Ice Heart

By Awwlilsyco

15.5K 477 64

Story I binge wrote about Kehlani/Asian Da Brat. Wrote this for fun so not sure how it will be received. Than... More

Hate being Sober
Different me
Da doll way
Atlanta or bust
Why Me
Rachet Happy birthday
Do you trust me?
My Baby
Self destruct
Scared of Me
Time will tell
Time will tell part 2
part 3
One Day
Crunch time
My Love
Forever ever
So Icy Part I
Favorite mistake
New Era
Family Feud
Family Feud part 2


638 18 1
By Awwlilsyco

Niecy spent an hour hugging Camila and telling her how much she loves her. Fittz was playing it cool but I know he cried in the car.

"This is gonna be so much fun" says Camila leaning back in the seat on the jet"Just me, you and the high skies"

"Hell yeah" I say putting my headphones around my neck" Have you been to this house in Texas"

"Yeah when I was like 8 but I'm sure it hasn't changed... honestly I remember it looking like home in atlanta" says Camila

"Have you guys always been rich" I say

"I guess, my dad was always off doing stuff and my mom was home with me" says Camila"When I turned 10 she went back to working at the hospital"

"That has to be awesome" I say

"Not all the time, people just wanted to be around me for the clout" says Camila "Don't really have many real friends"

"It's better to be by yourself then be around fake people" I say

I listened to music for a little then I started falling asleep. It seemed like we were flying forever. Camila was bouncing all over the place listening to music. Finally we land, I never flown in a private jet. It was weird not having to wait 80 thousand hours for other people to get off the plane

We took an Uber to the house and Camila walking right it looked just like the house in Atlanta but it had a huge pool in the backyard and was set up like a tiki bar in the back.

"So what are we getting into first" ask Camila rubbing her hands together

"There's a hangout spot in Houston alot of local rappers chill at" I say on my laptop"I was hoping to go by there and check it out"

"I'm I old enough to go" says Camila

"Yeah it's just some coffee shop thing" I say closing my lap top"I'm gonna call a Uber"

"You don't have to do that" says Camila smiling

She takes me into the garage and there a Benz truck like Fittz.

"Can I drive" says Camila holding up the keys

"....Fuck it, do your thing" I say getting in the passenger side

Camila drives like her mom. She's safe but will scare the shit at of you a few times along the way. I could tell she was enjoying herself.

We park in a parking garage downtown and walked the rest of the way to the hangout.

"Damn, it's live out here" says Camila looking around as we walk

"Yeah that's what I was hoping" I say adjusting the strap on my cross pack

"This is it" says Camila looking up at the sign

There were people chilling outside and music blasting but it seemed like it was safe. We walked in and sat down at one of the tables.

"What's going on here" says Camila relaxing in the chair

"They just let local rappers play their music and some perform" I say"hopefully this makes this very easy"

"Would you guys like something to drink"

"Um, just water" I say

"Okay" says The waitress smiling

"I'm Camila, I didn't get your name" says Camila giving the girl a sweet smile

"Normani" says the waitress in a thick southern accent"What could I get for ya"

The girl smiled at her hard and seemed to be paying extra attention to Camila now.

"Just a coke" says Camila

"I'll be right back with those drinks for ya" says Normani walking away

"Wow" says Camila looking at the girl walking away

"Damn, you gonna look at her a little harder" I say laughing

"She's beautiful, like everything" says Camila running her fingers through her hair"The way she talked and walked"

"Don't fall in love with the first thing you see" I say"I'm gonna go up here and look at the next performance, you wanna come"

"I'll wait for the drinks and meet you up there" says Camila

"Cool" I say

I wasn't going to far away so I'm not worried about Camila.

At the Table

Camila POV

"Here you go" says Normani putting the drinks down

"Thank you" I say"You busy right now"

"No but I am working" says Normani laughing

"Duh, that's was stupid of me to ask" I say

She was making me hella nervous. But I had to talk to her.

"I get off in a little bit..." Says Normani looking around"Is that your sister"

"Yeah, we're from Atlanta" I say

"Thats dope, I've never been out of Texas" says Normani smiling"You know what I can, tell them I've got homework or something and we can talk on the rooftop deck"

"Um, yeah I'd like that" says Camila" I just have to let my sister know"

"Okay cool" says Normani getting up from the table"Be right back"

I walk over to Kehlani and she looks bored with the music they have been playing. I hope this isn't a bust for her.

"Hear anything good"I say standing next to her

"Hell no, this shit all sounds the same" says Kehlani with her arms crossed" This shit is crazy, how does no one in here have any fucking creativity"

"Hopefully, something comes up soon" I say" Normani wants to chill with me on the roof top deck is that cool"

"The waitress" questions Kehlani looking a me with a smirk

"Yeah" I say smiling

"Go ahead, just be safe" says Kehlani" I'm gonna stay for another hour and then dip"

"Okay, I'll text you...if I need advice" says Camila

"I told yo ass I'm not giving you anymore advice" says Kehlani as I walk away

I seen Normani walking my way with her backpack. I'm really hoping she's not older or I know I'm gonna hear it from Kehlani.

"Come one follow me" says Normani as we go outside

I follow behind her as she heads up a set of stairs on the side of the building.

"Ay Girl" says a guy from down stairs

"I'm not a fucking dog bitch, I have a name" says Normani stopping on the stairs looking down at him

"You wack as hell anyway" says The guy waving her off

She handles herself well. Some girls I know answer to things like that and it bothers me at times.

"Sorry about that these men around here just talk to you any kind of way" says Normani as we get to the top

You could see the whole downtown. We sat down and just looked around for a second.

"You smoke" says Normani pulling a blunt out of her bag

"I have once but not in a while" I say" How old are you"

"17" says Normani lighting the blunt

" I'll be 17 next week" I say

"I thought you were 18 but that's good to know" says Normani passing it to me

"That's a first, most people think I'm super young" I say taking hit

"You're cute..."says Normani looking down"Your vibe made me want to know more about you. Why are you staying?"

"Downtown" I say

"I was just asking because there's a party tonight, it would be cool if you came" says Normani"Get to know you a little more"

"Um yeah sure" I say looking around

"Are you high or just nervous" says Normani laughing

"Both" I say laughing also

"Give me your number and I'll shoot you the addy" says Normani

"Cool" I say

"It's on the Southside" says Normani hitting the blunt"Don't come in that fancy ass car"

"That's not mine it's my sister's" I say

"If you say so" says Normani

Kehlani texts me and says she's ready to leave.

"Let me see your phone" I say as she hands it to me"Don't forget to text me"

"I won't" says Normani

"I gotta go my sister's ready to leave" I say standing up

"It was great meeting you" says Normani standing up and hugging me

She was so soft and she smelled amazing. The way she smiled at me as I walked away gave me butterflies.

"No luck" I say as Kehlani stands at the bottom of the stairs

"Nothing at all" says Kehlani

"Maybe tomorrow you'll have better luck" I say

"Yeah...are you high" says Kehlani putting her arm infront of me

"Yeah, she offered" I say as we walk back to the car

"Shaking my fucking head" says Kehlani laughing" Give me the keys"

"Fine" I say"She invited me to a party on the Southside"

"Do you know how dangerous it is over there" says Kehlani"I don't know Mila"

"Come on please, she likes me I can tell" I say

"Why can't she come to the crib" says Kehlani"It will be better that way"

"No, once she knows I have money then it will be different" I say"That's how it is Everytime"

"She's gonna find out eventually" says Kehlani" I just want you to be safe bud"

"You're right" I say" I'll let it go"

We went back to the house and I'll I could think about was going to the party. I feel like I can handle myself, I'm tired of everyone treating me like a baby. I'm going to that party, I just have to wait for Kehlani to go to sleep.

Later that night

"You gonna stay up all night on the game C" says Kehlani

"Yeah" I say laughing

"Alright, well I'm about to hit the bed" says Kehlani"I'm gonna go for a run in the morning, you can tag along if you want"

"For sure, goodnight" I say looking at the screen

"Yep, yep" says Kehlani making her way back up stairs

I wait another hour for her to go to sleep. I brought clothes down stairs and got dressed. I call Normani to see if she's still there.

"Hey, boo" says Normani"Are you coming"

"Yeah I'm heading out the door right now" I say going out the sliding glass door

"Good, I'll see you soon" says Normani

"Alright bye" I say

I call and Uber and head to the address. I know Kehlani will be pissed but she won't find out I'll be back in time for her morning run.


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