Supercorp oneshots cause I sh...

By Couldbemoregay

362K 12.1K 1.9K

{Requests are open} My collection of Supercorp stories, ranging from Harry Potter AU, to Red kryptonite Kara... More

Before you read
Not the way I wanted you to know
Red Krytonite
Secret admirer
Later life
Caught of guard
When a hero dies
Red kryptonite is back
Role swap au
Golden boy
Everyone hurts sometimes
I had to
Ok here are some more
Caught in the Act
My wife
Mad woman with a box
Jealousy thy name is Kara
Still a sucker for Supercorp
Some More
I got some more
It's Ok
Writers block
Elemantary my dear Zor-el (verison 1)
Elementary (version 2)
Holy f*ck
The supernatural
Bed surprise
It's been a while.
An act (part 2)
An act (part 3)
An act (part 4)
Script (part 2)
Friendly Neighborhood
Friendly Neighborhood (part 2)
Freed (part 2)
Its been a while
April fools
(In)Correct quote
Stars and stripes
Stars and Stripes (part 2)
'Lena' (part 2)
Definition of Perfect
Rather the fallen Angel
Rather the fallen Angel (part 2)
Rather the fallen angel (part 3)
(In)correct quotes
High Lady
High Lady (part 2)
Elseworlds (part 2)
The Doctor
The Doctor (part 2)
The doctor (part 3)
Secret spilled
Script (part 3)
Sociopath (part 2)
Sociopath (part 3)
Imaginary friend
New Years Kiss
Captain My Captain
Captain My Captain (part 2)
Fire on Fire
Fantastic beast and where to find them
Heathers (part 2)
(In)Correct quotes
Kara Sandiego
Luthor's don't cry
Locked in
(In)correct quotes
Fairness (part 2)
Be prepared
An eye for an eye
I'm the bad guy now
Story 5-
I'm the bad guy now(part 2)
First kiss
(In)correct quotes
Life or death
Jerk, Jock same thing
Jerk, Jock same thing (part 2)
Jerk, Jock samething (part 3)
Let them hate, so long as they fear
~I got tagged~
(In)Correct quotes
What if?
Bad news
Desginated Survivor
Two Queens
Two Queens (part 2)
Two Queens (part 3)
The Great war
Almost perfect

An Act

2.9K 78 26
By Couldbemoregay

So, This is a Harry Potter AU, But like I mean it's an AU, Imma switch a lot of stuff up, So please don't get confused, I apologise if you do get confused.... I'm already confused.....

Ok, So Lena is a Slytherin year 6, Pureblood, Kara is a Hufflepuff year 6 Muggle, Alex Slytherin Year 7 Pureblood, Sam Griffindor Year 7 Half Blood , Mon-el Griffindor Year 6 Pureblood, the others will be introduced.

Kara gently knocked on the Slytherin common room door, A Slytherin opens up and let's her in. You see all of Slytherin loves Kara, She is like the little sister they never had, She always brought food, was nice, She was the only none-Slytherin aloud.

"Hey guys" The blond says cheerfully "I brought food"

All the Slytherin's get up at once. "Your the best" One yells out

Alex slips through tube crowd "Hey sis" The red head grabs a bun and stuffs it into her mouth.

"Is Lena around" Kara asked as the students grabbed the food.

"Yeah She is in dorm"

The muggle slipped away into the girls dorm "Hey lee"

"Kara, Hey darling" Lena placed a small kiss The the blonds pale lips

Kara let out a happy giggle "Sorry, I just missed you"

"You saw me barely an hour ago"

"Too long" Kara kissed Lena again.

There was a knock on the door, "Yeah" Kara said slightly annoyed

"Guys Harry Potter is called all the students" the young Slytherin said

"Wait the Harry Potter, The boy-who-lived Harry Potter" Kara said

The kid nodded, Immediately the couple got up and followed them.

All the students were gathered in the giant hall

"Everyone to your seats" Headmistress Mcgonagal shouted out.

The students groaned but quickly took there seats.

A now 45 year old Harry Potter cleared his throat, "We are sorry to bother everyone, But there is some bad news, As you all know, Voldemort is dead, Thanks to all the past students of this school, But he left a legacy, Only recently have we found out That he had a child, The mother was his wife, I ask you not to panic the situation is being dealt with"

Murmurs spread across the room.

"Now, I need the Slytherin students to come into the potions class first"

Kara watched Lena stand up, Along with her sister.

"Next will be Griffindor, Ravenclaw and finally Hufflepuff"

Time skip, All of Hufflepuff is in The potions class

"Welcome, I'm sorry to put you through this, I'm going to cast a spell around the room" Harry said, He muttered a few words. A thin vale of green spread. It passed right through students having no effect

Kara looked in awe at the magic, Her hand reached out and gently touched it, a sudden pain shot up her arm, A scream escaped her lips, Her body fell to the ground, Shaking. She let out another cry, Everyone was looking at her.

"Someone help her" A first year yelled out.

Harry Potter ran over to the blonde. His arms wrapped around her, He whispered a spell into her ear, Immediately the shaking stopped, Her breathing slowed down to its usual pace, Her chest rising slowly.

"Everyone go back to dorm, Class is dismissed" Mcgonagal said, The students fly out

Harry gave his old professor a sad look

"It doesn't make sense, She is so sweet, Muggle born."

"I guessed as much, Make the students forget this, We need to protect her" Harry said

"Ok, I'll deal with that" The professor walked away

Kara eyes slowly flickered open

"Ms. Danvers, I have something to tell you" The Potter helped the girl up  

"What happened to me"

"Look, This is going to be hard to take, Voldemort is your Father"

Kara started to laugh "Ha, That's funny, My parents died in a fire when I was a kid"

"The spell I casted would reveal anyone who was a relative to him"

The blond started to panic "But, How.." She was lost for words

"I know this is hard to take in, But your not evil, We can train you, To help you with your magic"

A few tears escape Kara's eyes "Everything has been a lie, Who is my mother?"

"We think it's Bellatrix Riddle"

"Who is we" Kara asked

"The ministry of magic"

"Please don't tell anyone" The blond begged

Harry sighed "I won't I promise, But please Don't do anything stupid"

The boy who lived left the girl alone is the potions class.

Kara wiped the tears away, She closed her eyes, Trying to take in everything that Harry Potter had just told her.

The door opened and Alex and Lena burst through

"Hey Sweetie is everything ok" Lena asked wrapping her arms Around her girlfriend

"I'm fine, Don't worry"

Alex folded her arms "Are you sure?"

"Yeah of course, Nothing happened" Kara lied.

"Wanna go to the library, Class is dismissed?" Lena Offered

Kara nodded

The trio made there way to the library

Kara took out a history book in the second Great War. Her blue eyes Scanned over the pages

Lena kissed Kara's cheek, Earning a smile from the blond

"Since when are you into History" The Luthor asked

"Since The Harry Potter came to our school" Kara laughed quietly, She hated lying.

"Ok I'll leave you to it" Lena Opened a book and read through it.

Kara closed her eyes. She tried to remember when she was a kid, But nothing came to mind.

"Lena how long have I known you" Kara asked

"Since first year why do you ask"

"I can't remember anything before I was adopted by the Danvers"

Alex froze "Maybe when your parents died you maybe tried to block out the memories"

"Merlin, You know don't you Alex" Kara raised her voice

"We had to keep it from you" Alex said, Standing up

"Of course, So yet let me believe that they died in a fire" Kara said really annoyed now

Lena was surprised by the out burst "Darling Are you ok"

Kara stuck her finger into Alex's chest "You bloody knew"

"Of course, You think it was easy not telling you"

Lena pulled the arguing girls apart "Stop it and tell me what's happening"

"I'm Voldemort and Bellatrix's daughter" Kara said, Her words dropping Venom

"What, Kara sweetie, Are you sure"

"Yes, I'm sure, Alex I know your parents put a charm on me, What is even my real name"

"Your real is Kara Riddle"

"Ok take the charm off me, Now" Kara hissed

"Kara calm down" The Luthor asked her girlfriend

"No Lena do not tell me what to do"

"Kara listen to your girlfriend" Alex said

"Stop treating me like a child, I'm the daughter of Voldemort, I don't know what I can do, But trust me I'm sure it's not pretty"

"Ok, I'll take the charm off, Only if you promise to leave Hogwarts" the red head held her ground

"Deal" Kara said

"What, Why would you Leave you haven't finished yet, Kara, I need you" Lena begged

"This isn't me, Lena you fell for an act, Which The Danvers set up, I love you, But this isn't me"

Alex took out her wand, "Revelio"

Slowly Kara changed, Her Skin became paler, Her sky blue eyes changed into a dark green, Her hair changed black and curly, She grew slightly taller, Her body filled out, Her features matured.

Lena mouth opened but nothing came out

Kara looked at herself "I'll be leaving now"

The now black curly haired girl stormed out, Leaving Alex and Lena Alone

"Why would you ask her to leave" Lena asked, Her voice full of anger

"Because If Anyone finds out they will kill her, I can't loose her" Alex said

"Too late" Lena ran after her girlfriend

Do you guys want a part 2?


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