Make A Wish (Bruno Mars Fanfi...

By ijustlove_brunomars

41.9K 1.9K 576

We all have dreams, fantasies, and wishes... What would you do if those wishes came true? For Selina, Bruno M... More

Make A Wish
Make A Wish: Part 2
Make A Wish: Part 3
Make A Wish: Part 4
Make A Wish: Part 5
Make A Wish: Part 6
Make A Wish: Part 7
Make A Wish: Part 8
Make A Wish: Part 9
Make A Wish: Part 10
Make A Wish: Part 11
Make A Wish: Part 12
Make A Wish: Part 13
Make A Wish: Part 14
Make A Wish: Part 15
Make A Wish: Part 16
Make A Wish: Part 17
Make A Wish: Part 18
Make A Wish: Part 19
Make A Wish: Part 20
Make A Wish: Part 21
Make A Wish: Part 23
Make A Wish: Part 24
Make A Wish: Part 25
Make A Wish: Part 26
Make A Wish: Part 27
Second Extension (lol)

Make A Wish: Part 22

1K 65 24
By ijustlove_brunomars

Luna smirks out the window amused. "Well would you look at that. Lover boy came to join the party." She says.

"Please don't drag him into this. Just let me talk to him and tell him to go away. Please!" I beg.

She looks over and studies me. "Fine. You have 3 minutes to get him out of here." Luna says. She snaps her fingers and the vines recede allowing me to move again. I nod and then dash down the stairs, taking them 2 at a time. I reach the door and swing it open.

"Bruno!" I call. He turns his attention to me and walks over.

"Selina we need to talk." He says.

"We can't talk now. We can talk later, ok? You have to go now." I tell him. I put as much urgency in my voice as possible.

He ignores me. "No, we need to talk now. It's important." He says. "I don't know why you've been doing the things you have lately, but I just want to apologize. I was wrong for getting mad about you not wanting to go to LA." He says.

"That's great Bruno, but-" He walks right past me and into the house.

"And another thing. I shouldn't have broken up with you. I was mad, and dumb, an I overreacted." He says.

"Bruno you can't just walk into my house! You. Have. To. Go!" I say.

"I'm not leaving until we talk about this! The truth is I love you Selina and Im not just gonna walk away. Now come on we can just go up to your room and resolve everything." He says starting up the stairs.

I felt aggravated, desperate, but most of all I was shocked. He just said he loved me.

"Bruno, please..." I beg going after him. I grab his arm to stop him from walkin into my room.

"Why don't you want me to be here, Selina? Are you hiding something?" He says. His gaze travels from me to my bedroom door. "There's someone here, isn't there?" He asks angrily.

"No Bruno you don't understand just listen to me." I say but he didn't care. He took hold of the doorknob and swung the door wide open.

There stood Luna, and her trapped sister Astrid. The room was a mess and don't forget about the vines that were magically growing everywhere.

Bruno's eyes go wide at what he was seeing. "What the fuck..." He says. Before I can react Luna shoots some magical dust his way that makes him instantly collapse to the ground. I scream.

"I told you to get him out of here!" Luna yells.

"I'm sorry I tried! He was being stubborn and wouldn't go away!" I say crouching down to him. I hold his limp body in my arms. I saw the steady rise and fall of his chest. He was just asleep.

"I'm done with these games." Luna says as she snaps her fingers. Her magical vines inch closer and latch onto me, pulling me away from Bruno.

"No! Bruno!" I yell trying to wriggle away from them. It was no use.

"I'll figure out what to do with you later." She says referring to Bruno. "I have more important matters to deal with first."

Luna turns around to face her sister and gasps. I look up myself to see what had caused her surprise.

Astrid was gone.

"What?! How?!?" Luna screams as she stares at the limp vines on the ground where her sister was just moments ago.

She turns to me angrily. "You! This is your fault!" She spats pointing her finger accusingly at me. Luna looks over at Bruno and laughs evilly. "You're gonna pay for that, Selina." She says.

"What are you going to do?" I ask desperately.

"You'll see." She pulls out a small velvet pouch and opens it. She pours some of its contents into her hand. It was some sort of sparkly pink powder.

Luna kneels in front of Bruno who was still limp on the floor. She started mumbling something in a different language that I couldn't understand. I watched helplessly as she blew the pink powder into his face. I was afraid of what that powder does. Erase his memory? Leave him unconscious forever? Hurt him? Kill him?

I see Bruno start to stir a little. He was waking up. Luna looks over to me and gives me one last smirk before disappearing along with anything else her magic had caused in my house. Everything just instantly vanished.

Bruno sat up and looked a bit confused. I walked towards him. "Bruno?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"Selina." He says. He still remembers me, that's good. "Uh, did I fall asleep on the floor?" He asks.

I laugh and almost start crying at how relieved I was. He wasn't hurt, he remembers me, and he's still the same Bruno I love.

Then what did Luna do to him?

"Yes you did." I laugh.

"I must have been pretty tired then, huh?" He asks chuckling.

"I guess." I say. He stands up and leans against the wall.

"I'm hungry." Bruno says patting his tummy.

"How is that different from every other time?" I laugh. He gives me the puppy dog look and I give in. "Umm, I have spam, and cookies." I say.

"My two favorite things." His face lights up.

We go downstairs and I grab the Oreo cookies and spam from the cupboard. It was a strange combo but hey Bruno will eat anything practically. I just watched him as he dug into the snacks. I grabbed a cookie but honestly I wasn't very hungry after what just happened.

I looked at Bruno who was like a clueless little kid. If only he knew what was really going on. Should I tell him? He probably wouldn't believe me if I did.

I remember when he came over earlier, and he said that one thing to me. He said he loved me. Does he remember that?

"So Bruno...." I ask getting his attention. He pauses and looks at me with a cookie halfway in his mouth. "Are we still....together?"

He bites the cookie and eats it. "I'd like to be. If its ok with you, that is." He says. I smile.

"Of course it is." I tell him. He finishes his food and stands up. "Are you going home?" I ask.

"Can I stay a while longer? With you?" He asks.

"If you want to." I say. He grabs my hand and walks us over to the couch. He lays down and the pays the spot next to him. I join him and he wraps his arms around me.

We stay just like that for a while, in silence. "Tell me about when you become famous." I say.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Like what are your goals? What big things are you gonna do? Who do you want to collab with? What's gonna be your stage name?" I just ramble off questions.

"A stage name? What's wrong with my name?" He asks playfully.

"You aren't gonna go anywhere being Bruno Hernandez." I giggle.

"Fine how about.... The Hawaiian Lion." He says. I burst out in laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks.

"The Hawaiian Lion? Seriously?!" I laugh even harder.

"Lets see you come up with something better then." He says challenging me.

"Alright. How about....Bruno Mars." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because you're so....out of this world." I say exaggerating with my hands for effect.

"Well I am pretty amazing aren't I?" He asks.

"And by that I mean you're too weird to be from this planet." I add. I turn so that I'm facing him. He scowls at me jokingly.

He kisses me on the lips briefly. Then again, and again. Then he kisses me longer, deeper. "Bruno Mars...." He thinks about the name.

He shakes his head and laughs. "Nah that would never catch on." He says.



Sorry for the long wait guys. I've been battling with an authors worst enemy.

Writers block.

Lol anyways I'll try to come up with some amarsing ideas so I can update sooner. Thanks for being patient.

(I know this chapter was a bit short. At least it ended on a happier note haha.)

Comment and vote!

Love y'all. 😘



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