So We Meet Again? (A Zayn Mal...

By RoseFarihaHarvestar

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[COMPLETED BOOK!] It all starts out with Bianca, 16, finding a torn picture of her. She discovers that the ot... More

Chapter 1~ I Didn't Know That?
Chapter 2~ Zayn will find me.
Chapter 3~ How I Met My Zayn- Personally
Chapter 4~ Wished I never met him.
Chapter 5~ Revenge +Love= Compassion.
Chapter 6~ Faith is always Compatible
Chapter 7~ A Miracle Happens only with True Love!
Chapter 8~ The Avenge Plan! (part1)
Chapter 9~ The Avenge Plan! (Part 2)
Chapter 10~ A Better Day always has its Endings!
Chapter 11~ Betrayed!
Chapter 12~ Don't Want to be a Broken- Hearted Girl.
Chapter 13~ Hurt!
Chapter 14~ It Ends with Just Us.
Chapter 15~ Goner
Chapter 17~ Choices and Decision to Make and Break.
Chapter 18~Happiness After All or Not?!
Chapter 19~ Promise Broken, Kidnapped, and Break Up Woes!
Chapter 20~ Give Your Heart a Break.
Chapter 21~Saying Goodbye.
Chapter 22~ A Brand New Chapter.
Chapter 23~ Life just got Sweeter!
Chapter 24~The Fall of a New Love.
Chapter 25~ A Regretful Mistake.
Chapter 26~ Need you Now.
Chapter 27~ The Good Life or Bad?
Chapter 28~ Two Zayns, New Promises, and a Proposal.
Chapter 29~ A Cruel Injustice and Years Later.
Chapter 30~ So We Meet Again?
Chapter 31~ Epilogue.

Chapter 16~ Forgive and Fall in Love Again.

11K 115 47
By RoseFarihaHarvestar

The next morning, I thought about what my vision my my mother.  "Tell Zayn to never hurt you again and faith will bring you back together." Faith? What does this have anything to do with faith? Is my mom trying to tell me to forgive Zayn for what he has done to me 2 years ago? Whatever it is I should fulfill that wish in order to make her happy. Then I heard the door open, it was the doctor. 

"Bianca, how are you feeling, today," she asked wit a clipboard in hand.


Then she checked my blood pressure, my tongue, ears and eyes. 

"Ok, Ms. Khan, you can leave now. A friend is waiting for you outside at the waiting area." she reassured. 

"Oh, really who?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged and opened the door for me to leave. I turned around the corner and to my surprise it was Niall. 

"Ello Bianca," Niall started, "how are you?" He got up to hug me.

"Niall! I'm good and you. I'm sorry about yesterday." I apologized as I hugged him.

"It's ok, B! I understand. Anyways wanna go to Nandos with me. I'm hungry," he suggested as he winked and elbowed me. 

"Ok!" I gleefully responded. As we were walking, he inched towards me and grasped my fingers and locked them in. I was surprised of what he did. My eyes widen then I let loss of my grip and let our fingers fall gently to our sides. Niall cleared his throat. 

"Let's pretend that never happened ok, Niall." I said. He nodded. 

In front of the hospital entrance, there were a few paparazzi but security was there to protect us. We hopped into the car which drove us there to my hotel first so that I could freshen up a bit. As we arrived at the hotel, there were a swarm of paparazzi taking my photo since Niall was waiting for me in the car. Why were they so interested in me all of a sudden? I shielded my face from the photographers by cover myself with my shirt and rushed inside the hotel. I checked in and ran to the elevator. As I unlocked the door with the key, I noticed something different about my wrist. The charm bracelet which I cherished with me for all these years. All of a sudden gone! Where was it? Did I drop it? Did I lose it at the hospital or at the scene of the accident?! I shook my head and went into my room. 

I took a quick shower, dried my hair with a towel, and smacked on some Almay eyeliner and lip balm. I chose some loose fitting clothing; causal but still comfortable and attractive. I wore my Adidas sneakers, grabbed my handbag and headed out the door to the elevator. At the lobby, the paparazzi were gone! I sighed in relief. Finally, I could go out into the world in peace and harmony. I hopped back into the car. 

"Why were they so interested in taking photos of me?" I asked Niall.

"I don't know, probably since you hang out with us and the Zayn incident," he answered as he roughly brushed his hand through his blond shiny hair. 

We arrived in downtown London were there was a Nandos restaurant that the boys hang out most of the day. Thank God there weren't any more of those pesky paparazzi bugging us with their flashing repugnant devices! I went in and saw Aleesha waving towards us. 

"ALEESHA!" I yelled out. I walked towards the table. At the table I was even more surprised to see the whole gang. Aleesha, Harry, Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor. Everybody was there except Zayn. 

"Hey what up, Bianca?" she asked.

"Nothing much, Niall escorted me here," I replied "where were you? I thought you were gonna be at the hospital?"

"Well, Harry and Niall had a bet of who was going to pick you up from there and Niall lost," she explained. I didn't ask what the bet was. I sat beside Aleesha and an empty chair----- probably it was Niall's, and waited for him to order our food. 

"So what is new with everybody except the fact that Louis and Eleanor are gonna get married in 3 weeks from now," I asked. 

"Well I went for an ultrasound for my kidneys yesterday and the doctor said that I have 2 kidneys!" Liam announced as he placed one hand on Danielle's lap. 

"OMG! Congrats Liam! Now we all have 2 kidneys no one is left out!" I replied in unison. They all fell silent after I said that. Oh, yeah not everyone. Zayn has one. They all still remember that I would have thought that they have forgotten already. After all it has been two years though. Niall came with the food and boy, was there a lot of food! There were 10 trays of food. We each got a plate full of food and a drink. The rest was for Niall. I wonder how he doesn't get fat? He has a secret or the fact that he has a high metabolism.

" I am gonna spend my time with you and my beautiful girlfriend," Hazza remarked as he dived in for a kiss. 

"AW! Thanks Harry for sticking around with us," I said. 

"How about you, Danielle, anything special or good going on with you lately?" I asked as I sipped my diet 7UP. 

"Um... well no, I have been busy practicing for a concert , going on dates with Liam and just hanging around with my girlfriends," she implored. 

"Oh well that's gr---" I got interrupted by Eleanor.

"Um Bianca?" She started, " do you know the venue for our wedding?" 

"Uh, no but Harry can take us," Aleesha butted in.

"But if Harry forgets, its at Louis' hometown, Doncaster, behind our new mansion." She reminded us.

"Oh, it's a backyard wedding?" 

She nodded.

"What's the dress code?" Aleesha asked as she ate a fry.

"Um, for girl's something fancy but not like a church wedding, apporpiate for a backyard wedding. For guys, a tux would be great but blazers, and a shirt with fancy pants is alright," she explained. 

We nodded. After we were done, me, Aleesha and Harry got up to leave. 

"Hey we are gonna do more exploring around London,ok. So catch you later. It was all so nice to meet you again, Danielle and Eleanor." I said. We waved goodbye and out the door we were. Lucky I had brought some cash around with me just in case. We jumped into Hazza's sweet sport's car. When he turned the engine, it purred like a cheetah and roared like a lion. It was the beast who was unleashed from its cage that can't be tamed! I loved it! Actually, I loved London! We toured around London. We visited Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Princess of Diana's memorial place. etc. Everything was magnificent. Of course we took lots of photos.  At the end of the day, we went back to our hotel.  As we were going up the elevator, I thought about Zayn and my bracelet. Will I ever be able to forgive him? Besides, he did save my life twice. I don't know, he hurt me really bad. Karma did bite  my ass after he broke up with me.  So  I'm still undecided about this. 

While me and Aleesha were freshening up and getting ready for bed, I popped her with the question.

"Aleesha, I lost my bracelet today," I said as I sat at the edge of my bed. She came out of the bathroom with a towel looking shocked. 

"Where did you leave, last?" she asked. 

"Well , that's the problem, I don't know where I last left it?" I told her. She came and sat beside me. 

"Oh, well. I could always buy you an-----" I interrupted her before she could finish.

"ALEESHA! THAT WAS A PERSONAL GIFT FROM ZAYN. THE ONLY THING I HAVE ABOUT HIM!" I scolded at her. She backed off. She quietly moved to her bed and went to sleep. Oh, why did I just do that, I am so stupid! I will make it up to her tomorrow. Why was I so harsh on her? She was just being helpful and I snapped at her. 

I turned off my lamp beside my night stand and feel fast asleep. I had a weird and queer dream. I was in a parallel universe where there were tie dye colors, clouds passing by rapidly through a blink of an eye. Suddenly, everything stopped and went by at its normal pace. Then I was faced with light peering through a hole. It became bigger and bigger until that light was so bright that it blinded me. I shielded my eyes. I heard someone call my name. 


I tried to open my eyes to see who was calling me. The light was no more but hovering over the light was a human figure. It was mom, again! Oh, how glad was I ever to see her!

"Mom! I have so much to tell you. I can't find that bracelet which Zayn gave me and should I forgive him?" I asked her.

She came towards me. I stood still in my tracks trying not to move a muscle. I heard her chuckle. Why was she laughing. I didn't find that question very funny at the most.

"My dear Bianca, remember what I told you about faith? Well, that bracelet is the key to your faith. I know where your bracelet is but only faith can be able to retrieve your bracelet and bring closer to Zayn. Yes, you should forgive him. You shouldn't hold a big grudge on him, it's been 2 years and you should give him another chance," she explained to me. 

"But I thought you told me to not love him?" I firmly questioned her as I crossed my arms and tapped onto the white floor. 

"Well Bianca, that was at first until I saw how much you loved him and how much he loved you. So I think he is the perfect guy for you baby," she said.

"Ok mom whatever you say," I told her

"My time is up, I have to go now. Please forgive Zayn and take care of your father ok, please." she said holding my hand. I could feel a presence near me then it left. 

I woke up gasping. I turned to my right. Oh, it's morning. Good! Then I turned to the other side. I didn't see Aleesha, probably she left to the breakfast hall. I stretched and walked to the bathroom. As I passed by her bed, there was a note that read: For Bianca. I picked it up. Curiously, I opened the letter. It read: 
 " Bianca, I am sorry about what had happened last night. I shouldn't have said that in the first place. I didn't know that you were so sensitive about it. Anyways, I left to Holmes Chapels with Harry. Harry's sister is gonna take me shopping to buy a dress for the wedding and we are gonna hang around in Holmes Chapels for a while. So I will be back in London by late afternoon, ok? I'm sorry about yesterday. Hope you forgive me hun! I love you.
~ Lots of love  Aleesha."

 I scrunched up the paper and threw it into the trash can. I feel so crappy now. I am the one who should be the one apologising not her. I think she was so mad that she didn't invite me to go shopping with her and Harry to Holmes Chapels. Oh well, I'll just call up Niall and hang out with him if he's not busy. So I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. It rang then someone picked up.

" Ello, Niall Horan speaking?" Niall asked on the other end of the phone.

I giggled softly a little. 

"Hey Nialler, it's me Bianca, wanna go hang out?" 

"Oh, how you doing Bianca? Sure why not? I'll be there in let's say 10-20 minutes I'm just having my breakfast," he replied. 

"Ok, bye see you in a bit Niall, bye!" I said hanging up. I tied my hair into a rough ponytail and went to get changed and washed up. I wore a long  navy strapless dress with a jean jacket, with a cotton scarf wrapped around my neck and lastly I wore Greek style sandals. Today was gonna be a chilling day for me. I went downstairs to wait for Niall to pick me. I ate breakfast and hung out around the gift shop. Suddenly, something caught my eye. A Peoples magazine of me on the cover page. I was in shocked. It wasn't only a picture of me, there was Zayn and Perrie. We were all in a love triangle bit! I read the headline. It read out: " Has Zayn from One direction gotten into a love triangle twist? Dating Perrie and then out of the blue saving his Ex- girl Bianca? What does Perrie Edwards have to say about this? p.g. 6 has got your details."  What the fuck is going? Then it hit me, the paparazzi! That's why they were so interested in me. I snatched the magazine and bought it. I went to the lounge to read page 6. As I read through the page,everything was rubbish! Just bullshit! How could people buy this junk?! It's a lie, all a lie. I jumped when someone's hand settled on my shoulder. I turned around. Oh, it was Niall. He came around and sat in front of me. 

"Hey Nialler," I started.

"Hey, ready to go? What you got there?" He asked as he tried to see what I was reading.

"Nothing. Don't worry about let's go," I said trying to avoid him from reading it. He grabbed my hand. 

"What's bugging you Bianca?" he asked as he grabbed the magazine from me, took a glance at and threw into a nearby trash. 

"Nothing, Niall. I'm fine. Now, let's go. I wanna go explore North London!" I suggested as I grabbed his hand. Niall hollered for a cabbie. 

"To north London, please," he told the cab driver.

"By the way, where is Harry and Aleesha?" he asked.

"They went to Holmes Chapels to buy a dress for the wedding," I responded absent minded. 

"Oh, ok." he said. Thank God he didn't get into so much detail with their whereabouts. I laid back on my seat and thought about what mom told me last night. "Well, that bracelet is the key to your faith. I know where your bracelet is but only faith can be able to retrieve your bracelet and bring closer to Zayn. Yes, you should forgive him. You shouldn't hold a big grudge on him, it's been 2 years and you should give him another chance." I should give him another chance. It's what my mom wants and what i want? I don't know 100%. 

"Bianca, we are here," Niall announced. 

"Huh? What?!" I sounded alarmed. We climbed out of the cab. After we climbed out of the cab, a swarm of photographers and screaming fans came towards us. We hastily ran to a nearby mall. Pwsh! That was a close one. 

"BIanca, let's go to the food court, I'm hungry," he sheepishly said. I laughed.

"Ok, Niall!" I responded.

We went to the food court. It was a huge massive food court! It was bigger than the one we have at home in Toronto. Even bigger than the Yorkdale mall food court or even the Vaughan Millls mall, too. The Vaughan Mills one is super huge! I was astonished. Unfortunately, there wasn't any Nandos so Niall had to buy Taco Bell for himself. I bought myself an small frappacino from Starbucks.  Niall bought a lot of  taco bells, fries, and a large soft drink. 

"So after this what do you want to do?" I asked as I watched him scarf down a whole handful of fries down his gullet. 

"I don't know You wanna go to High Park?" he mumbled since there was food in his mouth. 

"YOU GUYS HAVE A HIGH PARK HERE?!" I sounded alarmed because I know that there was a high Park in downtown, Toronto. I used to live in that area until I moved to Scarborough. I used play there in the water park, went hiking with my parents and petting the animals at the free animal zoo there. Memories, where have thou gone to? I won't ever know where. 

He nodded. 

"Ok, but is it alright if we go shopping first for a dress for the wedding?" I asked him as I took a sip of my frappacino. 

"Sure!" He said as he finished his food. I started to get hungry since Niall was eating a lot of food. I smacked my lips but looked away from him. When I turned back to face him, there was one french fry left. We both stared at it and then at each other. I dived in to take it but Niall got it first. Well, there goes my luck of trying to get food from Niall. I sighed and sat back into my chair. He had a guilt expression written all over his face. The unthinkable happened! He gave the fry to me! Niall Horan! A guy who never shares or offers anyone his food?! Amazing! There could be one conclusion to this: he likes me. I think he found his princess in me. AW! I wanted to give him a smooch but then it would've been awkward. 

"You sure?" I asked as one of my eyebrows went up. He nodded delightfully. I took it and ate it. He smiled a little. 

"Let's go look out an outfit for the wedding Niall!" I spontaneously said. He groaned but then I tugged his sleeve and pulled him out of his seat to come with me. 

We went to so many stores check over 40 malls and bought over 25 shoes, outfits and accessories and a small present for Aleesha, but still haven't found the right dress for the wedding. Oh well, that one thing will better come to me one day or another. Eventually. Hahaha, that one thing, I thought to myself. I loved that song. Actually I love all of one direction songs. We got out of the mall with so much shopping bags in hand. We called a cab and went to High Park. It was perfect. The park was so live and nice. I liked the atmosphere. It was very naturally. I like being natural and I live to be natural and true who I am. Suddenly, Niall held my hand. I let him hold it this time. I squeezed at it. We walked up a hill and as we where walking, he told me jokes. 

"Hahahahahah, Niall you are hilarious and I like someone who makes me smile and laugh all the time," I told him. 

"Well, I like a friend who thinks I am funny and see her laugh at it, cause that's what really makes her beautiful!" he replied. We looked into each others eyes as we reached at the summit of the hill. We watched the sunset going down. I let go of hand and put my arm into his arm locked. I laid comfortably on his shoulder. I felt his hand slide to my hips and brought me closer to him. He kissed my head as we watched the sunset go down. I sighed. I think I'm falling in love again! I know it for sure this time! 

For the past few weeks, me and Niall hung out. I forget all about the pain which Zayn brought to my life all gone.I felt better, more happier when I am with Niall. We brightens my day like nobody else. Aleesha and I still hang out at the hotel but we had a double date one time at a Canadian bar. I loved that Canadian bar. Everything that I loved about Canada was in that little bar. Whenever I got back from our little outing, I would tell Aleesha how it went. Aleesha, Harry, Niall, and I all went to Wolverhampton. Liam's hometown. We visited Liam and Danielle. We toured around Wolverhampton. We toured to so many places such as the Wolverhampton art gallery, the grand theatre, Moseley Old hall etc. Everything was all so fabulous! Still I didn't find the perfect dress for Louis and Eleanor's wedding. I don't have much time left. For the last week before the wedding, Niall took me to Mulligner Ireland! 

"Really?! You are actually taking me there," I asked him in shocked. He nodded.

"Oh thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and leaped to hug him. He chuckled. 

My trip to Ireland was the best time of my life. It only took 41 minutes from England to Ireland!  I met up with Niall's parents. There were nice folks. They knew how to have fun but at the same time had moral values to show to their sons. Niall's brother was nice and a good guy to be around with. We had fun playing Black Ops call of duty on their X-box 360. It reminds me of my X-box 360 kinect which I have back in Canada. Niall and I went to a Irish band rock concert . We had a blast. I was there for a whole week. I think I fell in love with Niall Horan and so did he. Then on the last day there, he took me to a river side. 

"This is my favorite place B," he told me. 

"Hmm... it's so pretty and quiet," I told him. There was a silence. I could only hear the water sway into the dark night. Niall just stared at me. I was confused. 

"What?" I asked puzzled. 

"Nothing, it's just that I never knew that you were so pretty in the dark as you are during the day, princess," he told me. I giggled softly. He leaned in towards me and kissed me gently on my lips. I was surprised but then again it was lovely. I kinda enjoyed it. It was official. I am totally in love with Niall and so was he.He pushed back.

"I am so sorry!" he said heavily breathing.

"No, no it's ok," I reassured him.

"I-I don't k-know w-what happened, I c-couldn't c-control how I feel about you, Bianca," he stuttered. I  placed my finger on his lip to hush him up. This time I leaned over and kissed him again. We kissed passionately. 

"But we don't tell nobody about this, ok" I told him. He nodded and we continued kissing. I was happy now. My life was complete but still I loved Zayn and thought about him while I made out with Niall. Shit! That was bad. I felt guilty. I am such a fucked up girlfriend. I'm so messed up. I need to find Zayn. A need to forgive him but will I ever fall in love with him again? I don't think so now, since I'm in love with Niall Horan! 

The next day, I bid farewell to Ireland and 41 minutes later I was in London England. It was rainy and very foggy. 

"Ugh, the rain. It was nicer back in Ireland," I said to Niall. 

"I know, but this is England," he told me as he shrugged. I laughed. He kissed my nose. I kissed him softly on his lips. He escorted me to my hotel suite. 

"Aleesha, I'm back!!!!!" I called out. She looked over and screamed. She was watching the television. 

"How was Ireland," she said with a fake Irish accent. I giggled. 

"AWESOME! Wished you and Harry were there with me," I said. 

"Yeah, we went to Bradford," she said glancing at the floor. There was an awkward silence since she knew that was the one place that I haven't visited in England so far besides Doncaster. 

" I bought you som--" before I could finish, Aleesha interrupted me.

"Bianca, there's a package that has been sent to you by some you know." 

She handed me the package. It was a medium size box. 

"What is it? Some one I know?" I asked as I opened the manila covering. Surprisingly it had  no address on it. 

"I don't and yeah. Oh, by the way Harry's the best man for Louis' wedding," she added as she started to do her nails with red and black nail polish. 

"Oh really?! That's great!" I said as I plopped myself on my bed. I carefully opened the box and in the box there was a dress. I gasped. It was a dress?! It was beautiful! It had very little crystal gems, red  and slightly see-through, and long! Just what I expected! It was perfect. At the bottom, my bracelet which Zayn gave to me 2 years ago appeared! Also 2 coupons to the best hair salon in town and a note that wrote: To Bianca. Then it hit me. Zayn! My mother was write about faith, the bracelet and Zayn! I hesitatingly opened the note. It read: " Bianca, I've been missing you very much. Very!  Please forgive me and I've noticed that you still haven't picked out a dress so I bought the perfect one that fits your personality and style. I know this dress will fit you perfectly. Also, I found the bracelet. I fixed it for you. The latch broke. So, I got it cleaned up and fixed for you. Lastly, I got these two coupons for you and Aleesha to get fancy up for the wedding. Thing of as a treat. I hope you find it in yourself to forgive me. I try my  best not to hurt girls but to respect them, but I don't know what happened to me at that time, but I feel crappy for throwing you in the dump. I will always love you and hope to meet again. Love and always~ Zayn."

A tear rolled down my cheek. I showed Aleesha the dress, coupons, the bracelet, and the note. she read the note.

"AW! Zayn. So are you gonna forgive him?" she asked as a tear rolled down her face, too.

"Yes, I think this is worth it," I said getting up as I grabbed my luggage and got my red rain coat and an umbrella. 

"Where are you going?" Aleesha asked.

"To forgive my love, Zayn?" I told her and slammed the door behind me. I remembered Zayn  mentioned to an Interviewer that he lived in North London. So I am assuming that he lives there now. I whistled for a cabbie. Boy, it rained like cats and dogs! I arrived at the richest place in London. The Northern part of London! I paid the cab fare and pulled out my umbrella. I walked down the sidewalk and gazed upon the fine mansions. I didn't see where I was going then I bumped into someone in sweat pants and a hoddie.

"Oh, I am sorry," I told the mysterious person. 

"It's ok, babe," the person replied. Wait! That voice sounds familiar.I quickly looked up before the person left. It was Zayn!!!!!!! I nearly screamed. 

"ZAYN!" I exclaimed. I lunged to hug him in the rain. He felt very wet. 

"Bianca?!" He said. I nodded and looked up. He was more beautiful then ever. 

"I'm sorry, I forgive everything.... I just love you, you know?" I told him. 

"I'm glad that you forgave me," he said and leaned forward to steal a kiss. I backed up.

"Zayn," I uncomfortably started, " i sorta have a boyfriend. I'm taken, babe, sorry" I had to break it to him and left without saying goodbye. I glimpsed back over my shoulder and saw Zayn standing there getting wet. I wonder why he was out? Judging by his outfit, he was either for a smoke or for a jog. I called for a cab and went back to the hotel. Along the way, tears ran out of my eyes like a faucet. My eyes were probably bloodshot red. I took out a handkerchief  to wipe my eyes. Why did I just say that. Am I bipolar? I said that I loved him but then I told him you can't kiss me? What is wrong with me. The pain is back again. Should I wear the dress and accept the bracelet again and the all free expenses coupons for our hair? Questions ran through my head and had no answers to them all! 

*Brrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnggggggggggg!!!!!!!*  My alarm clock rang. I blindly moved my hand on it to turn it off. I rubbed my eyes. Today was the day of Louis and Eleanor's wedding. I got up. Aleesha came out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in hand. 

"Well you're up early," she remarked sarcastically. 

I laughed. 

"So do you wanna go get our hair and nails done first?" I shouted to her.

"Yeah, sure why not but first let's take a shower first?" she shouted back with the suggestion. 


We showered and left for the place where Zayn gave me the coupons. It was a very chic boutique. So very expensive, professional and fashionable. I chose big curls because it will look nice with the dress but big curls looked so plain. So I asked them to put roses in my hair as they would tie it with a red ribbon attached to my head. Aleesha chose small curls with a bun the center piece with flowers running along her hair.  After it was done we both looked fantastic. Absolutely beautiful! 

"Wow, wait until Harry sees this!" Aleesha exclaimed cheerfully. We hugged and I took a picture of us so that Mia and dad could see it. Next was our nails. Aleesha got a Mani and pedi. I got a pedicure but put henna on my hands to my whole forearms. It looked like a vine with flowers and a whole lot of meaning. I loved it. When it got washed, it turned bright red! It looked AMZAYN!!!!! It was mid afternoon, we stopped by a local food place to buy cucumber sandwiches and fish& chips. Then we headed back to the hotel. We got dressed and put on our own make up. 

"Bianca, what do ya think?" Aleesha askedas she twriled around. She wore a strapless knee high dress, creamy ivory , with black embriodree with penicl black heels! She was very pretty. More than me. 

"How about me?" I asked my arms stretched.  Aleesha's jaw was open. She was amazed by my style. I wore my dress with red wedges. 

"WOAH! You look WONDERFUL!!! MINDBLOWING!!!!!" She commented. 

"Well, let's wait for Niall, Harry, Liam, and Danielle in the lobby," I suggested. She nodded. We went downstairs with our hand purses. They were there before us. The guys looked dashing with their blazers and Danielle, oh, she looked AWESOME! She straighten her hair, wore a blue long dress with pumps. She was actually gorgeous. Hazza and Niall had their jaws wide open. 

"You guys look superb!" Hazz complimented. Liam and Danielle nodded.

"AW! Thank you guys. You 3 look great and Danielle, you look beautiful like a princess!" I complimented.

'Why, thank you." she responded, "you two look very elegant!" 

"Enough with the prep talk now let's getta a moving. It' a three hour drive from here to Doncaster," Liam remarked. We laughed, but before we left, I took a picture with all of them. 

"Ok, Let's go!" I said. We hopped into the van which Harry rented and Liam drove all the way. The four of us sat in the back while Danielle sat in the front. Harold had a nervous expression on his face. 

"It's gonna be alright," Aleesha whispered as she patted his back. I think he had to make a speech since he's the best man.  Niall leaned towards me.

"You look absolutely stunning, princess," he whispered. I blushed.

"Thanks, you too Niall," I whispered back. 

It was a long drive but finally we arrived. It was a huge house. No, it wasn't a house, it was a mansion! It was decorated perfectly. It was very elegant. It suited their style nicely. We went to the backyard. My eyes widen when I saw the decor of the whole wedding. So very floral but elegant at the same time. They thought this through pretty well. There were a lot of guests. Some of them I knew like Ed Shreen, Olly, Simon Cowell, and Paul their bodyguard. The rest I don't know. I went to sit down where the reception was gonna be. After 5 minutes people started to come. I saw little mix, but no Perrie Edwards yet. People were settling in and sitting down for the reception. Niall sat beside me and Aleesha on the other side of me. My eye caught something. Zayn. I saw Zayn with Perrie in his hand. EW! Her dress was so repugnant and hideous. It was a nasty olive green. She put her hair in a bun with a string of hair hanging out. She put loads of makeup. I think I took a glance at her shoes. Greek shoes?! Really, Ms. Perrie Edwards. She disgusts me. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back. He sat on my lane but three seats from where I sat. 

After everyone got seated, I saw Louis in the front. He still got his groove on stripes and boater shoes. The orcestra started playing. Eleanor's coming! I'm so excited. I saw her walk down the aisle. She looked marvelously charming! She wore a short strapless white dress with a striped green ribbon belt. Her hair was in a soft bun with a clip of a huge white flower clip on the side. [ The picture to the side is what Eleanor's style and dress looks like ---> but not Eleanor herself]  

She wore white pumps. Everything about her was perfect and astonishing.  The reception started. They both exchanged vows, said 'I do,' and finally the kiss. A tear rolled down my cheek. I glanced to my left and Zayn stared at my direction. He smiled. I smiled back and bite my lip. We threw the petals of the flowers. 

We sat at our own tables except for Harry and Aleesha since he was the best man and she was his guest.  He said his speech. Harry did pretty well for a guy who talks slow. I was so proud of him. We had food, then cake. The cake tasted good but what was even better was that Eleanor caked Louis and vice versa. We had so much fun there. Then there was the slow dance. 

"May I have a dance, milady?" Niall asked kneeling on the ground in front of me. 


He took my hand and we danced. From the corner of my eye, I saw Zayn dancing with Perrie. Perrie seemed so happy but Zayn was "happy," but I knew deep down he wasn't.  He had a puppy dog face written all over his face. I had a gulity expression written all over my face. 

"Hey, Princess," Niall whispered, " i gotta go sing a song for Louis and Eleanor," 

"Ok, no problem, nice dancing with ya, Niall," I said smiling. I went to get some more punch. I stood there. 

"Hey guys! Congrats to Lou and Eleanor! Cheers everybody and we have to song for the bride and groom," Zayn said as he came to the microphone.  His words were music to my ears. They sang more than this. While Zayn was singing, he kept staring at me and no one else. Not even Perrie. After, there was another slow dance. This time Harry danced with Perrie, and  Aleesha danced with Niall. She gave me a wink. I mouthed out Thank you. I sat there with my hand on my cheek.

"May I have this dance, babe?" 

I turned to my side. It was Zayn!

"Zayn? Of course," I calmly agreed. He gently took my hand. He smiled. We danced to Thinking of you, by Katy Perry. It was gonna be our song for sure. He held my hips comfortably. I placed my chin on his shoulder. He brushed my hair as we swayed. I felt his breath. I felt safe when I am with him.

" You look beautiful," he whispered huskily into my ear. 

I giggled.

"Thank you," I softly replied back to him. 

"Bianca, I don't care if you hate me, but I will always and forever love you, I can't get you out of my head," He explained. There was a silence. I took a big deep breath. 

"Zayn, I love you, too. But I'm in love with someone else but I am a confused butterfly," I explained to him facing him as I stared into his brown eyes which I'm madly in love. 

"Bianca, I don't know what to say but remember one thing: every second that I am with you, you make me happy. You brighten my day like nobody else," he said. AW! i thought to myself. I hugged him and danced with him. Tears were full in my eyes. I wanted to cry. Hurry up Katy Perry, finish the song now! 

"Zayn, I think we need to go to our separate ways, now. I can't love you no more. I'm confused. I need to leave, now," I said and ran away, crying. I found myself in a nearby reveen crying. Why am I so confused? I love Zayn and Niall. What is wrong with me?I forgave him but then again, I'm falling in love again with the two guys whom I dearly love and care for. I laid down on the wilted leaves which fell from a huge oak tree besdie me to think some more. Forgive and fall in love again? How is that even possible?


Hey GUYS!!!! What do you think is gonna happen next? Will Bianca and Zayn get back together or will they still stay in their seperate ways? You guys tell me by commenting below and voting for it too! If you REALLY loved this chapter and are craving for more, please feel free to tell me by commenting. Also don't forget to vote, too! Tune in to find out more!
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!! 
~ yours truly the author!!!!! <3 

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