Love Hurts When You Are To La...

بواسطة quanita_wise

433 20 5

I love you yet so does he and I can never make you choose because I know you love him, I will always be here... المزيد

01-The 4 Amigos
02-The Skateboarding Chick:)
03-Protective much?????
04-Dylans Date
05-She's Finally Back
07-Tylers confession and Chloes worst nightmare
08-His Back
09-Hate seeing her hurt!
10-Aidans taking me to get a ring!
11-Why him!😭
13-Aidan has the guts!
14-Jarreds twist and Dylans goodbye
15-Goodbye or not
16-I'm falling hard
17-Take a break and breath
18-Competetive guys
19-The Reunion
20-Just need them right now
21-Support and love
22-I thought I was ok
24-Holiday vibes
25-Holiday vibes
26-Tyler💔or Dylan💔
27-Pull through
28-Need you
29-Its my life not yours

23-We all need a person to talk to❤️

7 0 0
بواسطة quanita_wise

"Why are their balloons and chocolate on ur car?" Dylan asked from behind me.

He saw the note in my hand but I moved before he could grab it.

It read.
Dear Chloe
I know I probably don't deserve you and I know you love Dylan but I need to say this, I love you and I regret doing everything I did in the past, I don't mind if you don't forgive me I understand, I just want to know you know this, I tried to keep you but the way I saw you look at Dylan when we were together broke me,I got jealous because you never looked at me like that, Chloe I want you to know that no matter what happens, I never lost hope in us, I still love you, I know those are just words that anyone can say but I don't use them a lot, they mean a lot to me, I just want to say I'm sorry, I love you, and I have never stopped but the best thing I can do before I say goodbye is to let you be happy, so I am happy that you have found someone that makes you smile like you have no worries in the world, I am happy you have found your forever, so like they say, if you truly love them you will set them free so that's what I'm doing, goodbye Chloe.

Love Liam

What just happened?

My jaw dropped and I felt tears forming by my eyes, no remember what he did to you! People like that don't change, they never change, hope doesn't exist, it's a lie, his just trying to get into my pants, but what if he is serious, what if he really meant what he wrote, ugh I don't know, I need talk to him.

I shoved the balloons and chocolate into my car and got into the driver side.

"Where are you going?"

"To figure out what the fuck my life has come to."

I reversed out of the parking spot and drove towards Liam's house, full speed, I arrived their in recoded time.

I switched my car off and ran up towards the house, I rapidly knocked on the door, after 2 minutes Liam's mom opened the door.

"Hi, is Liam in?"

"Oh my word it's been ages since I've seen you, yes Liam is in his room."

"Thank you and it's nice to see you again." I said while walking up the stairs.

"Please lovie, it's nice to see you too."

I got to his door and knocked casually on it.

"Come in!" I heard him shout from the inside, I slowly opened the door to see him sitting by his desk with a picture in his hand.

I walked closer ,his back still facing me, I got close enough to see the picture, the picture was of him and I when we were dating, we went to the carnival together and had a blast, that was our very first date, it was my very first real date. He made it really special.

"Hey." I said awkwardly. Getting him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you." He said while turning and smiling.

"I got your note."

His smile dropped.

"Oh, I'm sorry if it was inappropriate." He said with sadness in his eyes.

"No , actually I liked it, but I think we need to talk."


"Liam do you mean what you wrote?"

"Yes, it is all true, I wrote it so you could understand where I'm coming from and why it's so hard to leave."

"I do understand but I need time."


"To think, Liam I know you think I love Dylan, I do but sometimes I'm not sure which love it is, same for everyone else, that's why I need to find myself first, I need to understand myself and know what I want before anyone leaves."

"So you don't want me to go?"


"Ok, I'll wait."

"Thanks Liam, ok this was nice but I gotta go."


He gave me a hug and I hugged him back then I left, I got into my car and smiled, I forgot what it was like to be held in his arms, it was nice. It really was.
I got home and jumped straight into bed, I need to think, Dylan? Or Liam? Or Jarred?


Why can't life just make my choice easier, I need a girls night, no guys. I picked up my phone and called Eva.

Hey girl!
Hey Eva
What's wrong?
I need a girls night, theirs to much guy drama.
Say no more, I will be over before you know it and tel Amelia to kick Lucas out.
Will do.

We ended the call and I got the room ready. I know that girl night normally means going out and having a clubbing night but for us it means Netflix, and junk food. What can I say we enjoy a good chill hour but I think tonight they might make me go clubbing.

I walk over to Amelia's room and explain everything to her, she is excited! We start looking for movies and making sure the room has enough food, blankets and pillows, oh can't forget the drinks.

Just as we finish we hear the door bell ring.
"Guys stop making me laugh I'm going to pee myself!"

My face is covered in happy tears and my stomach hurts from laughing, I'm on the verge of peeing myself but they won't stop tickling me.

Finally after 10 minutes they stop and I breath in oxygen, freedom at last!

"Crazy bitches!" I say as I glare at them.

"Ok lets play truth or dare!" Amelia squeals

"Ok." Eva and I say in sync.

"Truth or dare Chloe?" Eva asks with a mischievous look in her eyes.


"Ok, I dare you to call Dylan and tell him to come over to chill."

"What's going to happen when u comes over?"

"You will see."


I call Dylan and he answers almost instantly.

Hey beautiful, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice?
Wanna come over and chill?
I can't say no to that.
Great, my place in 5.
Perfect. Love you
Love you too.

I end the call and the to idiots sitting next to me start making kissing noises because I said love you to Dylan, stupid!

"Shut up!"

"Well you and Dylan seem to be getting along quite nicely." Eva says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Guys I need to tell you something."

"Ok sounds serious."

"I went to Liam's house earlier today."

They both gap at what I just said.

"Why?!" Amelia asks in confusion.

"He left me a note."

I hand them the note and they read it, once they are done they look up at me and pull me into a hug.

"Chloe, do you still love him?"

"I'm not sure, I feel like I love Dylan but then I feel like I still love Liam, I don't know!"

"Its ok, maybe spend time with them both and see who you are actually in love with, the year is almost over anyway,not much damage can be done." Eva says with hopeful eyes.

-5 minutes later-
We hear knocking at the door, Amelia walks to it since she's the closest.

"Hey Amelia is Chloe home?"


Amelia let's Dylan in and he quickly makes his way up the stairs. I could hear his footsteps. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

Dylan appears from behind my door, he enters then closes the door, just as he was about to dive at me he sees Eva sitting on my bed so he just sits next to me and kisses my lips gently.

"I didn't know Eva was going to be here too."

"She dared me to call you and ask you to come over."

He nods and then laughs.

"So what is going to happen to me now?"

Eva's grin widens and she stands up.

"Chloe tell him what happened!" Eva demanded.

Bloody bitch!

He looks at me with confusion and worry in his eyes.

"I...I went to Liam's house today."


"I needed talk to him."


"Why are you getting angry!"

"Because He still loves you!"

"How did you know?"

"I'm not dumb!"

"We just talked, that's all."

"Fine, but Chloe I told you, if you need time to decide who you need to be with I will give you that, I will wait."

"I know."

"I'll give you time to think, I think you need time." And this that he kisses me on the forehead and stands up, he walks out of my room and closes the door behind him.

"I need to talk to Tyler."

Eva quickly calls Tyler and hands me the phone when he answers.

Ill be their in a sec.

He ends the call and not even 5 minutes later he rushes into my room.

"What's wrong, who do I need to kill?"

"No one needs to die, I just need advice."

"Ok, I'm all ears."

"Read this."

I handed him the note and he quickly reads it once he is done he looks up at me in shock.

"So you need to choose. Dylan or Liam?"


"Ok let's do this the smart way, a list of cons and pros always help."


"Oh and Chloe when are you going to call your mom, you guys still need to talk about what she did."

"I know, but I want my parents to mend their issues first."

"Ok, dang you are such a good person, you always put yourself last and everyone else first."

"It's just who I am."
After a hour of making cons and pros we decide to order pizza and chill.

"We all need someone to talk to." Tyler says to me.

"I know."

We carry on eating and watching Netflix.

"Chloe are you going to audition for the school play?"


-The next day-
I check my phone on my bedside table to see a bunch of messages from Dylan.
Heard you went to hospital again! Are you ok?
Did you get hurt?!
Please answer me
I'm getting worried
What happened
Why did Tyler rush you to hospital
I thought you were all better?
Chloe, are you ok
Charlie please don't leave me
I'm in love with you, you can't leave me please don't leave me!
Please call me as soon as you can.
I'm in hospital?!

Wait what!?

I look at my surroundings and see I am in a hospital room, and connected to a lot of machines, I look in the corner and see Tyler sleeping in a chair.

I should respond to Dylan before he worries to much.

Hey Dylan
I'm ok don't worry
I'm in a hospital room but I'm not sure how I got here anyway I'm alive and I don't think I'm going anywhere I just need to find out why I'm here.
Love you❤️

I quickly call him.

Hey Dylan
CHLOE! Omg you have no idea how amazing it is to hear your voice. Are you ok?
I'm fine calm down.
Ok, but why are you in hospital? Is something wrong?
I don't know I can't remember anything all I know is I woke up in a hospital room, I'll call you back I need answers.
Ok, please rest love you.
Ok, will do, love you too.

I end the call and shove Tyler, he wakes up and looks at me squinting at the light.

"Morning." He says as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning, now tell me how and why am I in hospital!"

It's almost as if he was electrocuted when he heard my words because he was now wide awake.

"Chloe I don't know how to say this."

He took hold of my hand and squeezed it gently, he looked up into my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Chloe it's was just a allergic reaction."

"Tyler! You made me think it was serious!"

Tyler bursts out laughing as I glare at him.
Hope u enjoyed this chapter
Who do u ship?

Keep reading and see if Chloe gets her happily ever after, after all?


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