💞 Always Behind Of You💞 [ 미...

By Master_Silence27

171K 6K 663

it's still gender bender story.. More

[49] -End
[50]- Epilogue


2.8K 96 8
By Master_Silence27

The next day...

Chaeyoung was packing his things after he pack his things, his phone rang. He checked on the phone caller and Mina's name flashed on the screen.


"Minari, what's wrong?"

"I miss you." Chaeyoung chuckled at Mina's cute voice.

"I miss you too, my Minari."

"Can I come to your dorm?"

"I will visit you in your house, I'll be there in a matter of minutes, okay?"

"Alright. I'll wait for you. I love you, Chaeyoung-ah."

"I love you too, Minari." Then he hang up the call and he carried his bag and went outside his dorm. Chaeyoung was looking for the land lady and when he found her, he pay her and bid his goodbye to her.

Chaeyoung drove his car off to Mina's house, when he arrived there, he parked his car in front of his house since they were just neighbor.

Mina, on the other hand, she was with her parents, they're watching TV at the living room. Until Mina heard the bell rang non-stop.

It must be him.

Mina excitedly went to the door and twitched the door knob, as the door wide open, Mina received a hug.

"Mina, who's there?" Mina heard her mom shouting who was there. When Mina broke the hug, her eyes widened open seeing the guy in front of her.



"What are you doing here?" Mina asked, surprised seeing him there.

"Mina, I came here just to tell you that-" BamBam was cut off when Mina slap him.

"What?! You'll going to tell me that you still love me?!" Mina cut him off. BamBam took a deep breath and released it then he nod his head on Mina's question.

"Mina, I still love you..." Bambam said with a teary eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Mina's dad asked as he saw Bambam in front of their house.

"Go out! Go out! You stupid!" Mr. Myoui raged and pushed Bambam outside the house.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, he saw Bambam hugging Mina, he was about to approach Mina, but Bambam was quicker than him. Chaeyoung step back and his tears started to fall.

Mina saw Chaeyoung looking at their house, she go out and run after Chaeyoung, but it was too late, Chaeyoung had drove his car.

"Chaeyoung-ah..." Mina screamed and hold her knees. Mina's mom approach her as she notice that Mina standing on the center of the road.


2 days had passed...

Mina can't contact Chaeyoung and she doesn't have any idea where is he now. Mina can't stop crying, she didn't blame BamBam either.


"Mom, you'll be fine, I swear... God will give you another chance to live with us." Chaeyoung convinced his mom not to give up easily. Chaeyoung's mom stretched her hand and cupped Chaeyoung's face and caressed it gently.

"I can't fight anymore, my son." She said, her voice were cracking due to crying.

"Mom, you have to fight, fight for us mom." Chaeyoung cried his hearts out. Chaeyoung hugged his mom while crying.

Chaeyoung already knew now, they explained everything why their mom had to broke up with their dad, because she already know that she had a cancer. Everything is clear now. Even their father was shock as well, but nonetheless, they accepted it, their mom was going to die anytime soon.

Jin, Namjoon, Chaeyoung and their dad stayed whole night at the hospital, their mom was just asleep, well as they thought.

Morning came...

Chaeyoung woke up before his brother and father do, he checked on his mom.

She's not breathing anymore.

"Mom? Mom?" Chaeyoung shook his mom's body lightly, but she never move her hand.

"Mom? Mom? Mom?" Chaeyoung felt cold as he hold his mom's palm.

She's dead.


"Hyung, appa, mom is dead." Chaeyoung cried, Namjoon hurriedly called for a doctor.

He'll going to declare it.

After the doctor checked on the body, he then look at them with a sad expression.

I knew it.

"Time of death, 6:30am." The doctor declared making them cry even more.


Funeral day...

Chaeyoung and his brother were staring at the lifeless body of their mom. They can't stop crying.

Mom, I never had the chance to say I love you. I was just shy to say it. Maybe now I can say it. Mom, I love you. I love you so much.

"You said, Mina is your girlfriend, right? Where is she now? Why she didn't call you?" Namjoon asked.

"Let her be. She has something to do now, I guess?"

"What do you mean?" Jin asked. Chaeyoung just throw a thin smile and he never spoke anymore.


"Mina, what's wrong with you now a days?" Jungyeon noticed Mina. She was sad, and she lost appetite when she's eating.

"He's been gone for almost 1 week and I don't have any idea where he could be now." Mina said, she was in verge of tears right now, thankfully her squad was there to accompany and comfort her.

"He didn't call you?" Dahyun asked and Mina nodded.

"I can't contact him either." Nayeon said as she tried to dialled the cub's number.

"Mina, tell us, what is the main reason why he left you without saying goodbye?" Sana asked.

"I think, he saw us, Bambam hug me."

"Oh... Disaster." Tzuyu murmured.

As weeks passed by, Chaeyoung and his brother stayed strong for each other, after the burial of their mom. Jin has a shop in the Korea and he can't handle it so he pass it to Chaeyoung and let him handle the shop by himself, Jin has a business with his father while Namjoon handle the unfinished business of their mom.

"Appa, hyung, I need to go home..." He informed them.

"Take care there, Chaeyoung-ah. Don't worry, if we're free, we'll visit you there, alright?" Jin said as he patted Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"I will. You two as well. Appa, take care of yourself, alright?" Chaeyoung said and hug his father and brothers, then he finally bid his goodbye on them.


'It's great to be back.' Chaeyoung mumbled himself. He then rode a taxi going home on his own house.

The house is empty without them.

After he unpack his things, Chaeyoung decided to visit his brother's shop, but before he could go there, he  make his way going to the park.

There are a lot of couples here.

I suddenly missed her.

When his eyes were roaming around, an unexpected scene was caught on his eyes.

There it goes again.

Chaeyoung tucked his both hands inside his jacket's pocket and just look at them.


Mina, you're just making me fool.

The guy leave Mina after he hug her, then Mina sat on the bench, while smiling.

She's smiling.

I wonder, what's happening?

Mina, on the other hand, when she sat on the bench she saw someone in her peripheral view. So, she turn her head and found the cub that she's waiting for.

Mina smile and she stood up and walk towards where the cub was standing.


To be continued...

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