My Major | Jasper Whitlock

By kiraalicex

415K 10.5K 1.8K

Jasper finds his true mate... Emily's little sister. When Nala moves to the res in order to start a new life... More

1- Moving
2 - Sunny Day
3 - Yes Ma'am
5 - Truth Revealed
6 - Swanning Around
7 - A Little Bit Of Lilo Love
8 - Sisters Don't Do That
9 - Permanent Vacation
10 - Alaska
11 - Madness
12 - Here He Comes
13 - Set The Record Straight
14 - Legalities And Formalities
15 - Stepping Forward
16 - Big Changes Coming
17 - A Change Of Plans
18 - Home Life
19 - New Life
20 - Old Life
21 - Take A Breath
22 - Make Me Leave
23 - Family Avenue
24 - Face Off
25 - Bells Are Ringing
26 - Obstacles Arise
27 - (not) To Be
28 - A Whole New Disaster
29 - Hello, it's me
30 - Happy Happy Birthday
31 - Come Back To Me

4 - Play Date

22.2K 528 175
By kiraalicex

Nala stares at her phone for a moment, biting her nail nervously. She takes a deep breath and begins to type a text message, before the nerves get the best of her.

'Hey Jazz, thank you for yesterday. I think Li really misses you now... maybe we could hang out again? We'd both like that x'

"Oh god." She whispers and groans to herself. "You sound like a love sick teenager." She mutters and huffs, throwing her phone. She goes back to tidying the bedroom to distract herself; usually when a parent gets 5 minutes peace they have a moment to themselves. Not Nala - she can't stand to not be doing anything.

Her phone dings and she just about launches herself on the bed, pushing her hair back as she unlocks it. She holds in a smile as she sees Jasper replied, and didn't totally freak.

'Its no problem, always here to help. I enjoyed yesterday too - that kid has me and Esme wrapped around her fingers already. Maybe you could come round later, once Seth brings her back?'

She smiles and squeals a little - wait, what? She blushes when she realised what she did and tries to act like it never happened. I don't squeal. I am not 5 years old. She says to herself. She replies eagerly to Jasper, saying that as soon as Seth and Lilo are back from the store they'll be right over.

Speaking of; as she walks downstairs she hears the chatter of Seth and some of his brothers - as they are apparently called - as they walk up to the house. She smiles as she sees Lilo holding Jacob and Embry's hands, both taking their time to let her set the pace. It really was a good idea to move here; in just a short time Lilo has so many positive influences around her and so many people fighting in her corner.

"Is she in one piece?" Nala raises an eyebrow.

"I returned her in the same condition as before - don't worry I'm not Emily."

"ASS!" Emily yells from upstairs as Seth and Nala laugh. Of course she's forgiven, but she's not entirely free from everyone's teasing.

"Well, Lilo and I have a play date so we gotta go." She says as she grabs her bag and picks the child up.

Seth raises an eyebrow. "Huh. Who with?"

Nala shrugs. "Jasper."

"Hale..." he says slowly. "Hmm. Be careful okay? I know they're good people but... just be careful."

Nala rolls her eyes. "Bye Seth. Bye boys." She calls as she heads to Emily's car; she straps Lilo in and climbs in, taking a deep breath to calm her excitement as she begins to drive.


Jasper stares at his phone and bites his lip. "Alice?" He says gently.

She appears beside him a moment later. "Yes?"

He looks up at her. "I think it's time for the talk..."

Alice's eyebrows shoot up. "Oh... Oh." She says as she slowly sits beside him.

Jasper takes her hands. "Whatever we had... we agreed it was just until we found our mates. You know I love you, with all my heart, but I've found her. I've found my soul mate." He whispers.

Alice takes a deep breath and touches his cheek gently. "I knew it the moment Nala decided to move here." She whispers and smiles small. "I love you too Jasper Whitlock, and I knew it would never last forever; I'm so happy for you, my love." She kisses his lips gently.

He feels the hurt radiating from her, so he cups her face and kisses back gently. "I'm so sorry." He whispers resting his forehead on hers.

"Shh... she's here. Go on." She smiles small and pulls away. He stands and glances at her once more before he heads downstairs, smiling wide as he feels her presence before he sees it - such a strong, positive energy.

Nala smiles as she sets Lilo down, letting her climb the steps as Jasper opens the door. "Hi." She grins.

"Japer!" Lilo yells eagerly, climbing the steps one by one. She's in pink dungarees and has her hair in little pig tails.

He smiles and picks her up as she runs to him. "Hi Lilo! Is your momma a slow poke?" He teases.

Lilo giggles and nods as Nala playfully gasps. "I am not a slow poke."

Lilo giggles again and nods to Jasper who smiles. He looks at Nala. "I wanna show you something."

Nala raises her eyebrows but shrugs as he takes her hand, leading her around the house. She smiles wide and giggles when she sees the wooden slide and swing set on the open lawn. "Jasper..."

"I know I know. But Esme couldn't resist - it's just so you know you always have a place here, you're always welcome here." He smiles and sets Lilo down. She instantly bolts towards the climbing wall, trying to climb up to the slide.

"It's too much..." Nala says slowly.

Jasper frowns. "Please don't think that; it doesn't mean your obliged to come here or anything but it's here if you ever want to bring Li over. I promise it isn't anytbing."

She smiles small and looks over as Lilo figures out the steps would be easier and climbs up, sitting on the slide. "Japer watch!" She shrieks before sliding down.

"You went all alone!? You brave girl!" He says, going over to her. He easily talks to her, helps her up the steps and down the slide.

Nala looks up at the sky for a moment, taking a shaky deep breath. "Everything okay...?" A voice says. Nala looks over at the petite girl beside her. "I'm Alice, Jasper's sister." She smiles small.

Nala forces a smile, shaking her head. "I'm fine... is he always so..." she tries to find the word. "Is he always so easy breezy?"

"Jasper? Not at all." She giggles. "He does, however, like to look at the brighter side of things most of the time. He has a very analytical mind."

Nala watches as he pushes Lilo on the swing. "It's just... hard. Lilo won't know what it's like to have a dad. Jasper, Seth, Sam; they've all done more for her than he ever did. I hate that - I shouldn't be relying on strangers for support."

"Jasper has the kindest heart and the purest soul - he's happy helping. Since you got here, I've seen him smile more than he has in a long time; he's excited to see you or Lilo, to run around after her for hours. He doesn't have to do that - he wants to." Alice says gently.

Nala smiles small. "Your brothers a pretty amazing guy." She whispers.

Jasper smirks to himself as Alice giggles. "He sure is. My turn!" She calls to him as she skips over to push Lilo.

Jasper sends her a look that simply reads 'thank you'; thank you for letting go, thank you for talking to her. Thank you for understanding. Their 'relationship'/arrangement was never permanent, but they knew it would always be hard on one of them when the other found their mate. He wishes Alice had found hers first in a way, but he gets to keep his Nala forever - if that's what she wants.

"Hey, Nala?" Esme calls from the house.

Nala looks up at the balcony. "Oh, thank you for this!" She points to the swings. "What's up?"

"Did you wanna stay for dinner?" She smiles.

Nala thinks. "If that's okay?" She smiles. She definitely likes it here...


"Japer, up!" Lilo calls as she points to the swing. Jasper climbs up from his sitting position at the porch table before going over to join her; honestly, he would do anything for the rugrat at this point. Her mom too.

Nala smiles and eats a few grapes as she watches; the past few weeks have been... amazing. A dream. She's spent a lot of time with Jasper and his family, as well as the boys and her sister. The home and environment she's creating is clearly a good one; Lilo's speech has come along an amazing amount.

"How about we have a bonfire tonight?" Carlisle asks Esme as they sit on the porch swing across from the table.

Esme smiles. "I like that idea. What about inviting your sister, Nally?" She looks at the girl who looks away from Jasper.


Esme giggles. "A bonfire. You could invite your sister and cousin and their brothers."

She smiles. "Really? I haven't been to a bonfire since I was a kid, and I haven't hung out with everyone all together!"

"Go call them." Carlisle smiles. Nala rushes inside excitedly.

Alice appears seconds later. "Why did you invite them all?"

"Because Nala is family now - the packs are too. We should do things together more often." Esme says.

"Now I can't see." She crosses her arms glaring. "I don't know if we're safe if I can't see."

Carlisle chuckles. "Alice, we all get along now. Of course were safe."

The girl growls, stomping her foot before disappearing into the trees. Jasper rolls his eyes and brings Lilo over, sitting with her on his lap as she drinks her juice. "She's still grouchy I see."

"Oh yes." Esme chuckles.

"What's with inviting everyone over?" He asks his mom curiously.

"I want Nala to be happy. She's happy here, but I may have overheard when she said about feeling bad about leaving Emily and the other so much." Esme admits sheepishly. She comes over and takes Lilo. "And this little monkey grows adventurous when Seth is around - you and Nala worry too much and don't let her venture out." Esme teases as she heads over to the river with Lilo.

Nala sits back down. "They'll be here soon. I'm so excited!"

Jasper smiles and takes her hand. "I've never seen you this happy."

She blushes and looks at him as Carlisle joins Esme to give them privacy. "I'm just a little happy that we all get to hang out. You guys say you're all friends but the only people I see here are Jacob and Seth, who end up disappearing."

"They're busy guys." Jasper covers easily with a small shrug.

Nala rests her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad I have you guys. I never expected meeting people like I have when I moved."

He kisses her head. "I'm glad I met you too." He says gently.

She looks up at him and their eyes meet for a moment; slowly, subconsciously, they both lean in to one and other, their lips meeting in the middle. Nala moves her hand to Jasper's cold cheek as his hands gently run down her arms and then her sides, resting on her hips in a protective manner. The kiss lasts no more than 10 seconds before it's interrupted.


Jasper growls and glares at his brother. "Emmett. You're a fucking ass." He hisses.

Emmett laughs loudly as he sits beside Nala. "What's up, buttercup?" He smirks.

She giggles. "Hi Emmett. Good to see you still have energy after baby sitting yesterday."

"Dude your kid has an endless amount of energy." He shakes his head puffing air into his cheeks.

"Maybe you're just getting old." Edward says as he and Bella join the group. Bella joins Rosalie on the porch swing as Edward joins his brothers and Nala.

"You guys all got here so fast." Nala says in a little shock.

"We all live near." Edward shrugs. "Where's the little rascal?"

"Your mom stole her again." Nala giggles and looks out at Esme and Carlisle; Esme has her jeans rolled up, stood in the shallow edges of the river as Lilo splashes. Carlisle kneels beside them smiling.

They all sit talking for a while until Jasper and Emmett head out to find some logs, setting them up in the centre of the lawn away from the house and far from the play set. The sun's begun to set as Nala hears the familiar ruckus of her cousin and his brothers; she looks over as they all round the corner, Emily and Sam leading up the back.

"I bought hot dogs." Seth announces. "For me." He smirks.

"Har har." Emily slaps him playfully. "They're for everyone."

"Thank you Emily." Esme smiles as she carries Lilo over wrapped in a snug towel. "I'll get this monkey changed and then we'll join you."

Emily watches as Esme heads inside with Lilo. She sits beside her sister and leans close to whisper. "You are her mom. Why can't you change her? She's swanning around like Li is hers."

Nala scowls. "Em!" She hisses. "Esme isn't acting like that, she's spending time with Lilo who she happens to care about. I've had her all day, like I always do, Esme just took her to play. You'd change her if you got her messy or wet right?"

Emily huffs and sits back against Sam; she doesn't want to be here. Not at all. She would much rather her sister hadn't met a vampire or developed feelings for one. Why couldn't one of the stupid teenagers she cares for imprint on her or something?

Edward frowns as he heads this; he never knew Emily could be like this, although he's never really met her. He heads over and tells Jasper who frowns, throwing a lighter into the pile of wood; it goes up in seconds making the Quileute boys cheer and rush over with hot dogs and stuff for smores.

Nala smiles as Esme comes back out with Lilo. "5 more minutes of play little one." She says as she kisses her cheek and let's her run off. She heads over to join Jasper who snakes an arm around her waist and kisses her head.

Seth freezes, his hotdog an inch from his mouth. Since when... He feels his body begin to shake as he watches Jasper whisper things in Nala's ear, making the girl giggle. The talk around the fire goes quiet as his brothers realise what's going on.

"Seth." Jacob and Sam say as a warning.

Nala looks over as she sees Seth shaking violently. "Seth..?" She steps towards him only for Jasper to hold her waist tighter.

"Seth." Emmett warms; he's fond of the kid, he doesn't want to hurt him, but Nala and Lilo are metres from him.

Seth snarls. "Stupid. Bloodsuckers." He growls angrily, throwing his food aside as he begins to step closer; Jasper pulls Nala back, but she pushes him away making a move to grab Lilo as she hears Seth.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Seth roars suddenly and phases, right beside his cousin...

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