Vampire Knight The Start of l...

By DeniseMontour

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This is Vampire knight it picks back up from where Kamane threw his heart into the furnace. Its Zero and Yuki... More

Chapter 1 The Beginning.
Chapter 2 Growing
Chapter 3 Trying to move on.
Chapter 4 Thier Wedding
Chapter 6 Sealing there vow
Chapter 7 Yuki's Fear.
Chapter 8 Moving on
Chapter 9 Going back
Chapter 10 Times Heals All
Chapter 11 Anything for love.
Chapter 12 Coming back to life
Chapter 13 Twins turn one
Chapter 14 Growing up
Chapter 15 Bringing Fears to life.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Revaluations.
Chapter 18 Trouble
Chapter 20 Losing Control
Chapter 19 Let's speak the truth
Chapter 21 Let me show you.
Chapter 22 Tell me the Truth
Chapter 23 Renewal
Chapter 24 Reception
Chapter 25 Back to the Begining
Chapter 26 Seeing Double
Chapter 27 Trying to move on.
Chapter 28 Wanting Revenge
Chapter 29 Holding the faith.
Chapter 30 I will kill you.
Chapter 31 Got in the way.
Chapter 32 Realization
Chapter 33 Taken
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 I'm Back.
Chapter 36 Let em Have it.
Chapter 37 Power
Chapter 38 Kidnapped
Chapter 39 I will find you.
Chapter 40 How Dare you?
Chapter 41 Tell Me.
Chapter 42 At Last
Chapter 43 Moving On.
Chapter 44 This old House.
Chapter 45 Confronting your fears
Chapter 46 Letting go of the past
Chapter 47 New Beginnings
Chapter 48 Taking it easy
Chapter 49 Housewarming
Chapter 50 Can it be
Chapter 51 Come back to me.
Chapter 52 Reveal party.
Chapter 53 Are you sure?
Chapter 54 It's Time.
Chapter 55 New Birth
Chapter 56 Let's Go To The Party.
Chapter 57 Something Stirring
Chapter 58 I'm Out of here.
Chapter 59 Stay away
Chapter 60 Trying to Move On.
Chapter 61 Shocked and Hurt
Chapter 62 Some Revenge is sweet.
Chapter 63 Anger Eyes
Chapter 64 Time to die.
Chapter 65 Going Home
Chapter 66 Hurt.
Chapter 67 Dinner.
Chapter 68 Helping
Chapter 69 Having some fun.
Chapter 70 Christmas.
Chapter 71 New Years
Chapter 72 Stormy
Chapter 73 Surpise ahead
Chapter 74 Closeness
Chapter 75 Valentines
Chapter 76 fighting
Chapter 77 Green Eyed Monster
Chapter 78 I Can't Let You Be Free.
Chapter 79 Saying Goodbye
Chapter 80 Letting go
Chapter 81 Pain
Chapter 82 Feelings
Chapter 83 I Miss You.
Chapter 84 Open Up
Chapter 85 Give into me.
Chapter 86 Blood Bond
Chapter 87 Closer
Chapter 88 Confession
Chapter 89 One Last Time.
Chapter 90 Insecure.
Chapter 91 Please don't
Chapter 92 Visit.
Chapter 93 BOOM!
Chapter 94 I want you.
Chapter 95 Emotions Take over
Chapter 96 What Hurts you the Most.
Chapter 97 What the Hell?
Chapter 98 Feelings
Chapter 99 Hit Below the Belt
Chapter 100 Stolen
Chapter 101 Reflecting.
Chapter 102 Getting to know you.
Chapter 103 You Have to Be Kidding Me!
Chapter 104 Adjusting.
Chapter 105 Nightmares.
Chapter 106 Something not right.
Chapter 107 Pain Taking Over.
Chapter 108 I Need Freedom.
Chapter 109 Zero's Emotions.
Chapter 110 How Hot Can I Get You?
Chapter 111 Lust
Chapter 112 together
Chapter 113 Please don't go
Chapter 114 Alone, Empty
Chapter 115 The Pain Hurts
Chapter 116 Come Home To Me.
Chapter 117 Here we go again.
Chapter 118 We Need You.
Chapter 119 Shots Rang Out.
Chapter 120 You Need to let go of me.
Chapter 121 If you Leave.
Chapter 122 Coming to his senses.
Chapter 123 Spying
Chapter 124 Admitting.
Chapter 125 Weekend Love.
Chapter 126 You did What?
Chapter 127 Wearing Thin.
Chapter 128 The False Celebration
Chapter 129 The Boiling Point
Chapter 130 Bring in the Freaks.
Chapter 131 Set Off The Killing.
Chapter 132 The Deed Is Done.
Chapter 133 Did She? Didn't She?
Chapter 134 Impulse.
Chapter 135 Fear.
Chapter 136 Obsession
Chapter 137 The Kiss.
Chapter 138 The Meeting.
Chapter 139 the Past Won't Let Go.
Chapter 140 Pissed
Chapter 141 Cold.
Chapter 142 Don't Push Me Away.
Chapter 143 I Wish It was Me.
Chapter 144 Bonds
Chapter 145 Love Conquers All
Chapter 146 Protection
Chapter 147 Yuki's Thoughts.
Chapter 148 Like Father Like Daughter.
Chapter 149 Hell Has No Fury!
Chapter 150 Regrets.
Chapter 151 Letting Go of the Past.
Chapter 152 Opening Doors.
Chapter 153 Hidden Lies
Chapter 154 Surprising Guest
Chapter 155 The Bitch is Here.
Chapter 156 Losing Composer
Chapter 157 What Did You Do?
Chapter 158 The Talk
Chapter 159 Get The Paper! Read All About It!
Chapter 160 Where did she go?
Chapter 161 Regrets.
Chater 162 I found her.
Chapter 163 Hanabusa Points Out.
Chapter 164 Surprise
Chapter 165 Figured it was her.
Chapter 166 Words Cut like a knife.
Chapter 167 Open Your Heart
Chapter 168 Shocked Hurt.
Chapter 169 Sucker for Pain.
Chapter 170 Picking myself up.
Chapter 171 Letting go of the past
Chapter 172 Sending you my love
Chapter 173 Can i talk to you?
Chapter 174 Confessions
Chapter 175 Happiness
Chapter 176 Martha's Feelings.
Chapter 177 Date Night
Chapter 178 Do What I Say.
Chapter 179 Imagination Taking Over.
Chapter 180 Yuki Moving On.
Chapter 181 Trying to Rattle You.
Chapter 182 Telling it as it is.
Chapter 183 Invitation.
Chapter 184 Ichiru's Birthday.
Chapter 185 Broken Dreams
Chapter 186 Happy Birthday Zero
Chapter 187 Kaname's Desires.
Chapter 188 Stop!
Chapter 189 Kaname's Feelings.
Chapter 190 Shattered.
Chapter 191 Flaming Temper.
Chapter 192 Broken.
Chapter 193 Zero's regrets
Chapter 194 Breaking down.
Chapter 195 Take My Blood.
Chapter 196 Bring in the big bitch
Chapter 197 Demonic
Chapter 198 Let go of the past.
Chapter 199 Do I give in? Or Walk Away?
Chapter 200 Leaving

Chapter 5 The Birth of Ai.

119 3 0
By DeniseMontour

Chapter 5 The birth of Ai.

About a month later. Yuki is on bed rest. It's getting closer for the time to happen. They have been married for a month. They are actually doing very well. Yuki has gotten very close to Zero. She loves him dearly. Still not much in the romantic department happened though, due to her being very pregnant. But the closeness in other ways has grown tons.

"How do you feel this morning my darling?" Zero asks. "I feel ok. My feet still hurt, but otherwise, I'm good. I can't wait to be off this bed rest. Back to myself. I also can't' wait to meet this little person. It's not just going to be us anymore Zero. We are going to have a tiny person." Yuki states. I know darling. I am excited about it as well." Zero answers. "I am so glad to hear that Zero. Yori is coming over today." says Yuki. She said. She is going to pamper me. Whatever that means. Yuki Giggles. "That's fine," Zero says. You deserve it. I'm going to go to the stables today and visit White Lily. I haven't seen her in a while. "That sounds nice Zero. I am sure. She would love to see you." Yuki remarks." I won't stay that long in case you need me." Zero answers. "Stay as long as you like." replies Yuki. You have been stuck in this house with me the last week. If something happens, we will call you. You need a break as well. "I just don't want to miss anything "Zero states. Yuki reaches for Zeros hand holding it in her own. Zero I know. I thank you. You have been there with me, through so much. It means the world to me. Zero gently bends down and kisses Yuki on her lips. "I love you Yuki." He says, with a tender touch to her face. I will be back in a few. As Zero walks out, Yori Walks in. Going over to Yuki giggling and talking, spending the day with her.

Zero is off to the stables to see White Lily. The second Closest friend to him. She might have only been an animal, but to him she was family. She was always there when he felt upset and hurt. He could lay down next to her, and feel safe enough to sleep. She always only loved him.

A few Hours later, Zero was heading home. Picking up some takeout on his way. I'm sure Hanabusa will be over too. Which really didn't bother him anymore. He didn't mind spending time with him or Yori. To Zero's Surprise, Hanabusa has become a good friend. Someone he can talk to freely. Which is very hard for Zero. There were so many times in the past, Zero would just keep his feelings bottled up. Never showing. How he truly felt. That's how he lost Yuki. He vowed. He would never do that again. So as hard as it is to show his feelings. He tries desperately to always tell Yuki at least. How he is feeling. So she knows and doesn't have to ever wonder. Also, it was easy to talk to Hanabusa. He knew everything, that had happened. Zero could talk to him about Kamane. Where he didn't want to bring him up to Yuki. Yuki was doing so well. She wouldn't talk about Kamane at all. Only on rare occasions. Zero could feel her growing up. Letting go of some of the past. He was a bit concerned though with her about to have Kamane's baby. Will, that bring up issues again? Will, she looks at the child, and only think of Kamane? Would he? A lot of thoughts ran through his mind. Those he did keep to himself.

Walking up to the Door, putting the key in and opening it. Zero walked in. There was Hanabusa and Yori and even Yuki resting on the sofa. "Zero." She says with excitement in her voice. Your home. "Yes. My love. as he places kisses on her head. I bought some food home."Zero states" I figured you guys would still be here. That you would be hungry." "Thank you Zero." Yori says. Hanabusa Nods in thanks. "How is my pretty lady feeling this evening? "Zero asks." Um..." She Mutters... "Not sure." She says. My back has been hurting all day. Now I have been getting sharp pains in my stomach. Off and on. Zeros eyes open wide. So does Yori and Hanabusa. "Why didn't you tell me that earlier." Yori insists."Because I'm not sure, it means anything yet. I don't want to scare all of you if its nothing." Yuki states. "Please Let us know if it gets worse." Zero says with worriment in his eyes. For the first time, it was hard for him, to keep his composer. "Well." Hanabusa says let's eat what Zero brought and see how things progress. "Good idea." Yuki says. I'm starving!

After Dinner, Yori and Yuki stay on the sofa. Hanabusa and Zero talk in the Kitchen."Are you ok?" Hanabusa asks." To be honest. I don't know." Zero replies. I never felt this way before. It's hard for me to keep my composer, and not let her see. That I'm worried. "Zero she will be fine. People have babies every day." Hanabusa states. " I know that." Zero answers with a growl in his voice. "Then what is it Zero? "Hanabusa Asks." We have been getting along wonderfully this last month, as a married couple. She is getting closer and closer to me. She barely ever mentions him. The nightmares are gone. I can't help to think. This might change things again. Bring up memories. After all, it is his child. Zero puts his head down sadly. "Hey, Zero." Hanabusa says" She loves you. It's not going to change if that's what you're thinking. She may think of him, but she is with you." Hanabusa remarks. "To be honest. I would think. She would think of him, after having his child. I just don't want it to go back to what she was."Zero says." She was a shell of a person. "It's a happy time Zero. Think good thoughts OK?" Hanabusa Says." As they are talking they hear Yori Scream...HANABUSA! ZERO! It's time! They both scramble to the other room. "You ok Yuki " Zero asks with a concerned Voice." Her water broke. The pains are closer. It's time." Yori says to Zero please take her upstairs to the bedroom, we have ready. He lightly picks Yuki up holding her close to him. She lays her head on his shoulder, as she grunts in pain. She squeezes her hands on his shoulder. Closing her eyes breathing heavy. "Are you ok Yuki? "Zero asks terrified. Breathing heavy. She says I'm OK, just don't leave me Zero. I won't. I promise Yuki. He says in return.

After a few hours, and Zero never leaving her side. A beautiful baby girl entered the world. Yori places the baby on Yuki's chest. She just smiles from ear to ear. Looking up at Zero. Who is smiling also. I want to name her Ai. She looks at Zero. He replies anything you want babe. She is adorable Yuki. Yes, she is. "Zero, Yori asks. Could you please let Hanabusa Know that the baby is here. That he can come in. He has been waiting downstairs for hours. He is probably flipping out by now." Yori says as she giggles. Of course. I will do that right now. Zero kisses Yuki on her head. She is holding and looking at the baby. All full of smiles and happiness. I will be right back babe. "Ok Hurry back, Zero." She says. Smiling from ear to ear. Zero runs downstairs. Hanabusa, he yells. She is born. She? It's a She? "Hanabusa Asks." Yes." Zero replies. It's a she. What does she look like? Zero looks up at Hanabusa and says. Come to see for yourself. She is adorable. And yes if you're asking if, she looks like him. Very much so. How is Yuki then? Hanabusa asks as they walk upstairs to the bedroom. So far she is great. She did great. She is so happy. "So glad." He replies.

After a very long day, Yori and Hanabusa leave. Its just Yuki and Zero left with this new little bundle. Which Yuki took to immediately. She hasn't let her go since she was born. Zero opens the door to the bedroom peeking in. Yuki in bed holding, and feeding Ai. What a beautiful sight. "Zero. She says excitedly. Come in. I missed you so." Zero walks to the bed and slides in next to her. She kisses him lightly. "I didn't want to disturb you and the baby. " Zero says softly. Zero you're never disturbing me. Are you OK Zero? I'm fine Yuki. Why are you asking me that? I should ask you that. Your the one that just had a baby. Shaking her head. "Zero my love. You know why. I am asking you that. Are you feeling ok with all this?" Yuki asks. Zero lost in this thoughts doesn't really know, how to respond. He doesn't want to hurt her or bring things up. At the same time, he sees she did. She is fine with it at the moment. "Zero look at me." She says. Taking her hand, placing it on his chin. Pulling him closer to her. She places a small kiss right on his lips. He closes his eyes taking in the kiss and her scent. 

"Zero. I want you to be honest with me. Again I ask are you OK?" Yuki asks. Zero opens his eyes and says "Yes. I am fine. I was a little worried earlier for some things. But I am seeing .that your fine." "Yes. I am very fine. Zero." She replies. She is so pretty. I am in love with her Zero. She makes me so happy. Just like you do." That's all I could ask for Yuki. I want your happiness." Zero states. What were you worried about Zero? To be honest Yuki...He looks down and says in a very low studder... Him." Zero comments. "Oh, I see. That She would bring up him?" Yuki asks. Yes. "Well, to be honest, Zero she did for a moment. I wished. He was here to see her. To see the beauty that, we created in that one night. A single tear falls from her eye. But I am not going to dwell on that Zero. I want to enjoy her. I hope you can enjoy her with me. You will be the only father.  She knows Zero." Yuki responds Zero taking in everything Yuki just said. Never really thinking of it that way. Yes. I will be. won't I? "Yes. I know you will be a good one.." Yuki states Zero thinks to himself. How Yuki matured. All that she said, was of a woman, not a little girl anymore. That even though, she probably did think of Kamane, She excepted what happened, and wants a life with him. Deep down. He thought. She did hide some of her feelings. In order not to hurt him. No more the little girl. Who cried at everything. Who couldn't control herself. She was now the woman, and mother in control. This new site before his eyes made Zero love her even more.

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