Warriors: The Lurking Darknes...

By Labeester

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Jaykit, although blind, can see better than anyone else. Icekit struggles with her friendships and her destin... More

Prologue: The Beginning
Chapter One: Heroes
Chapter Two: An Old Enemy
Chapter Three: Loyalty
Chapter Four: Preparing
Chapter Five: I Belong
Chapter Six: Gossip
Chapter Seven: Liars
Chapter Eight: My Destiny
Chapter Nine: Unknown Cats
Chapter Ten: Rats
Updated Allegiances
Chapter Eleven: The Dark Forest
Chapter Twelve: I Am ThunderClan
Chapter Thirteen: Alone
Chapter Fifteen: Has It Really Come To This?
Chapter Sixteen: A New Threat

Chapter Fourteen: They Can't Hear Me

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By Labeester


"Mousefang!" I cried through the tears and blood blurring my vision. Where was he? "Mousefang!" I screeched as I felt claws slice through my pelt. Unbearable pain washed over me as I blinked through the mess and saw Mousefang watching me from the moorland, his eyes wide in fear. He was bleeding profusely but just as I was going to call out for him again, he ran away from me.

The dark cats all around me were laughing with glee as they dragged me through ShadowClan territory. I couldn't make out any of them, they were all dark-pelted and I could see the dark pine forest through their pelts. It scared me almost as much as their claws.

"You got her?" a deep voice bellowed and I closed my eyes tightly. The pain from my wounds was stinging now and I was shoved forward.

A yelp escaped from my throat and I looked up at a massive dark brown tabby tom, his amber eyes glowing at me happily. I whimpered softly and went to back up but ran into another dark brown tabby tom, only this one had ragged fur with patches missing. They seemed to like my fear.

The tom in front of me laughed loudly and the others joined in. He seemed to be the leader of The Dark Forest cats. "Icepaw, welcome!"

"W-Who are you? What d-do you want with me?" I asked, trying to keep on a brave face. But the look on the tom in front of me showed he didn't care either way.

"Now with one of the Three, we can lead in the other two and kill them all!" he yowled and the other cats cheered loudly. "We will rule!"

"Wait, you know about the prophecy?" I asked in disbelief, sitting up a little. Would Soulflame and Jaypaw come for me? I prayed to StarClan they wouldn't.

The tom looked down at me with glaring amber eyes. "StarClan can't hear you here, kit!" He looked over my shoulder. "Slash, throw her in the herb den!" he ordered and a tom, who I assumed was Slash, stepped forward and grabbed me by the scruff.

He carried me to a den and threw me inside. It smelled like herbs in here. The ShadowClan medicine den.

Slash, a brown tabby tom with a very mangy-pelt, bared his teeth at me and then padded away.

I quickly raced to the herbs on the shelves, grabbing what I remembered as Cobwebs. I began to coat my pelt with them in hopes it would stop the bleeding. If it didn't stop soon, I'd be dead.

StarClan couldn't hear me here.

The bleeding definitely wasn't stopping and I began to groom my wounds. I didn't know any herbs to help stop the bleeding. I knew of Cobwebs, and only because Mothflower had used them on me before.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I jumped in fear, my pelt bristling as I squinted to try and see who was there.

A scrawny, mottled pale ginger tom with a knotted pelt with lots of fur missing stepped into the cave. He had a singular yellow eye that terrified me. It showed no emotion.

"If they catch you doing that they'll make it hurt worse," he warned, but just his presence was hurting me. He wasn't soft on the eyes by any means and he was far more terrifying than any of the other cats. A smile appeared on his face. "My claws hurt the worst..." I could see his broken claws slide out and I instantly flinched.

"Leave her alone, One Eye," another tom commanded, padding into the den. He was a pure black tom with a long tail. He looked less terrifying than any of the cat I'd seen so far.

One Eye glared at him. "Leave us be, Houndleap! We're allowed to torture our guests!" he snapped back and turned back to me with a smile on his face.

The tom slid in between us. "Get out, One Eye. Tigerstar told me to feed her, you can have your fun afterwards."

He let out a growl and then padded away from us while Houndleap turned around and faced me. "Here's a rat. Best I could do since The Dark Forest cats don't eat."

I nodded at him, eyeing the piece of prey. It was giant and disgusting looking, but at least I wouldn't starve.

"I'm Houndleap. You're Icepaw. Welcome to ShadowClan's old camp. They were the easiest to fight off and manipulate so that's why we took over, hope you don't mind." He glanced around the den and his ear twitched. "He wasn't lying, if they do see you treating yourself they will make it hurt more, so don't get caught."

My voice wouldn't work. I was too terrified to even respond to the one cat who wasn't trying to kill me here. Was this a joke?

"It's fine if you don't respond," he purred in amusement. "I have to go now. Bye, Icepaw." Then he left the den quickly, leaving me alone again.

I quickly raced to the corner of the den, crouching down and waiting for the next cat to come in. I was all alone here, StarClan couldn't hear me. I was trembling in fear and my wounds were still bleeding. It was only a matter of time.


"Visitor!" a voice yowled and my eyes peeled open to see a familiar gray-and-brown she-cat rushing towards me with horror and concern plastered on her face.

"Fernpaw?" I whispered in surprise. Was I dreaming? How was she here? I stood up and greeted her warmly, pressing my nose against hers, but the reunion was cut short as my legs gave out and I fell to the ground. My wounds were still aching in pain. "What're you doing here?"

The medicine cat apprentice was grooming one of my wounds. "They like ShadowClan cats, right?" she chuckled softly. I could see the scratches going down her pelt. They did that to her. "Jaypaw wanted to come but I wouldn't let him, he's grumpy and very negative. And also blind. I'm going to take care of your wounds before they come get me. I'll be back soon but Tigerstar wants to see me."

Fear was clawing at my pelt and I scooted away from her. "Are you with The Dark Forest, Fernpaw?"

She gave me an odd look. "No, Icepaw, I'm not. Now let me treat you, you've been bleeding out the whole time you've been here." She grabbed some Cobwebs and coated my wounds, putting pressure on the ones that wouldn't stop. "Soulflame and Jaypaw are worried sick about you."

I felt my body tremble as tears flooded out of my eyes. "I don't want to be here, Fernpaw. I want Soulflame and Jaypaw and Flowerwhisker," I sobbed quietly.

Fernpaw nodded at me, licking my ear. "I know... I know. Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. Soulflame has been trying nonstop to get you back from The Dark Forest cats, they won't budge yet, but we'll find something they want, okay?"

"Fernpaw!" a voice I recognized as One Eye, echoed all around us and she turned around, blocking my view of the entrance where he stood. "Tigerstar is ready to see you."

She hurried forward and left with the tom and I sobbed into my paws, gasping for breath.

A light brown tabby she-cat entered the den, glaring at her. "Quit your crying fleabag!" she growled and I felt her claws slice through my pelt. I let out a wail of pain. "You're weak and pointless! Useless!" Her claws slid through my pelt again and I could feel my sides aching as I lost more blood. "I killed three of my own kits to become leader, and do you know what happened?" she growled, crouched down in front of me. "They killed me! Those fish-faces!" She hissed angrily and stood back up.

"Rushtooth, that's enough. Tigerstar needs you," Houndleap mewed and she whipped around and stalked out of the den. Houndleap hurried over to me with concern. "Are you okay?"

I backed up a little from him, sniffling and sobbing more. "Don't touch me!" I hissed through my tears, feeling the wall against my bloody pelt.

Houndleap's ears pressed against his head. "Icepaw, you're bleeding really bad..."

My eyes closed tightly. I couldn't even look at him. I was so scared. "Go away, go away..."

I felt his tongue rasping against my bloody pelt and I opened my eyes, watching him clean my own blood off me. He didn't look over at me. My entire body was aching with pain and I was getting dizzy. It hurt so bad...


"Icepaw... Icepaw, wake up," Fernpaw whispered in my ear and I sat up, wincing at the pain it caused. "You need to stay awake. I think one of your Clanmates is in the camp." She beckoned me over to the entrance of the den.

I struggled to my paws and carefully limped after Fernpaw to the entrance of the den. My body screaming in pain at me with each step.

In the clearing I could hear voices, three to be exact. Two of which I recognized.

"Is that Blackfoot?" I whispered in confusion. "Why is Blackfoot here?" Blackfoot hated me, would he try to save me? That would sure be a change of events.

I couldn't make out what they were saying and Fernpaw shoved me back as a cat padded towards the den. I fell back onto one of my wounds and let out a gasp of pain, my jaws clenching tightly to stop from screaming.

"Icepaw?" Houndleap whispered and snuck into the den. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I whispered and Fernpaw stood beside me, rigid with fear. "What're you doing in here?"

Houndleap padded up to me, a smile on his face. "Are you trying to spy on Tigerstar?" I looked over at Fernpaw who was still paralyzed with fear, her eyes were wide. His claws lashed across my pelt and I let out a screech of pain as it reopened my wounds. My trust in him instantly dissolved. No one could hear me here. He leaned up really close to my face. "Don't trust those who have killed for their own good, rabbit-brain," he hissed and then padded away, an evil laugh echoing around us.

Fernpaw instantly jumped into action, covering my wound with more Cobwebs. I let out another sob. My pelt was aching and it hurt to move. It hurt to breath. When would this be over?

"It's okay, Icepaw. Tomorrow I'm going to get you out of here," Fernpaw whispered as the blood stopped gushing out of my pelt. "Mothflower really needs to look at these wounds."

I gritted my teeth, looking up at the medicine cat. "When w-we get back home, we're going to kill Mousefang."

She looked at me in surprise, her muzzle and paws were covered with my blood. "Why Mousefang?"

"He left me to be dragged away with The Dark Forest cats," I responded, clenching my jaw as she applied an herb to my pelt. It burned. "I'm going to slit his throat!" I dug my claws into the ground and flinched at the pain it inflicted on me.

Fernpaw looked at me sympathetically, her head tilted. "It's going to be okay, Icepaw. I think you'll feel differently when we made it back home..." She lifted her head and looked over at the entrance.

The massive dark brown tabby tom stood in the entrance of the den. "Get out," he growled lowly. "Into the clearing, now."

I struggled to my paws, limping after Fernpaw who was staring at him with wide, terrified eyes. We slipped into the clearing and he followed after us. Was this the infamous Tigerstar Fernpaw had to go see? I would hate to have to see him by myself, he was almost as terrifying as One Eye.

I squinted, the sunlight burning my eyes. I couldn't even remember how long it had been since I was last outside that den. Days and nights mushed together and it was rare if I would look at the entrance of the den outside.

Cats were surrounding us with smiles on their faces. Most of them were looking at me while flexing their claws.

"We're going to play a game," the tom, who I thought was Tigerstar, growled excitedly. "If you make it to the Thunderpath, we'll let you go. But if you don't..." He shook his head, a small smile on his face. "Well, let's try to be positive for you both, hm?"

Fernpaw stepped forward, glaring at him. "That isn't fair, Tigerstar, and you know it! Icepaw has been severely injured, you know she can't run that well!"

Tigerstar bared his teeth at Fernpaw, glaring down at her. "You've been treating her this whole time, if she's not better by now then she never will be!" He flicked his tail at the entrance. "We'll even give you a head start."

I whipped around and darted to the entrance, hearing Fernpaw racing after me. My muscles burned and my wounds were reopening again. I could feel the blood pouring out of my pelt, but I didn't care. I needed to get out of here. I had to get out of here.

We ran blindly through the forest, Fernpaw at my side and pushing me in the direction we needed to go. I knew nothing about ShadowClan's territory and the blood was causing my pelt to be heavier. I was slowing down with every step.

"This way! Follow the blood!" a voice yowled and panic spiked my stomach. They were coming for us.

The medicine cat apprentice was struggling to keep going too, I guess she wasn't used to running this much. "Keep going!" she urged me. "We're almost there."

Something to my right darted past and terror dropped in my stomach. They'd caught up already?

"I see them!"

I looked down at Fernpaw who was focused on running. My eyes began to water and I knew it was almost over. It was almost over.

Suddenly, a cat pounced on Fernpaw, taking her down to the ground as she wailed in pain and fear.

I skidded to a stop, the Thunderpath just ahead. I couldn't leave her, could I?


I jumped into action, racing forward and slicing my claws through the tom's nose and his eyes snapped up on me. He seemed angry at me.

"Run, Icepaw! Run!" Fernpaw yowled, batting her paws against the tom's stomach. She had bad form. I'm glad I decided not to be a medicine cat.

But I wouldn't run. Much to my body's dismay, I slashed my claws through his pelt and then felt someone pounce on me. I was crushed against the ground and I let out a screech of terror. They got me too.

Houndleap's familiar voice whispered in my ear, "We never lose this game."

I could feel dread filling my stomach as the other tom called to Tigerstar and the others. My eyes flickered over to the Thunderpath. The moorland was just beyond it. Home was just beyond it. Soulflame was just beyond it...

A familiar battle cry filled my ears and I looked over to see Soulflame tackling the tom off Fernpaw. Littlecloud tackled Houndleap and I jumped to my paws, my pelt screaming at me to give up. But I pushed back the pain, scrambling to Fernpaw who rose to her paws slowly.

"We need to go, they'll handle it," I told her and we leaned against each other as we limped to the Thunderpath, hope filling my chest once again.

Firelily let out a cry and ran to our side, her eyes full of tears. "Come on, we don't have a lot of time. Littlecloud and Soulflame have been authorized to retreat as soon as they get a moment." She looked both ways on the Thunderpath and then let me lean against her as we sprinted across.

I could see Soulflame and Littlecloud pelting away from The Dark Forest cats, but they were nowhere as fast as the WindClan warriors and they made it across the Thunderpath just as a monster darted by.

Tigerstar glared over at us, his pelt had some blood on it but he seemed mostly okay. "This isn't over, we'll come back for you, Icepaw." Then he lead the other cats away and they disappeared into the pine forest.

Soulflame was at my side in an instant, his eyes wide with panic and worry. "Dear StarClan, Icepaw, you look awful! We need to get you to Mothflower right away." He let me lean against him and Littlecloud was beside us while Fernpaw leaned against Firelily.

StarClan couldn't hear us here.

I wanted to lay down and sleep but I knew that sleeping now would mean I might never wake up. My entire body was aching and screaming at me to stop, but camp was in sight and I couldn't. Home.

We made it into camp and I flopped to the ground, looking at Fernpaw as she flopped down next to me. She had scratch marks going down her pelt. She looked how I felt.

Soulflame ran off to the leader's den to fetch Russetstar.

Mothflower, Stonetail, and Jaypaw rushed up to us with herbs in their jaws. Stonetail and Mothflower looked at me with concern and then set to work while Jaypaw groomed Fernpaw's pelt.

Russetstar rushed over to us. He seemed just as concerned as Soulflame and Jaypaw. "Icepaw, oh dear StarClan..." he trailed off. I was glad I couldn't see my own pelt, I could only imagine how I looked. The leader cleared his throat loudly. "Everyone! I have something to say." The clearing instantly fell quiet. "Icepaw was taken by The Dark Forest cats almost a half moon ago and she survived!" He looked at me proudly. "I, Russetstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Icepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

My jaw dropped open. He was doing my warrior ceremony? "I-I do," I mewed in shock.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Icepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Iceheart. StarClan honors your bravery, spirit, kindness, and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan," Russetstar finished and rested his muzzle on my head and I licked his shoulder. I was in complete awe.

"Iceheart! Iceheart! Iceheart!" WindClan and ShadowClan cheered loudly.

Russetstar waved his tail for silence. "Instead of sitting vigil, Iceheart will rest in the medicine den and get her wounds healed. StarClan honors you, Iceheart." He nodded proudly at me.

I nodded back at him and struggled to my paws, Soulflame instantly at my side, letting me lean against him.

Maybe StarClan could hear me.

We slipped into the medicine den and I could hear paws hurrying after us.

I laid down in a nest and looked up to see Mousefang padding towards me hesitantly. Soulflame was still at my side.

"Iceheart, oh, I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried!" he purred and rushed over to me, pressing his nose against mine. "I'm so proud of you for getting your warrior name and I have to tell you something. Okay, it's-"

I cut him off quickly, "Shut up, Mousefang." I rose to my shaky legs, glaring at him. My body screamed no, but I said yes. "You left me there to be taken by those cats..." Tears were welling up in my eyes. "You ran away instead of helping me or trying... You saved yourself instead of me." I shook my head, trying to keep myself from crying. I looked up at him evenly. "I never want to see you again or speak to you again. If you even have a thought of coming to talk to me, lose it. Or Soulflame will end you." I collapsed into my nest, still glaring at him.

Mousefang's jaw dropped open in surprise and then his eyes flickered to Soulflame who was smiling. He quickly left the den.

Mothflower, Fernpaw, Jaypaw, and Stonetail all entered the den, watching him leave in surprise.

"How're you feeling, Iceheart?" Mothflower asked, padding towards me with concern. "I treated most of your wounds, they should heal nicely. Fernpaw did a good job with what she had."

Fernpaw smiled and shuffled her paws awkwardly.

Stonetail set his tail on his apprentice's shoulder proudly. "We have the medicine cat meeting tonight so Soulflame will stay with you until we return. He shouldn't have any problems." He looked at Soulflame who nodded.

"We should get going," Jaypaw mewed to the others and they all shuffled out of the den while Jaypaw padded up to me. His blind green eyes stared into mine. "You ever do that to me again and I'll have your tail." Then he exited the den after the other medicine cats.

I chuckled and looked up at Soulflame who was looking down at me. "Thank you for helping Fernpaw and I."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Just promise me you'll stay safe during The Dark Forest battle and we'll be even," he joked, smiling.

I smiled warmly at him. "Promise."

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