Fighter ☾Ethan Dolan

By babyylivv

303K 4.3K 2.3K

C O M P L E T E D "Whoa, don't fight daddy baby." Liv is the top boxer at her dads gym, and is also a trainer... More

Twenty One<3
Twenty Two<3
Twenty Three<3
Twenty Four <3
Twenty Five<3
Twenty Six<3
Twenty Seven<3
Twenty Eight<3
Twnety Nine<3
Thirty One<3


11.1K 167 156
By babyylivv

*Ethan's PoV*

"Hey cutie, ready to train?" He said to Liv. I gritted my teeth so hard I think they are all gonna break. Liv rolled her eyes. "Yes." She said blankly, and walked to the mats. Logan looked at me, and smirked. "Well, who do we have here. Ethan Dolan?" He asked. I balled up my fists, ready to knock this guys teeth in. "Liv's a pretty girl. She's not yours... is she?" He asked. "Don't you fucking touch her." I said through gritted teeth. "Too late." He said walking back to Liv.

What. The. Fuck.

I walked to Liv, and wrapped my arms around her. "I'll pick you up at six okay?" I said. She nodded, and hugged me tight. "Bye E. She said giving me one last hug. I swung her around making her giggle. I slowly backed away facing her. "See you later princess." I said winking, then walked out back to my car.

I sped to the wear-house. Once I got there which didn't take long, because I was speeding my ass off, I called everyone into the meeting room. "Guys, Logan he's here, Liv is his trainer." I said out of breath from running in here. "What the hell do we do?" Gray asked. I was thinking. "Kill him." I said blankly. Gray chuckled. "No shit. But how?" He asked. Good point. The REDS are smart, but we're smarter. "We just have to wait for them to make a move. If they are dumb enough too, that's when we end them." I said. Everyone agreed, and went to the game room, and chilled with guys.

After hanging with the guys for a while it was almost six, so I'm gonna go pick up Liv. Gray came with me for the hell of it. We arrived at the gym, and we saw Liv, and Logan arguing.

"For the last time, NO!" Liv yelled.
"Come on. I just want to see who would win." Logan said.
"I'm not going to fight you." Liv said.
"Aww babygirl are you scared?" He asked smirking.

That made my blood fucking boil. No one else gets to call her that. The fuck he think he is?

Liv just rolled her eyes, and turned around to see gray, and I. "What's the problem here princess?" I asked. See, when I say the pet-names it's just natural, but when he says it I want to shove a bag of dicks down his throat. "Logan here wants to fight me to see who would win. He's a level sixteen fighter, and I'm only a level thirteen!" She said annoyed. I walked up to to Logan. "How about you leave my girl alone, or we're gonna have some problems." I said through gritted teeth.

"Wow Liv, didn't realize you have a boyfriend. Oh wait, you don't. So, you can back the fuck off Dolan." He spat. I clenched my fists ready to knock him out, but Liv put her hand in mine in balling the fist. She gave me an assuring smile. "I will find you a new trainer. Goodbye Logan." Liv said grabbing my hand leading us to the main doors.

We got to the car, and Liv gave me, and Gray a big three person hug. "I'm happy you guys came when you did." She said pulling away, and smiling. "Anytime babe." Grayson, and I said at the same time. What the fuck Gray? Liv pulled us both by the collars of our shirts. Our faces were close to hers. "You ever gonna let these pet-names go?" She asked. We both shook our heads no, and she rolled her pretty little eyes, and jumped in the car.

"So, Liv that Logan guy... he just so happens to be the leader of the REDS." I said keeping my eyes on the road. "Whoa really? Damn. That just makes him hotter!" She said smiling. I slammed on the breaks, and turned to her. "Jesus fuck!" Gray said after jerking forwards. "Shit E! I was just kidding. Damn. I got my eyes on someone else." She said winking. Awww. "Grays hot too." She said. I just rolled my eyes. She leaned forward, and kissed my cheek.

"Come on E, you can't be mad at your partner I was just kidding. These heart eyes are already focused on someone." She said. I turned, and smiled at her. "It's me right?" Gray asked. "Sure Garett." She said sarcastically making me laugh.

We were all just chilling at the wear-house when Liv spoke up. "E, what am I gonna do about my dad if I have to stay with you?" She asked. I sighed. Damn. "I'll just have guys on the perimeter at all times that you are there, and you should be safe." I said. She looked shocked. "Ethan I'm not the president, I don't need bodyguards, I'm not that important." She said giggling. "Well that where you couldn't be more wrong babygirl." I said making her blush, and quietly giggle.

"Guys We should play a game!" Liv said smiling. "Yeah, this movie is boring as hell." Alex spoke up. We all sat in a circle, and we started playing never have I ever. You say things you have never done, and if someone in the group has they have to put their finger down... get it?

The whole time we have all been trying to get Liv out, and we've been learning a lot about her.

"Guys I got this." Gray said smirking. "Never have I ever... had sex with a guy!" He said knowing she finally lost. Liv smirked back, because she never put her finger down. Gray looked confused. "Liv put your finger down!" Matt said. "Sorry, I'm an innocent little girl." She said smiling with a baby voice.

FuCkInG hOt.

"Never have I ever drank a pumpkin spice latte!" Ev said in a girly voice. Liv kept her fingers up. "Who do you guys think I am? I'm not some basic whit girl, who also just so happens to be a slut!" She said giggling. We all watched Gray out a finger down. We all looked at him confused waiting for an explanation.

"Fine! I'm a pumpkin spice white girl! Okay?" He yelled crossing his arms. After a few seconds we bursted our laughing. "I want Starbucks now." Liv said. We all nodded, and smiled. "You know for you guys being in a gang, your all pretty nice." Liv said. "Why would we be mean to such a cutie like you?" Ev asked. Who the hell does he think he is? Liv just giggled, and smiled.


"Hey guys I think I'm gonna head home. I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" She said standing up. They all nodded. "I'll walk you out." I said. She giggled. "I know where the door is." She said. She gave me a hug. "I'll see you later partner." She said then walked out. We heard the door closed meaning she left.

"Dude. Your whipped." Cameron's said. "Wouldn't you be?" I asked rolling my eyes. He just chuckled.


Before I went to bed I texted a Liv to make sure she was home safe. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing she drove home alone, and I didn't know where she was. The second my head hit the pillow I drifted off to sleep. Everything right now is perfect.

Or so I thought...

Hope you liked part seven!!!
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Thanks Love<3

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