Symbiotic Freeze (Abused Read...

Por RyanJersey

116K 1.2K 385

Y/N was the adopted brother of Emerald in which the entire family abused him him, mentally and physically. Y... Más

Winter Schnee
5 years Later
Something More
The Lethal Protector
Venom Explains All
The Underworld
The Date
Emerald's Fate
Venom Vs. Cinder
Somewhere New

The Abuse

14.3K 134 16
Por RyanJersey

3rd POV
Y/N woke up breathing deep on the floor. He looked around to see the his adoptive mother sitting on a chair, waiting for him to get up.
Mother: good, you're up....
She tossed a rag at him.
Mother: thought you'd be used to twenty canings, guess we were both wrong, now clean yourself, Emerald is coming home from school and she needs to come home to a clean house.
Y/N: *mumbles*
Mother: I didn't ask you a question, speak again or you're going to have a lot more happen to you than a few hits.
Y/N lost every emotion, he was nothing more than a stone human, same things happen every day, beaten within an inch of his life, slave labor, starved, everything that you can think off happened to him. Nothing hurts him even more, he doesn't even cry, an 8 year old boy having no emotion isn't a way to live. Y/N slowly got up, his body was covered in scars and he was bleeding. He tried climbing the stairs from the basement, but couldn't even drag himself up five of them. He slid back down to the ground and just laid there, not moving, just staring at the wall.
Father: oh what the fuck! You're useless.
He grabbed Y/N by the back to of the neck and dragged him up the stairs.
Father: get moving boy!
He threw Y/N to the ground and went back to his chair drinking a beer. Y/N looked at the father with a straight face, then he looked at the door and opened it, leaving, not looking back. Y/N just kept walking straight face, he didn't know what he was feeling, it was just blank.
Mother: where is that boy!?
Night quickly swallowed the day and
Y/N was walking through the forest, with no thought at all.
?????: is that him.
??????: why not just throw it on him?
??????: how about this.
A young lady appeared in front of Y/N.
?????: hello, are you lost?
Y/N remained silent.
??????: my name is Amber, may I ask who you are.
Y/N remained silent. Amber went on one knee to make eye level with Y/N. She then noticed the cuts on his arms.
Amber: listen, I know you don't know me well, but two others are with me, we have a gift for you, something that will make you...less lonely, we were told that there was a boy in these part of the woods who needed help.
Y/N looked her in the eye and just kept his straight face.
Amber: you know you can speak right? I won't hurt you.
Y/N just looked down at his wounds.
?????: can we bring this thing out now, it's jumping around and starting to scare me.
Amber: yes Leava.
Two females walked out of the woods holding a canister. There was a black sludge in the canister.
Leava: this is yours if you want it, we won't force you to-
Y/N grabbed the canister and opened it. The black sludge quickly started climbing his arms. The girls looked shocked at what he did.
Y/N: if it doesn't work, will be the least painful thing in a long time.
The sludge covered his face and he fell backwards. Amber got a little closer.
Amber: are you alright?
The sludge went inside him and his cuts started healing, though some were not going away. Y/N's eyes then opened and he just laid there, looking up.
Amber: are you alright?
Y/N just closed his eyes and a small tear came from his eye. Amber quickly wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.
??????: hello there young one, I have been told many things. I know it's weird, just let it happen, I will make everything better.
3rd POV
Amber: everything is ok....
Y/N's arm moved up a tiny bit, but quickly went back down, he's never felt this or had this happen to him before.
Amber: here, have a chocolate bar, it's not much, but you look hungry.
Y/N just looked at it until a Black tendril came out of his body and grabbed it for him. The girls looked in amazement at the sludge moving it to Y/N's hand, which then grabbed the chocolate bar.
Amber: do you need anything?
Y/N just looked up at her and just looked back down.
Amber: would you like to come with us?
Y/N just looked up at her again, the tendrils cake out of his body again and helped him up.
Leava: is that a yes?
Y/N just shrugged his shoulders and Amber put her hand out. Y/N quickly glanced up and slowly grabbed her hand.
Amber: everything will be better now.

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