God's Plan (formerly fake lov...

By 5sosTrash2017

19.5K 186 24

Two purchased cell phones and one cheesy pick up line later and we have the story of Shawn and Merci.....enjo... More

Not an update
Forty- eight
New story
Fifty- Eight
Sixty- Four


149 1 0
By 5sosTrash2017

October 29th, 2018 (the words in italics are a flashback)

"Shawn, are you doing anything important?" I yelled from the living room. He came around the corner, almost falling.

"What? What's happening? Is the baby okay?" He asked after catching himself.

"Why wouldn't the baby be fine?" I asked confused.

"No reason, just the tone-never mind. What'd you need?"

"Moms need us to go pick Aimee up from daycare." He turned around and looked at the clock.

"It's not even ten yet, I thought she didn't get out until 4?" He asked, scratching his neck.

"She got into a little trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" He asked.

"I don't know. Moms just asked if we could go pick her up because neither of them can get out of work."

"I guess we can." He walked over and grabbed my hands, helping me off the couch.

"Everything your sister was saying makes sense now." Aimee's teacher said as I walked into the room to pick her up.

"Excuse me?" I asked, confused.

"She called one of our volunteers from the high school fat."

"She did what?" I asked completely shocked.

"When we asked her to explain why she called the student fat, she said that she asked her if she ate a seed like her sister did and if she had a baby in her belly to." The teacher explained, getting Aimee's stuff together. "And when she answered no, then she said so your your just fat then, got it."

"Oh my gosh." I said putting her book bag on my back. "Did she apologize?" I asked.

"She's over there with her now." She said, pointing to where Aimee was sitting with the teenager.

"Alright. I tell moms to talk to her." I said sighing. She nodded and walked away to get Aimee.

"I don't understands whys I'm in trouble." Aimee said, sitting down in the chair in the corner and huffing.

"Because you were mean to your teacher." I said to her for the millionth time.

"Alls I Did was ask her if she ate a seed like yous did."

"Aimee, you can't ask people you don't if they are having a baby."

"But I do knows her. Hers my teacher."

"It's not the same baby girl. That's a question you can only ask family members." Shawn said.

"I don't like the corner." She said kicking her feet.

"Then stop talking. You'll get out sooner."


"Because the quieter you are, the faster time will go by."

"Whatever." She said, shutting up. My eyes widened and I turned to look at Shawn.

"I've seen my future, it's a scary place." I whispered. He laughed.


Merbearsings17: this counts as a costume right? Spending my night handing out candy and binge watching Halloween movies. Hope everyone has a
great time without me tonight!

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Allycat22: brrrr, it's so cold here in the shade.

Shawnmendes: if I remember correctly, you kicked us out of the house so you could watch tv in peace.

Mumofsix: i can't tell if the sass is coming from her naturally or if it's the byproduct of being 33 weeks pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️
>>>mamasince99: im going to go with the second one.

"And that's why you'll never catch me driving behind a log truck." I said, eating another piece of popcorn. The door bell rang I got up, grabbing the bowl of candy on my way to the door.

"Happy Hallowe-" I paused, taken back by the person standing in front of me. "Oh, it's you."

Shawn's POV

My phone was ringing so I took it out of my pocket to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked answering.

"Before I say anything, I just want you to know that I'm fine, and the baby's fine." Mer said, it sounded like she had been crying. There was muffled voices in the background.

"Mer, where are you?" I asked, stepping away from the Halloween party so I could hear her better.

"I'm kind of in the back of an ambulance. But don't freak out, we're fine." She said, and then answered the paramedics question.

"What do you mean done freak out Merci? You can't tell me you're in an ambulance and then expect me not to freak out." I said searching everywhere for my car keys. "What happened?"

"Long story short, I got glass in my head." She said, hesitating for a few seconds. I stoped in my place, confused.

"How did you get glass in your head?" I asked opening up the car door.

"I, Umm, I'll tell you when you get here." She said. I could almost picture her biting her fingernail.

I got to the hospital and the nurses pointed me in the way of Mer's room. The door was closed so I knocked before entering. She was whispering something to the nurse and he nodded before turning to look at me and then walking out the room.

"What was that about?" I asked walking over and grabbing her hand in both of mine.

"I was asking him to sneak me a jello." She said smiling, and pulling at the bottom of the gown to make it longer.

"So what the hell happened?" I asked, looking at the scrape on her hair line.

"I may have dropped the bowl of Halloween candy." She said, not looking at me.

"That's doesn't explain why the cut is on your head." I said, trying to get her to look at me.

"I may have still been holding the bowl when it dropped." She said biting her lip and turning to look at me.

"Mer don't you think it would have been a good idea to lead with you fell?"

Merci POV

"I didn't exactly fall." I said, once again breaking eye contact.

"Then what the hell happened?" I sighed before explaining what happened.

"Oh it's you." I said looking at the person I never wanted to see again in my life.

"Gia! I didn't know you lived here." She said fake smiling.

"My names not Gia, you lost the right to call me that a long time ago."

"Cmon Gia, don't be like that. We used to be best friends."

"Key word, used to. My name is Merci." I said, trying to close the door.

"At least give my kid some candy before you so rudely shut the door in our faces."  I sighed and put some candy in the babies basket. I don't understand why though, the baby couldn't have been older than three months.

"Please leave Breanna." I said trying to close the door again.

"Why don't you want he catch up?" She asked. "It looks like you finally got laid." She said laughing.

"It'd be concerning if you didn't notice that." I said rolling my eyes.

"Who'd you have to pay to do it?" She asked, trying to look around into the house to see if anyone else was here.

"I'm in a healthy relationship. I didnt have to pay anyone or steal anyone from someone else for that matter." I said pursing my lips. "Not that it's any of your business anyway." My heart started racing like it was going to pop out of my chest.

"I'm sure that's exactly how it is. Why on earth with Shawn Mendes want to willingly date you? I mean look at you. You were a fat bitch, even before you went and got yourself pregnant." She said, and I would have slapped her had she not've been holding a baby.

"If you don't leave I'm going to call the cops." I said, trying to forcefully push the door closed, all while trying to not hit the baby she was holding.

"Aww don't be like Gia." She said laughing. "But seriously, what kind of drugs did you give him so he could stand the thought of seeing you naked?"

"Please leave." I said feeling light headed, still trying to push the door closed.

"Come on, I'm just poking a little fun. You know me-"

"And then I woke up when the ambulance people were loading me onto the stretcher."

"Jesus Mer, I should have never have left you alone." He said standing up and storming out into the hallway, already making a call. I raised an eyebrow at him before he slowly backed up into the door frame. "This doesn't count, you're surrounded by doctors and nurses." And then he stormed off again.

I shook my head at him and continued watching criminal minds. He came back into the room, his face flaming.

"I called the police and they said that they already had a look out for her because apparently she's not allowed to see her kid and the kids be reported missing." He said sitting down and laying his head on the bed. I reached over and ran my hand through his hair. In a moment of silence, I could hear him slightly sobbing.

"Hey, why are you crying? We're fine." I said, not removing my hand from his hair.

"She's obviously crazy. What is should should have seriously hurt you or the baby. I could never live with myself." He said looking up. His face broke my heart. His face was splotchy and red from crying.

"But you didn't. We're fine."

"I know. But I shouldn't have left you alone. This wouldn't have happened if I would have just been there. This is my fault."

"It's four stitches Shawn, not the end of the world. Do not blame yourself for this. I'm the one who told you to leave, okay." I said, raising my eyebrows at him. He nodded.

Merbearsings17: happy Halloween 🎃 (ps I'm totally fine)

Heehenehen I love digging up the past

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