Want You || [jenlisa] DISCONT...

By _santilan

97.3K 1.7K 255

"I love you, but I think dad is right" -Jennie "You could've said it sooner, so I wouldn't wasted your time" ... More

I'm tired
come back
who are you?
good terms
last (2)
last (3)

good evening

7.6K 155 58
By _santilan

Lisa's Pov.

I'm here again inside this room, which I find suffocating. Duh~ it's all white and the smell......well I don't know what is that smell but you can easily figure that you are inside a hospital.

But thank god this is my last day here! actually last 2hours, because my parents already arrived from Thailand. And I think they will be here anytime soon.

But damn, I still wonder why Rosé is like that when we always talk about the Kim's, though she said that we are bestfriends...exept if she had a relationship with one of the kim's......

Oh my god???!!!

Maybe she really had a relationship with one of them. 'Cause you know, it's not bad to be inlove with the same gender as yours. Like me, I find that doctor cu-

"Lisa?" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked as I look where the voice came from. Oh, it's Rosé.

"You're spacing out" Rosé said as she sits on the edge of my bed.

"Oh, yeah...I'm just thinking" I said and smile weakly.

"Oh, is that so? Mind to share?" she stated.

"Hmm~I'm just thinking if.....nevermind. Btw, what brought you here?" I lied.

"Uhm, nothing...I just want to inform you that we will have a meeting with the Kim's" she said and smile slightly.

"Hmm~ ok. What time though?" I asked. Well I want to roam around Seoul for me to be familiarize to it.

"Appa said that we should be there before 8pm so, it will be a dinner" she said and opened her phone.

"Oh okay, btw do I have a driver or something that can go with me?" Well I want to roam Seoul by myself. Because  it's not easy for me to trust.

"Yep! you have a assistant! You're always with her tho....want me to call her?" Her? so it's a girl?.

"Yes please, but might as well give me her number?" Wait? I'm sure I have a phone before the accident, right?

"Silly! You have her number in your phone! oh wait, your phone is at my place....I charged it yesterday. Wanna come with me?"

"Yeah~! Sounds good" I said and smile.

Now, I'm gonna make new memories with my parents, Rosé and the two Kim's.


Jennie's Pov.

I need to get ready~~ I'll meet my baby later....but she hate me, hayss.

"Unnie!!!!!" I shout at Chu unnie.

"Waeyo?" she said while playing with her phone.

"Look at me!!!" I shouted again that makes her stop playing and look at me.

"Okay geez, now what?" she said looking at my annoyed.

"Will she like this?" I asked as I show her what I wear.

"Yeah~! it matches your personality" She said while suppressing her laugh.

"Yah!! I hate you!!" I said and run to my room.

After I arrived inside my black and pink room. I stood infront the mirror, I look at my body.

"Do you still think about me? I miss you so much, I'm sorry for everything" I whispered.

"Well, I think she does" Someone said that made me startled.

"Y-yah!! what are you doing here?" I stuttered as I look at the door. Aish Park!! If you're not really Chu unnie's girlfriend, I already killed you.

"Just checking if you're still alive" she said as she lazily sit in my couch.

"Psh! Really! Why are you always like this to me?!?!?" I shouted at Rosé.

"Yah unnie! You're overreacting!!" she shouted back.

Why is everybody like this?

"Yah Jisoo unnie?!! get your girlfriend away from me!!" I shouted to the living room.

"Eh?! Yah Park Chaeyoung! come here!"

"Ugh...Ne!!" Rosé shouted and walk towards the door. But before she can make a step out of my room she look at me and said.

"Be ready"


Lisa's Pov.

I'm now preparing for later's dinner. I'm wearing a black pants, black sweater and a black jacket. Well I like black though.

[A/N: Sorry, I can't explain her clothing there but, she looks like an oppa]

Well, I don't want to wear a formal clothes since they're my close friends right?

By the way, it's so weird that I miss being in the hospital. Imean the doctor there is just cute? really cute.

But I'm so unlucky that I didn't had the chance to get the cute girl's name. If only I could.

"Appa?" I called appa.

"Hmm? Yes priya?" appa asked and smiled. I felt comfortable when he called me that.

"Where will the meeting will happen?"

"ahh! that one! We'll go to the C.K. Inc. and they have a private place there" appa said.

"Oh okay appa, btw are you related to them? I mean Rosé told me some things about you thought" I stated.

"We're bussiness partners so that's why"

"Hmm~ " I'm now satisfied. He was about to go down but I called him.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Do you know the name of my doctor?" I asked desperately.

"Ahh yieee, you like someone now huh? It's Bae Joo Hyun" he said and ready to go down.

"Thank you appa!" but before he go down he said something that made me confused.

"But be ready, later you will see a goddess" he said and wink at me.

Yah appa? what the hell?

[at C.K. Inc. 7:42 pm (2hours later)]

We're now heading to the private room but before that, I'll be heading to the bathroom first.

I need to retouch, though its just a simple clothing I still look hot!*smirk*

Btw, I need to go maybe they are already waiting.

Rosé's Pov.

I'm now waiting in the car. Well, I'm waiting for the great Kim's.

I wonder what will be their reactions one's they know that Lisa have an amnesia. I'm worried about Jennie unnie, because I know that she will blame her self. And I don't want her to suffer but, I still won't tell her yet about Lisa's condition.....yet.

*Phone ringing*
*incoming call from Uncle Martin*

O-oh, it's uncle.....shit


"Hiii uncleeee~!"

"Hello, Chaengggg~! hhahahha" uncle greet back while imitating my voice.

"*giggles* btw uncle, is there any problem?"

"Uhmm... No, there's no problem, but I just want to know if you're already with them?" Uncle asked curiously. I forgot about them...

"Ahh... not yet uncle, I think they are still preparing, and I'm currently waiting"

"Oh? Is that so? That two Kim's really!!" uncle said, irritated.

"hahahah don't worry uncle...I'm already used to it" I said as I giggled.

"hahaha okay.........oh shoot, gotta go Chaeng! see you later!"

"Ne uncle!! byee"

"And Chaeng, go at the location asap okay? okay I'll hung up now byeeeee"

"Arasseo, byee"


Phew.......thank god that it's not about Lisa. But speaking of the monkey, Lisa is already okay now, though she won't remember everything we're still thankful that she survived.

Well, Lisa almost died though. We didn't know what to do that time, but thankfully our hospital have the most skilled doctors in the whole world. Advantages of being rich.

I hopped inside the car and put on my earphones. Oh the song is 'Honey' by kehlani, which is Lisa's favorite song.....hayss Lis, I hope a miracle happen and give back your memories..


[minutes later]




"Yah!! Park Chaeyoung!!!" I got startled by a shout. I looked at the window and saw the Kim's looking at me.


Wait, what? w-what did I do?

I removed my earphone and open the door. Shit...w-why?

What the hell? what did I do?
And now I am welcomed by the Kim's cold gazes.

"What the hell?! we've been waiting for you to open the door for so long!!!!" Jisoo Unnie shouted.

"O-oh, sorry. I'm using my earphones" I said with a piece sign.

"Fine! but ffs lower the music! okay?!" Jennie unnie shouts.

"Y-yeah, I promise" I said and averted my eyes to them.

They got inside the car and we drove to the location.


We are now here at the location that uncle said. Uncle could just told me that it will be at our private house.

"Hey? what are we doing here?" Jennie unnie asked.

"I don't know either? maybe the dinner will happen here?" Jisoo unnie responded.

"Let's just go inside" I snorted back.

After a few minutes we are now inside the C.K inc.

"It's been awhile since we got here"

"I know right"

"Good evening miss" My dad's secretary welcomed us.

"Good evening...are they already here?" I asked him.

"Yes Ms.Park, actually they are now talking with the Manoban's" he stated, that made me look at Jennie unnie.

She just nod, meaning that it's okay.

"Is that so? then let's go see them!" Chu said excitedly. I just smiled at the view.

Jennie's Pov

We're now walking on the hallway. I'm really nervous now!!! I'll see my Lisa Manoban!!!!

"Unnie, why are you smiling?" Chaeng teased.

"H-huh? me? smiling?" I said as I cover my face.

"yeah yeah, whatever" Rosé said and rolled her eyes.

I wonder what will be Lisa's reaction when she sees me..would she be happy? angry? I don't know, I really regret doing that to her.

I remember back then, me and my dad are super close but when he knew that Lisa is courting me, he distanced me to her. I'm really confused because, I thought that he supports LGBTQ+.


My dad and I are walking to the park because I passed my exams today.

We are walking hand-in-hand then we saw two boys walking while their hands intertwined.

"Dad? why does those boys hands were intertwined with each other?" I asked dad. He looked to the other side of the park and stop walking.

"I can say that they are a couple, sweetie" he said calmly while looking at me.

"Couple? but why do they have the same gender?" I asked curiously.

"Well sweetie, love is not really necessary towards a girl or a boy. Love is love. When your heart beats to the same gender as yours, you can't do anything about it. And if the world is against you, you need to fight for each other. So Rubyjane, if you fall in love with the same gender as yours, I'll support you baby, I won't judge you" dad said and then kissed my forehead.

I just nodded and smiled at him.

[end flashback]

I can still remember his words, but why did he do that? why did he took me away from Lisa? I can't understand him.

"Good morning to you~ Miss Jennie, Miss Jisoo, and Miss Rosé" Uncle Nico's secretary (Rosé's dad).

The door opened and we saw the Manoban's with our parents. But, why isn't Lisa here? I mean she should be here right? she's a Manoban, why not?

After inspecting them, they signed us to sit down with them.

I'm nervous as hell~ What will be Lisa's reaction?? hayss.... I look at my phone and stared at Lisa's picture.

She's beautiful as ever...she even became more hotter. As usua, her beauty never fails to amaze me.

I didn't know that I'm already looking at my phone for a long time now. I wish I didn't looked like a fool while looking at my phone.

But then, a familiar voice made me weak.

"Good evening~!"

[A/N: 1900+ words~!! damn, I never expected that I would be able to write that long. Btw, long chapter here because of late update...I wrote this for about a week because of schoolworks. Hope you enjoy!!!!]

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