Kevin Olusola Adopts Me (COMP...

By jasmine_smith2020

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You are a 7 year old girl who has been in an orphanage because your parents died in a car accident when you w... More

Ch. 1 When Will My Life Begin
Ch. 2 New Home, New Family
Ch. 3 Getting To Know Me More
Ch. 4 A Day With Aunt Kirstie
Ch. 5 Rehearsals
Ch. 6 The Past
Ch. 7 Birthday Party
Ch. 8 Facing The Bully
Ch. 9 Facing Fears
Ch. 10 Let's Go On Tour
Ch. 11 Presenting Sofia Olusola
Ch. 12 Vacation Time
Ch. 13 Kirvin (Kevin & Kirstin)
Ch. 14 Childhood Friend
Ch. 15 Helping Daddy
Ch. 16 Date Night
Ch. 17 Bike Riding 101
Ch. 18 Daddy-Daughter Date
Special Bonus Chapter
Ch. 19 Happy Gotcha Day
Ch. 20 Something Beautiful
Ch. 21 My Wish
Ch. 22 My Life Complete

Christmas Special

101 3 0
By jasmine_smith2020

(Flashback: PTX finished thier tour months ago, Sofia is 8 years old, Kevin and Kirstin are still dating. This is Sofia's very 1st Christmas since she got adopted)
(Here's a song to set the mood)

Sofia POV
I can't believe it's almost Christmas. I'm super excited. This is my 1st Christmas since I got adopted.
Now dad, Uncle Avi, and I are at the mall doing some last minute Christmas shopping.
While we are walking I see Santa.

Sofia: Daddy, it's Santa.
Kevin: It sure is.
Sofia: Can we see him?
Kevin: Sure.

So we walked over to the line to wait.
Soon it's my turn. You can imagine how excited I am. So Santa sits me on his lap.

Santa: Ho! Ho! What's your name?
Sofia: Sofia Olusola.
Santa: That's a pretty name.
Sofia: Thank you.
Santa: Have you been a good girl this year?
Sofia: I have. I got adopted this year into an amazing family.
Santa: That's great. So what would like for Christmas?

Hmmmm. I had to think for a minute. What do I want for Christmas?

Sofia: Can I whiper it to you in your ear?
Santa: Sure.

So I whisper it to him in his ear.

Santa: Oh.....that's a good. I like it. Now less take a picture.
Sofia: Okay.

So we took a picture.

Sofia: Can my dad join us for another one?
Santa: Of course.
Sofia: Daddy!!! Come take a picture with us.

So daddy comes and takes the picture with us. Then Santa puts me on the ground and daddy takes my hand.

Sofia: Thank you Santa.
Santa: You're welcome. Merry Christmas.
Sofia and Kevin: Merry Christmas.
Kevin: Why don't you go to Uncle Avi while I talk to Santa?
Sofia: Okay.

So I ran to Uncle Avi.

Avi: Hey little dragon. How is Santa?
Sofia: He's awesome. He's so nice.

A couple of minutes later daddy comes back with our pictures.

Kevin: Look Sofia.

I look at them and they came out good.

Sofia: Look Uncle Avi.
Avi: I see. They came out amazing.
Sofia: They sure did.

Then, a thought hits me.

Sofia: Daddy, can this be one of the gifts I give to The Trio and Aunt Esther?
Kevin: Sure. That's an amazing idea. Come on, let's finish shopping .

So we shopped some more and we went home. A week later, it's Christmas Eve. Aunt Kirstie, Aunt Mitch, and Uncle Scott are over helping make dinner for tomorrow.
(Here's how the living room looks like)

Sofia: Daddy, can we make some cookies for Santa?
Kirstin: I had a feeling you was gonna ask that.

Aunt Kirstie goes to a bag and pulls out some cookie mix and cookie decorations.

Kirstin: Because look what Aunt Kirstie got.
Sofia: Yay!!
Kevin: Looks like we are.
Sofia: Uncle Avi, Uncle Scottie, Auntie Mitch!! Come on.

So we mix up the cookies and let them bake. Then, we began to decorate them.

It was so much fun. We laughed and talked.
Soon, we had dinner ready for tomorrow. Everyone went home. Daddy told me to go to bed because Santa was coming. I went to bed and got some sleep.
The next day it's Christmas day. I wake up the next morning and I go to daddy's room. I climb on his bed.

Sofia: Psst!! Daddy. Wake up!! Wake up!! Wake up!!

Kevin POV
I'm sleeping and I feel someone shake me.

Sofia: Psst!! Daddy. Wake up!! Wake up!! Wake up!!

I open my eyes and it's Sofia.

Kevin: Hey, sweetie. What's up?
Sofia: It's Christmas day.
Kevin: Oh, Merry Christmas.
Sofia: Merry Christmas.
Kevin: Let's go see what Santa left you.
Sofia: Yeah. Let's get Uncle Avi.

Sofia POV
So we went to Uncle Avi's room and got Uncle Avi. We went to the living room to see what I got. I'm so excited to see what I got.

Sofia: OMG!! This is amazing!!
Kevin: Wow. Santa left you a lot.
Avi: Let's see what you got.

So we looked at what I got. I got toys and books.

Sofia: This is awesome. Thank you Santa!!
Kevin: There's one more gift.

Daddy goes in the garage and comes back with a big box and sits it in front of me.

Sofia: I'm confused.
Kevin: Open it up.

I open up the box and a puppy comes out of it.

Sofia: OMG!!! No way!!
Kevin: Yes way. This is from me and Avi.
Sofia: Thanks daddy and Uncle Avi.

I gave them both a hug.

Sofia: Is it a boy or girl?
Avi: It's a boy. And his name is Carl.
Sofia: Carl?
Avi: That was your dad's idea. Not mine.
Kevin: But you went along with it.
Sofia: It sounds like daddy's idea.

We all laughed.

Sofia: But I love him. Thanks guys.
Kevin: You're welcome sweetie. Now let's get dressed, everyone is gonna be here soon.

So I went upstairs to get ready. I'm so excited about today.
A few minutes later, we are dressed.
(Sofia's Outfit)

I'm in the living room playing with Carl. Daddy and Uncle Avi are in the kitchen. Then, we hear the door bell.

Sofia: I'll get it.

I go to open the door and it's The Trio and Aunt Esther.

Sofia: Hey guys. Merry Christmas. Come in.
The Trio and Esther: Merry Christmas.

They come in and we go into the living room.

Avi: Hey guys, Merry Christmas.
Scott: Merry Christmas.

Carl starts running to me and I pick him up.

Mitch: OMG!! Did you get a puppy for Christmas?
Sofia: I sure did. Daddy and Uncle Avi got him for me.
Kirstin: He is so cute. What's his name?
Sofia: Carl.
The Trio and Esther: Carl?
Avi: That was Kevin's idea. Not mine.
Esther: Sounds like a Kevin idea.

We all laughed.

Kevin: Gee. Thanks guys.
Scott: But he is so cute.
Sofia: Thank you.
Avi: Guys, it's time to eat.

So we went to the dining room to eat.

The food was amazing. Aunt Kirstie made a Happy Birthday Jesus cake. We sung happy birthday and blew out the candles. It was so much fun.
After we ate, we went into the living room to open gifts.
Soon it was my turn to give out gifts.

Sofia: I have gifts for everyone.
Everyone: Awwwww.

I go underneath the tree and I give to The Trio and Aunt Esther.

Mitch: What is this?
Sofia: Open it up to see.

They open it up. I got them each a framed picture that I decorated of daddy and I when I saw Santa.

Kirstin: OMG!! This is so cute.
Scott: My heart is melting.
Esther: I love it. Thank you Sofia.
Mitch: Thank you sweetie.
Sofia: You're welcome.

I went and hugged them.

Sofia: I didn't forget you daddy and Uncle Avi.

I hand Uncle Avi his gift. Uncle Avi opens his.

Avi: What is this?
Sofia: Keep opening it.

He opens it some more and his mouth drops.

Avi: OMG!! No you didn't.
Sofia: Yes I did.
Avi: How did you get this?
Sofia: I had some help from Aunt Esther.
Avi: I love it. I'm definitely gonna use this.

He hugs me. I hand daddy his gift.

Sofia: I saved the best for last.
Kevin: You didn't have to get me anything.
Sofia: I wanted to. Read the note I wrote.

Daddy looks and sees the the note. He unfolds it and reads it.

Dear Daddy,
You are the best daddy in the world. I love you so much. You have made me so happy. I'm so glad that you adopted me. You are my hero. I love you so much daddy.


Daddy began to tear up.

Kevin: Awwww. Sweetheart that is so sweet.
Scott: What does it say?

Daddy reads it to them.

Kirstin: OMG!! That is so sweet.
Mitch: Why do you always have moments like this where you make me cry?

We all laughed. Daddy opens his gift and he cries some more. It was another frame I decorated but there was a picture of daddy and I from our Daddy-Daughter date.

Kevin: Oh, Sofia. This is beautiful. I love it. Guys look at this.
Everyone: Awwwww.
Kevin: Thank you baby girl.

Daddy picks me up and hugs me.

Sofia: This is the best Christmas ever.
Kevin: It sure.
Sofia: Let's watch some Christmas movies.
Everyone: Yeah.

So daddy puts in a movie and we are all sitting down watching it. This Christmas is the best Christmas ever. I couldn't ask for more.

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