that, happened

By codenamemmmisghei

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in the current south korean entertainment industry, moonbyul is open, out, and proud. she never thought of he... More

chapter 1: sweet like candy
chapter 2: bitters
chapter 3: cliff hanger
chapter 4: we'll look back to this, definitely
chapter 5: pleasures, feelings, or morals
chapter 6: two can play this game
chapter 7: progress
chapter 8: love & hate
chapter 9: fluff
chapter 10: someone clean up the grease please
chapter 11: the moon and the sun
chapter 12: capricious moments
chapter 13: extinguisher
chapter 14: the truth(?)
chapter 15: flash back, flash forward
chapter 16: brave
chapter 18: dangerous and toxic
chapter 19: family
chapter 20: and we are back
chapter 21: plans
chapter 22: i'm ready
chapter 23: what happened in japan...

chapter 17: beginning

4.1K 96 66
By codenamemmmisghei

11 months later (pre-red moon era)

- yongsun's pov -

I can't believe me and byul have been dating for almost a year. Since next week mark our anniversary, I want do something special for her.

I stayed in our room, wearing my long fiery hair up in a ponytail and one of byul's loose shirt over my body as I tried to brainstorm something for my girlfriend. Hmm.. What will byul like? She doesn't need anything nor the type to want anything. I know she want to spend time with me, but let's actually try and get her something physical.

What do I give a girl who has everything?

A sigh left my lips as I stared at the ceiling, a hand extends to cover some of my sight but then I realized something. "The bracelet." I thought, eyeing the very thing that byul got me while we were on our first trip, the one she replaced for me after eric broke it. She gave me something to think of her, I should get her something to always remind her of me. What does she like? Rings. Her favorite type of accessory.

I jumped up from the bed and put on some pants before walking out of the apartment. As I jumped into a cab to a jeweler I know, I got a call from my cutie.

"Hey, hon." I answered in a sweet voice, causing the taxi driver to look back by the rear end mirror.

"I just got home and you can't be found. I'm sad." The younger girl said in a playful and begging tone, "come back already so I can see my baby." All these days of living together is really making her clingy and attached to me. It is adorable.

Her words never failed to make me smile or laugh, "I will in about 30 minutes to an hour. Can you make dinner tonight? Try not to burn the house down okay?" After picking out what we wanted to eat for the night, I hung up the phone.

As I arrived at the jeweler, I told her what I was looking for, a subtle silver sun related ring since I know byulie rarely wear gold. It took her a few minutes before finding something for me in the back. While I was looking at my options, I got a phone call from my older sister.

"Hey yongsun, haven't heard from you in a while. You alright?" She asked.

"Of course I am, why? What's up unnie."

"Oh nothing, I'm around the area and was wondering if you want to grab dinner? Also... Can I spend the night at your place today?" I placed the ring down and then started to panic. I haven't had 'my place' in 11 months since I've been living at byul's. What am I going to say? If I say no, she's going to ask me why. If I say yes... how could I even say yes?!

I became discombobulated for a second before responding with the cleverest answer I had, "sure. But I forgot to tell you, I'm doing some renovation at my place so I've been living at byul's. Do you want to stay with me and her?"

"Could I? Would that be too much of bother for byul-sshi? If not, can you ask her for me?" Since she isn't backing down, I assume it might be urgent.

"Of course. I'll let her know. When are you coming around?"

She paused for a second, "I'll be in Seoul in two hours. Could you give me the address?"

I sent her what she was looking for before calling byul again. Knowing her, it wasn't a shock to me that she didn't mind or care. Hell, I think I cared more than she did. I placed my phone in my pocket before looking at the rings again. One particular simple band with engraved sun within it caught my eyes. It is adorable and it quite match my bracelet. "I'll take this one!"

Once I was home – the box with the ring was hidden safely in my bag – I caught the younger girl in the kitchen, cooking as we talked about previously.

"Hi love, where did you go?" She asked as I hugged her waist from the behind and kissed her neck all over.


"Did you buy anything?"

"Nothing." I lied. "My mood changed when I got a call from unnie. Where should she sleep tonight?"

"Guest bedroom?"

Byul finished washing her hands and turned around before pinning me to the near fridge. I groaned at the cold stainless steel material touching against my body. Her orange air was now losing its brightness, but the faint color looks amazing on her. She leaned to capture my lips as her own – as usual before whispering. "Seems like you had this all planned huh?' Her hands sneak under my shirt before caressing against my exposed stomach.

The younger woman knew how much I love this, her lewd touch, understated caress. All drove me wild. My womanhood is already wet and screaming for her to make her way down already but that's when we heard the buzzer – go figure.

"Just in time." I said with a pout before hugging her neck and kissing her a few more times, almost as if I was getting my fix since I won't be able to show her affection until my sister leave. "I'm sad that I won't be able to walk around naked now."

"You are sad? What about me?" Byul is starting to be a pervert, I love it. She pecked my lips once more before answering the buzzer, letting my sister to come up.

Once a soft knock came upon our main door, I walked over to let my sister in. I welcomed her with a hug before mumbling, "hi unnie. How are you? Come in. You came just in time because byulie had cooked some pasta for us."

"Really? How nice of her. We are both staying here and she's the one who's cooking? Hi moonbyul, long time no see! Thank you for letting me and yongsun staying over." Little does she know what has been going on between us. I just chuckled quietly before taking her things to the guest bedroom and then helped her settle in. "Where are all your stuff?" Fuck, I knew she was going to ask that.

My eyes shifted erratically before I tried to find my words, "I cleaned up my stuff so you can have the guest bedroom. I was going to sleep on the couch in the meantime."

"Nonsense, we can sleep together."

"No, it's okay yonghye unnie."

"Why don't we go buy a blow up mattress?"

What? Why? It's not like she'll be here for a while. "No, it's fine. How long are you thinking of staying?" I asked.

"Just this weekend, my boyfriend wonhae is coming home on Sunday." Oh, right, I forgot about her boyfriend. They've been dating only briefly, but seems to be serious.

"How has it been going?" I asked, sitting down on the guest bedroom as I left byul alone to cook.

My sister stared at me and smiled then answered what I asked, "good. What about you, yongsun? When are you going to get a boyfriend? After that crazy bastard eric nam, I bet you are traumatized..." I almost don't recall what had happened a year ago. Time really flew by. The media didn't put out much about eric and we all just kind of moved on. I let out a soft chuckle before mumbling, "I'm good. I'm happy living my life. Besides, work is getting really busy for me to even think about that stuff."

"Is that so?"

Her tone startled me, making me raise some sort of alert. "W-what do you mean?"

"Come on yongsun, you might be able to fool mom and dad but you can't hide things from me. You and byul. You guys are together, right?"

"What?!" My voice was shaking while my heart raced. I hope byul didn't hear me, if she came in it might make it worse. "No, what are you saying?"

She wasn't dumb. It is especially hard lying to her because she is my older sister, one that knew me the best. "I know all the shit that mom and dad are praising over you. The religion is killing their minds. If you are... you know, dating a girl. living with her, you can tell me."

"H-how did you know?"

"Come on kim yongsun. I clocked it the first thing I walked in. Look around this room, you have never slept in here once, have you? Plus, I have never seen you so happy. Whenever I watch your performance on TV, you as well as byul are glowing." She smiled at me before holding onto my hands. "It must be so hard for you, dating in secret, not telling mom and dad while having them telling you how homosexuality is a sin." She sighed before hugging me. "I'll always be on your side, okay?"

I never thought that she would say those words. She was always mom and dad's favorite. She went to a catholic college, got a job that fit their liking. Meanwhile, I'm an entertainer, a singer. My passion and career was something I had to fight for with my parents. Hell, they didn't even support me when I moved to Seoul by myself. But hearing my sister saying all this made me tear up, perhaps I have some hope to get my parents to accept the real me.

"Thank you, unnie." I cried a bit harder while hugging her. That's when byul barged into the door. "Food's ready- What's going on? Everything okay?"

"I hope you've been treating yongsun right, byulie. If you don't, I'll definitely come and fight you!" My unnie fake threatened byul as I chuckled, wiping my tears. I walked over to her and hugged her waist, "she knew the moment she came in."

"Of course unnie, you should ask her to treat me well." Byul joked, patting my back, earning a slap from me. "What are you talking about, moon byulyi. I'm sleeping with my unnie tonight."

The room filled with laughter, everything seemed so normal so happy. I really couldn't ask for more.


- 3rd pov -

After spending the weekend with her sister yongsun and her girlfriend, yonghye was in an exceptional mood. Their love really got her excited to see her own boyfriend.

Once yonghye arrived at her boyfriend's – wonhae – apartment, she immediately jumped on top of him and kissed him. "Whoa babe, why are you so aggressive today?" The male held onto the girl's waist before trying to move away.

"What? You haven't seen me in weeks wonhae, didn't you miss me?"

"Of course I have, but we are saving ourselves for marriage. Remember?" To give a bit insights about this man, he grew up with the Kim family, studied under the church that the Kims ran. He was a good looking, proper man that the Kims had set up for yonghye. Not that she was complaining, the two clicked instantly and have been dating ever since. Now, yonghye is the head of the Korean social services and he was a journalist who traveled around the world. These two are a match made in heaven, but something has been making them distant.

Yonghye sat on the sofa as she pouted because she wasn't getting what she wanted, his affection. Truth is ever since yonghye started to work and spending time in the real world, she started to realize the false image her parents had painted in her brain with those religious beliefs. While she is blooming out of her mindset, her boyfriend was still stuck in that cobweb.

"I visited yongsun this weekend since I haven't been hearing from her much lately."

"Oh yeah? How did it go? How is she doing?" Wonhae asked interestedly.

Yonghye walked over to her boyfriend and hugged her from the behind, "she's good. She's in love."

"Really? Eric?"

"No babe, you haven't been around for a long time. Eric is long gone." Yonghye laughed, "but if I tell you, promise that you won't say anything okay?" What do you expect? Being a couple for so many years, there was a bond of trust between the two.

Wonhae turned around and placed his hands on yonghye's cheeks before smiling, "of course. So who is yongsun dating?"


"Who?" He asked for assurance.

"Moonbyul, from her group? You know, the girl she is really close with?" Yonghye clarified as she smiled. "Apparently they've been dating for almost a year now. She looked happy, the happiest she had ever been-"

"What's wrong with you? That's a sin. You should have stopped her, persuaded her!" Wonhae's voice intensified as he squeezed her face a little harder.

The girl winced before pulling his hands off of her, getting annoyed at the male. "She's happy. Love is love, wonhae. It is 2018, people are allowed to be with whoever makes them happy. So what if it might not a man that yongsun is in love with. At least she's not crying to me or depressed. I'd rather have my baby sis happy. I'm going to bed." That was the last thing she said to her boyfriend before walking to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

Meanwhile, the male wanted to be a justice warrior for his religion – wanting to set things right. He grabbed his phone before dialing a number. "Hey, it's me. I have a story that you will definitely want to run. You know how my girlfriend is the sister of Solar from mamamoo? Yeah, she just told me that she has been in a homosexual relationship with her member moonbyul for a year." Turns out the man from the other line was an ex-colleague of his who now work for a company name Dispatch, a news group that mainly focus on scandals and drama just like a tabloid.

"Oh fuck, this is some news. Are you sure?"

"I just told you, my girlfriend told me face to face. Why don't you go sit around where they live and see what you can find, I bet they'll slip up."


Just as wonhae had expected, the dispatch colleague of his waited around moonbyul's apartment and caught the two leaving together, hand in hand while wearing disguises. They looked happy in the pictures that he took. The man smirked, knowing how much money he will be making with these photos.

"Come on, kiss..." He murmured in his tinted car, holding a large camera towards the two young singers. Somehow, he got what he wanted. Click, click, click. Hundreds of photos were taken of the two female kissing in their car. "Fuck yes..." The man quickly drove back to his office to draft the hottest and most controversial article that the Korean industry will ever see.

With one click away, he was about to change moonbyul and yongsun's life forever. To this reporter, the life of the singers' meant nothing to him, all he cared about was his own success.

Click. That, really happened.

< a / n > hi all, sorry about the late update. but i hope you guys are still with me and supporting this story. let me know by commenting down below - feedbacks, thoughts, etc. also, i have a little gift for you guys, so pay attention to another story. c ; >

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