A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

377K 19.9K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

61. Fathers Minds

3.5K 203 65
By royal888

Paulo was sitting on a chair next to a window with a view of the harbour. It was night time. He hadn't seen any one since he had been transferred there in the morning. His room looked like a cage with bars everywhere on the windows and even on the doors. He was basically in a cage. There was no point tying him up because he always escaped. It was not hard. He was not happy with waiting. It was not one of his strengths. But waiting was a quality that his eldest son surely had. He didn't.

Francesco was always patient but meticulous. He always did his research before acting but when he acted he did so with great attention to detail. When was his son going to realise that he could do much better than this. His son could be killing many of his rivals and earn billions more by overtaking their assets. He tried and failed. It weakened him so his son overtook and became the leader he was now. He created so many enemies that Francesco managed to either eliminate or make peace with. He didn't apologise for being ambitious but he had some regrets. One of his regrets was how he had handled the situation with the Giovanni family. He was the reason Costanzo hadn't been able to marry Sancia. He was starting a war with the Giovanni family and had stopped Costanzo making any advances to Sancia. It did damage his business but later on the relations improved when Francesco took over and O'Neil marrying Sancia. He had made mistakes. But so had Francesco with his pursue of the waiting game.

He never understood why Francesco waited for that Lombardi girl for 10 years. He was incapable of understanding it. He wanted him to marry a woman who didn't turn him soft. Adele was the softest woman he could find. Of all the girls to fall for he had picked Adele who had absolutely nothing to offer. She had managed to influence Vincenzo and had made him religious. He was never religious. In fact he was an atheist never going to church. His father was dying and his brothers wanted to convince him to go to church. He wasn't willing. Even at his father's funeral when the time came he was going to refuse to go in. He had raised Francesco to be an atheist too but Adele had other plans. For  his wife he had chosen to live like how she wanted. If it made her content to raise their children with catholism he was going to do it because he could. Francesco hadn't made changes to his crime life because it was impossible but what he could change, he changed for her.

The lengths Francesco was going to go to make his wife happy was surreal to him. To him, a wife lived to serve her husband. It was her duty. His wife belonged to him and he dictated to Maria how to live. Just like how in his view his children lived with their souls belonging to the man of the house. When his wife and children didn't meet expectations he beat them. He didn't hold back. For his beliefs and principles, the family doctor had diagnosed him with mental health. He said he had issues with anger management. He didn't. It was who he was. Medication didn't change him so he stopped it. Did he have regrets for beating his eldest son? No. But he regretted doing it to the breaking point. Francesco never submitted. He never cried unlike Costanzo. He wanted his son to obey him, to cry, to beg. But he never did. His son never gave up. So he thought he over did it to a child. When Francesco was about to marry Adele he had apologised his son for breaking him. He meant it. He had beaten his son to a point he hated him. Francesco was meant to be grateful to him for raising him to be strong. But he wasn't. Instead he had cut off ties with him calling his treatment abuse. As much as he was proud of who he was and didn't regret being a strict father, he regretted breaking Francesco to a point of despise and hate. It was Francesco's will that was to hard to bend. Even at a young age his son was dangerous. He was a threat to him if not controlled.

He believed every word his son said when he vowed to kill him and Piero If Adele got hurt. He was pretty certain Francesco was going to do it. Even the threat of his mother's life being held in his hands didn't stop Francesco. Paulo knew his control had slipped over his eldest son when he met Adele so he made sure his son's life was made harder and harder. He put him through hell for ten years controlling every day of his life. Francesco never protested and all he asked for was updates and news on Adele. As long as she was alive he didn't protest and did as his father told him. Paulo thought his son was going to thank him when he took over for all his mentoring and help to make him the leader that he was but he told him what he always said in their meetings. He sent him away telling him, he had no reason to see him again unless it was going to be at his funeral. That was when he had decided that maybe he had pushed his son too far. He had over done it. He believed cruelty to his children and wife was necessary but if they hated you, then you over did it.

Paulo came out of his thoughts as heard the lock on the door open. He saw Costanzo at the door staring at him from across the metal bars that were secured to the ceiling and floor. There was a lock to open them but he didn't. He had bag in his hand that he threw at him from through the bars.

Costanzo said "Dinner time. Last supper in New York Before I send you on your way."

Paulo didn't touch the bag. He asked "Where am I being sent?"

Costanzo said "Sicily. To see your father then you are banished. Then you will get a taste of justice when Vincenzo turns into an adult. When he turns twenty one. That's in 4 years time. So you have some time to write up your defence when put on trial. Since Vincenzo is still under age."

Paulo asked "Trial? For what crimes?"

Costanzo said "You met up with Vincenzo as a child. You tried to influence him. There is no way Francesco will let you get away with it."

Paulo said "Why not just put me on trial now?"

Costanzo said "Francesco decided to wait until his son turns into an adult... Francesco wants to take revenge on you for what you did to his son. Vincenzo wants to take revenge on you for what you did to his father. Francesco doesn't want his son to be occupied with such matters. So he is going to give his son time to grow into an adult and so he can assess how much damage you have done to his son."

Paulo stood up and walked towards the door "Why are you here? Why are you the one to deliver the news."

Costanzo said "No one else wants to see you. I don't either and I won't. You are on your own. I thought I could forgive you. I thought I could forget. But when I saw mother coming to your defence pleading for your release, I see you took the last thing away from Francesco and I. Our mother has sympathy for you. That has destroyed so much for us."

Paulo asked "Where is Maria?"

Costanzo said "Where she chooses to be."

Paulo said "Francesco will wait for the trial? He likes waiting. I want to see him now."

Costanzo said " Francesco is choosing to focus his energy on dealing with another matter. You are lucky he is busy with other matters and with his family. As much as he wants to make you pay for meeting his son behind his back, he cares for his son's well being more. He cares for his family more. He will wait. He will make sure you wont ever get in touch with his son again. Not until he is an adult able to comprehend the extent of what you did."

Paulo said " I am Vincenzo's grandfather. It was my right to see him. Francesco denied me the right. I simply took freedom of taking what I was entitled to. Every grandfather is allowed to see his grandchildren."

Costanzo said "Francesco doesnt expect you to understand. Thats what he has been trying to tell Vincenzo that no matter what happens, you are not a man who is able to comprehend certain values."

Paulo said " Thats not you talking. Thats your wife... Just like how Francesco has been following his wife's rules at home..."

Costanzo said "Actually my wife and Francesco's wife believe we must make peace with you. They dont know how unwelcome it is to make peace with you. I dont think Francesco has appreciated how you have been influencing Vincenzo to hate my wife while you never dared poison his mind about his mother. That will catch up with you... Amaranta's mother rejected you so you despise me for marrying her daughter. You were never satisfied with what you had Ever. You called her people "an unfaithful family with no honour"..."

Paulo said "I think you seem to forget that Amaranta's brother, Ambrogio is the reason Vincenzo doesnt like your wife's family. He went after Adele. Vincenzo never forgave that. It has got nothing to do with me."

Costanzo said "I know you are not innocent in this. Thats all I know. Goodbye." He then left his father as he was finally able to let out the breath he was keeping outside the room. Looking into his father's eyes was not easy. Memories flooded back. He couldnt ever forget all the beatings Francesco had suffered for him. He could never forget all the times he had to watch his mouth so he didnt mention his mother. His father had controlled his life. So much of it. Now that the control was out of his father's hands there was chance of taking what mattered away from him. But of course their mother had to side with him. If she hadn't it would not have been so complicated. How could he get justice without hurting their mother who still loved this monster. He was certain, his father knew that Maria had been his life line for a long time. But of course after he went after Vincenzo even his lifeline couldnt stop the inevitable. His brother was going to take revenge.


O'Neil entered Francesco's office. He saw his friend drinking vodka and standing at the window. He said as he walked to him "Good evening.." He stood behind his friend and saw that he was watching the scenes unfolding at the front of the mansion. Tristan had brought back Vienna abit later than usual. But it was before her bed time still. Of course his son was taking his time saying goodbye. The couple were really pushing it hugging and laughing on the door step of Francesco. They weren't kissing knowing full well Francesco was home watching. Since Francesco was not fond of his daughter stay over that night, Tristan was making the most of every minute. But he was pushing it. He had brought Francesco's daughter home but he wasn't letting go easily.

O'Neil got no response from Francesco so he cleared his throat "What are you thinking about?"

Francesco sighed and stared straight at his daughter and Tristan as he had been for the past few minutes " It's quite fascinating to watch how your son is acting like you. His tactics are like yours... He is a good strategist like his father..."

O'Neil replied "I find it amusing that you refer to me in third person. But go on... Tactics? You mean to say has my style..."

Francesco said " You know full well what I mean... He knows how to push the limits and boundaries without breaking through my patience barrier. He is piercing it but not breaking it." He then took a sip from his vodka as he still looked on. "You have taught him well..."

O'Neil said "He is reckless, cocky and pushy. He likes to put on a show. The whole world needs to know what your daughter means to him. He always goes too far. Like how I always do. I always go too far. I go too far. You hate it. Yet here I am here. For me too far is never far enough when it comes to love. Why do you tolerate him? If he is like me and it's bothering you or getting on your nerves."

Francesco said " You know why."

O'Neil said "Not really."

Francesco said "You are a fighter. So is your son. I need a fighter to fight for my daughter. He has done that... He has exceeded my expectations. My daughter sees it too. She sees how he fights every waking moment for her. Her reaction worries me. She is my daughter.... I don't ever remember my daughter being so determined about anything... She wants to go to college a year early and she has been studying night and day making me concerned about her lack of sleep. All because she wants to study with Tristan. I hear her discuss with excitement how she can't wait to go to college and see Tristan more... Tristan is all she talks about..."

O'Neil said " Does it worry you? It shouldn't. Tristan has never broken any rules... I didnt raise a son who plays with your daughter's life. I raised an honourable son. if he doesnt know his place with regards to respecting your daughter I will gladly show it to him. Has he ever disrespected you? Or your daughter."

Francesco took a sip from his vodka "No. He hasn't. He hasn't given me a reason to be concerned."

O'Neil put his hand on Francesco's shoulder " Do you want my son to stop seeing your daughter? You can tell me... Before it's too late..."

Francesco looked on. "You know the answer already. Why do you ask it? If I wanted your son out of my house I would have not allowed him in. Nothing happens without my permission in this house. If I wanted him out of my daughters life, he would be no where near her."

O'Neil said "I know Adele doesn't want them dating. Do you agree with her view in any way? I need to know..."

Francesco turned around for the first time and looked at O'Neil since the start of their conversation. He stared at O'Neil silently as his wife was mentioned. "I have approved your son. I did so a long time ago. What are your concerns?"

O'Neil stated. " Your wife is quite distrusting to my son... You don't acknowledge that. I need you to clarify your stance on your wife's views... My son is turning eighteen soon... I wish to know now if there is a problem so I can stop this relationship if you don't approve of it like your wife."

Francesco looked away again at his daughter with Tristan " My wife's disapproval is no shock to me... If Adele approved your son, then Tristan most likely wont be the man I would approve. My wife's choices for my daughter would work for anyone who don't have criminal families. My daughter won't live long if she went by Adele's choices."

O'Neil didn't think Francesco ever would admit to that.

Francesco then turned to O'Neil " I do acknowledge the distrust. I just dont have to act on it. I have no reason to. Not yet... My wife wont influence my children. She cant... My daughter follows her own path. She makes her own choices and faces the consequences of her choices like how I have taught her to. She is my daughter. I raised her to think for herself and not be easily influenced by others. I raised her in a way to have independent thinking. My daughter won't change for convenience of anyone. But she will respect her mother. Your son will respect my wife. Do you need more clarification than this?"

O'Neil shook his head.

Francesco turned around looking outside the window " Why did you ask to see me tonight. I know you didn't come here all the way to discuss Tristan. You know of my approval. You could talk to me on the phone about him. Why are you here in person?"

O'Neil said "Your Mother."

Francesco said "You have wasted a trip. I don't wish to discuss my mother."

O'Neil said " I know. I don't blame you. I am here to ... ask for permission ... to speak to her..."

Francesco said "What?"

O'Neil said "I wish to speak to her bluntly. I need your permission for that."

Francesco turned to O'Neil " Have you lost your mind? What do you think I am going to say?"

O'Neil sighed "Someone needs to speak up for you. Someone needs to stand up for you. She needs to hear the truth from someone since you and Costanzo won't say it. Someone needs to tell her about how her actions really look. I volunteer to do that. Allow me to do it."

Francesco shook his head.

O'Neil said "Why not? Let me talk to her honestly. Let me tell her what she is doing is wrong. Let me spell out what her actions mean..."

Francesco stated calmly "I said. No. She will feel hurt. I can't hurt her. She is my mother. I love her. Even if she loves my father. She is my mother."

O'Neil said "But you are hurting now. She needs to know how much she is hurting you by taking his side. Stop holding back. You are protecting and shielding your mother from the truth. That's what you do. You shield the women in your life from the truth. Tell her how you feel or allow me to do it."

Francesco said "I will take the pain with me to my grave. She doesn't need to know. I never needed her to understand O'Neil. You know me."

O'Neil nodded "I know. As long as your children won't have to experience the same pain as you did, you were going to declare triumph over the monster. We all have to make sacrifices Francesco but your sacrifices are just too extensive."

Francesco downed the rest of the vodka drink in his glass "I am used to the pain. I have been used to the pain for decades. One gets used to it, you know." He then walked to his desk and poured more vodka for himself.

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