
By ThaKid_Snapback

382K 10.6K 1.6K

What happens when you try to do the right thing and hide your child from the spotlight but things go complete... More

Really?! (Bey and Jay FanFic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Part 1
Chapter 2 Part 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 part 1
Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 part 1
Chanel 33 part 2
Part 34
Chapter 35
Hey! READ!
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 51 part 2
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65- THE END
Really VI

Chapter 37

4.3K 125 42
By ThaKid_Snapback

Beyoncé’s POV

 "You showed them the cover?" My mom asked.

 "Well Damien didn't want to see it but Chanel saw it." I said.

 I was on the phone talking to my mother while feeding Blue.

 "How did she take it?" She asked.

 "How I expected her to." I said. "She liked it but she said she felt weird looking at it."

 "Yeah, shoot I felt weird looking at it." My mom said and I laughed.

 "Hold on ma I got another call." I said as I clicked over.

 "Hello." I said.

 "Bey, we got to go to the school now." Shawn said urgently.

 "Why? What happened?" I asked.

 "Something about a fight." Shawn said.

 "With who?" I asked.

 "Both of them, I don't know." He said. "See if your mother can come over and watch Blue."

 "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." I said.

 I clicked back over and my mom said she would be there in ten minutes. I called up Julius and told him I need to go to the school and he told me to come down when I was ready. I didn't have time to change so I just grabbed some sneakers and my purse and waited for my mom. When my mom got there she started asking questions but I told her I'll tell her when I get back. I went downstairs and got in the van and we were off to the school. I was trying to think of everything that could've happened. Chanel getting into a fight, it might be over something stupid but Damien fighting is serious. Once I got to the school I got out and Julius followed me. I went towards the office and saw Shawn and he met me half way. 

 "What happened?" I asked.

 "I don't know yet." He said. "I was waiting for you."

 We walked into the office and the secretary led us into the principal’s office while Julius stayed outside. When I walked in I saw Chanel, Damien, Erica and DJ. What the hell is going on?

 "Mr. and Mrs. Carter." Mrs. Allen said.

 "Hi" we said as we sat down.

 "What happened?" I asked getting to the point.

 "There was a fight between Chanel and another student." She said.

 "Then why are all of them here?" I asked.

 "They roughed of a few of the others girls." She said.

 "Girls." We said as we looked at DJ and Damien.

 "You put your hands on a female?" Shawn asked Damien.

 Damien didn't say anything just looked down. I patted Shawn's leg to calm him down. Damien knows better. 

 "How did this start?" I asked.

 "Well it seems the other student vandalized Chanel and Damien's locker." She said.

 "What was on it?" I asked.

 Mrs. Allen looked off to the side like she didn't want to say it. I looked at the kids.

 "What was it?" I asked.

 "Erica, show her the picture." Chanel said.

 Erica sighed and took out her phone and showed me the picture. I looked at it and I'm not gonna lie, it hurt, not a lot I'm used to stuff like that but it's effecting my children. I showed Shawn and he looked like he was upset a bit. I looked back at Mrs. Allen.

 "Okay, what now?" I asked.

 "Well Damien, DeAndre and Erica are on in-school suspension for the rest of today and tomorrow and Chanel will be suspended for three days." She said.

 "What?" Chanel said.

 I looked at Chanel and right now she needs to keep her mouth shut.

 "What about the other student?" I asked.

 "Well the other students vandalized school property so they will be suspended two days and the young lady who was fighting gets a week for vandalizing and fighting." She said.

 "Okay, is that all?" I asked.

 "Yes, and kid’s next time just get a teacher to handle all this. It will make your record look better and your parents don't have to see me for these occasions." She said.

 The kids nodded.

 "You three, to in-school. Chanel you can get your work from the secretary." She said. "See you in three days." 

 "What happened to the other girl?" I asked.

 "Nurses office, something about stitches." She said.

 I nodded and we walked out of the office and Chanel got her work. While they were walking off Shawn called Damien back.

 "Yes." Damien said.

 "You put your hands on a female?" Shawn asked.

 "You saw the picture." He said.

 "I didn't ask you that." Shawn said. "Did you put your hands on a female?"

 "Yes." Damien said.

 "I'll talk to you after school." Shawn said.


 "What did I say?" Shawn said.

 Damien looked at us and turned and walked away. Julius walked with us back to the van. We got in and to be honest I don't know what to say. I didn't know the magazine shoot would do all of that. Like come on who really does that. It’s just some mean spirited people in the world. I'm not totally mad at her for this but she knows the rules, no fighting. I'm actually more pissed at Damien. He knows not to touch a female like that. I looked at Chanel and she looks fine, I wonder what is going through her mind right now.

 Chanel's POV

 I wish I could remember what happened in the fight. All I remember is me hitting her and her hitting me. Next thing I knew I was being pulled off by security and blood was on my hands. I heard she had to get stitches or something. Let that be the last time she ever says anything about my family. That crap ended today and I have no remorse. If I get beat or punished I don't even care. I'm cool because I handled mine like I should have. I didn't know Erica, Damien and DJ roughed up those chicks though. At least I know they got my back. I thought those three days of suspension were doing the most but when I said something my mom’s face just looked like shut the hell up and my dad looked pissed at Damien. To be honest I think he's in more trouble than me.

When we got back to the house I already knew the drill, living room. That's sad. Anyway my grandma was in there with Blue. She didn't look too happy so I sat far away and I was hesitant to sit down. She looked at my mom.

 "What happened?" She asked.

 "She was in a fight." My mom said. "Someone vandalized hers and Damien's locker and she found out who did it."

 "What was it?" She asked.

 "Some words I rather not use and my GQ cover." My mom said.

 My grandma looked at me and her face softened. 

 "Chanel I know this is new for you and your mother is back working so magazine shoots are going to come but your just gonna have to ignore it. I don't condone fighting and I'm sure your parents don't either so that's something you need to work on." She said.

 "But it wasn't just today." I said.

 "What do you mean?" My mom asked.

 "That girl does this every day. She always has something slick to say, always mugging me. It's been like that since the first day I met her and called her annoying." I said.

 "Why did you call her annoying?" My mom asked. "Maybe she was offended."

 "I called her that because when we met Erica she came over being fake, already knowing my name acting like we knew each other or something and Erica looked annoyed by her presence so I asked her to leave us alone and ever since then she keeps messing with me." I said.

 "Were you being bullied?" My grandma asked.

 "Uh, no. I can fight her I just didn't." I said. "Well except for today and the iPad thing."

 "It's the same girl?" My mom asked.

 "Yeah." I said. "Am I punished or what?"

 "Would you even care?" My dad asked.

 "You want me to be honest?" I asked.

 "Yes." My mom said.

 "Nope, I knew I was gonna get in trouble before I hit her." I said.

 "A week." My mom said. "And I'm sorry to tell you, it doesn't matter if you could beat her up or not. You were bullied."

 "Don't tell anybody that." I said.

 "Why? It justifies what you did." She said.

 "Yeah, but it's embarrassing." I said.

 "There is nothing embarrassing about standing up for yourself." My grandma said.

 "When you put it like that it’s not but just keep the bullying part out." I said. "People are going to think I'm a punk."

 "Why do you try to act so tough and put a guard up?" My mom asked. "I know you don't have it up for us but you can't go through life like that."

 "People mistake my kindness for weakness and I'm not gonna let that happen." I said.

 "You need to let your guard down a little and relax." My mom said. "Nobody is going to think you’re a punk."

 "That's just the way I feel about the situation." I said.

 "Fine, go do the work they gave you." My mom said.

 I started to walk away.

 "Aye! Come here." My dad said.

 I walked over but not too close. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not.

 "Bring your face here." He said.

 I bent down and examined my face.

 "She got you under the eye." He said.

 "Yeah, I know." I said. "But who needed stitches."

 We laughed and I went in my room. I looked at the clock. Wow, all this happened before noon. Crazy morning.

 Damien's POV

 I was sitting in the room with Erica and DJ since we got in-school. We were waiting for the teacher to come back with our work.

 "You think Chanel got in trouble?" Erica asked.

 "Honestly I don't know." I said.

 "You think you in trouble?" DJ asked.

 I looked at him.

 "Did you see my dad’s face?" I said.

 I should've never pushed that girl. But I was mad they did that to my locker and wrote that stuff. I know I was wrong but I was mad. No it doesn't justify and we did apologize but they acting like we punched them in the face or something. Anyway I've never seen Chanel that mad and I've known her basically all her life. She really beat that girl, bad. The teacher came back with our work and it was the most boring day of my life and I got to do this tomorrow too. I got in the car after school to go home and my palms were sweating like crazy. I was hoping for crazy traffic but all I got was normal New York traffic. I went in the building and took the stairs. I ain’t in no rush. I used my key to open the door slowly. I creeped in and saw nobody so I closed the door and tip toed to my room. I was basically there.

 "D!,D!" I heard.

 I looked and Blue was running up to me. Oh shit, I picked her up and covered her mouth. 

 "Shh!" I said and she copied me.

 I put her down and stepped in my room.

 "Damien!" I heard.

 God dammit!

 "Yes." I yelled.

 "Come here." I heard.

 Shit, I looked down at Blue and dropped my bag and picked her up. I walked in to the kitchen and my mom was sitting in there. I was looking around-

 "He's not here." My mom said.

 I sighed in relief.

 "But he's not the one you need to be worried about." She said. "Sit down."

 I sat down still holding Blue. 

 "Blue." My mom said.

 Blue looked.

 "Go play with Nel." She said.

 "Nel?" She said.

 "Uh huh, go ahead." My mom said.

 I let her down and she went to go to Chanel. My mom looked at me a minuet before she spoke. 

 "What happened?" She asked

 "We walked in school and people were looking at us but we didn't know why. We went to our lockers and saw that stuff then Chanel said to follow her. We went and saw the girls. They tried to run but me and DJ stopped them. A spray paint can fell from one of their bags and Chanel starting fighting and I pushed one of the girls." I said.

 "Why?" She asked.

 "Because I was mad that they did that?" I said getting angry all over again.

 "Who told you it was alright to put your hands on a girl?" She asked.

 "No one." I said.

 "So what makes this an exception?" She said.

 "I'm not making excuses, I know what I did was wrong and I apologized for it." I said.

 "I hope just because you mad you don't think you can go around hitting girls." She said.

 "Ma, I'm not saying that." I said. "I wasn't thinking and I just pushed her it wasn't like I punched her in the face."

 "That's how that shit starts! You think a push wasn't bad, what's next a slap?" She said.

 "I wouldn't slap a girl." I said.

 "Well you pushed one." She said.

 "Look, I was mad okay. I was mad because that crap was on my locker and everybody was looking at it." I said.

 She really pissing me off right now, I'm no women beater.

 "This still doesn't justify what you did." She said.

 "I never said it would." I said. 

 "Maybe you shouldn't have done the shoot." I mumbled.

 "Excuse me? What did you say?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.

 "Nothing ma." I said.

 "What did you say?" She asked sternly.

 I swallowed 

 "I said maybe you shouldn't have done the shoot." I said.

 "Well maybe I should check with you before I do stuff but guess what!?" She yelled as she got up walking over to me. "I don't! I'm grown I do what I want and still none of this has anything to do with you putting your hands on a female!"

 I just sat there while she yelled at me. I think it's best if I just shut up. Where's is dad? I'd rather have him here.

 "What? Don't got nothing else to say?" She asked.

 "No." I mumbled.

 I heard somebody walk up behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. My mom looked pissed and just left. My dad walked around and sat in front of me. He just looked at me. Shit, I didn't know what to say. 

 "So you hitting girls now?" He asked.

 "I didn't hit her I pushed her." I said.

 "Really." He said. "Stand up."

 I got out the chair and he stood in front of me.

 "What? You push her like this?" He said and pushed me.

 I stumbled back a little but didn't say anything.

 "Or was it like this?" He asked adding a little more force.

 I stumbled back again but I was getting mad now.

 "Or like this?" He asked.

 He pushed me back and I hit the wall. Now I'm angry and I know he can tell.

 "What? You mad now?" He said. "Push me back. You was mad at the little girl now you mad at me. Push me."

 I just stood there, I'm not stupid. 

 "Exactly, push me I'd knock your little ass out." He said.

 "I said I was sorry." I said.

 "That's great and all but but what's done is done." He said. "So what when you mad you gonna go and start hitting girls. When your sisters make you mad you gonna hit them?"

 "No, it was an accident." I said. "I'm not gonna do it again."

 "I know you not." He said. "Let it happen again. I'll embarrass you in that school and if the person wants to press charges that's on you."

 I just looked at him.

 "Don't look at me like I'm stupid, fix your face." He said. "Man, get out my face."

 He pushed me to the side and looked back at him.

 "You wanna do something?" He asked.

 I just kept walking to my room. This day sucks ass. I'm, I don't hit girls or women. It was an accident, I apologized what else they want me to do?

 Beyoncé’s POV

 I was just lying in my bed thinking about everything. Did the cover really cause all this? Why didn't I notice that Chanel was basically being bullied at school? Well, she didn't tell me she was having problems and like she said she didn't feel bullied she was just trying to follow the rules. Shawn came in while I was thinking. He looked a little bothered.

 "You okay?" I asked.

 "Yeah, I'm good." He said. "Where's Blue."

 "With Chanel." I said as he sat on the bed.

 We both sighed at the same time. 

 "We have to talk to both of them." I said.

 "I know." He said. "The school called me."

 "What they say?" I asked.

 "Somebody leaked the story so the world will know by tonight or tomorrow." He said.

 "Oh joy." I said as I took a pillow and put it over my face.

 "Hey, it's not that bad." He said.

 "Yeah right." I said moving the pillow.

 "She could've been the one beaten up." He said.

 "Yeah, I guess." I said. "You want to get this talk over with?"

 "Yeah, bring them in here." He said.

 I got up and went in Damien's room.

 "Hey!" I said and he turned over. "Go wait in my room."

 I left his room and went to Chanel's.

 "Man, if I was there there's no way I'm blacking out. I would remember every detail of beating her ass." I heard as I walked in.

 Chanel was on the computer talking to Rachel and my baby was sitting right there.

 "Rachel!" I said as I got closer.

 "Uh, yeah bye!" She said and got off Skype.

 "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Do you not comprehend punished?"

 I grabbed her Mac and closed it. She looked like she wanted to say something but I dare her.

 "Ass." I heard Blue say laughing.


 "You been cussing, none the less in front of your sister." I said.

 "It was Rach-"

 "I don't give two cents about who said it." I said. "I should beat both of y'all's behinds."

 I rolled my eyes and picked up Blue. 

 "Follow me." I said.

 "But I didn't even say anything." She said tearing up.

 Okay, I thought I was sensitive. I turned around.

 "Ain't nobody gonna beat you." I said. "Get up and follow me."

 We went back in my room and Damien was already in there sitting on the bed.

 "Sit down." I said.

 I sat on the bed with Blue and Shawn started talking.

 "Well the world will know about your fight either tonight or tomorrow." He said. "But it will blow over so don't worry."

 "We want to let y'all know that we're not gonna tolerate fighting." I said. "Y'all know that right?"

 "Yes." They said.

 "Chanel, if we catch you fighting again these little punishments are not all you will be getting." I said. "And know because of the circumstances that your only punished a week because if it had been any other reason you would have seriously been handled you get what I'm saying."

 "Yes." She said nodding.

 "Damien, what you did is unacceptable." I said. "Make it the last time I ever hear of you putting your hands on a female you hear me?"

 "Yes, Ma, it's not gonna happen ever again." He said. "And I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you."

 "I accept your apology." I said. 

 "Well since that’s over, what y'all wanna eat?" Shawn asked.

 I looked at the kids.

 "It doesn’t matter." They said.

 "Chinese it is." Shawn said.

Did Bey and Jay do too much or was it just right?

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