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*Ethan's PoV*

Honestly I slept good last night... I don't know why, I just fell asleep thinking about Liv. God. You don't even know how much I miss her. I never knows how much she meant to me really, until now. Not being with her is killing me.

A guard banged in my cell. "Dolan. Time for counseling." He yelled. Oh yeah I also have to do this counseling thing every day. Fucking boring. I usually don't talk. I just sit there for two hours, until the time is up.

He cuffed my hands, and led me to the  room where the counselor talked to me. He opens the door to the completely gray room, and un-cuffs my hands. I slump down into the chair, and put my head down waiting for the counselor.

I heard the door open, and I keep my head down. Why do I need fucking counseling, I'm not crazy. The person sits down, and waits for me to talk. "I don't need a fucking counselor." I spat. I could tell it wasn't my other counselor, John he would've already been blabbing his mouth.

"Hello Mr. Dolan... I'm Olivia Cole, nice to meet you." Holy. Fuck. I know that voice... I now that name. I slowly looked up, and there she was smiling at me.

My Liv. my princess.

How the fuck did she do it? "Can I have a minute with Mr.Dolan please, I can't council with you in here." She said smiling. The guard nodded, and stepped out. I'm speechless. She threw some clothes at me, outside clothes. "Put the clothes on, I'm getting you outta this hell hole." She said smiling. I stood up, and she jumped into my arms.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, and tucked her head in my neck. "Babygirl, i missed you so much." I said. "I missed you too E, more then you think.....Come on we leaving or what?" She asked. I smiled, and set her down. She turned around so I could put the clothes on.

After I was done she handed me a gun. "Where's Gray?" I asked. She looks down. "About that... he doesn't know I'm here. I have some other friends helping me out." She said. "Babydoll, that's so dangerous!" I said. "Well... I like to think your worth a little danger." She said smiling. Holy. Shit.

I smiled, and we walked out. Liv put a silencer in her gun, and shot the guard. She grabbed his walkie talkie. "There is a fight in the cafeteria, section four! We need all units there now!" She yelled into it. We heard a bunch of running to the cafeteria, this girls good. "Let's go we got a small time slot." She said. We ran down the long hallway, until we finally stopped.

There was some big ass guy there. "Damn mama, you did it!" He said. Liv smiled. "Are we clear?" She asked. He nodded. "Not one cop in here, that's gonna get in your way Liv." He said. She smiled, and grabbed my hand. "Thank you Zane! For everything." She said . He hugged her, and nodded at me. We exchanged looks, that meant I appreciated what he did.

We walked out of the prison like nothing ever happened. Then second we got out Liv giggled. "You did it Liv! You fucking did it!" I said. She jumped in my arms straddling my waist. She had tears in her eyes. Oh shit. What did I do!

"I missed you so much. It was only five days, and I feel like you have been gone forever." She said. She put both hands on my cheeks as a tear slipped out of her eye. "I missed you too Princess." She smiled, and hugged me tighter then she ever has before. "Let's go home, shall we?" She asked. I nodded, and kissed her cheek. I waited for the thing i haven't seen in what feels like years. That giggle, and blush combo.

We got in the car, and Liv drove. "Liv how did you do it?" I asked. She smiled still focused on the road. "Well, first I had to go to the court house, and get  a counselor license. That was pretty fucking hard considering I'm not a councilor. Then I called up some old friends. I told your old councilor, that he wasn't needed today. Then I walked into a room, and some hot guy was sitting in a chair with his head down. I thought what the hell, might as well take him home." She said smiling.

I smiled. "Thanks Liv." I said. She smiled at me. "Anytime partner." She said then sped down the road. What the he'll did I ever do to deserve her?

We arrived at the wear-house, and Liv jumped out of the car. I got out to, and as we were walking Liv jumped on my back. She wrapped her legs around me, and tucked her head into my neck. "I kinda love you Ethan Dolan." She said into my neck.

I immediately stopped walking , and let her off my back. "What did you say?" I asked looking into her eyes. "I think you heard me." She said. "Holy shit... babygirl, I kinda love you too." I said. She smiled big, and jumped in my arms. She put both hands on my cheeks, and softly pressed her lips on mine. She's so gentle, but strong at the same time.  She wrapped her arms around my neck, she's so gentle... I love it. I wrapped my arms around her, and couldn't help but smile into the kiss. She slowly pulled away and rested her forehead on mine, she smiled, and turned red... my favorite.

"Come one E, home sweet home." She said smiling. I kissed her forehead, and we walked into the wear-house. All the guys were in the meeting room, and we walked in. They didn't notice, because they were busy trying to get me out...

"Hey guys, maybe I'll just get Ethan out myself, your not doing shit." She said smiling. None of them looked up. "Liv no. Ethan wants you safe." Gray said. "Yeah Liv, I want you safe." I said. They all looked up with shocked expressions.

My babygirl did it.

Hope you liked part ten!!!
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Thanks Love<3

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