[A Love Story With AU Sanes]W...

By ShioriLumine2003

669 5 8

I was a new student in college but what i didn't know i had feelings for this person? Until i met my imagin... More

First Day of My school
The Bullying Starts
Save By Love
Imaginary Friend
My Love Stalker
The Night Attack
Lost By Love
Back At School
Need to Hide!!
Hopes and Dreams
A love Sacrifice
Not By my side
Ink's Secret
Tell her
Mall Crash Party
Should We Alpologize?
Rewrite the Stars
Break Up Or Stay With Him
Learning New Tricks
Halloween Decorating
Ink's Transformation
Love him back?
When Wedding Bells Ring
Nightmare's Story
Wedding Planner
Wedding Day
Living Happly
Christmas Special
Late Valentine's Day Special


13 0 0
By ShioriLumine2003

(Just pretend that Error is replaced by me)

[5 days later]

It's been 5 days since I seen Ink he has'nst been visiting me maybe because is what I said to him i felt bad what i said I just apologize to him when he comes but till the it's Saturday i just go out to the mall i grabbed some clothes and remove my other clothes and put the new pair and did my hair and grabbed my phone and grabbed Errors jacket and put it on and headed out the door a went to the mall.

[Ink's house]

Ink's POV
I was sitting on the couch still cry ing and getting flashbacks of what Shiori said to me until I heard the door open and saw my Son PJ walk.

PJ:Hey dad

Ink: *wipes tears * H-Hey son

PJ:Dad you seriously got to be a man and get over her.

Ink:How can I when my feelings for her are so strong *clench hands*

PJ: *hugs him*
Don't worry dad it will get better.

Ink:h*hugs him back*thank you

PJ: Anytime dad* breaks hug *

Ink:* stands up*

PJ:Where are you going ?

Ink:To the mall want to Come?

PJ: Might as well i don't have anything better to do.

[Teleport to the mall]

[With Nightmare]
Nightmare:ughhhhh i soo bored i have nothing to do .Error is dead Shiori is still living and Ink is her bodyguard. Hmmm oh i know I'll go to Heaventale and make Error kill Shiori and the way I will do it is to control Error's body. Hahaha!
*makes portal to Heaventale*

[In Heaventale]

Error:It's not the same without Shiori.

Nightmare:*steps in Heaventale*

Error:huh?*looks behind him* ?!



Nightmare:Clam down lover boy *comes closer*

Error:GET BACK!!!

Nightmare:*controls him *


Nightmare: *evil laughs*

Error:*evil smile*

Nightmare: Now all i want you to do is end Shiori 's life and Ink as well if you fail me. i'll make sure you stay dead.

Error:Yes Nightmare *evil grin and angle wings disappear *

Nightmare:Now Go !!!

Error:*makes portal and leaves*


Author's note

What will happen next?! Find out!!

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