Colourblind - A Troyler Fan F...

By eaellison

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** Going Through Editing ** Troye's life starts to go awry when his parents tell him they're moving to Minnes... More

Chapter 1 - Gone, Gone, Gone
Chapter 2 - Sinkin' In
Chapter 3 - Beautiful Day
Chapter 4 - I'm Just A Kid
Chapter 5 - Counting Stars
Chapter 6 - Hospital For Souls
Chapter 7 - Pompeii
Chapter 8 - Show Me What I'm Looking For
Chapter 9 - Best Friends
Chapter 10 - Be Alright
Authors Note
Chapter 11 - Just A Little Bit
Chapter 12 - The Depths
Chapter 13 - Overjoyed
Chapter 14 - The Calendar
Chapter 15 - Calm The Storm
Chapter 16 - Staying Up
Chapter 17 - Trade Mistakes
Chapter 18 - AHS Theme
Chapter 19 - Time
Chapter 20 - Don't Fear The Reaper
Chapter 21 - Bad Moon Rising
Just A Little Note
Chapter 23 - Dead Hearts
Chapter 24 - Hundred

Chapter 22 - Skyfall

544 34 14
By eaellison

I screamed myself awake this time. The room was dim and I couldn't see very well as they had drugged me. Great. I tried to open my eyes wider and allowed my peripheral vision to do it's job. I didn't even know if this was a dream or not so I was getting even more uneasy by the second. Just then, as I was taking deep breaths to keep me from vomiting, Tyde was crouching down in front of me.

"You're awake. Bud..." He tried to get my attention. He snapped his fingers to make my wandering eyes focus on his. But I didn't want to try anymore.

I had a question, though. Just one. Mum, dad, I knew where they were but, "Where's Tyler?"

"Funny you should ask because I was just going to tell you about Tyler." He said.

"Why... is it funny?" This should be enough right here to turn me into a schizophrenic, if I wasn't one already.

"Just look." Tyde got out of my way.

Tyler was standing up against the wall, looking beautiful as ever. They had put handcuffs on his wrists and had gagged him. Why was my family fixing to kill Tyler and I? Did they secretly have somethings against being gay? If so, that would be the thing that hurt the most. The look of fright on his face, in his eyes had me going mad. I've wanted to be with him this entire time, but now that we could see each other and hold one another's gaze I couldn't even walk over to him as I was chained up too.

"Tyler." I called out.

That fact that he wasn't able to speak at the moment was bumming me out. It was complete and utter torture to not be able to hear his voice or his piercing laugh. I hadn't heard his contagious laugh in such a long while. Was there no one that didn't like his laugh? Everything about him made me smile. But now I was sure there was no way I would ever see that smile again.

My gaze still held his, it had been this way for five minutes. Finally, Tyde broke the uneasy silence. "C'mon Tyler, lets go. We've got more business to deal with."

And in less than the blink of an eye, Tyler's hands were free, unbound, and he took the bandana out of his mouth. Then he smiled, but it wasn't anything near nice. Some could say that I was catching flies because my jaw hung so low. I wouldn't give a damn about that though. All I had to say was, "Why? Why would you do this to me?" Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't think of anything else to say but, "Why?"

"Well, Troye, what can I tell you? It was all just an act." Tyde told me.

"What- What do you mean?"

"You really want to know why?" He asked me and I nodded. I really wanted to know.

Tyde began the story.


Tyde pulled Tyler's arm behind his back and pinned it. "Ah! Okay, okay! Just hear me out!" Tyler cried out in pain.

"I'm listening, don't worry."

"All right, I'll do whatever you want. Just, please don't hurt me!" Moments of silence went by.

Tyde had come out of no where and attacked Tyler, pulling him into the alleyway. He'd spoken quickly saying he would only hurt Tyler if he screamed. But, Tyler being a drama queen, screamed and Tyde hurt Tyler again.

"What do you want from me? Money?!" He asked.

Tyde stared his down. The stare read, "You know I don't want your money."

"Troye. You know him, my scrawny older brother. You've been talking to him for a little while, haven't you?"

Tyler knew that Tyde had all cruel intentions. "You want T- Troye?"

Tyde nodded his head once again. But Tyler?... He didn't say a thing. This made Tyde tighten his grip on Tyler's arm. He cried out.

"What are you gonna do for me, Tyler?"

"I- I - I'm not too sure! You weren't too clear!"

Tyde let out a frustrated sigh. "You are going to appear to be buddy-buddy with him. And you are going to watch me tear Troye down, strip him of everything he has, and destroy him... slowly. Then, when I say, and only when I say, you are going to disappear and finally we are going to take the officious little prick down."

"I'm going to be friends with him and watch you destroy him?" Tyler asked.

"No. You are going to lie to Troye and help me destroy him. So tell me, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't want to." Tyler cried.

Tyde backhanded him and said, "What are you going to do?! You're not going to stand there and be a coward! You're a man, not a little girl! I don't care how gay you are, or for gays at all. But you act feminine in every single fuckin' thing that you do! You don't have a damn vagina, so stop acting like that. NOW TELL ME, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!" Again, he hit Tyler.

The man was on all fours, evidently in pain. He grunted. "I'm going to betray him." He thought in his head. Finally, after the pain subsided he said, "I'm going to get rid of Troye Sivan."

*flashback ends*

"You were faking?" I said. Tyler looked at me blankly. 'Everything that I thought was there, it was all just a lie?"

What kind of human being would do that? My heart was breaking in two and there was no doctor that could fix me. It no longer mattered if I lived of died. I prayed for death because then I wouldn't have to live in a filthy goddamn whore show. Because that's all life was - a filthy goddamn whore show. The piss and shit vermin run the streets with the heart breakers and junkies on every corner. The people that appear to be normal who secretly run on murder sprees in the middle of the night fill all of the run down shacks and expensive mansions. The people who watch kiddie porn double as teachers. There was nothing that could save me from this hell that we were all condemned to.

Tyler gave a smug smile and Tyde led him out the door Soon, I was alone in the dark. I didn't know if it was day or night. I didn't know where I was. And I didn't know what that smell was. All I did know was that the area was slightly larger than my room and had a low ceiling. I presumed it was the attic which made me want to vomit because only the Lord knows what was in this room with me, or to be more effective, who.

I wondered why Tyde didn't gas me again and knock me out. Was I supposed to make my last memories with coherent thoughts and relive old ones? I thought of Tyler and how much that hurt. Although, it wasn't as bad as my family blatantly rejecting me. That was a truly crushing hit to the chest. I had thought that they'd accepted me as gay. I mean, they supported me through thick and thin, and then they go and do something like this! It made me so angry that I wanted to kill someone. I could not fathom what would happen if I were a free man right now, I really could not.

I stifled a yawn. A few lyrical words came to me. "No laughter, no play, but you can sleep the night away."

"Okay." I said aloud to myself. I'll sleep seeing as I have got nothing better to do than think about bashing someone's head in... with a chair.


Tyler stood in front of me as I opened my cruddy eyes. I looked away in disgust. This vile human being - ugh. "Go back to your bridge, you troll."

"I know what you're thinking. That we had something, right? And now you can't believe that I've been in cahoots with them. Well let me show you something. These are all of the pictures I sent to them. They're all of you, and we've even got some of Robbie. There were all taken to let the boss know where you were. So, we still had a creepy stalker-ish relationship if that makes you feel any better." Tyler shrugged as if this was no big deal.

My nostrils flared as he held his phone in front of me. But there weren't any pictures on the screen. He was showing me a not he'd typed up. It said, "Troye, I'm acting. Everything I've done was just a way to save us. It all led up to this moment. They don't know that I'm not against you, I am against them.

"Now listen, I've just called the cops. They should be on their way. You'll be fine. I told them to keep their blues off along with the siren."

I looked away and then up at him. "I don't believe you! You put on such a goddamn act, and for what?! Just to get me killed! I'm not going anywhere with you."

"I'm not lying to you. This is the truth! Feel my heart beat. It would be racing right now, but it's not. My body is right in front of you and I am not leaving you again. I swear to that, Troye. I will never leave again, that is, if you'll give me a second chance." Tyler's eyes looked genuine and hopeful. But I ignored what he said.

"I have a question. Did Tyde blackmail my parents?" I said instead. And I could tell that these weren't the words he wanted to hear.

Tyler sighed. "No. They wanted to do this."

I fumed. I was done with sulking and I was done with being sad. So much anger was pent up inside of me and I needed to let it all out. I ripped the cloth that bound my hands, using all of the anger and strength I had. And nothing happened. It just so happened that the stuff around my wrists was duck tape and I was so oblivious.

"You know I am on watch for the night. I've got to go." Tyler's eyes were now full of fright.

He whispered to me that the cops will be here soon. I didn't care though. I just wanted somebody to burn the house down with all of us in it. I wanted out of this filthy world. I wanted to see them rot in hell. All of the people who had pretended to love me, I wanted them all dead.


There is a little animosity there between Troye and Tyler. Do you think Troye will ever be able to forgive Tyler for betraying him? What do you think will happen when the cops arrive, or was that just a cover for something?

I hope you all liked this chapter. Sadly, this story is coming to an end, but there will most likely be a sequel and it will be called "Amnesia". Yes, like the song Amnesia. I was going to try to come up with something more original, but this fit most with the story line (which is still in progress).

Most of this stuff is still pending, including the book cover. But don't worry, I will get down to business soon. I've got a few other works in progress also, so bear with me!

So, for now, I'll update soon! Thank you all!

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