Dark to Light, Light to Dark...

By Little_Mx_Giggles

663 44 17

Nova's life is just a tad messed up. Her parents both turn out to be cheating on the other... with the same... More

Chapter 1: New Girl
Chapter 2: Family Ties
Chapter 4: Awkward

Chapter 3: Observant Much?

95 9 5
By Little_Mx_Giggles

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! It's an upload! Yay! Only took a month and a bit! :D

It's a bit short, and it's kind of a filler so I'm sorry, but at least it's a chapter?

I'm also probably going to struggle updating any of my books any time soon because I start year 11 so I'll be busy.


So what's her name?" we'd talked for a while about Snow, slowly integrating aspects of Cian's day into the conversation to the point where I was aware of the majority of triggers.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was cut off by a knock on the door.

A nurse popped her head around it and said "I'm sorry but visiting hours are now over so I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I nodded, slightly pissed off, as usual, by the stupid hospital rules. She left, and I turned to Cian.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I half asked, half stated. It was a given that I would, but it felt rude not to ask.

"Of course." He said simply.

"I love you," I spoke hugging him.

"Love you too, sis," he replied.

Leaving his room, I felt the same things I felt everyday when I had to leave - loneliness, emptiness, envy. I envied normal families who didn't have to deal with the bullshit that is my life.

As I stepped out of the hospital, my phone beeped, alerting me of a text.

I'm parked in the usual place xx - Asher, obviously. He always picked me up at the end of the hospital's visiting hours, even though I insisted he didn't have to.

I didn't bother replying, I just started walking in the direction of his car.

I got to his car and knocked on the window. He unlocked it and I sat down in the passenger seat.

Asher was wearing his usual dark blue skinny jeans accompanied by a tight white t-shirt that said "Hey hey, I'm gay!" in the colours of the rainbow.

"Where can I get one?" I asked, gesturing to his t-shirt.

"Oh.. um... the back seat..." I turned around to find an opened package.

I reached for it hesitantly and opened it to reveal a black version of the shirt he was wearing.

"You didn't have to..." I trailed off.

"Nope but I wanted to," was his reply before turning the key and pulling out of the car park. "How are you?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. "I mean... he was... uh, he was doing it when I got there..." I trailed off as I looked at my lap, my voice cracking.

"Hey," he said making me look at him, "it's normal to have a few bad days."

"But he's not getting better at all!" I almost yelled, "sorry."

"Don't be."

We pulled into the car park of his flat after a minute of awkward silence. "Shit!" he cursed, as he rummaged through his pockets. "For fuck's sake!"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I've fucking left my keys at work!" So we headed back into town and into Waterstone's.

Two people were coming out of the door. One, I knew, the other I recognised from Asher's message and the similarities between them.

It was Snow and her brother. "Hey Rain," Asher greeted as we approached the two figures who jumped and turned around.

"Oh, hey, back so soon?" Rain joked at the same time that Snow let out a startled "Nova?!"

"Hey Snow," I greeted.

"Wait a sec, you two know each other?" Rain asked, his gaze flickering between mine and his sister's.

"She the one that gave me a tour of the building before we ate lunch together and shared four out of our seven lessons," Snow replied helpfully and I remembered lunch time.


I entered the cramped refectory and sighed.

I usually ate outside, or in secret in the library, but today it was raining and as a result the library was full of people trying to stay out of the downpour.

I searched for a vacant seat, preferably not next to or opposite anyone.

I finally found one and pulled out my lunch of a tuna sandwich and a bag of Sensations before I put my earphones in and pressed shuffle on Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The first song to come on was Scar Tissue and I almost started crying before I managed to skip it.

A cough made me look up from my food. "Um... Hey... Can I, um, sit with you, please?" said Snow.

"Of course," I replied, moving my bag off of the table.

She sat down looking grateful, her pale cheeks pink.

"Is that all you're eating?" I asked, gesturing to her apple and water bottle.

"Oh, um, yeah, I didn't want to waste my money and I'm not that hungry anyway..." she trailed off, and I felt the same as I had done earlier - something was wrong.

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by the interruption of Charlene.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy," she dragged out the word, "the freak's got a replacement emo, I see." I wanted to reply, or do worse but I kept my mouth shut much like Snow did. "Has she told you about him?" she asked Snow. "Has she told you about her brother?"

"Fuck off," I spat.

"Ooooh, someone's in a touchy mood!" she laughed. "Just make sure not to follow in his footsteps... yet," and just like that she walked off.


Now I had to think of some explanation for her words.

"What did she mean when she said about your brother?" Snow spoke softly after a moment of me clenching and unclenching my fists.

"I'll, uh, tell you later."


"And how do you know Asher?" Rain asked.

"He's my best friend, known him all my life," I answered truthfully.

"Talk about coincidences..." he muttered.

"I need to get my keys," Asher said suddenly before entering the shop.

And then we were plunged into an awkward silence.

"So, um, what do your parents think about Asher?" Rain asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like... don't they think he's a bit too old for you?" Oh. I guess he didn't believe me when I said we were best friends.

"That's not a problem, my parents know I'm gay and if they don't know he is, then they must be blind," I laughed.

Snow looked up from her inspection of the concrete ground and her brother looked hopeful. "Wait... Asher's gay?!"

"Is that really hard to believe? I mean, did you read his t-shirt?" I smirked. Time for some match-making!


Asher reappeared then, and held up his keys victoriously. "So Nova and I were going to go chill at my house, eat pizza, maybe get drunk... you wanna come?" he asked the siblings.

"We may as well, I mean it's not like we have much else to do, we don't know anyone else," Rain answered whilst Snow just looked terrified.

"Gee thanks," I joked, "nice to know that that's the only reason you want to hang out with us."

He grinned, "one condition though, we won't be drinking."

"That's fine," Asher said automatically.

And then we were off.

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