Is Love in the Air?(hunhan)

By cclay2020

18.6K 1K 794

*Complete* Sehun goes undercover on one of his own planes to understand through a passengers eyes how his sta... More

Chapter 01.
Chapter 03.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
new story
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25

Chapter 02

1K 61 114
By cclay2020

"Oh no I hate this part" the lady with the child starts to panic as the plane takes off, her son starts to cry

"Hello my name is Sehun whats your name?" Sehun turns to look at the lady clinging onto her chair, her nails digging into it with pure panic on her face

"I....I....I'm Sunny she replies with shaky breath

"And who is this little man beside you?" the CEO turns to look at the boy

" son Chen" The mother trier to talk

"Mommy mommy why are you sad mommy " the little boy cries as he pulls the sleeve of his mothers top

"Hey little man whats your name,? my name is Sehun"

"Mommy can I tell him" making the mother just nod her head yes

"My name is Chen and I am 5 years old" he smiles

"Why is my mommy sad ?"

"Your mommy is a little nervous of the plane I think so we should talk to mommy and make her calm down what do you think"

"I think you right, I dont like my mommy sad uncle sehun "

"Mommy tell uncle Sehun that we gonna see the biiiiiiiiiiggggggg triangle" he smiles while reaching his little hands up into the air

"The big triangle? Sehun questions him

"Yes......he...he... calls the Eiffel tower a big triangle he thinks it was stretched to look that way it does now" the mother laughs out as she starts to loosen her grib on the chair

Sehun looks up the aisle and spots the cute flight attendant looking down towards them from his seat smiling a cute smile as he can clearly hear the conversation being so close

"What made you choose to come to paris was it to see the Eiffel tower? Sehun asks her more questions as she starts to relax alot more and turns to look at him now

"My husband had business here and we are to join him, we promised this little man a trip to the triangle" she smiles making Sehun smile too, as he takes another glance towards the flight attendant giving him a smile and a wink

'Shit did I just give the flight attentant a wink? get a grip Sehun he is probably taken, looking that cute he should be ' Sehun thinks to himself

"Uncle sehun are you going to see the biiiiiiiiggggggg hugggggeeee triangle too" the little boy leans over his mother as far as his seat belt will allow him to

"I think I will Chen once I am finished my work" he smiles as the plane has reached its height making the captain announce that the passengers are now free to move around the cabin

"Mommy can I sit over there" he points towards the empty seat beside Sehun as his mother tries to take his seatbelt off

" No no sweetheart leave the nice man alone, why dont you draw daddy a picture and we can give it to him when we get of the plane" she says while handing the little boy some blank pages and some colouring pencils

"Hello is everything ok here?" the cute smiling flight attendant asks making Sehun look up towards him

"Oh yes this lovely gentle man was just talking to me and my son because I really dont like the taking off part" she replies while blushing

"That was very nice of you sir" luhan smiles toward Sehun "we should offer you a job"

Sehun stands up slowly, being so close to Luhan, he spots the cute flight attendant not breaking eye contact with him and swallowing hard then blushing a little as he reaches for the over head compartment to retrieve his laptop

" Well I have the height for the job don't you think?" Sehun smiles again as he sits down opening his lap top

"I...I.... think....yes you do sir, luhan stutters and smiles a shy smile

" Are you going to see the biiigggg traingle too?" Chen questions Luhan bringing his attention away from Sehun

" The big triangle?" luhan questions

" He calls the Eiffel tower the triangle" the mother of the boy says while rolling her eyes

"Oh wow well I have never been to paris before this is my first time so I think I will have to see what this big triangle is all about" luhan smiles back at the little boy

" You go with my uncle sehun he needs to see it too" the little boy smiles while climbing over his mothers lap to get a better look at sehuns laptop

"Oh well I...I... dont know about that" luhan nervously replies while blushing

Sehun spots Luhan smiling nervously and tries to distract the little boy with asking him if he wanted to watch a movie

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Sehun asks the little boy

" Oh can we watch finding dory" the little boy climbs down from his mothers lap and puts his hands out for sehun to lift him up

"Oh well I love finding dory" sehun says while sitting the little boy on the seat beside him as he turns on the little screen attached to the chair in front of him

"I dont like finding nemo don't I not mommy, cause I cried alot when they couldnt find nemo" he tells sehun with a serious face

"Why did you cry?" Sehun says while looking down at the cute big brown eyes looking up at him

I cried cause cause nemo was lost and wanted his daddy and mommy said that nemos daddy will not stop looking for nemo and that if someone you love lots goes missing you keep looking"

"Sehun looks up at luhan and smiles again while answering the little boy"

"Your mommy is right dont give up till you find the person you lost"

Luhan blushes again feeling his heart do butterflies and his heart beat in a way it never has before

" I will check in later and see how everything is" luhan says while walking away to check some other passengers

" You have a very smart little 5 year old boy are you sure he is 5? sehun laughs as he switches on the movie and the little boy snuggles into his chair

"He likes to ask alot of questions, She laughs

"Sweetheart why dont you sit here with mammy in your chair and watch it over here"

" No mommy I'm a big boy, me and uncle sehun are watching a movie" the little boy places his tiny little hand on Sehuns sleeve as he continues to watch the movie

"I'm really sorry about this you must have alot of work to do "

" It's ok he is no problem but I did offer" Sehun smiles

"Ok but Chen when the movie is over you come back over here ok" the little boy ignores his mother and continues to watch the movie

Once the movie is over the little boy starts to get a bit cranky and tired

"I want my mommy now uncle Sehun" the boys says while rubbing his tired eyes

"Your food is coming now sweetheart eat some and then you can sleep ok" she lifts her son from Sehuns arms and sit him in his chair beside her

Sehun decides to stretch his legs and head to the restroom watching the staff along the way, that is what he is suppose to be doing but he can't help but watch the cute Flight attendant. There is just something about him and Sehun can't seem to put his finger on it.

As he reaches the front of the plane then spots the cute attendant getting one of the trolleys ready to serve the food, he can't help but look him up and down, how cute he looks in that uniform and still wondering if he is single

'Should I ask him, damn it I can't ask him that, why can't I keep my eyes off him, he is the most beautiful person I have seen' Sehun thinks to himself while still watching luhan

"Are you ok sir?" Luhan approaches Sehun bringing him back to reality

"Oh yes sorry, em, just waiting on the restroom" as soon as he says that a young lady walks out of the restroom

"Excuse me" luhan blushes and walks past down the aisle, sehun turns to look at him and finds himself biting his lip

Once Sehun is finished his business he heads back to his seat seeing the little boy falling asleep while trying to eat the last of his food warms his heart as he takes his seat

"Sir your food" luhan smiles as they both reach to pull down their tray table touching hands

"Oh I'm sorry sir" luhan blushes again as his hands begins to shake

Sehun reaches for the tray of food and takes it from the now shaking attendant but not before touching his hand again

Sehun finds himself looking at everything luhans is doing as his heart goes crazy in his chest. The plane hits some turbulence forcing Luhan to loose his footing, Sehun reaches out to grab him from falling but Luhan knocks the little plastic glass of water all over his top along with some of the food.

"Oh my god sir I am so so sorry, please let me fix that" Luhan says while panicking trying to wipe the mess

"It's ok" Sehun says while looking at Luhan still trying so hard to fix the mess as he can nearly see tears in his eyes

"I'm so sorry again sir"

"Hey it's ok it was an accident" Sehun says while grabbing the wrist of Luhan trying to get him to stop

Luhan stops and looks right into Sehuns eyes, Sehun feels so drawn to him he shakes his head

"I better go clean up" Sehun smile again while placing the tray on the empty seat beside him, standing up he reaches into the compartment for his bag and grabs his spare top, throwing it over his shoulder he grabs the tray and starts to walk down the aisle with it

"No sir I can take that from you" Luhan says while trying to take the tray from him

"I think I should carry it, there is food all over the edges and it is best I carry it then your uniform won't get destroyed" Luhan can't help but nod his head in reply as they walk down the aisle

"Just put it here and I can deal with it" luhan points to the mini sink

"Oh no what happened?" Another bubbly attendant questions while rushing over

"I knocked the tray over when we hit turbulance" Luhan blushes again

"It's ok honestly it was a accident" Sehun smile while heading back towards the restroom but its locked

"You can use our bunker to change your top I can show you the way" Luhan says while looking down at his feet and also making the other attendants jaw drop

"I couldn't do that won't you get into trouble?" Sehun questions him

"But sir I owe you please" Luhan nearly begs

"Ok but only if your sure"

"Follow me" luhan guides the CEO up towards the cockpit and in through a little door with steps leading up to a small like room with two beds

"Wow so this is where you sleep during long flights" ? Sehun says while they crawl in as it is not made for them to stand

"You can clean up over there" luhan points to a mini sink in the corner before turning around

With that they hit turbulence again making sehun drop his new top on the floor but this time luckily it wasn't as bad as the last one.

They both reach down at the same time and end up hitting heads off each other

"Shit" luhan says while pulling away from the smack of heads

" Are you ok?" Sehun reaches out touching luhans head making sure he is ok

Luhan freezes at the contact with the CEO that he has been secretly watching since he got on the plane, now he is in his private bunker where no passengers are allowed, he will definitely loose his job for sure after this.

"Yea......yeah I'm ok I think" Luhan laughs nervously

Sehun moves his hand and parts Luhans hair to see if there is a bump or maybe even blood since they hit heads pretty hard. As he checks he looks in luhans eyes

"No damage you should be..........fine" the last word slowly falling from sehuns lips as he finds himself moving closer to luhan looking from his eyes to his lips wanting to kiss him, wanting to feel how soft those lips are on his. Luhan feels the same as he leans in wanting to kiss him

"Everything ok up there" the other attendant shouts up making them both pull away

"Yeah be right down" luhan shouts but deep down he wants to kill her so much he was so close to kissing him and she ruined it

"You better hurry" Luhan says while turning around so Sehun can change

Quickly he changes as they head back down the stairs

"Thank you" sehun smiles so lovingly to luhan making him blush

"You are welcome sir"

"Oh sir I put another tray of food on your tray table" the bubbly attendant says while dying for him to leave so a he can ask luhan what happened

"Thank you" while walking away down the aisle sehun turns one more time smiling at luhan before taking his seat

"Omg tell me what happened? She giggles out grabbing luhans arm

"Nothing happened you cock blocker you" luhan huffs out as he walks away to check his area

After all the food is cleared away sehun has been busy typing up this results and a few things that need to be changed with the company, that he can't even think properly, every time he tries too he sees luhan smiling and laughing with the passengers, Sehun even finds himself smiling whenever luhan smiles

"I should have kissed him" he mumbles to himself

As the plane starts to go quiet with people falling asleep some of the lights dim down with it being late at night he seems to be the only one still awake. He looks over to the mother and son and sees the son curled up in a ball holding his mother's sleeve as she sleeps with her arm over him this sight makes him smile alot

He decides to turn off his laptop for the night and try rest, standing up he places it in the over head compartment. Walking one more time to the rest room before he sleeps he has to walk past luhan who is helping another passenger settle down with a blanket. On reaching him he places his hands on luhans waist as he squeezes past. Making luhan turn to look at him as he passes

'Omg he just touched me on my waist, should I give out or tell him off, oh god I can't the feeling of his large hands on my small waist makes me kinda excited' luhan thinks to himself

"Hello I'm ok now" the passengers says bringing luhan back to his attention

" Ok madam sleep well" luhan smiles as he heads back to where the flight attendance meet only to dump smack into sehun as he walks out of the restroom

"Omg I'm so sorry sir, I seem to be really clumsy today" luhan blushes as he has his hands on Sehuns chest, as Sehuns hands are on his waist

Sehun looks into luhans eyes again, this time he goes for it as luhan moves in closer as he too badly wants to kiss him

Sehun moves that last bit closer and kisses luhan softly, pulling away quickly as they hear others coming their way sehun walks back to his seat

Sitting down he slowly wipes his bottom lips with his thumb as he gives luhan a sexy smirk while luhan tries to hide himself from his view

" Omg what just happened" luhan says with his back up against the partition wall, his heart beating so hard in his chest he tries to catch his breath

"Luhan are you ok?" the bubbly attendant rushes over seeing her friend against the wall catching his breath

Luhan doesn't answer

"Tell me what just happend" she shakes him

" My first kiss"


Please please just ignore any errors, it is midnight here after all lol

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