Twisted Brothers || XXX & Ski...

By OffTori

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*THIS IS NOT A BxB I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A BxB* Cover By : @theurbanroyalty β€’β€’β€’ "You said it yourself Jah... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

593 45 21
By OffTori

As y'all can see, this story doesn't do the whole "blah blah POV" but you can always tell when the POV switches if that makes sense...


Stokeley was currently waiting for his therapist to call his name so he can go in a 1 hour session. Since lunch, he wanted to fight the boy that was sitting in front of him but he kinda thought they were one in the same even though he had just met him.

Stokely would never let another person in this earth, besides his mama, tell him what to do, where to go, and stuff like that just like the boy had proven. The only problem with that is that : Stokeley never had friends. He had acquaintances that he'd talk to in order to do wreckless shit so he wouldn't feel alone, but that was about it. Stokeley couldn't even think back to a time in his life where he had a real friend and he didn't find a problem with that.

"Hi Stokeley, come on in" him and his therapist were on a first name basis, and since them calling each other Mr and Ms was so formal the therapist thought them having some type of informal connections could make Stokeley loosen up a bit and actually trust her, since he was gonna be there for awhile.

Stokeley took a seat in the leathery chair in front of her, as always, before she took her seat. She pulled out his case file from her file cabinet, under her desk and opened it. The title of his case was:

Stokeley Goulbourne : A Tormented Mind

Stokeley was playing with a string at the bottom of his baggy sweater from the hospital's horrible stitching. He was no where near nervous, just bored at the fact that he had to come here and spill his problems out to a stranger who supposedly was going to fix something she didn't know the half of.

Diana cleared her throat before folding her hands and placing them on her desk, looking intently into Stokeley's eyes. 

"So Stokeley, how was your day so far?" She asked, starting off basic. Stokeley moved around a little in his chair before speaking. He wasn't uncomfortable or anything just annoyed.

"It was aight, but something happened at lunch"

"Care to share?"

"Lady ain't that what I'm here for?" Stokeley asked seeming defensive, but Diana didn't get angry because dealing with emotions like his were as easy as writing your own name.

"Stokeley we've been doing this for a month, you've got to work with me here" Diana said pleadingly because she wanted to help Stokeley so badly, she didn't want him to be labeled another "crazy person" and get written off and pushed to the side but he had to give her something or otherwise these sessions were pointless.

Stokeley let out a frustrated sigh as he looked in the direction of the window in thought. He wanted to let a the lady in but he has always kept his guard up to everyone who wasn't his mother. In fact, Stokeley always kept a wall up to outsiders which was understandable but also prohibiting him from building bonds with people who aren't blood related.

"What happened at lunch Stokeley?"

Stokeley sighed "nothing bad, just some nigga that sat at my table today"

"Did you know the boy?"

"No, that's why I called him some nigga" Stokeley said stating the obvious making her nod, it was her job to ask these sort of questions in order to get more information out of the client.

"How did this make you feel?"


"How so?" Diana asked making Stokeley shrug, he didn't know what he felt it was just that he felt awkward and weird that somebody even approached him, besides that annoying ass girl Ariel, so that normally isn't a problem for him.

"He didn't talk or nothing he just ate and watched" Stokeley explained making Diana nod and write some notes on her notepad. Diana scrunched her eyebrows in thought as she started to put some pieces together.

"Can you describe the boy for me Stokeley?"

"That's gay" Stokeley said almost instantly making Diana shake her head at his immaturity. Stokeley started laughing but when he realized Diana found nothing funny he stopped.

"He was light skin, had hella face tattoos, with black and blonde dreads" Stokeley described making the lightbulb go off in Diana's head. She knew exactly who he was speaking of, she scooted her rolling chair from the desk and stood up going to one of the more taller filing cabinets. After searching through alphabetical order she finally found who she was looking for.

Stokeley sat there quite confused but didn't bother asking any questions, he'll put it together soon enough. Diana sat back down with the manila folder and opening to reveal Jahseh's case.

Jahseh Onfroy : A Helpless Mind

Diana took Jahseh's picture out and handed it to Stokeley.

"Is that him?"

"Yeah. Why you had to do all that?" Stokeley asked referring to why she had to pull out his case file and show him the picture if she knew who he was talking about. Diana had a suspicion that Jahseh and Stokeley were eerily similar yet complete strangers. It was very rare to find two patients with similar personalities but then Diana read the diagnosis of Stokeley, then Jahseh.

Bipolar disorder.

But just because they had the same disorder doesn't mean that they were one in the same. There were at least a dozen teenagers who have the same disorder as Stokeley and Jahseh, that live in the very building, but had completely different personalities like night and day.

Diana didn't know if this was a good thing or bad thing but it was something. If Stokeley would be a little more open like Jahseh was then the connection would be very clear.

"Something wrong?" Stokeley asked since Diana hadn't been talking for a while but in thought. Diana snapped from her daze and looked up at Stokeley with a polite smile.

"Stokeley, I think that we should cut our session a little short today" Stokeley was confused as to why he was leaving out early but also didn't give it a second thought. Stokeley left out with a simple okay and went on about his day whilst Diana sat in her office trying to put pieces of a puzzle together.

She hadn't even scratched the surface of how deep their connection would go, but then again neither had they.


Did y'all miss this book?

I only been gone for like 2 weeks I think 😬

Right now it's 6:05 am and I don't know why I'm updating 😭 but I'm getting ready for school.

This chapter is a lil sum to get y'all through the boring school day 😊 so you're welcome.

Y'all think Diana was overreacting? Or y'all don't know yet? Still tryna figure shit out.

I hope y'all have a good day ♥️

Aight bye 🙃

Until next update

Sincerely, Tori

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