor's don't cry
Locked in
(In)correct quotes
Fairness (part 2)
Be prepared
An eye for an eye
I'm the bad guy now
Story 5-
I'm the bad guy now(part 2)
First kiss
(In)correct quotes
Life or death
Jerk, Jock same thing
Jerk, Jock same thing (part 2)
Jerk, Jock samething (part 3)
Let them hate, so long as they fear
~I got tagged~
(In)Correct quotes
What if?
Bad news
Desginated Survivor
Two Queens
Two Queens (part 2)
Two Queens (part 3)
The Great war
Almost perfect

An act (part 2)

1.8K 71 16
By Couldbemoregay

Thanks, I appreciate all the request for a part 2, I hope you enjoy this

This chapter takes place a month after the last one.

Lena ran her hand through her hair, She opened another book, This was the fifth one today, The one she opened was about The history of the Black Family

Lena has being trying to find Kara, But her parents banned her from leaving Hogwarts. So she was doing everything she could to try and find her Girlfriend.

"Lena come on it's almost lights out" Sam said, Sam was the only thing keeping Lena sane

"Yeah I'll be there in a moment" Lena muttered

Sam knew that Lena was lying, The Luthor would be up all night, Sam pulled the book away, earning a few censored words from Lena

"Now get some sleep, Tomorrow is Saturday you can read all day"

Lena reluctantly got up and went back to dorm, She shivered as she entered the cold common room.

Alex was sitting on a chair near the fire place, She only have a small glance, They hadn't talked since Kara left.

"Do you real feel nothing" Lena said, scoffing

Alex ignored the comment and kept reading

"You are So luck I can't use the unforgivable curses" Lena stormed off to her dorm

She looked around the empty room, her other dorm mates were probably out with some boys.

A low chuckle came from the corner of the room, Lena picked up her wand

"Who is it, If your doing this mike on going to kill you"

There was a few footsteps in the dark room

"Bloody hell if you don't show yourself, I will hex you" Lena said

A figure stood up, But it was to dark to make anything else out

"Lumos" Lena's wand lit up

The figure vanished, Lena let out a sigh of relief

"Probably just in my head" Lena said aloud

Next day.

Lena rubbed her green eyes, She put another mouthful of food in her mouth, Some baked beans spilling onto her plate.

Mike turned to his friend "Hey you have been a in funk for the past month, We all miss Kara, But you know all she had to do was go home, She is fine"

Lena smiled "I just miss her smile that's all, She hasn't contacted me yet"

"Yeah I get that, I wanted to ask her out for a date, You think she would have said yes" Mike said, Cockiness Layered on each word

The Luthor almost chocked on her Food, She forgot that only Alex and Sam knew about the girls relationship

"Woah you ok" Mike rubbed Lena back thinking she was chocking

"Yup, I'm good, I'm sorry to disappoint you but Kara and I have been dating for two years now" A silent 'oh' escaped Mike's lips

A crash disturbed the food hall, A girl stood at the teachers table, A hood covered her head but black curls stuck out at the bottom. A low Chuckle came from the strangers lips

The teachers held there wands to the figure

"Reveal yourself" The new potions teacher said (RIP Snape)

"Bring me Alex Danvers" The stranger said, Her voice full of anger

"Get out of our school" A Griffindor yelled

"Bombarda" An explosion erupted in the middle of the Griffindor table

Lena stood up and held her wand raised

"Take me instead" The Luthor said

The girl threw a spell at the teachers, Knocking them away


Lena felt like she was going to be sick as she felt the effect of the spell.

Suddenly she in the ruins of a building.

"Sweetie where are we" Lena asked the hoodie figure

"Why did you call me sweetie"

"Because I know it's you Kara"

The Figure pulled her hood away "I don't go by that anymore"

Lena looked at Kara, She looked different from the last time she saw her, She wasn't wearing her usual glasses anymore, Her eyes were dark brown, not green anymore, She held a strong resemblance to Bellatrix Riddle, But still held something like the old Kara but Lena couldn't quite place it

"Your staring" Kara said

"Sorry, What have you been doing lately"

"Loosing my mind" Kara replied smoothly

Lena hugged Kara, But she didn't hug back, Making the situation awkward.

"What do you mean loosing your mind"

"Well, This is where the Riddle Mansion once stood, I found my childhood bedroom, Pretty room, My entire life has been a lie, My mind has slowly been falling apart, I guess it's the Azkaban Madness that My mother had, My father on the other hand wasn't mad, He was just doing what he thought was right."

Lena turned to the girl "How many people know"

"Just you and the Danvers and Harry Potter, And whom ever else he has told"

"And you don't care, Kara they could hurt you"

"I dare them to"

Kara grabbed a Rock and threw it at the wall, With strength Lena had never seen before in the girl.

"Have you killed anyone?" Lena asked

"Sadly not yet, But I have a list, It's getting long"

"Sweetie, Why would you kill anyone"

Kara shrugged "there are plenty of reasons, I have my own, The main is insanity, It plagues my mind now"

Lena kissed the taller girl, Kara pushed deeper into the kiss, Becoming more passionate, eventually separating to take a breath.

"Oh I missed that" Kara purred

A slight noise disturbed the girls, Kara looked around

"There here"

"Who, What" Kara held Lena is a choke hold, Her wand against the Luthor's neck

Auror's stand out of the shadow

"Let her go" One of them said

"I'll kill her" Kara hissed

Lena's eyes widened "You'll what"

One of the men stepped forward, A green spell shot forward from Kara's Wand.

The man dropped dead, Lena let of a gasp

"Aparate" Kara whispered

The girls were teleported away

Lena pulled away from Kara at There new location, "You bloody killed him"


"You bloody killed him, You took a man's life"

"Your point is" The Black haired girl looked genuinely confused, Her curls fell down her face

"How does that not affect you"

"I did dare them to try"


"Don't call me that" The dark witch hissed at her Girlfriend

"Whatever you go by, You can't just kill someone"

"Well I just did, and your going to have to deal with that"

Before Lena could respond dementors started to surround them

"Expecto patronus" Kara yelled

Lena watched as a Lion came from The Hufflepuff wand

The light beast chased the demons away

"How did...."

"Ok we need to go" The dark witch grabbed Lena's arm

"No stop, You killed a man, I can't trust you"

"Very well, I guess this is goodbye"

"I love you" Lena said Sadly

"I love you too Lena"

Kara disappeared quickly

Well, I hope you enjoyed, Possibly a part 3, it's up to you.

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