The Perfect Fit (Interracial...

By NicoleMckoy

179K 4K 790

Jasmine has always worked as a secretary for her sister at her sister's company "Prefect Fit Boutique". When... More

The Perfect Fit (Interracial Adult Romance)
Important Notice!
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 89

1.9K 180 39
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Evan P.O.V.

Claudette and George had wheeled Jasmine out of the hospital through a service elevator. All we could see on the security footage was that they used the service elevator to get to the parking garage.

Once the elevator doors opened and they got into the parking garage there was no more footage.

This stupid hospital didn't have cameras in their parking garage.

I had no clue what they had been driving or what direction they were headed.

Jasmine's grandmother could at least identify the car but she didn't know where Claudette or George took Jasmine.

I asked for their house address and they apparently never told Grandma Ruby where they moved.

"Evan maybe it's time to get the police involved," my mother said.

"No! They'll just slow me down!" I said on edge.

"Son your mother is right. We have nothing else to go on. The police could help," my father agreed.

"I should have never left her. I shouldn't have gone on that business trip! Why the hell did you have to have me go on that business trip?" I said lashing out at my father.

"Business is business. We thought Jasmine had a couple more weeks," my father argued.

"Fuck business! I swear if anything bad happens to Jasmine or my child...." I said worried.

"Evan think positive," my mother said as she gave me a hug.

"I'm supposed to protect them mom. I didn't protect my family like I promised. I promised to always protect Jasmine. Mom she's probably scared... she's going through this alone and I should be by her side. I failed her and my son," I said breaking down.

This is all my fault. If I had of just been here none of this would have happened.

Jasmine P.O.V.

"Where is Claudette?" I asked as George came over to my bedside.

I was trying to stay calm and breathe evenly but nothing was working. I was panicking. I was scared and wanted Evan.

"Claudette needed to take a break. She was getting too overwhelmed. I'll be here until you deliver my son," George said.

"He's not your son," I shouted.

"Shh... getting worked up isn't good for the delivery process Jasmine," George said as he pushed my hair back and looked into my eyes.

"This isn't right George you and Claudette can't have my child!" I said.

"Jasmine, Claudette and I are older than you and more than ready to start a family. You aren't married, you have no career, your baby daddy is always jet setting. Giving your child to us is the best option. Don't worry you will be welcome to visit. You'll make an alright aunt," George said.

I felt a contraction coming and screamed in pain.

George moved down towards the end of the bed and I tried to sit up but the pain was unbearable.

I screamed as another contraction came.

George spread my legs and I screamed.

I started kicking my feet and he firmly held me down by my ankles.

"I need to see how dilated you are," George said.

George moved his hand up my thigh under the hospital gown I was wearing.

Soon I felt his fingers inside me and I screamed not only in fear but pain.

"It's time. Jasmine its time to start pushing," George said as he moved back.

"NO! NOT YET! PLEASE!" I cried.

"Jasmine you're going to have to start pushing. The baby is coming," George said excitedly.

George left for a moment and went back upstairs.

I began panicking and crying. I couldn't give birth like this. The second I push this child out they will take it from me.

A few short moments later Claudette and George were both back with me.

"Our baby is ready to come into the world," Claudette said.

Claudette and George brought down a few blankets, a newborn outfit, and some scissors.

Claudette and George got on either side of me. They pulled my legs up and held them apart for me.

"We need you to give good strong pushes Jasmine," George said.

"Please! Please don't make me do this without Evan. If either of you have a damn heart call him now," I begged one last time.

"Jasmine shut up about Evan and push!" Claudette demanded.

"NO!" I screamed in pain as I was forced to push.

"That's it! I see the head," George said.


This isn't how I wanted this to happen.

This isn't how things are supposed to be.

I was sweaty and out of breath. I was pushing for what seemed like hours.

The pain and stress were too much.

I felt like I was going to give up.

But finally after I don't know how long my son was out.

I heard his first cry.

"He's here," Claudette said amazed.

"He's perfect," George said as they admired my son.

I hadn't even seen him yet.

George got the scissors and cut the umbilical cord.

He then took my son into the corner and washed him off.

I could hear my son crying.

"Let me see him," I said out of breath.

George ignored me and kept my son in the corner.

Claudette grabbed a small baby blanket and walked over to George I could faintly see them him.

I felt weak as I tried to sit up.

I lie back down and felt my heart racing.

"Something is wrong..." I said quietly.

I couldn't catch my breath and felt like I was having a heart attack.

"Jasmine!" I heard Claudette's voice.

"Shit! What's wrong with her?" I heard George's voice.

"I think she's hemorrhaging," Claudette said.



What the hell did that mean?

Am I about to die without even seeing my son?

"We can't treat her if she's bleeding out. We have the call someone," Claudette said.

"If we call someone we lose our son! Maybe it's better this way Claudette that way no one will ever know. She dies we get our child with no issues," George said.

"We can't just let her die... it'd be murder," Claudette reasoned.

"Well we have no choice unless you want that fucking billionaire coming in here taking our baby and Jasmine! Jasmine was dead to you anyway. Just leave her," George said.


"Get our son and get to the car! I'll finish things up here," George said.

"George no," Claudette refused.

"I'm not going to tell you again! Go get our son and get in the car! We're leaving," George demanded desperately.

I could hear shuffling and my son's cries.

His cries became fainter as Claudette left the basement.

"Sorry it has to end for you like this Jasmine. But thank you so much for allowing Claudette and I to become parents. We will love that baby boy with all our hearts and forever be grateful for your sacrifice," George said.

My eyes slowly closed as I heard George leaving.

Just before my eyes fully shut I faintly heard what I thought was an ambulance.

Maybe I was wrong and just making that up because I so desperately was hoping to be saved.

If this last breath of mine was going to be my dying breath I wanted to remember the love I had for Evan and the love he had for me. I wanted to remember how our love created that little human being that my sister and George had now stolen.

I'm sorry little one that mommy couldn't deliver you safely. I pray your uncle and aunt are good to you and your father loves again. 

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