My new life?!

By Ciel_Michalis_

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This is story about ceil. One day, the queen tell ceil to kill a man because the crimes he been doing with li... More

The author~Chan
πŸ“œπŸ‘‘A letter from the queen πŸ“œπŸ‘‘
The beginning of my new life?
Grell want to be loved. (But he will never will)
Let's have some fun my love!!
I have to save someone?!
I am back in my love's arms
A shocking news!!
Getting know little more about my love
Getting my love better.
Getting better my love part two
The baby is coming and the big truth of all..
Sebastian is back in hell!!
I really miss him.
He's back in my arms again
A moments time with my love.
My twin brother is alive after all.
going to tell her the truth.
Ciel birthday and date.
Grell is back!!!
Bryian Michaelis Is Back.
Abby got kiddnap
A pose to my love
Bring Abby to London.
I am in hell with Sebastain's father!
our nightmare is ending.
I wish I never have this memeries
a little vacation time with my love. part one
a little vacation time with my love part two and telling Lizzie the truth.
Sebastain is sick
A date and Abby first word.
Shopping with Lizzie and a day with daddy. part one.
A day with daddy part two. Something bad happened?!
Ciel slowly getting his memory back.
I am finally back.. but not Elizabeth..
Elizabeth finally wakes up
not an new chapter but it's an author update. (plus an sneak peek)
Ending a Chapter: Started a New one.
πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒThis book is finally done! πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

finally found the person who kill my parents.

46 1 0
By Ciel_Michalis_


“Well you two need to go to Elizabeth's room right now!” He said and Ciel started to walk to her room and I followed him.


Ciel POV.

I went to Elizabeth room and then I saw her awake.. finally awake. She saw me and I ran up to her and hug tightly, she told me that she couldn't breathe so I stop hugging her and sat on the bed next to her while Sebastian came with Abby.

“So how do feel Elizabeth? Do you remember us?” Sebastian said as he sat on a chair next to me.

“Yes I feel better now Sebastian.. but why all the sad faces? It's like someone died or something..” she said while smiling a little.

“Well we were all worry about you Elizabeth especially Claude.. that now he.. I don't know what he doing” I said while looking at Claude.

“Well he is happy that Elizabeth is alive but at the same time he scared that she will be mad at him because of that day..” Sebastian said.

“Oh..” me and Elizabeth said at the same time.

“Well I want to talk him privately..” Elizabeth said. Me and Sebastian nod and left Elizabeth with claude alone.

Elizabeth POV.

After Ciel and Sebastian left the room, I was alone with Claude. I look at him and told him to come closer to me, he did and sat down next me on the bed. I took his hand and said “why the sad face Claude.. you know that I am alive, you don't need to be sad about.”

He looks at me with tears in his eyes and said “I-I know but you were in the between life or death right in front of me.. and I..” he paused and dry his tears off and continue “and.. I don't want to lose you Elizabeth!”

I was shock that he cared about me that much.. “Claude.. you know I will die sooner or later”

“I know that..” he said while sighing and then he spoke up again “I hate losing you because I love you..”

I was shock again but happy for some reason.. well I do know why but I don't want to admit it until now “Claude.. I love you too” I said in low voice but loud enough for him to hear.

He smiles and kiss me on the lips softly and I kiss him back a second later, then we were fighting who’s dominant and Claude won this time. He explore my mouth while I moan into the kiss and wrap my arms around him, he brought me closer to him making the kiss deeper.

After a few minutes later we slowly stop kissing each other.. even though he didn't want to stop but he did. I smile and hold his hand tightly and said.. “so what we are now claude?”

“I think we are a couple.. just like Ciel and Sebastian” he smiles and lay his forehead on top of mine.

“I like that..” I smile brightly and told him to lay down next to me for the night, he smiles and did what said and lay down next to me while cuddling with me.. I smile and lay down and cuddles with him until we fall asleep.

*The next day*

Ciel POV:

It's was the next day and I was in bed with Sebastian, I smile and snuggle with him until he wakes up. Ever since I got pregnant with Abby I been waking up early then him, buts theirs some days I sleep in but mostly I wake up first then him. Maybe it's because I got use to wake early just have more time with him before the servants wake up and went to work.

“Hey sweetie, wake up..” I said while waking him up.. it's still feel weird that I am waking him up then the other way around.

“Yeah.. Ciel?” He finally woke up.

“Come let's get ready..” I said while getting up..

“For what, love?” He said while sitting up on the bed.

“Well.. did we promise the queen to help Elizabeth's job until she get back on her own two feet again..?” I said to him

“Yes we did.. I wish we didn't because I want to sleep some more and be with you here in bed” he said with a little sighed and finally gets up and get changed.

“I know.. but we were her watchdog before I quit my job..” I said.

He sighed softly “okay but I don't want you getting hurt again..”

“I know Sebastain.. and I won't because I got you and I am demon as well..” I said to him while hugging him.

He smiles and kiss me and then we off to the city for ‘work’.

“Oh young lady.. I think you shouldn't come in the investigation area..” said Fred Aberline

“How many times I have to tell you that, I am working for the queen..” I said while get annoyed with him.

“Oh.. well there's nothing much to-” I cut him off by grabbing the papers from his hand.

“There's nothing.. are you sure there's nothing?” I said to him while reading the papers.

“Yes.. we look everywhere but there's no clues to could do this..” he said trying to get the papers from me but I was too fast for him.. well one of my powers I guess.

“Hey, Sebastian! Go in there check everything out and don't leave any details out. That an order!” I said acting my old self again. Well I do miss ordering him around..

“Yes master.” Sebastian said and did what I told him to do.

After a minute later he came a few pages full of evidence and clues for this case. “Is this you want, master?” Sebastian said while giving me the papers..

“Yes Sebastian and thank you” I said while looking at the papers and then I got mad what I was reading.

“What is master? Why you're upset?” Sebastain said.

“The killer for this case is the same person that kill my parents that day” I said while my eyes were changing into a cat eyes while facing at Sebastain.

“Oh..” Sebastain said while trying to calm me down because he can sense my demon side is coming out.

“Well we arrest this person at one..” Fred said but I stop him.

“No.. I want this person to suffer like I did that day..” I said.

“You can't do that..” I cut him off..

“This is my case now.. and don't bother to get the police because he will go somewhere worst then in jail.” I said and walk away from him.

“So what are you going to do after kill this person Cielia..?” Sebastian said.

“I don't know Sebastian.. at first I thought after finding out who kill my parents and then I kill them with my two hands.. you would take my soul but not that part won't happen because you know..” I said while holding his hand to calm me down some more.

“Well we could go back to America or..” Sebastian said paused in his sentence.

“Or we could go to hell and live there until this time era is over and they don't need a queen and watch dog to protect themselves.” Sebastian said.

It's is a good idea because I need to control my power but I don't Abby grow up living down their.

“I don't know if it's a good idea to start living down there.. even though you are from there.” I said to him.

“Yeah.. I know but my father is been telling me that he can't rule hell forever and I am the oldest of my brothers so.. you know” Sebastian said.

I sighed softly “I know.. but I don't want to go down there.. and I love been in the human world even though I was one before”

He smiles and giggles “yes I know my love”

We smile and and went to this person house. When we got there the man was about to leave until he saw us “well I hit the the jackpot or what.. I get to see the son that kidnapped and his parents die in a fire with the servants that there before” he said while laughing.

I got mad, my eyes turn bright pink with cat-like pupils. “You made a huge mistake on killing my parents and kidnapping me and my brother just to kill us.. well now today is my day to do the same thing as you did to me.” I said while I was slowly turning into my demon form.

He got scared and slowly backed away from me but I get closer to him and grab him by the neck as I walked in the house. Sebastian close the door behind us and lock it and use a spell just in case if the police come.

“W-What are you going to do, are you going to eat my soul?” He ask nervously.

“Well it's not a bad idea, what you think love?” Sebastian said in his Homeland language that surprising that I can understand that well.

“That is a good idea, but you eat his soul because I don't want to contaminated his soul with my milk supply for Abby.” I said in sebastian's homeland language.

He nods and his eyes turn the same as mine, his fangs showed and his horn pop out and his wings pop out of his back as well “ah much better..” Sebastian said. I put the man down for Sebastian can take his soul and then we head out of this place before anyone can know that we were here.

*Back to the manor*

We got back home and we went to my room because Abby was taking a nap, then Bryian came in to check on us.

“Hey guys, I see you went out without me, thanks for telling me..” he said a little bit disappointed.

“Sorry little bro, we didn't know we would get a soul to eat today.. and besides the soul I ate was the same person who kill Ciel parents so yeah.. and also I was hungry for some soul okay.” Sebastian said.

“Fine.. but next time I am going with you..” he said as walk away..

I sighed softly and wrap my arms around him and kiss his back as I rubbed his shaft, he moans softly as he hold one of my free hand. “I see that you like it Sebastian..” I said while rubbing it harder.

“Yes my love, but you don't have to tease me like that..” he said

“Well I want to tease you.. and now you have to wait for more” I said while getting my hands out of his pants and went to the bathroom to clean up the pre-cum that was coming out of his crock.

“Why I have to wait that long?” He said while walking next to me and wrap his arms around me.

“You will see sebastian” I said while kissing his cheeks and went out of the room and went to Abby's room.

When I got to her room, she started to wake up.

“Hello my little munchkin, I see you are wake now” I said as I pick her up and put her on the changing table. She giggled and say some baby sounds and some basic english words, I can't believe she ten months old and almost eleven months and her birthday is coming up really soon. It's just like yesterday I was carrying a newborn in my arms, now I am carry a big baby that is turning one.

“Mama!” She break my train of thought as she giggled just like her daddy.

“Come on, let's get you some milk okay” I pick her up as I finish changing her and I sat on the rocking chair and started to feed her.

I love this part of the day with her, because it's mommy and daughter time. It's like a bonding time with her and let her know that I always will be her, and also I get to see those pretty eyes of hers while I hum to her.

After she was done, I sit her up and burp her. After she was burped I put her down to let her play with her toys while I clean her room a little bit, while I was cleaning Sebastian came in the room Abby saw him and started to crawl to him and grab the bottom of his pants and pull them gently just to get attention from him.

“Hello my sweet little girl” he said saw pick her up and carry her to me and hug me from the back with one arm while Abby giggling.

“And hello to you Sebastian and no not now, I am busy here.” I said while getting out his grip and went back to work again.

He sighed softly “Okay..”

I sighed and then think up something for him to do to take off what happened earlier “well you can help me with cleaning our room and help finny with the garden.”

He nods and put Abby back down and went to our room to clean up the mess we did this morning, then he went to the garden to help Finny in the garden. I sighed and sat down for a bit after I was done with Abby room, I look down and see that Abby saw getting a little bit sleepy so I picked her up and rock her to sleep.

I slowly getting up but every time I move she started to wake up so I stayed in the rocking chair until she gets up. She my little girl.. my little happiness to have a family of my own, she give that smile that I need to move on in my life alone with Sebastian. They are both my angel came down to heaven, they are my light that shine everyday even in the worse day they make it better and I am glad things are what they are right now because I wouldn't change anything except for Grell but I wouldn't change anything.
To be continued.. (not really..)

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