The Plug's Niece

By BabyLovee23

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Kamiya wanted to be a simple girl with a simple life but she couldn't with what the job her uncle has and she... More

Epilouge -1 year later 😇
Book 2 is out 💗
Note ‼️


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By BabyLovee23

Lyric 😢

Trying not to break down at Rex funeral was hard. I was only keep my calm because of this baby but deep down inside I just wanted to cry my life away.

Kamiya and Kingston was sitting by me with baby Ah'Mone. She looked lost and didn't know what was going on. Ah'Mone kissed both Kamiya and king cheek when she saw tears left their eyes.The pastor was talking while Rex family was crying.

His mother was going through it the worst I felt bad for her. Rex was her only child and she loved him to death. Me and her was close she loves me like I'm the daughter she never has and his family is good but have a soft side towards me.

"I know it's hard for us all but Tyson is in a better place now with god and his brothers and sisters. He was loved by a lot but I do know he'd loved his wife the most. I know that his wife would like to come up here and say a few things come on up sister lyric  " the pastor said looking at me.

"Amen " everybody in the church said. I got up and walked to the front then he hand me the mic.

"Hello everybody... you may know me as Tyson's wife Lyric ...Ha this man has been in my life since I was 16 and I remembered when he asked me out whiling beating up this guy who tired to bully me it was funny because they guy that was bullying me is my old boy Bestfriend and I loved how he just stood up for me " I stop and everybody laughed.

"Me and Tyson have been together for 6 years and I love him so much. What nobody know was that we was trying for a baby. I miscarried the first try and it was hard on both of us. We didn't tell nobody because we didn't want to feel worst. And the day he dead" I chock up with emotions.

"It's okay baby let it out we gotcha " his mother said coming up to me patting my back. I looked back up with tears in my eyes.

"The day he died I found out that I was two months pregnant and I was so happy to share to news with him but I can't. I'm trying not to break down and cause stress on our baby right .But I'm great full because now I have a piece of him still here with me... its going to be hard but I'll do what I have to do for you this baby ...I love you baby" I said . I walked over to the lawyer then hand him back the mic.

I walked his mother back to her seat then I went to mine. The choir singed for the rest and after we buried him , his mother told me to go home and rest for the baby.

Kamiya 🙀

When we drop lyric off at her house. Me and king went home to put Ah'Mone in her bed. It's was cute because she don't knows what's going on so she looked confused during the funeral and only cried because me and king was crying.

I was downstairs watching tv when king came back down after putting our baby to bed. We came over by me and sit down staring straight ahead.

"You ok baby?" I asked him rubbing his arm.

He didn't say nothing but let a few tears fall. King wasn't the crying type so for him to cry it had to hit home for him. Rex was his home boy since they was babies. Their mothers been Bestfriends for years before they was born.

I know a peace of him is gone and I feel his pain. Even though I didn't like Rex like that at first he was my boy Bestfriend. He treated Ah'Mone like she was his own. And now he has a child of his own.

I don't know how Lyric is going to take it but we'll be there for her. I wiped king tears and kissed his cheek. Pulling him into a hug just holding him as he break down.

"That's my fucking brother man, if he would have just control his damn temper he would be here right now B. It's his fucking fault now his child gone grow up with out a father" King said getting angry.

"You can't say that king everything happens for a reason. God has the last day in everything it probably was his time just don't be mad at Tyson . You gone regret it in the long run" I said making him looking me in the eye.

"I understand but he was the only family I had besides my moms B"

"You have Ah'Mone and me now right here for you and good news for you we stuck with you" I chuckled trying to lighten to mood and he smiled.

"Was that a smile I see , oh my god my baby daddy and future husband just smiled god it's gone snow" he laughed.

"You a damn fool Kamiya " he said. The beep sound went off letting me know somebody was at the gate.

I got up to check the camera and it was Kim. I pulled my phone from my pocket to call a few people. She real stupid for coming here after all this time I thought.

Marcus: what's good little cuz
Me: get here fast
Marcus: bet I just get off

I hang up and yelled out the king. "Baby come here" he got up and walked over to me.

"Look " I pointed to the camera.

"It's not the time for this SHIT" he yelled .

"I know but go but Ah'Mone in the safe for with her iPad now hurry" he hesitated but left.

I beep her in letting her get in the gate. Few minutes later she knocked on the door. I put my emergency gun under my shirt and open the door.

"Oh my god Kamiya are you Okay is king okay? How's lyric I just heard" she said walking in .

"We are okay you would have known if you was here more or talked more" I throw shade at her as we walked to the leaving room.

"I'm sorry but what?" She said sitting down.

"Where have you been these pass months huh Kim? Every time me or Lyric would call or text you we get no reply what's up with that?"

"I was just going through something my bad" she rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"What you and Mack not working out?" She shoot her head up towards me.

"How'd you know about us?" She asked looking everywhere but my eyes.

"Aw bestie you forget I'm the plugs niece I know everything " I smirked.

"I also know that he wants to kill me and my family then take over which is funny because we not giving it up" I laughed.

"But we taking it anyway first you took his brother , his second mother and his trap so we gone do the same" Kim grin and my door few open . Damn I should have lock the door I thought.

Mack came in with 1 other nigga with dreads. When I got a clear view it was Rodney big brother Jason. He's been in jail for years I forgot all about him.

"Hi Kamiya nice place you have here " Jason said looking around.

"When you get out Jason I thought they gave your ass life" I rolled my eyes.

"Aw no baby see, I only got 8 years with good behavior " he smirked.

Me and Jason had history before me and Rodney went out I was talking to Jason. Nothing big he just ate my pussy time to time. I stopped it after I find out he was going to jail for murder . I didn't know Rodney was his brother till me and Rodney started going out.

"So what you want revenge for your brother I'm guessing " I said so nonchalant.

"You know everything huh? But yeah I'm also mad at the little nigga for going after you after I told him not to" I looked confused.

"What?" He grin.

"Oh you don't know he only started dating you because I went to jail he keep hearing me hearing me say how sweet you taste and he say he wanted a taste. I told his ass no because you was mind but he didn't listen now his dumb ass fall in love and dead" he said walking towards me.

Him and Mack came close to me and Mack slap the shit out of me. "That's for killing my brother bitch" he then pulled out his gun and hand it to Kim.

"Would you like the pleasure baby" he asked and she nodded. After she grab the gun she aim it at my head.

"Any last words bitch" she said then in the corner of my eyes . I saw king and Marcus together. King put his finger over his mouth to tell me shh.

"Yeah see you all in hell " I smirked and the guys shot both of the niggas in their heads. They bodies drop I knock the gun out of Kim hands and pulled out my gun hitting her in the head with it.

With my gun aim to her head as she was on her knees. I squat down by her and laughed in her face.

"What you was saying before , oh yeah any last words bitch?" I yelled .

"I'm sorry Kamiya but I didn't it out of love" I smiled at her.

"That's cute see you in hell bye bestie " I send the bullet through her head.

King ran to me pulling me into a hug. I squeezed him so tight breathing deep , I haven't realize how stink blood smell till now.

"This smell stink call the clean up crew" I said.

He looked back at Marcus and Marcus looked at me.


"You pregnant "he asked and I shake my head.

"No I just don't like the smell"

"We can't even smell it but you can, sound suspicious to me " Marcus said walking towards us grinning.

"Fuck y'all I'm not pregnant " I rolled my eyes.

"What ever you say I'm going to get my child , bye daddy's baby" he said while rubbing my stomach.

"Boy move" he laughed running up stairs.

"Well I'm going home to sleep see you tomorrow " Marcus hugged me and walked out as the clean up crew walked in.

I went upstairs to Ah'Mone room to see her sleeping in her bed . I went to my room and took a shower. When I came out the shower king still was no where to be found.

I made myself comfortable in the bed when my room door came open . When I looked up it was king with a bag.

"When the hell you had to time to sneak pass me and go to the store?" I asked seating up.

"After I put Ah'Mone back in her bed I sneak out the back door " he stuck his tongue out and hand me the bag.

"I hate you" I looked in the bag and there was pregnancy tests.

"Go take them "

"I'm not pregnant king "

" Kamiya "

"Kingston "

"Kamiya Carter " I smiled.

"Ughhhh" I got up and he slap my ass .

After taking 3 test I sat on the toilet just waiting. King was sitting on the floor by me as we wait.

After 10 minutes we checked all and I sighs.

"Yes baby number 2 I hope it's a boy can he be a junior " King said jumping up and down.

"Oh my god and no king he not gone be a junior " I laughed.

"I always said I wanted my kids two years apart now I do takes to my future wife" he picked me up putting me on our bed.

"Ha boy calm down "

"Girl this a man" he said flexing .

"Ha what ever you say baby" I laughed . He stop and just looked down at me smiling .


"I love you mrs.carter" he said getting lower.

"I love you mr.carter " he kissed me and went towards my stomach.

"And daddy loves you to " he kissed my stomach and I smiled at him.

We layed in bed together watching tv and called asleep in each other's arms.

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