By humioka

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Being a tomboy all my life and an avid reader Trina tended to hide in her books. She never had a real boyfri... More



50 7 2
By humioka

When Joel found out about mine and Tristan's weekend, it drove him crazy.  I couldn't understand why when he wasn't that crazy about football let alone the Dallas Cowboys.  Things came to a head when Tristan was absent, and Joel and I were alone in the classroom during 6th period.  When I walked in, he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall and tried to kiss me.  When I turned my head away, he groaned "please Trina I can't stand seeing you in his arms.  I realize now I love you."  "Joel you need to stop I am with Tristan."  "Why him and not me tell me that?"  "Simple when I was available you didn't notice me.  It wasn't until Tristan showed and interest that you started paying attention to me.  It is not my fault that you realized what you are loosing or I should say lost now that I have Tristan."  "So, we can't even be friends anymore."  "Joel until you can understand that I am with Tristan and accept us then no we can't.  He is my boyfriend, and he treats me like a princess."  "Yeah, and that is the reason you spent the night with him."  "Oh, my God that is why you are upset.  I spent the night with his sister he wasn't even home his parents took him out of town."  "Well, either you break up with him, or I will spin it another way."  I looked at him and let the tears spill down my cheeks "fine spin it the way you want.  Ruin my reputation with your lies, but I am not breaking up with him for you."  With that, I grabbed my things and left the room.  What neither of us knew was that Nathan had heard and seen everything and recorded it.  He waited, and sure enough, by the end of seventh-period people were talking about Tristan and me spending the night together.  It didn't last long though since Nathan posted what he recorded.

When Tristan found out what happened, he called me that night to check on me.

Tristan:  Hey babe how are you feeling?

Me:  I am fine disapointed in Joel.

Tristan:  He is an ass and right now everyone is mad at him

Me:  What do you mean?

Tristan:  Turns out Nathan saw and recorded everything and posted it after the seventh period.  Oh, by the way, thank you so much, babe, for pushing him away.  You don't realize how pissed I was he grabbed you like that and tried to kiss you.  I am happy you proved that I put my trust in the right woman.  

Me:  Of course you are my guy I am so done with Joel I don't even want to look at him anymore.  0000

Tristan:  You are just way too cute darling.

Me:  Yes I know.

Tristan:  Oh, look who is being all modest.

Me:  coming to the meeting.

Tristan:  Yeah let's go.

As we walked into the Math and Science club meeting, I see written on the board the one thing I was dreading the club would decide to do.  I groan "no please."  "What babe all it says is Homecoming?"  "Yeah, it means they are thinking of having Homecoming King and Queen candidates."  As we sit down, Mr. Plass stands in front of the meeting.  "It has been brought to my attention that maybe this year we should finally have our own Homecoming Queen Candidates.  This will be our third year since we brought the club back to life.  So, what do you all think?"  Nathan stood up and looked around the room "Not to be mean to my classmates but if, we do decide to have a candidate I think it should be someone that is loyal to the club."  Joe stands up "Yes, I have to agree with Nathan I move that from now on our Homecoming King and Queen candidates have to have been in the club for four years."  Next thing I know it has been seconded and unanimously passed.  I bang my head down on the desk and then grin and lift up my head.  Next thing I know Mr. Garcia our other sponsor stood up "Well this year I ask the club to pass a one time exception since this is only our third year being in operation.  The pass will be available to individuals that have been in the club for the full three years unless there is no one that fits that requirement."  Unfortunately, it is seconded and passed.  I start to bang my head on my desk, and Tristan reaches over "Babe stop this doesn't mean you have to run."  I look up and say "Actually what it means is I am the Homecoming Queen candidate."  Nathan starts laughing looking  around the room "Oh, my goodness your right Trina your are the only senior girl that fits the requirement."  Tristan looks at me "What you have to be a senior to run for Homecoming Queen?"  "Yep, it is a requirement that was set forth when the first Homecoming King and Queen were elected."  Mr. Garcia looks around "OK, so Trina is our Homecoming Queen candidate what are our Homecoming King candidates."  I stood up and said "Nathan Joe and Joel."  Everyone voted, and I ended up running with Nathan thank god.  I was not looking forward to it if Joel had been my partner.  I did try and get the club to vote against having any candidates saying that we were supposed to be a representation of the student body that was more involved in education as opposed to a popularity contest.  I didn't win when Nathan spoke up "Yep true but if the National Honor Society can have a candidate than so can we."  As I walked to my mom's room with Nathan next to me making fun of me for having to wear a dress I grinned spun around "Yeah, but guess who has to wear a suit and tie."  I started laughing when I saw his face.  He turned around and yelled, "I CHANGED MY MIND NO I DON'T WANT THIS."  We all laughed and said, "Too late now you're stuck."  Well, now I have to do one thing I hate to get something I hated shopping.

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