Tahrovin (RWBY X Dragonborn M...

By The_Alviras

34.6K 538 903

(I did this to spite someone and continue the story in my image) (Y/n) was the most selfish and ignorant stud... More

Chapter 2: Daal
Mini-Chapter 1
Chapter 3: Fahdon
Chapter 4: Drog
Mini-Chapter 2
Chapter 5: Sahqo

Chapter 1: Tahrovin

4.5K 62 92
By The_Alviras

/Welcome to the book I'm continuing because the original writer just gave up on it, also each chapter name is in dovah, enjoy!/


I was walking to (Y/n) dorm since I was starting to get worried, he's been getting really distant lately and I wanted to find out why. A lot of people ask why I'm with an "arrogant selfish jerk" but he actually knows how to treat a woman. Even though he still flirts with other girls sometimes but I know I'm the one for him. Once I got to his dorm I was about to turn the door knob to enter until I heard moaning. I opened it and I was never the same.

(Y/n): "Yang! T-This isn't what it looks like!"

He covered him and Coco with a blanket hiding their naked bodies

Yang: "So this is what you've been doing lately... You've been sleeping with... That's fine!"

I stormed out of the building and got to Bumblebee (her motorcycle) and drove away to a friend's place. (Y/n)'s friend, Noir.


Coco quickly left as the situation took a bad turn and nither of us really felt like continuing. I just sat on the bed thinking about what I had just done. I feel... uh... guilty? I think that's the word, but why? I never really felt anything about her, never really felt anything for anyone, not after what that bitch I called my mom did to my pa. But I feel... so guilty... I've never felt this way... I'm thinking too much, I just need some music. I reached over and grabbed my scroll then just started playing whatever came on as I stared at the ceiling. But as I did the song made me realize my feelings, I did love her. I... I need to apologize, but how? I'll just call Noir, he'll know what to do.


Noir: "I knew (Y/n) was up to something but I didn't think he'd go this far," I look at Yang as tears streaming down her face, it broke my heart to see her like this, "Listen, if you need anyone to talk to, I'll be more than happy to."

Yang: "I-I'm so stupid, h-how did I not see... my t-true love was here this whole time."

She chuckled through the tears and planted her lips on mine, I just sat there in shock, I had a crush on her so I just let her kiss me and eventually kissed back. The kiss lasted a while before we separated and looked at each other. She began to grind herself on my lap making me groan in pleasure and smirk.

Yang: "Let's take this somewhere more... private~"

-One month later-


I sat on the floor of my room tears coming through my eyes. That night Yang found out she went to Noir and they got together, they even sent me a picture of their time together to prove it. It only got worse from there, after she told her friends and team they would always bombard me with rude text about how much of a scumbag I was, leaving notes at my door to kill myself, I'm useless, etc. And every time Yang would go to hang out with Noir she'd always send me a picture of her having fun with him. Let it be sharing a drink to plowing in bed. Soon the school found out and students started to do the same thing as her friends. She'd makeout places I would see, tell how much better he was, how happy she left me.

I started to isolate myself taking interest in philosophy, space, and crafts, something I never done. I would still be tormented by everyone but I learned to ignore it. I got busy in my studies and hobbies but one day, I couldn't handle it. I was minding my own buisness until I got a message from my teammate Kya.

"Dude, check it out Yang's livestream! You won't believe it!"

He sent me the link and password to it. I was too curious so I checked it out. Huge mistake. I saw Yang naked on her hands and knees with Noir behind her as he pounded away at her. I dropped the scroll and it broke once hitting the ground. I just ran through my door and ran outside. I don't know where I was going but I didn't care, I just needed to get away from this place.

And that's where I am right now. After hours of non-stop running my legs finally gave out and I collapsed. It was dark out so I decided to give up and rest but when I closed my eyes I felt like I sank into a dream of swirling sounds getting louder and louder then... nothing.

I woke up shivering, It was snowing and I was on a mountain. I picked my head up and looked around having no idea where I was. When I looked around I was met with a man in a weird uniform, and the hilt of his sword. I awoke again, this time in the back of a carriage, with three different men. A blonde man in another weird uniform, but blue, a man in rags, and the other in winter clothes that was gagged.

Ralof: "Hey, you. You're finally awake."

I soon found myself in another world. I was sent to be executed for a misunderstanding, but a dragon attacked allowing me to escape where I realized my true destiny. I became what the Nords called Dragonborn or Dovahkin in dragon tongue and killed the mighty World Eater. I went on many other adventures ending a civil war, killed a vampire from taking over the world, became a werewolf and grey-wolf, became a harbinger and listener, mastered magical arts, and saved the world from someone with the same blood as me. Although I managed to save him, now he thinks I'm some kind of god but still treats me like a mortal, in a bad way, but eh.

After a while, I returned home, to Remnant. Paarthunax said my world needs me, I looked back at him and gave him a nod before taking a stop in the portal. Once I stepped through the portal closed behind me. I looked over at the landscape before me and smiled, it's been a year but it's great to be back.

(Y/n): "Sky above, voice within."

I walked down the mountain and headed into the wilderness to find my fellow huntsmen and huntresses. This is where my newest story begins.

-Two weeks after you ran away-


Everyone was in a frantic mess trying to recoup with (Y/n) disappearance. I didn't get why, the guy was a douche.

Ruby: "This is all our fault, this is all our fault..."

Weiss: "If father finds out I had something to do with this..."

Blake: "This was such a mistake."

I sighed and stood up.

Yang: "Why are you guys so worried about him? Have you forgotten what he's done to me?"

Blake: "He paid that price the week you kept torturing him but no! That wasn't enough!"

Ruby: "This is all our fault, this is all our fault..."

Weiss: "No Ruby it's her's!" She yelled pointing at Yang

Yang: "What! What did I--"

Weiss: "We agreed to never talk to (Y/n) again but that wasn't enough, you made us text him all those bad things hurting even more, we tried to hold back but once the school found out it became hell!"

Yang: "But he--"

Blake: "Is a guy like that really hurt mentally breaking? Fucking some guy just to make some other guy's life miserable?"

Yang: "I-- I..."

I just grunted and decided to pay a visit to Noir. I need to relax.

-Two days after your return-


As I get close to Vale I heard a loud roar and I couldn't help growing a smirk.



Izzy: Hey guys, just Izzy here since Rin's asleep, she'll probably be mad I did this without her but whatevs. Yes 90% is a copy from the original story and all this really happened in the original author's story so I'm sticking with it until I get to the point where he gave up. I hope you guys enjoyed and more is on the way. I hope you have a great day/night and until next time,

Praise the Divine

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