Barbie (Zarry)

By HeisaPrincess

96K 4.7K 5.2K

4 years old Harry was a gift giving to Zayn for his 6th birthday from his mother Trisha as a company. Since t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 9

4.5K 237 358
By HeisaPrincess

14 and 16.

It's nearly Halloween. Harry and Zayn are going shopping for their Halloween costumes for the Halloween party at their school.

The chauffeur opens the door for them, Harry thanks the chauffeur before getting in the car with Zayn.

It doesn't take them long to get to the mall.

"Barbie, you can try it if you want." Zayn tells Harry when he sees him staring at an interesting costume.

"'s a skirt, Master..." Harry blushes, looking down.

"And it's a Halloween costume. Why not try it on, Barbie? You can wear whatever you want on Halloween." Zayn reasons.

"O-Okay." Harry bites his lips, trying to content his smile. He takes the costume and quickly runs to the changing room.

Zayn chuckles softly at Harry's cuteness as he watches him skipping away.

He raises his eyebrow when Harry comes out of the changing room still in his own clothes.

"Why didn't you try it on? I wanna see you in it."

"I tried it but..." Blushing and holding the costume tightly against his chest, Harry exclaims, "It's a Halloween costume! You can't see me in it until Halloween, master!"

"Hmmm, okay." Zayn shrugs and turns around. "Let's go to the checkout then."

"But, have you found your costume, master?" Harry asks curiously as he follows Zayn.

"Yup. But you're not gonna see it until Halloween, since you don't want me to see you in your dress." Zayn sing-songs and turns around to wink at Harry before he heads straight to the checkout counter.

Harry's heart flutters when Zayn winks at him. He blushes and smiles shyly as he murmurs a soft 'okay'.



Harry dresses up and walks down the stairs to the living room where he knows his master is waiting for him.

He stops, eyes wide, when he sees a...a werewolf (?) sitting on the couch facing him. He is shocked and kinda scared.

"B-Barbie, look amazing in this costume." The guy in the werewolf mask gushes.

Harry's eyes sparkle and he smiles brightly, "Master!"

Zayn takes off the mask as Harry runs to him and gives him a big hug.

"You scared me!" Harry huffs with his big green eyes staring up at Zayn.

"Did I?" Zayn chuckles.

"Yes!" Harry nods with a pout.

Zayn pecks his lips and Harry's face pulls into a smile.

"Let's go to the party." Zayn says with a fond smile. "By the way, Barbie, you look beautiful tonight."

Harry blushes and smiles shyly, letting Zayn take his hand and lead him to the front door.


"Hey, little red riding hood."

Someone nudges Harry.

Harry squeals happily when he realizes who it is. "Nialler! You, you look delicious!" He giggles, looking at Niall up and down.

Niall beams.

"Of course!" Niall says proudly. "I'm a hot dog and-" he pulls Liam—who was gathering food for his boyfriend—towards himself. Li Li is a Hamburger! We're a match!"

"Hi, Harry." Liam smiles and waves at him.

"Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute!" Harry coos.

"So what are you doing here all alone?" Niall asks.

Harry's face falls. He looks over to the room where Zayn is talking to his friends with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend, Perrie's waist.

He now knows what boyfriend and girlfriend mean, since Niall and Liam are in a relationship, they basically tell him everything he should know. And, he understand everything but...

He bites his lips, looking at his master with longing eyes. But Zayn never looks back at him. He is laughing with his friends and his girlfriend, enjoying his time.

Harry looks down and fiddles with the hem of his dress. "They match too." He murmurs sadly.


"Werewolf and vampire." Harry nods towards Zayn's direction.

Niall and Liam look over and spot Zayn in a wolf costume and Perrie in a vampire costume.

"Oh." They say.

Niall and Liam both know that Harry has a big crush on his master.

"Who said they're a match? You and Zayn are a match." Niall tells him.

"Yes. Little red riding hood and werewolf. You and Zayn look amazing together, Harry." Liam adds. "And, we all know werewolves and vampires are enemies."

"But they look hot together..." Harry murmurs with a little pout.

"And you're hotter. You look beautiful tonight, Hazz." Niall smiles and nods towards their left, "Boys are checking you out."

Harry blushes, there's indeed a group of boys glancing at their direction from time to time.

He accidentally makes an eye contact with one of the boys who has beautiful ocean eyes. The boy smiles at him. Harry politely smiles back.

Within a minute, the boy is in front of him.

Niall giggles, whispering to Harry, "Have fun, Hazz." And he walks away quickly with Liam following behind, not giving Harry any chance to protest.

"Hi there." The blue eyed boy says.

"H-Hi." Harry replies shyly. He is not used to talking to new people.

"You are beautiful."

Harry blushes furiously at the compliment.

"Can I have a dance with y-"

The boy shuts up and Harry startles when he feels an arm around him. He turns around to find his master holding him tightly, glaring at the boy who dared to talk to Harry.


Zayn smiles softly at Harry, "Barbie, come dance with me."

Not waiting for Harry's reply, Zayn tugs Harry to the dance floor.

"Don't talk to strangers again, Barbie. They're dangerous, especially the boys. You're too pure and precious, Barbie, do you understand?" Zayn whispers to him as they dance.

Harry looks up at Zayn with innocent green eyes and nods. He doesn't understand but if his master says so, he will listen to him no matter what.

Zayn smiles and kisses Harry on the forehead. "Good, my sweet innocent baby."

Harry smiles, burying his head into his master's neck to hide his blush.

His heart flutters and fills with happiness as he dances slowly with his Master, the boy he wants to stay with forever and ever. Because his master is his light, his sun, his god; he's little Harry's everything.

When the song ends, they join Zayn's friends.

Louis whistles, eyeing Harry up and down, "Hi Harry, you look really pretty in this little dress of yours."

Harry blushes and murmurs a soft 'thank you' while Zayn tells Louis to shut up.

"Zayn, I wanna dance with you!" Perrie says and reaches out for Zayn's hand. "Please, let's dance, Zee."

Harry bites his lips and looks down at his feet. He prays to god that Zayn won't agree to dance with Perrie.

Zayn glances at Harry and then turns to look at Perrie.


Harry whips his head up quickly only to watch his master walking towards the dance floor with his girlfriend.

His eyes get dull. He is jealous, but mostly—sad. He feels sad. He doesn't want to share his master with anyone, he wants him and his master to be like Niall and Liam, like boyfriends. He has already decided that he is going to marry his master in the future. Why does his master need a...a girlfriend? Why?

He pouts and looks down, trying to blink away his tears.

He is not gonna cry. His master doesn't like him crying. He is a good boy. Harry bites his lips and grips his dress' hem tightly, making it wrinkled.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Someone snickers. "Are you going to trick-or-treating?"

Harry looks up and sees that it is Zayn's friend, Stan.

Harry frowns as Stan continues taunting him, "What are you, five?"

Harry feels his face burning with embarrassment. He tries to hold back his tears as he bites his lips hard enough to almost make it bleed.

"Shut up, Stan." Louis sassily cuts in and pushes Stan aside rudely, nearly making him land on his ass on the floor. "Mind your own damn business if you don't want Zayn to fucking beat the shit out of you. Fuck off, will ya?"

Stan gives Louis a middle finger before cursing under his breath and walking away.

"If he's ever rude to you again, tell me. I'll make his life a living hell. Trust me, I play the best pranks." Louis wiggles his eyebrows and winks at Harry, earning a little giggle from him.

"Do you want a drink?" Louis asks, offering his drink to Harry.

"Trust me, it'll make you feel better." Louis whispers mischievously.

Harry's gaze travels back and forth between Louis and the drink, and then he hesitantly takes the drink.

He takes a sip and makes a grimace face when the spicy taste reaches his tongue.

Louis cackles.

"What is it?" Harry asks, sticking out his tongue as he fans his face.

"It's a good drink your Irish friend gave me." Louis laughs and nods towards the food serving area where Niall and Liam are.



Liam gasps and looks at Niall in horror.

"Shh Liam!" Niall whispers and puts a finger on his lips. "There are teachers here! We can't let them know we have the good stuff."

"Where the hell did you get alcohol?!" Liam whisper yells.

"We Irish have our ways." Niall winks, grinning like an idiot.

Niall hiccups and Liam can already smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Bloody hell, Niall! How much did you drink?!"


"Wanna go home and watch a Halloween movie?"

Harry doesn't have to turn around, he already knows who's whispering to him.

He feels the person put their hands around his waist.

Harry couldn't contain his smile as he turns around, his sweet dimples showing.

"Yes, Master."


Wish you had a good day 💛💚

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