Forget about You

By beckycullen

3.7K 222 34

When Bella Swan gets into a accident, she loses all her memories of her best friend Edward Cullen. Can they r... More

Chapter 1- Meeting Again
Chapter 2- See You Later
Chapter 3- New Lives Old Lives
Chapter 5- Can't Bare To

Chapter 4- This is Different

653 54 13
By beckycullen

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Chapter 4

This is Different

Bella Swan

"Bella honey, we made your favorite meal, mushroom ravioli!" My mother said.

I nodded mutely.

Mushrooms? Ugh. How did I like mushrooms? She handed me a plate, and I tried to to hide my grimace. The ravioli was burnt and the mushroom were over cooked.

"I made it myself! Can you believe I've never made this recipe before?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes I can," I mumbled under my breath.

Dr. Cullen had permitted me to go home with my parents today. The only problem was, I didn't know who my parents were.

I searched the whole waiting room asking "Charlie and Renee?" to some couples until a woman shouted "Bella! We're over here!"

I ignored her- who was Bella anyways?

"Bella!" she called again, walking over to me. "Oh honey, I missed you so much!" She exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

I tensed up. Who was this woman and why was she hugging me?

I peeled myself away from her embrace. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Her face saddened. "I'm your mother Renee," she said, composing her expression.



A middle aged man with dark brown eyes and black hair walked up to Renee and put an arm around her.

"And this is your father Charlie." Renee introduced the man.

"Hi." I said shyly, my cheeks flaming.

I didn't even recognize my own parents.

"Hey Bells," he said, his cheeks also a soft shade of pink.

I guess I know where I got that from.

"Ready to go home?" he asked.

"My home or your home?" I muttered under my breath. "Yes," I said more clearly.

"Great!" Renee said, clapping her hands.

She grabbed my hand and guided me through the parking lot. She stopped at a police cruiser. It was dirty, with dents in the side and a couple in the back. One of the sirens at the top were broken and cracked, while the other ones didn't seem to have working lightbulbs.

I peered around it. "So where's the car?"

"This is the car," she said, gesturing to the police car. "Your father's the chief of police."

"Great," I mumbled. I climbed in, my face crimson as everyone stared at the car.

Traffic was slow- cons of being a police officer. I absently wondered how Renee was able to stand it, all of the cars driving slower and being more cautious whenever they saw Charlie.

We arrived in a quaint two bedroom house, which I had to admit, did feel like home. It was a light blue, two story house, with a a pretty patio that seemed peaceful to stay. The backyard led into the woods, making me visibally shudder- woods were creepy.

The only thing I couldn't help but wish was there would at least be two seperate bathrooms.

No such luck.

I should've known. Look at where luck got me- in a coma, awakening with no memory.

They took me on a tour of the house (Which didn't take very long) and then made me dinner.

I put on a brave face and ate a spoonful, almost throwing up. Even so, it was hard to contain my gag.

I pushed the plate away from me. "I'm not really that hungry."

Renee smiled slightly, though it didn't reach her eyes. "That's fine sweetie." She grabbed my plate and put it in the sink before leaving, her eyes sad.

I felt terrible for her- Having your very own daughter not remember you, but I truly didn't. Everyone was a stranger.

I climbed up the stairs after showering and changing into a pair of sweats and collapsed tiredly on the bed.

I thought about everything. About my condition, my family, life.

To tell you the truth it didn't take very long. I had no life. At least a life I remembered.

The only thing worth waking up for was Edward.

Kind, caring Edward that I didn't even remember. He claims we were the bestest of friends, and I can see the agony in his eyes when I tell him I don't remember any of it.

His emerald green eyes dull a bit, and his body seems to shut down. His reddish brown hair was messy, but I had failed to see it tamed.

He spent most of his time with me, smiling whenever I laughed.

He was truly a sight for sore eyes.

His smile made you want to smile back, his laugh made you want to laugh along. He was just perfect in every way and I could see why I'd been friends with him.

But even with that strong feeling, clinging me to him, I wasn't ready to fully trust him. How could I? He was a stranger in my eyes. I knew nothing about him.

His hobbies, his favorite book, his favorite movies or TV shows. His favorite school subject, or his preferred music. Did he play sports? Compose music? Write novels? Read comic books?

I had more questions than answers.

I heard the door bell ring and Charlie's soft groan as I assumed he got up from the couch to answer the door.

There was a muffling a voices, and I couldn't make out much, except for a single phrase from Charlie.

"She just needs time, Edward."

He was here. I heard a sad sigh before the door closed and Charlie returned to his sports game.

I sat up, rocking myself softly. Edward really did care for me. I smiled slightly. It was nice to know I had- or maybe still have- such a great friend.

I heard a loud cry of pain from outside my window and jumped in shock. I raced over there, tripping over air. I opened the window, laughing as I saw Edward climbing up a large tree outside my bedroom.

He looked over to me surprised and smiled sheepishly, his cheeks blushing a bit.

There was a trickle of blood on his arm and I raised an eyebrow.

He just shook his head, muttering "Stupid trees."

I chuckled and he smiled crookedly back at me.

He was a few feet away from me, roughly two or three. Enough to climb in my window. I opened it wider, gesturing for him to come in.

He grinned widely and jumped in, shaking his head. "I remember doing that when we were about thirteen!"

I frowned.

He winced. "I'm sorry Bella. I didn't mean it like that."

"It's okay." I said, looking down.

He sighed. "No it's not. I'm so inconsiderate!"

"Edward, quit beating yourself up! You're here right? You tried to sneak into my room at-" I checked my watch. "10:42 just to see me, so quit saying you're inconsiderate!" I fumed.

He rolled his eyes. "Sure."

"So Charlie wouldn't let you in?" I grinned.

"No," he groaned. "I had to climb that dumb tree and ended up scraping my elbow!"

I giggled. "Does it hurt?"


"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow.

He hesitated. "No."


"Um. Maybe?"

I rolled my eyes. "Be right back."

I walked downstairs and grabbed a cloth and opened the sink, soaking the cloth.

I climbed quietly upstairs and pressed it gently against his arms. He winced at the contact.

"Sorry," I whispered.

He didn't answer, just grimaced. When the wound stopped bleeding I put the cloth in the bathroom sink.

"Thank you," Edward said kindly.

I smiled back.

He checked his watch and groaned. "I should get back now."

I tried to hide my sadness but I think he noticed.

"Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow," he smirked.

He went out the window, and I followed him, leaning on the ledge.

"Bella?" he said before leaving.

"Yes?" I breathed.

His face was inches from mine, his dazzling green eyes boring into mine like he could see straight into my soul. He then looked at my lips and I longed to close the contact.

"Sweet dreams." he said, pulling away.

I blinked several times. "Yeah. Okay. You too."

He smirked and jumped down, becoming a shadow in the pitch black night.


True to his word, Edward was here bright and early, waking me up.

I blushed crimson as he entered my room.

I wasn't very pretty in the morning.

"Give me a moment," I said excusing myself.

I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then, I brushed my hair, pulling the bristles through the tangles. I turned on the sink and cleaned my face, enjoying the cool water. I wet my arms too, before just deciding to shower. I changed into a pair of light grey jeans and a comfy T-shirt before going back into my room. Edward was sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of my room.

"Hey." I said lamely.

"Hi." he said, grinning crookedly.

"I like your smile," I blurted out without thinking. I blushed tomato red and he laughed.

"Thank you. I get that a lot," he replied cockily.

I laughed.

"I like your laugh," he said honestly.

"Thanks, I guess. It's probably the only good quality I have." I responded.

His brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"There's not really much about me to like."

"Of course there is!" he retorted. "You're an amazing person Bella! You're funny and sarcastic, but also kind and caring. You have an amazing smile and a beautiful matching laugh! You're just perfect Bella, inside and out."

I was shocked by his statement. I didn't really know how to reply. "You're exaggerating."

His expression was perfectly serious though. "I'm not Bella. You don't see how amazing you are. How beautiful and strong. Selfless and brave too."

I doubted any of that was true, but for his sake I accepted it.

He changed the subject then, and we talked about a bit of everything. When it was about noon, he offered to take me out for lunch. I gladly accepted.

He led me outside to a shiny silver Volvo and opened the passenger door for me in a very old but kind fashion.

He then raced to his side of the car and started the car with a soft purr. He drove to Fork's diner and parked quickly, rushing to my door. He opened it for me and I laughed at his antics.

He reached for my hand, placing my small hand in his. It felt right. Like home.

We sat at an empty booth, and a waitress named Melissa came to take our order.

"And what would you like?" she had asked Edward. I could hear the double meaning in her words. But Edward payed no attention to her, an instead turned to me.

"I'll have a fettuccine Alfredo," i said, phrasing it more like a question.

I could see her roll her eyes slightly and then turned to Edward. "And what would you like?" she purred.

I tried to swallow the bile rising up in my throat.

"I'll have the same as Bella," he responded, his eyes still scrutinizing my every move.

She left, promising that she'd be back soon. Ugh.



"Are you okay?"

I laughed bitterly. "Am I okay? Well, beside losing my whole memory and having to restart my whole life without having a clue about who I was or who I am, I'm just dandy!"

He looked down, obviously embarrassed.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. This whole situation is really taking it's toll on me. A few minutes of sleep couldn't help either," I muttered darkly.

He stared at me confused, his perceptive eyes never missing anything. "Sleep? You haven't been sleeping?"

"No," I huffed. "Whenever I fall asleep I have this dream. Everything's dark and I could hear someone faintly calling my name, but no matter how much I run, I never find them. It's creepy." I shuddered.

He didn't answer, just gazed at me, his brow furrowed.

There was a boatload of tension in the air and I almost felt relieved when our waitress returned with our food. I ate silently, with Edward still staring at me. My cheeks seemed to be permanently tinted pink as I looked down self consciously.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked, scanning his untouched plate.

He pushed his food away. "I'm not that hungry."

I looked into his eyes feeling confused. Did I do something to upset him?

I finished the pasta quickly and after having a five minute argument about Edward paying for everything (He won unfortunately) he drove me back to the house.

I opened the door awkwardly. "Um, bye."

"Bye Bella. I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, not meeting my eyes.

"Actually," I said fiddling my fingers, "I was thinking of spending tomorrow alone. I just need some time alone for now. I'm sorry."

He muttered out an 'It's okay,' purposely dodging my penetrating gaze. I could tell he was hurt but I couldn't find it in me to apologize. Edward was a good friend, but I he didn't seem to understand I had no memory of him. I could feel a magnetic pull towards him, but he was a stranger to me in every way. I didn't know him. It was just that simple.

He left speeding away in his car and I managed to go up to my room before collasping on the floor and falling to pieces.


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'See' you later!;)

Becky <3

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