midwife » michael gray. [com...

By johnshelby

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after a night of violent pub fights, michael gray stumbles across a shivering midwife and offers her company... More



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By johnshelby


It almost seemed like a dream as Hannah felt the cold wind on her body, the hairs on her arms raising up as she looked ahead at the two nuns who were stood at the prison gates. This was almost certainly the end of her job; the nuns would not tolerate this behaviour and they would not want the convent to be tarnished because one of their irrational midwives had got caught up with the wrong man.

"Hello," Sister Margaret said, attempting to make eye contact with Hannah but struggling. "I think you need a hot bath and bed."

"Yes, that would be lovely."

If it wasn't for the nuns, then Hannah would still have been locked up in the tiny, dirty prison cell with nothing but her own thoughts. Both Sister Maria and Sister Margret had been fighting hard to make sure that Hannah was released, claiming that they had no evidence to prove that she knew about Father Hughes death, that she was also a victim because she had been dragged into something that she had no clue about. It was all lies of course. Hannah knew everything about the death of Father Hughes, she had known from the start, but she wasn't going to let the Sister's know that. They had managed to get her released and she wasn't going to risk getting sent back.

'A clean record' where the words used by the judge when Hannah was acquitted of her crime. They had no idea, none of them did. Hannah had managed to create another personality, she was a different person when she was with Michael. When it was just herself, the nuns and the other midwives together at lunch time, she was sweet and innocent Hannah who didn't have a bad bone in her body. That Hannah was still there somewhere. When she was with Michael and his family, she suddenly became a woman that was hiding a murder and other crimes that had been committed by the unlawful family. Hannah loved Michael greatly, more than she had ever loved anybody but those lonely nights in the cell had made her question everything.

Why did he tell her about the murder? Michael easily could have kept it to himself, he should have known that Hannah was weak and wouldn't be able to handle it all and even though she had managed to keep it to herself for a few months, it didn't take away the fact that she was going to break soon.

Why did Tommy get the police involved? She shouldn't have fell for his lies and manipulation tactics. He kept Hannah on side by lying to her, telling her that he would protect Michael at all costs but where was he now? His family was locked up, being beaten by the guards for simply having the last name 'Shelby' and 'Gray' and he was nowhere to be seen, more than likely earning more money instead of helping the people he was meant to love.

Tommy knew that it was their wedding day as well. The day that Hannah would legally be bound to the Shelby's, the day she would marry the man that she was completely in love with. He had to ruin it. Maybe it was because Tommy was never happy and instead, constantly carrying a dark cloud above his head and passing it over to others. He was a troubled man, an evil one, that would sure get his comeuppance sooner or later.

"The car is here," Sister Maria said, snapping Hannah out of her thoughts. Hannah nodded and grabbed the bag that contained her wedding dress, it would be no use now. "Would you like me to take that?" Sister Maria asked, pointing towards the bag.

Hannah shook her head, she wanted to keep it close.

The drive back to Small Heath was full of apprehension and questions. What would all the mums in Small Heath think when Hannah returned? She had once been treasured, a good midwife who did her duty well and tried her hardest to make sure that every woman in Small Heath received the best medical help. People used to send her flowers and cards, thanking her for bringing their babies safely into the world. Hannah's reputation would never be the same again, she would never be a midwife again.


Hannah breathed a sigh of relief as submerged herself in the hot water. She had been stuck in the cell for too long, cold water for showers and to wipe away the blood after one of the guards had punched her for crying. Most women looked at the Shelby lifestyle and imagined glamour, but they had no idea at all, they never saw behind the scenes and how much misery was caused. She almost felt sorry for some of the girls that swooned over Tommy and the others.

Hannah had no plan of action now. She was completely lost with nowhere to go. Michael was her future, her countryside home with children and dogs had gone within the space of half an hour. Until she had properly spoken to the nuns, Hannah's fate was unknown. It was those two that held the power now, they had a tough choice to make, probably one of the hardest. They both knew that Hannah was a fantastic midwife with amazing medical knowledge due to her hard work, but she had allowed her personal life to get involved with her work and that was where they drew the line. Hannah had missed countless days of work because she had been to focused on Michael and Hannah knew that it was going to catch up with her one day.

"Hannah?" A knock on the door made Hannah jump slightly, fortunately it was only Betty. "The nuns want to see you as soon as possible."

Hannah called out that she wouldn't be long. She just needed a few more minutes to relax and forget about the outside world.

When she finally got out of the bath and dressed into some clothes that Alexandra had kindly left in the bathroom for her, Hannah made her way out of the bathroom and down the hallway towards Sister Margaret's office. She had been here far too many times getting told off for her bad behaviour.

"Come in," Sister Margaret shouted. She sounded exhausted and it was all Hannah's fault.

"Hello," Hannah mumbled as she sat down on the chair in front of the desk. Sister Maria was facing towards the window, not looking at Hannah in case she did something that God would disprove off.

"Hannah, let's just cut straight to it. These last few weeks have taken a great toll on everyone, us three more than anyone. It hasn't been easy, and we understand that you have been through a rough time which we are sorry about - " Sister Margaret was cut off by a scoff from Sister Maria. " - however, that does not mean that we are going to be soft on you. You are suspended from midwifery duties until at least after Christmas. We all need time to get over this ordeal and even though you have been acquitted, it doesn't mean that you have got away with everything."

"I understand."

"You will be allowed to stay here and do volunteering work at the hospital to keep you busy, but you will not be on the payroll, so you'll have to try and find a job somewhere else. Once we have completed our investigation and we are certain that you not been involved in the murder of Father Hughes - "

"I didn't kill him!" Hannah exclaimed, shocked that they could even think such a thing. "I never knew anything about Father Hughes murder."

"We are not stupid," Sister Maria said, finally speaking up. "We fought to get you out of prison because we did not want to see you be hanged and we didn't want our reputation to be ruined anymore but it doesn't mean that we believe you. I've had my suspicions for a while, I knew that there was something going on with you, but I put it to the back of my mind." Sister Maria turned around and pointed at Hannah with the angriest look on her face. "You have taken us all for fools and you are continuing to do so. We all know that you had some involvement, even if it wasn't direct, and it will all come out eventually. Be grateful that we are even letting you keep your bed."

"I am grateful, extremely. However, I will not be accused of murdering Father Hughes, but I will not remain silent either."

"And what does that mean?" Sister Margaret asked.

Hannah stood up before starting her long speech.

"Father Hughes was an evil man, he was disgusting and preyed on the vulnerable. Do you remember when he would constantly look after orphans before finding them homes?" Sister Maria nodded, remembering the times that Father Hughes was praised for being a good man for looking after children. "He was harming them, sexually. Taking away their innocence at a young age because he craved it, because he was a mentally sick man. Michael was one of those kids. The church took him away from his mother, split him up from his sibling and let him be in the care of a twisted individual who didn't want to help, he just wanted to fulfil his disgusting needs. He ruined Michael's life, it stayed with him and mentally tortured him. The poor man couldn't get a break and when he saw Father Hughes with me, he knew that he had to do something. So, I don't blame Michael for murdering Father Hughes and I hope it was slow and painful. He deserved it completely and I will not hate Michael for it. I will defend him for the rest of my life because I know my Michael and I know that he is a bad man, but he would not kill anyone for no reason, he had every reason to kill Father Hughes."

Both nuns sat in silence as they digested the information. Hannah felt guilty for telling Michael's secret, but she wanted everyone to know that Father Hughes was not a victim.

"Why didn't Michael report this?" Was the first question asked by Sister Maria.

"Who would you believe? A 'well-respected' figure in the church or a 'gangster'?"

Sister Maria looked down in shame, she knew her answer but she wouldn't want to admit it out loud.

"You are free to leave," Sister Margaret said.

"Is that it?" Hannah asked with a shocked expression. Deciding not to push it any further, Hannah nodded her head once before mumbling a good bye. However, she stopped herself before she left the room. "I know I can no longer take part in midwifery duties, but I ask of one thing, can I be the midwife who delivers Linda Shelby's baby?"

"We will think about that."

She knew that the conversation would arise again and that more questions would be asked but all Hannah truly wanted was her bed, but she had a phone call to make first, a very important one.

She could remember the number easily, Michael had given it her in case she desperately needed it or if she was in danger. She wasn't in danger, of course, but she needed to speak to him and give him a piece of her mind. He would not get away with the pain that he had caused Hannah and the rest of the family.

"Tommy is not available," one of the maids said, her voice anxious as she noted down the anger is Hannah's voice as she demanded to see Tommy.

"Tell him to make himself available right this minute."

There was a sigh from the other end of the phone before silence. Hannah waited patiently for Tommy to pick up the telephone and speak and while she waited, she went over all the things that she wanted to say to him.

"Hannah," his voice finally came through the speakers. "I'm glad you called."

"Are you?" Hannah scoffed. "Well, I'm glad that you answered."

"What can I do for you?"

"You can listen."

There was an awkward cough from Tommy's end of the line before he agreed to listen. He did not know what was going to be said or how angry Hannah would be with him. He knew that he had done wrong, the worst thing a man could do but he had his reasons and one day, all his family would understand and forgive him.

"Go on."

"I just want to know why you did it and why you thought it was acceptable to have your own family arrested and sent to prison for crimes that you helped to organise? Why are they the ones in that prison suffering but you are perfectly safe on the outside in your lovely mansion with your maids at your beck and call? Your family, the people who have been loyal to you, are suffering and what are you doing about it? Nothing - "

"I'm working on it," Tommy interrupted.

"It shouldn't have happened in the first place. You promised me that you would sort it all out and that Michael would not have to step foot in one of those cells but look at where he is. They beat me up, Tommy, and that was just because I was associated with the Shelby's so what are they doing to them?"

Tommy felt the guilt rising, he hadn't slept properly since he had seen all his family taken away in the police cars. He should have done more to stop it, but he barely had enough time to process all the information himself. If he could go back in time and change everything then he would but it was too late.

"Did you see Polly?"

"No, I didn't. On the first night she was in the cell next to me, but they moved her the following day. I heard her crying and begging the guards, and do you know what followed after that?" Hannah waited for Tommy to respond but he remained silent. "They laughed at her. John, Arthur, Michael and Polly are nothing in there, they are just criminals with no rights or anything and that is down to you. I hope you struggle to sleep at night and I hope Finn never forgives you for taking away the people that he loves dearly."

Hannah's anger was growing the more that she spoke to Tommy and his lack of words was infuriating her. This was his family, but he clearly did not care, he didn't even have the effort to defend himself and explain his reasons for getting them arrested.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Hannah looked down at the ground and took a deep breath. "Is Michael going to die in there?"

Tommy clenched his jaw and shook his head. "No."

"Can I trust you?"

"No," he answered honestly. "But I'll do everything that I can to make sure that they get out. It won't even get to the point where they see the ropes, do you understand?"

"If Michael comes out of there a different man then I promise you, I well and truly promise you, that I will make you suffer the way that you have made them suffer. I'm not a violent person but I know things about your business, about you, and I will use them against you if Michael dies. Do you understand?"

It was odd for someone else to hold the power. "Yeah, I understand."


"Is there anything that I can do?" Tommy asked, hoping that it would get rid of some guilt that he was carrying around. "Anything at all."

Hannah thought for a moment before speaking up, "you can get me a visit to see Michael. If there's a chance that Michael is going to die in there then I want to say goodbye properly. I don't want no guards in the room, I want it just to be me and him."

"I'll see what I can do."

authors note; ooooo, she's out. next chapter is half written and i guess a sad one??? idk, theres a hint in this chapter somewhere about the future of hannah and michael so if u got it then good for u
pls vote, comment n leave feedback, it's appreciated big time!! also, sorry for being awful at uploading and if anyone knows of any good peaky fics then let me know cos i need something to read thank u xo

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