Arrow (How to Train Your Drag...

By Knight_Li

12.2K 296 52

Arrow has lived all her life with dragons, on a secluded island that provides her with her basic needs, and o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

1.8K 46 5
By Knight_Li

Arrows family all growl out a no. Hiccup looks confused. Arrow clarifies. "They don't want to leave home. I don't want to, too."

Hiccup looked desperate. "Please! I didn't bring my tools with me! They're back in Berk!"

"I said no. No means no." Crow growled to validate Arrow. Hiccup sighs in defeat. "Fine."

"Promise me that no one else will come too."

"I promise, Arrow." The girl relaxes slightly.

"Could I at least stay for one more day? It was a long trip." Hiccup asks. Shadow and Crow growl in protest, Toothless growling right back. Arrow glances at her mom. Night is tense but doesn't seem to be against it. Arrow nods her head. "Ok." Hiccup looks relieved.

"Thanks. Lets go set up camp, Toothless." He walks away Toothless closely following behind, still tense. Arrow notices his left foot is replaced with a strange substance. Its color is similar to Silver's coloring. Arrow goes about her normal routine. She shares some of her roasted food with the auburn-haired boy at lunch and dinner. When everyone heads to bed, Arrow can only stare at the cave ceiling with a blank stare, replaying everything happening today. She eventually dozes off; the nightmare plaguing her sleep.

Arrow wakes up early, dark bags under eyes, her innocent mind infested with thoughts of the nightmare. She creeps outside to get fresh air, skillfully avoiding any dragon limbs sticking out of the smoke circles. She closes her eyes and breathes in the morning air deeply, the fresh air already clearing her mind of the nightmare. She can feel wind whipping her vibrant, red hair away from her body. She looks up and sees storm clouds covering the sky and blocking the sun. When she looks down towards the shore, she sees footprints on the beach that stop suddenly where the water meets the grainy sand. She visibly relaxes and goes to her traps quickly, quickly putting the animals to sleep sensing a storm brewing. She finished her chores quickly and by the time she milked the goat and cleaned the rabbit fur, the clouds had begun to leak, drizzle falling on her. She rushed back to the cave, but she was still soaked in cold, freezing water when she arrived. She headed toward the fire she made earlier and took off her feather and fur dress and dried off using sewn together squirrel pelts. She then threw on another fur and feather dress she made weeks ago and plopped down next to the fire by her family. Stardust moving closer to Arrow, and Silver making bad jokes. Just like any other day.

Time Skip

Arrow had finished half her food and left the other half under rabbit furs for dinner. The rain had stopped pelting against the island by late afternoon. She stepped out into the humid air and wet, grainy sand. The sun shone brightly. The wet sand sank under her weight as she spotted something wooden docking onto the shore. It had big giant cloths on huge wooden poles and many men aboard it, yelling out orders that all jumbled together. Arrow saw other dragons. One was blue and spiky. Another was red and had a long neck; it was shooting a flames at a black-haired boy. There was also a small chubby dragon, bumps covered it's skin. Then, there was a two-headed dragon, fighting with each other. And...Toothless?! The black-haired boy was talking to an auburn-haired boy, Hiccup. A pretty, blonde female was yelling at two people who looked like each other. Arrow didn't think the two people were paying attention because they were poking at each other. Then, a very fat human was observing some scales on the damp sand. Arrow looked back at Hiccup and saw the black-haired boy pointing at her, nudging Hiccup, who looked very unhappy and surprised.

The pig-faced looking boy started towards her, and Arrow let out a cry for her family. Immediately the intruders turn towards her voice and the sounds of dragons getting up and growling are made imminent. Shadow is the first one out of the cave, his gray eyes giving off a murderous glint. Arrow hisses in dragon tongue at Hiccup. "You promised no one else would come! Traitor!" She rushes towards him and tackles him. Arrow pulls back a hand and claws his face with her fingernails. She feels calloused hands pull at her, and Arrow is thrown a few feet from Hiccup. She sees the blonde woman looking angry at Arrow. She snarls and pulls out her dagger. The dull trademark almost shining in the late afternoon sun. She hears a gasp from her right and quickly snaps her knife towards the gasp. It was the fat boy. She hears her family snarling, growling, and roaring mixing with the other dragons cries of anger. He stutters. "T- that's the Herb Tribe trademark!" Hiccup frowns. "That's not possible, Fishlegs. They were all slaughtered." Arrow feels a hand grab her shoulder, and she spins and slices the hand. It's another blonde girl her narrow face smiling as blood spills out her wound. She feels a prick on her leg. Arrow pays no attention to the feeling and instead growls at the two people. Suddenly, she can't stay awake despite staying in a cave all day, and she falls down asleep. Stardust cries out for her but the spiky, blue dragon pinned her down. She felt a prick on her leg. One by one all of Arrows family fell and were sleeping soundly.

"That was awesome!" The man with blonde hair exclaimed. The female look-alike grinned almost deviously. "We need to fight more! I agree with you Tuffnut!"

"Ruffnut! Tuffnut! Do you not understand what's happening? We just captured 6 dragons and a human against their will! On top of that, one of them happens to have a trademark of a slaughtered village that everyone thought that everyone who lived there died!" Hiccup scolded.

"I know. It's awesome." The look-alike girl, Ruffnut, said. The boy look-alike, Tuffnut, clashed heads with Ruffnut, and they started to argue and wrestle. The other blonde was examining the other dragons, checking for injuries.

"Hey, Fishlegs! You got two new species to study." The fat man squealed and rushed over to the dragons.

"That's great and all, but how are we supposed to take them back to Berk with this beauty?" The pig-faced man asked, gesturing towards the tranquilized dragons and girl. The blonde came over and heaved Arrow over her shoulder.

"She's as light as a stick! Geez. Well I got the girl. You boys go help the other men bring the dragons back on board." The pretty, blonde said. Hiccup looked at the red-haired girl worriedly. "Hey, Astrid?" Astrid turned towards Hiccup.

"Yeah, babe?"

"...put her dagger back into its sheath." Astrid takes the knife away from Arrows hand and slides it back into its sheath.

Time Skip

Arrow wakes up and sees a wooden ceiling. She panics and tries to get up. She instead falls out of a cloth that was strung between two poles of wood. She lands on with a hard thud. Arrow doesn't feel the pain, too confused with what's going on. She sees a cut out block. She rams against it with her shoulder. It opens smoothly, and she stumbles before regaining her balance. All she can hear are humans talking and many different dragons talking to each other. Arrow feels her heart racing and sweat beads onto her temple. The black-haired boy from the island sees her and walks toward her. Arrow moves back frantically and falls backwards harshly.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. I'm Snotlout, but you can call me handsome." Arrow spurs into action, springing up and shoving past the boy, Snotlout, and running off the wooden thing and yelling out in dragon-tongue for her family. She bumps into many people, angry yelling fading behind her as she runs faster and faster. Her loud yells in dragon-tongue attract weird stares and many people watch her run down the street. When she turns a corner, she slams into something. Arrow falls back onto the dusty road. She rubs her forehead and looks at what's blocking her way. A devious smile decorated the blondes face.

"I like you." The talk, skinny girl says. Arrow starts to get up when the blonde tackles you, pinning you to the dirty road. Arrow thrashed around and attempted to bite the look alike blonde.

"Ruffnut! Get off her!" Arrow hears the voice of another female and starts thrashing around more vividly. She felt the girl, Ruffnut, loosen her grip and saw her look pouty. The blonde then got off her completely. Arrow propped herself on her elbows and scrambled back a bit, her squirrel fur dress catching dirt and dust from the road.

"We're not here to hurt you, mystery girl. We're here to help you." Arrow turns around and sees another blonde.

"How did you help me? You took my family!" Arrow yells, her anger very present. She sprang onto her feet. "Where's my family?!"

"They're being taken on a tour of the island Berk." The blonde said. Ruffnut was picking her nose.

Arrow wrinkled her button nose. "To...ur?" The blonde stared at her. "You don't know what a tour is?" Arrow shakes her head; she glances behind her and sees that Ruffnut had taken off to somewhere else.

"No." The blonde looked at Arrow. "Why don't we do that after you shower and change." Arrow looked down and saw that she was covered in dirt and dust. Arrow sheepishly nodded slowly, digging through the archives of her memory to find out what a 'shower' was. The blonde held out her hand. "Well, you might as well learn my name. I'm Astrid. Let's go to the shower."

Time Skip

Arrow finally put on her shirt over the top of the body, completing her look. It had taken a while to figure out how to put on pants, but she did, eventually. Though, she refused to wear shoes, Arrow thought they were uncomfortable little things that only trapped your feet. She reached for her dagger and examined the old metal. Astrid had suggested a blacksmith to fix it up, and Arrow did want to clean and sharpen the dull dagger. But for now, Astrid was going to take Arrow on one of those 'tours' she had mentioned earlier. She slid the dagger into its sheath. She opened the door, something else she had learned from Astrid, and presented herself to Astrid.

"Now you look like a true Viking!" Astrid smiles. Arrow grinned widely at the Vikings approval of her appearance.

"Let's go! I'll show you where your family is and Gobbers place!" Astrid motioned for Arrow to follow her and on you two went.

Astrid showed her the Great Hall, Mess Hall, Medecine Hut, Sheep Farm, and so many other things! Along the way Arrow had found her family; they were flying over Berk, Toothless and Stormfly pointing out the various buildings on the small island. Stardust looked amazed and extremely happy. Crow and Shadow looked really grumpy; Arrow didn't think they wanted to be there. Night and Silver were calmly looking at their surroundings, most likely deciding if they were to be trusted or not. At the end of the tour, Astrid finally went to Gobber, the blacksmith, to shine and sharpen Arrow's dagger. Arrow reluctantly gave Gobber her only possession and Astrid took her to see the baby gronckles to cheer her up.

"Astrid?" Astrid looked at Arrow.


"Why did the fat man gasp at my dagger?" Astrid chuckled at Arrows name for Fishlegs.

"The fat man's name is Fishlegs, and he had gasped because you're the only one of the Herb Tribe left."

"Herb.....Tribe?" Arrow looked at Astrid, confusion clearly evident in her face.

"The Herb Tribe is a very famous name around the Viking world because it was the Tribe that was slaughtered by the Hashim Tribe. It was rumored that the Herbs had Night Furies on the island, and the Hashim Tribe wanted them for some reason. The Herb Tribe said they didn't have any. The Hashim Tribe got angry and left. 3 weeks later, they attacked at night. Killed everyone in their anger. You're the last one. If they find you, you're dead for sure."

"Oh, so like my nightmare!" Astrid looks at Arrow. "Your nightmare?"

"Yeah! Some female took me into the woods and put me on Night. Then, something went through her chest. Then, she went to sleep. Some men with red paint on their face looked at me and Night and my sister and brother."

"The female is sleeping. Oh...Arrow."

Arrow stopped petting the baby Gronckle in her lap and asked sweetly, "Astrid. What's 'dead?'"

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