The YouTubers Amazing Race

By M1ckyj789

410 23 107

11 teams made up of fans and online social media influencers, race around the world to win a prize of 1 milli... More

The Starting Line
Leg 1 - Part 1
Leg 2 - Part 1
Leg 2 - Pitstop
Leg 3
Leg 4
Leg 5
Leg 6
Leg 7
The Final Leg

Leg 1 - Pitstop

40 2 17
By M1ckyj789

Before we start first of all Meet Tina and Tenneal, Apparently wattpad has a limit of 20 photos per chapter so I couldn't add them in but here we go.



Let's go.

3rd person POV

As the teams began making thier way to the airport, some teams talking and getting to know each other, while others decided to focus more on the strategy behind the game of the amazing race.

Jay: "Kim have you seen the race before on TV or online? Or are you going in Blind?"

Kim: "I have seen a few episodes yeah? My son made me watch some when we found out I'd be on the race. Aside from that I'm pretty much in the dark, But that doesn't mean I won't throw someone under the bus at a U-Turn if I need to."

Over with Tina and Tenneal

Tenneal: "I assume you haven't had a good start so far?"

Tina: "No, I got so lost, then I couldn't even find it. Most teams were gone by the time I even got to the damn place, But it just makes it easier to do anything to get ahead."

Tenneal: "I trust you Tina. We got this."

With many teams also speculating who could have possibly joined the race.

Milan: "Do you feel like you might have an idea of who's racing?"

Chris J: "No honestly, we were led to our taxi one at a time so we couldn't see anyone else. They really thought ahead with this whole Separation idea."

With Milan and Chris in First place, they were the first to make it to the airport, Booking thier seats on Etihad Air, Flying from Brisbane to Cairo with a stop in Dubai, Abu Dhabi. The two boys decided to wait at the gate, pondering who else could have joined the race while Milan told his partner about some of the other racers he knew.

Milan: "There is one older lady that kind of put us to shame in the first few minutes, making a beeline for the attraction and causing all but three of us to just follow her. I'd feel weird asking her name so I feel like just calling her mum."

Chris J: "I getcha. It would avoid the whole Disrespect asking a woman her age as well."

As teams began to arrive at the gate, awaiting thier plane, they began to mingle, Getting to know one another while some were more still thinking about thier words carefully.

Kim: "So you're a Comedian right? You would need to be quick witted and have a good sense of timing right?"

Ellen: "You would think so but while knowing what jokes to say at which time do make it easier, But it's almost more fun to just say a pun or a joke and see how the room reacts. I like to be surprised by my own jokes so I don't tend to think before I speak at times."

Kim: "Has it gotten you in trouble?"

Ellen: "Well I'm still breathing so it mustn't have been too bad."

Tenneal: "But it would also help if we need to do something with timing right? If you have a good sense of it with comedy wouldn't timing and Rhythm in general be a cake walk?"

Ellen: "That is absolutely not how that works but good try."

Lachlan: "Plus with you being so short if someone is annoying you, you could just..."

Caitlin: "Headbutt him in the dick, It would be funny."

Riling up a few laughs, The flight was still an hour before take off. Leaving Brisbane, Australia at 8 Pm and Arriving at 4:30 Pm. On the flight from Dubai to Cairo, Teams were handed a ticket by the hostess, This ticket would need to be checked in at Baggage claim for thier clue, This will also allow them to retrieve thier bags and continue with the race.

With all 11 teams now making thier way through Cairo International Airport, All following each other so as to not get lost and not allow another team to be so far ahead, They all arrived at the claim within minutes of each other. Acquiring bags and clue alike.

Tina: "Route info."

Dylan: "Make your way via Taxi to..."

Jamie: "The Pyramid of Giza Ticket office and find the tour guide for your next clue."

Kim: "We aren't going inside the Pyramid right?"

Jay: "It's starting to get late, maybe we need to stay overnight and do it in the morning?"

Tenneal: "Tina everyone is here let's make a break for it."

As the two girls ran off to try and find the Taxi bay, Chris V and Dylan asked at the cash exchange where it was, exchanging currency and also getting a solid answer with Caitlin and Lachlan doing the same.

Chris: "I thought about exchanging my money back in Brisbane with everyone else but I thought no, If we are going to a country that doesn't really speak English. Then currency exchange people need to be able to communicate with foreign customers, surely that would be the best bet for an English speaker."

With the two boys and Caitlin and Lachlan now finding thier vehicles. Asking them if they knew where they were going as they went out onto the busy streets of Cairo.

Callum and Jamie Started walking around the baggage claim before spotting a sign pointing towards the vehicles, with Cheyenne and Roisin, David and Jane, and Luke and Ellen following suit. Eventually all making thier way towards the bay, Finding a vacant taxi and beginning thier journey.

Kay and Kaila had to stop as Kayleigh thought she had lost her passport somewhere on the plane, Spending precious time searching her bags.

Kaila: "You can't do this to me on the first leg, come on its gotta be somewhere?"

Kayleigh: "Yeah I'd totally just leave my passport on the plane, I'm not stupid."

Kaila: "At the moment, I'm not so sure."

Before spending 15 minutes searching, Kayleigh finally found her passport hidden inside the book she was reading, likely placed their for safe keeping. The two spent another few minutes searching before finding the taxi bay and heading off. Followed Not long after by Kim and Jay, Tina and Tenneal, Liam and Alex, and lastly Milan and Chris J.

With all 11 teams now making thier way through the crowded afternoon streets of Cairo, Some teams surged ahead, with Chris and Dylan, Caitlin and Lachlan and David and Jane, Luckily getting ahead of the traffic jam that has practically halted movement for any teams before them. Adding on more and more unnecessary time to thier trip.

Luke: "This traffic is ridiculous."

Ellen: "Yeah it's almost like it's 4:30 pm and people are going home from work or tourists of thier own or something, incredible isn't it."

Jay: "How far, Walk?"

Driver: "طويل جدا" (Too Long)

Kim: "I have no idea what he said."

Jay: "I mean it was worth a try right?"

Cheyenne: "Roisin, Think we would have better luck walking ahead of the Jam and finding another taxi?"

Roisin: "No, That would just be dumb. What if the Jam clears and then we have a smooth trip to where ever we are going?"

Alex: "Fuck it's hot."

Liam: "Egypt is practically Desert, I wouldn't exactly expect it to be cold."

Alex: "I've heard during the night it can be freezing."

With 8 teams behind them. Chris and Dylan are the first to arrive at the ticket office, Beginning thier search for the guide with Caitlin and Lachlan and David and Jane hot on thier heels.

David: "Tour guides are usually inside at reception right?"

Jane: "Either that or standing outside where you can get a good view at what you are looking at."

David: "OK let's try the obvious first, if they aren't inside then we can look around the vicinity. Does it say where they are?"

Jane: "No just look for it."

With tourists everywhere. It was almost difficult for the pairs to find the guide, but they did eventually find her, Obtaining the clue required and ripping it open.

Chris V: "Road Block oh no."

Lachlan: "Who's ready to play in the sand?"

In this Roadblock, Racers will need to get down and dirty as they dig through a blocked off portion of sand for buried artifacts. Of which they will then need to hold onto and cherish as they take the ceramic Vase to the Pit stop. However, There are many items that are incorrect, whether made of a different source or too big or small, The Archeoligist will hand them thier clue when they decide they have the right item.

Caitlin: "You are."

Lachlan: "I am?"

Caitlin: "I'm British, I don't do sand, your from Brisbane... Self explanatory seeing as your whole country is surrounded by beaches and oceans."

Lachlan: "Well I mean... Yeah ok."

Chris V: "I got it."

David: "I'll do it. I got bigger hands."

The three teams followed the guide down behind the ticket office, To see a large, rung off Square of empty and flat sand. The square the size of an American football field.

David: "So what do I need to do?"

Chris: "Gotta search in the sand for a Vase made of Ceramic right?"

Lachlan: "Surely this shouldn't take too long."

Just as the three individuals began thier search, they were then followed by the rest of the teams aside from Milan and Chris J who were still stuck behind most cars, Being at the far back end of the traffic jam.

Tourists lined the walkways, Making it difficult for team members to make thier way to the mock dig site. Once there, they would join the starting three racers.

Kim: "You gotta do this one, you will be able to move through the sand a lot faster than I could."

Jay: "Yeah ok."

With fellow contestants right behind or in front of Jay, Milan deciding to take the opportunity to do the task, All contestants now here as they began to dig, With only 11 contestants to find thier pieces, it wasn't exactly going to be easy.

Dylan: "Come on Chris you got this."

Jane: "David you big Oaf just pretend your a kid in a sand pit."

Kim: "That's one big fucking sand pit."

Chris J: "Milan we can make up so much time here."

Caitlin: "I never liked sand."

Lachlan: "It gets everywhere Yada Yada we all know the reference Caitlin."

Jay: "Fucking sand."

Jay: "I'm going to be finding Sand up my ass for months after this."

Kaila: "I was not ready for what I thought would be easy, It was not fucking easy. I was like yeah just dig your hand into the sand, run it along, and hope you might find something. No, a Football field, You forget how fucking big those bastards are."

Luke: "It's incredible, Looking out across the baron desert, seeing nothing but rocks and sand for miles out there, it looks so dead."

Ellen: "Same."

Luke: "Oh come on don't be like that."

Ellen: "I'm literally digging in a giant sand pit in Egypt, Searching for something that is probably my size. I think I'm allowed to make one joke equal to how I feel inside considering YOU HAVE WAY LONGER ARMS THAN I DO!"

As time goes by, an Hour passes, leaving them now at 6:34 pm. Having made a small dent with thier collective effort, Chris V looks up from where he stands, takes a drink from his water bottle and looks back at where he has started, Having arrived first, he had made the largest dent in what he had sectioned off, As he scans how everyone else is doing, With Dylan screaming encouragement to the young man. He realizes that they are all just skimming over the top, No one is actually trying to dig a little.

Chris: "Dylan, Pass me the clue for a second."

As Chris walks to his partner, taking the Clue and giving it another read, He checks it carefully, trying to figure out if they all missed something. He then decides that what if he actually needs to dig for it... It's a dig site after all and no one seemed to notice it for an hour.

Chris: "I think I got it."

As the man passes the clue back to his partner, He races back to look over the mess he has made, and realizes ever so slightly, in amongst the yellow sand, is the faintest hint of brown that he must have missed in his rush to get it down.

Chris: "Dick head Chris, it's a dig site, not a skim over the top site."

As the young man starts to dig up his treasure, Pulling it out and emptying the vase, he runs as fast as he can past Lachlan and Roisin, the two having found thier own Artifact as they lift them up and out, emptying the item, and then racing to the tour guide.

Roisin: "Ellen, I mean this in a nice way but it is probably actually your size."

Kaila: "Great, Ellen want to fit ourselves inside it and make our team mates carry us for a change."

Kayleigh: "Your the one digging in the sand."

Kaila: "Yeah it's almost like I want to fucking win or something?"

As the three have thier item checked, finally getting the go ahead after an hour of searching. Chris just shows exhaustion, there is barely any energy left in him at this stage. Lachlan begins to shake his clothes, letting sand fall from everywhere while Roisin starts to shake her hair, Cheyenne cheering for her partner as the three obtain thier clue. Moving away and back up to the office, which has now closed, in order to read it.

Cheyenne: "Roisin Pitstop."

Roisin: "Thank fuck I'm over sand."

Dylan: "We only did one challenge here? Normally there is like 2 or 3 minimum."

Chris: "It's not gonna be simple, Let's just assume that."

Caitlin: "Lachlan how good are you feeling right now?"

Lachlan: "Why?"

Caitlin: "Pitstop: Make your way to Cairo Tower on the Geziri Island. Then by foot, Teams must climb to the 55th floor, the Tower Revolving Restaurant. Warning, the last team will be eliminated."

Lachlan: "Fuck the express pass they usually give out I'm happy just walking, we have enough time."

Caitlin: "You might be exhausted but I have no intention of losing."

Chris: "Dylan let's go."

With the three teams now starting thier final journey, The short drive to the tower in order to climb for first, the other racers began to catch on to the issue that has been plaguing them.

David: "JANE!"

Jane: "What?"

David: "Artifacts are supposed to be like, brown red ish right?"

Jane: "Does it look like it would break if dropped it on your head for asking a stupid question?"

David: "Yes... I think?"

Jane: "Then get your ass over here and let's go."

Ellen: "Thanks for the heads up David, Luke let's go."

Luke: "You found it?"

Ellen: "Yes I found it, I overheard Chris talk about how we needed to dig deeper and heard David explain It, let's go."

Luke: "Great job. Though I will miss seeing the Pyramid this close."

Ellen: "We can Google images later for you let's go."

Jane: "Come on you can't be that tired?"

David: "I haven't smoked in a few months to prepare for this, it's hitting me fucking hard OK."

Jane: "Well now we have the pitstop so let's go, we can't be that far behind the first few teams."

As Luke and Ellen, and David and Jane began thier race to the pitstop. The first three teams began to arrive, Marvelling at how close they actually were to the tower.

Chris: "We gotta climb the stairs don't we?"

Dylan: "Damn it, You gonna be OK?"

Chris: "Oh yeah no I'll be fine, It's everyone else I'm worried about."

Dylan: "Don't worry about them we have a race to finish and 55 flights of stairs to climb."

Lachlan: "Not looking forward to this."

Lachlan: "My arms are aching, my legs are aching, my body feels like it's about to give up in a minute."

Chris: "I'm not ready to climb, But fuck I need this win."

Roisin: "How badly does winning mean to you?"

Cheyenne: "We are up against Dylan and Chris, and Lachlan and Caitlin. Those two look like they are at least Endurance fit. And Dylan is doing a really great job of cheering on and pushing Chris without being too forceful, I'm happy to just walk up. It will paint a smaller target on our back for physical challenges later."

Roisin: "I didn't even think of that good idea."

As the two teams began to battle it out, trying as hard as they could to push each other to make it to the top, With Dylan Able to keep up with Caitlin while Lachlan and Chris were both exhausted, barely able to make it past the first 20 floors.

Cheyenne And Roisin decided to talk about who they feared in the race. The ones they thought wouldn't last, and the ones they thought were competition.

But as the two teams ahead started making it higher, Chris, in his exhausted stage, Slipped as he stepped up a step, Causing him to fall slightly.

Chris: "Nah Dylan I can't, slow down, I need to stop."

Dylan: "We are so close, come on."

Chris: "Dude I'm tired, let me be."

Dylan: "Are you ok?"

Chris: "Just let me go at my own pace."

As the two slowed thier ascent, Giving Chris the much needed break. Caitlin was pushing Lachlan to get ahead.

Caitlin: "Few more floors come on."

Lachlan: "I feel like death itself."

Caitlin: "Well Death called and wants you to climb a few more floors of stairs so buckle up bitch cos I will drag you if I need to."

With Caitlin making Lachlan laugh slightly, He realized that he couldn't exactly give up now. Chris and Dylan were only 5 floors down, and Roisin and Cheyenne were taking thier time. But as Lachlan went to climb another set of stairs, he was pulled back by Caitlin, Almost fumbling over his own feet before she led him through a door. Both Heavily panting from the climb.

Caitlin: "Where's Connor?"

Lachlan: "It's a restaurant right? Where's reception?"

The two tried to move as quickly as they could, which evidently turned out to be not that fast. Before Rounding a corner and lighting up, Delight on thier face as they noticed Connor standing on the red and yellow mat with the namesake sprawled across the middle of said furnishing.

Caitlin: "Done, no more stairs, please God tell me there's no more stairs."

Connor: "You guys know I'm not God right?"

Lachlan: "Right now, after the day we've had, you're close enough."

Connor: "Well Caitlin and Lachlan, I can say officially you are team number One."

Lachlan: "Thank fuck."

The taller man collapsing to the ground in relief. Knowing he wouldn't need to climb any more stairs.

Caitlin: "That wasn't so hard, I feel like I could climb 50 more flights."

Lachlan: "If you make me walk down or up those stairs again I'm tipping you overboard."

Connor: "I'll hand this to Caitlin then, This is your Express pass, handed on the first leg to the first place winners since season 17 of The US version of the Amazing race. This allows you to skip one task and must be used before the end of the 8th leg."

Caitlin: "So I can't use it now to keep racing and leave everyone else in the dust."

Lachlan: "Oh my God I got teamed up with the literal devil, no fuck let me rest."

Caitlin: "You got two legs you can walk."

Connor: "It seems you two are getting along swimmingly."

Caitlin: "It is only the first leg, I'm sure there are many things we don't know yet."

Lachlan: "Yeah she could have hidden horns."

Caitlin: "You are really pushing this devil thing huh?"

Connor: "Well maybe this will change your plans, I'm awarding you a second express pass."

Caitlin: "Oh what?"

Lachlan: "What's the catch?"

Connor: "The catch is, you will need to hand this to another team sometime before the 4th leg, and they must use it in that leg or incur a 1 hour penalty at the pit stop if it's still in there possession."

Caitlin: "Fuck I have to be nice? Are you kidding me?"

Connor: "Yeah, you have to be nice."

Caitlin: "Damn it."

With Caitlin and Lachlan finishing in first place, remembering Chris and Dylan, and Cheyenne and Roisin were right behind them, they hid the second express pass in thier bag and were led to a table where they would experience fine dining in the revolving restaurant. With Chris and Dylan arriving in 2nd place, exhausted as Chris lay on the mat and simply breathed, or tried to. And then Cheyenne and Roisin arriving beside them in 3rd. The two teams were just glad to be done for the day.

Back at the dig site, Jay and Tina were getting frustrated, not understanding why they couldn't find thier vase while Alex sat in the sand thinking.

Liam: "Alex I don't think your gonna find what you're looking for by just sitting there in the sand?"

Alex: "Sprig I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why the hell no one else has found it yet. We've almost scraped this whole area, And we have found nothing."

Liam: "Have you tried actually digging, in a dig site? They are clearly there if Ellen and David found thiers."

While Callum digged, His hands going deep into the soft sand, he looked ahead of him to see where he was going, Only barely paying attention as he dragged his buried hand through the sand, hoping to find something. Had he not been paying attention, he would have missed the hard bump over his fingers. Causing him to stop moving and drop, Moving handfulls of sand out of the way to reveal the lightly colored Item he had been searching for almost 2 hours now. Giving out an exasperated cheer, He dug it up and pulled it out of the sand, emptying its contents onto the ground before racing to the archeologist, who seemed like he was getting rather bored.

Callum: "Please for the love of Christ tell me this is it."

When he was given the thumbs up, and a nod from the man, he grabbed the Clue and walked over to Jamie, Putting the Vase down where everyone else had placed theirs in a neat row overlooking the remaining diggers.

Back at Cairo Tower, David and Jane weren't able to beat Luke and Ellen to the top, with the team giving just one final push, bursting through the door as they walked around to the mat, Getting the good news from Connor.

Luke: "Fourth, I'll take it."

Ellen: "It's better than last."

With the two chatting with Connor while David and Jane arrived to take 5th place. David relieved to just be done with the race so far.

David: "So who got first?"

Connor: "Lachlan and Caitlin were the first to arrive."

David: "Ah that fucking asshole, I was hoping team Rainbow would win it."

Connor: "Team Rainbow?"

David: "Yeah, Rainbows are cool, I like rainbows. And when you think of the gay community you think of Rainbows."

Ellen: "Good save."

With Callum and Jamie now making thier way to the tower, That left Five teams still playing in the sand.

Milan And Chris, Kim and Jay, Tina and Tenneal, Liam and Alex, and Kaila and Kayleigh.

While digging, Kim and Chris began to talk about the other teams. Being the oldest racers there with the exception of Alex, It was easier for them to get along.

Kim: "Honestly? The main competition hasn't even started yet."

Chris: "How do you mean?"

Kim: "Well think about it, so far, it's all been searching and luck based. We haven't had any strength challenges, we haven't had any puzzles yet."

Chris: "Oh right. Yeah now that you bring it up. Whoever ended up getting first could end up last next leg."

Kim: "Anything could happen."


As the man pulled the artifact from the sand, Walking to the archeologist and getting the go ahead, Milan pulled his own out, taking a moment with his hands resting open palm on the sand, Breathing heavily.

Chris: "Milan we need to go come on."

Milan: "We aren't fucking last OK, just let me breathe."

With the two eventually heading out to the final location for the pitstop. Jamie and Callum arrive to make thier 6th place official.

And now with Milan and Chris, And Kim and Jay heading there now. It left just three teams left playing in the sand.

Alex looked like he was about to give up, the man was spent, exhaustion riddled his body and he felt like he simply couldn't go on.

Liam: "Alex don't you dare give up on me."

Alex: "I'm not giving up I'm just tired."

As the man stood up to find another area to dig at, he got visibly frustrated. Letting out an almost Primal scream as he kicked the sand, As flecks flew across the small lumps caused by previous diggers. He also kicked something hard.

Alex: "You can't be fucking serious, surely not."

As he knelt down in the sand and began moving it aside, he found a Vase, the same look, shape and size as the others ones found previously, lined up in the perfect row.

Liam: "How in the fuck did you find that?"

Seeing the good luck smiling upon everyone else. Kaila was begging to get angry.

Kaila: "How the fuck have I not been able to find this thing? This is a load of shit."

Tenneal: "Come on Tina nothing we aren't already used to you can do this."

With Alex and Liam now leaving the dig. Milan and Chris climbed the tower first, with Jay experiencing some pain from the digging, slowing them down as they climbed. Milan and Chris stepping onto the mat to secure 7th while Jay and Kim slowly entered and stepped beside them, taking the 8th place with a slight amount of annoyance.

Connor: "You seem upset."

Kim: "Not upset, just frustrated that it's all a game of luck. I never did like to gamble."

Connor: "You four seem like your close. Could an alliance have already begun?"

Milan: "I wouldn't say an Alliance but if mum here needs help then we can give it to them if need be."

As Liam and Alex begun thier ascension on the tower. The final two teams left in the sand as night fell and large, powerful fog lights were turned on to help the girls see.

Tenneal: "I never thought I'd be able to see the sun set in Egypt before."

Kayleigh: "It's beautiful isn't it."

Tina: "FOUND IT!"

Kaila: "OH MY GOD YES!"

As the two women pulled the final objects from the sand, dumping the contents, getting the OK and then placing them along the others, they realized it would essentially be a foot race to the finish. With the two teams now getting into a taxi and begging thier journey to the pit stop, Tina and Tenneal were feeling optimistic.

Tina: "In a foot race... I think we can take them."

Tenneal: "What makes you say that?"

Tina: "Who's the other girl that didn't do the challenge? Kayleigh? She has been really quiet, hadn't really said much and I feel like Kaila is quite sick of carrying her around. I think she is going to fuck it up for the both of them somehow."

Tenneal: "Maybe, let's hope they fall apart then."

Kaila: "Kayleigh you have barely spoken so far on the race."

Kay: "It's hard to talk when your partner is always so overbearing."

Kaila: "I want to fucking win, I'm sorry if you feel like yoh can't get a word in but I haven't really been very talkative either OK?"

The two girls having a light argue. Complaining about how there was no understanding between the two, no communication, while Tenneal and Tina knew they had a slim chance, and so. Began looking out the window at the city as they drove past.

Tina: "Is that the tower there?"

Tenneal: "I think so, can you see a taxi behind us?"

Tina: "Not yet."

Kaila: "There it is God, where are the other two I don't see anyone ahead or behind."

Kayleigh: "Maybe they got caught in traffic?"

Kaila: "Let's hope so."

With the two teams arriving separately, Tina and Tenneal began thier climb, and only seconds later were being chased by Kaila and Kayleigh, with it being neck and neck, both teams needing to stop a few times to take a drink of water, Tina and Tenneal just inched ahead, Bursting through the doors and racing around to the main reception for the restaurant, where as Kaila and Kayleigh slowed thier pace and became slightly confused when they couldn't immediately see Connor. Thinking the Clue said he would just be waiting at the top.

Connor: "Tina and Tenneal? It's been a tough race hasn't it already?"

Tina: "Well I have been at the back of the group for so long it feels like home."

Tenneal: "I feel bad for her, she obviously hadn't had a good run yet so hopefully. So long as we didn't somehow lose the girls in a staircase, I can try and be a better partner."

Tina: "Oh psh you've been great so far. With all the encouragement and slow pushing me to the limit to make me go when we can't stop. I am loving having you already."

Connor: "You two already seem like close friends."

Tina: "When you constantly feel like your going home, it helps to strengthen a bond."

Connor: "Well hopefully this helps you even more. Turn around."

As the two girls turned around, Kaila and Kayleigh turned the corner, seeing the two girls ahead of them, And just gave up. Looking as defeated as they felt, they trudged over to the mat and took thier place.

Kaila: "Fuck."

Connor: "Tina and Tenneal, you are Team number ten, which makes you, Kaila and Kayleigh. The last team to arrive."

Kayleigh: "That sucks."

Connor: "I'm sorry to say that, you both have been eliminated from the race."

Kaila: "I was so excited for the race, so excited to prove those assholes at work wrong, that I could do it but, I guess having a team mate that didn't really talk wasn't going to help. But it happened, I'm not happy, but it happened and we were just unlucky."

Kaila: "Tina and Tenneal, You girls better win."

Tenneal: "We are definitely going to try, I can assure you."

Kaila: "Right, fuck At least I got to do the race right?"

With Kaila and Kayleigh Being the first Eliminated team, The standings are.

Lachlan and Caitlin - 1st

Chris and Dylan - 2nd

Cheyenne And Roisin - 3rd

Luke and Ellen - 4th

Jane and David - 5th

Callum And Jamie - 6th

Milan And Chris - 7th

Kim And Jay - 8th

Liam and Alex - 9th

Tina and Tenneal - 10th

Kaila and Kayleigh - First Eliminated

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