The Plug's Niece

بواسطة BabyLovee23

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Kamiya wanted to be a simple girl with a simple life but she couldn't with what the job her uncle has and she... المزيد

Epilouge -1 year later 😇
Book 2 is out 💗
Note ‼️


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بواسطة BabyLovee23

King 👑

Few months later

It's been a few months since I proposed to Kamiya and life has been so great for us. She took me to Dubai for my birthday and spend a lot on me and I loved it . It's made me know that she really the one for me.

We decided to get married next year in April because she wanted a spring wedding. We have 6 months to plan for this and it's a lot of work to do.

She was getting help from lyric since she was already married. Yes instead of a wedding they just got married at a court house with a select of the family.

Right now me and Rex are on a mission in New York to talk to some new connections. He has the best cocaine in the United States and I need that .

"When we get in here don't act out alright " I told Rex because he gets wild when he's impatient.

He suck his teeth "I got this ma chill on me" he said as I stop the rental I had got for the night.

"No fo real we not at home to help us or clean this up and your temper not about to fuck this up ight" I said and he sighs loud.

"Ight man damn" he said looking out the window .

"Let's go" we got out the car and made it into the build where the man had us meet him.

We walked into what looks like a conference room and a big light skin nigga with two big guy standing next to him was at the end of the table.

One of the big guys pay us down and Rex looked him up and down funny. "Aye man you gay don't be touching my stuff" Rex told the man.

"Look little nigga calm down with that shit I was just doing my job" the man jack him up.

"I don't give a fuck get your fucking hands off me now man" Rex snatch from him and the man was about to do something till the light skin man said something.

"Leave it along Jack" he said looking at the man. The man scuff then walked back over to the light skin man.

"You may seat at the end there" he pointed to where we been standing at and Rex suck his teeth. We took the seat and I nug Rex to tell him to chill.

"Let's get started " he said snapping his fingers. One big guy bring a small bag from under the table.

"My names Larry by the way" he said and then the man open it and it was pure cocaine.

"I'm sure you would like to try to product first " he had the big man to bring it to me.

I looked at it and it a pure white with crystal. I tasted it and it was the good shit. I looked at Rex and nodded my head.

"How do you like it mister "

"King and this is Rex " I told him.

"Oh" the guy smiled.

"Why you smiling like that" Rex asked him and the guy smiled bigger.

"It's a crime to smile " he asked.

"No it's not but it's just weird " Rex raised an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled "It's not I'm just a happy man that all but like I asked early how do you like it?" The man said focusing back at me.

"It's good I can fuck with it how would you like to do business?" I looked him in his eyes.

"I'll ship the product to your home town in 4 days you should have the many by them right" he said till smiling.

"Yeah , 20 k right ?" I asked just to make it clear.

"Indeed see you guys in 4 days" we nodded at him and in the corner of my eye I saw Rex mug the big guy from early. I shake my head as we made our way to the car.

2 days later back at home

Laying in bed with Kamiya and Ah'Mone I just smiled down at them.

"What you smiling at?" Kamiya asked looking at me.

"Just my family I love y'all so much" I kissed her and Ah'Mone forehead.

"I love you too baby" she said.

"I lowwy you too da da" Ah'Mone tried to say and it was so cute. She's been talking a lot more lately and it just made me realize my baby girls growing up.

My phone started ringing and it was Rex . "Who's that ?" Kamiya asked still focus on the tv.

"Just Rex it might be about the trap this gone take a second " she nodded her head and I got up.

Me: speak
Rex: them niggas here early
Me: what's you mean ? What niggas?
Rex: Larry and his big guys
Me: shit man it's 2 days early
Rex: I just said that shit b
Me: I'll be there in 10 minutes don't start any shit
Rex: you Ah'Mone daddy not mine I got this

He hang up and I walked back in the room to Ah'Mone sleeping and kamiya on her phone. She gone be mad but moves got to be made.

"Aye baby I'll be back" she looked up from her phone at me.

"Alright just be home by 12 I don't like when you out late like this at the trap" she said putting her phone down.

I grab her hands and pulled her into a gamut and kissed her lips. I love her with everything in me and I'm happy she's about to be my wife.

"I got you baby" I kissed her one more time then grab my phone and keys and head out.

Pulling up to the trap I parked and saw Tone in the front looking worried. I got out my car and walked him.

"What's wrong with you nigga" I asked seriously.

Rex ‼️

I was yelling at this Big nigga the same one I had a problem with the last meeting. He was getting in my face being disrespectful so i gone show him what a bitch is.

"You bitch ass nigga you can't come in our shit thinking you can talk reckless " I yelled at him.

"Nigga fuck you and your shit let's settle this" he said and I king walked in looking mad.

"Yo what the fuck going on in this bitch"he yelled looking me and the big guy up.

"Nothing " Larry smiled.

This nigga is always smiling and that shit is weird to me. Ain't no way a nigga always that happy.

"Why y'all early " King asked him.

"I have this meeting in two day when I was supposed to come so I had to change things around" he still was smiling.

King nodded and we walked to the back where Larry trucks was . We got our workers to load up the warehouse with the cocaine. When we was almost finish when the big guy said something.

"Where's the money?" He asked mugging me.

King snap his finger and one of the workers brought the money to king. I rolled my eyes because this nigga been getting on my nerves since he got here.

"25 k right?" He asked.

"Man Look here you the boos or him?" I asked irritated.

"It don't matter nigga I want to make sure you ain't gone shit us"

"Us shit y'all? How we don't know if y'all tryna shit us or set us up " I retorted.

"Enough boys " Larry yelled looking at both of us " now king is that 25 k"

"Yeah it's all there" he smiled.

"Hope we can do business with you again" he grab the money and started walking out the trap to his truck.

We was walking them out because we don't trust them niggas yet. The big guy looked back at me and smirk.

"Bitch ass nigga let me see you again I'll fuck your girl and get her pregnant with my baby" he said while sticking his middle finger up and laughed loud.

I liked at him with pure anger. I reached for my gun as everything went into slow motion and I can feel myself blacking out.

Nobody disrespect my girl and what made me even piss off was that me and lyric been trying for a baby but she couldn't get pregnant.

"Noooooo chill" I heard king yelled out when I dine pulled out my gun and shot that big nigga in his chest.

Larry pulled out his gun and started firing at us. My Adadrenaline was Up now. It's was our trap vs. Larry and his 3 guys.

All you could here was gun firing back and forth. I shot one of the other guys and king got Larry. All the guys body drop and king ran over to me.

"Why can't you just control you fuc-" he stop mid sentence and looked him up and down.

"You been shot " he said and I looked down .

I was indeed shot in my chest I guess I didn't feel it because of my adrenaline. All the feeling came to me after I looked at it and I dropped to my knees.

"You gone be okay alright nigga... SOMEBODY GET THE FUCKING CAR NOW" he yelled .

Some of the workers helped me up to the car and king was talking to me the whole time trying to king me there.

"Stay with me Rex come on man you my fucking brother I can't lose you man, who I gone trust now ? Who gone be my right hand? Tyson come on man you have a wife and a god daughter stay for her please" as he was talking I could feel myself slipping away.

As we pulled up to the hospital the last thing I heard was " get him to surgery ASAP "...


I was woken up out my sleep to my phone ringing it was Kamiya.

Me: hello
Kamiya: lyric get to the hospital now * she cried on the phone *
Me: I'm on my way

I hang up and put on some sweats and hoodie. I got into my car and drive there as fast as I can. When I got there I ran into the waiting room to see King crying and covered in blood while Kamiya tired to calm him down.

"What's wrong what happened?" I asked worried.

"It's .... Rex Lyric " she said and I looked around .

"What's you mean it's Rex " I can feel the tears in my eyes building up.

"He's dead lyric and didn't make it" she cried .

"The fuck You mean he didn't make it" I loved from them and walked over to the nusres station.

"Can I speak tot he doctor for Rex" she nodded and left them came back with a male doctor.

"Hello I'm doctor burns" he said.

"I don't care where is my husband?" I yelled.

"Ma'am who's your husband?" He asked liking confused.

"Tyson kentrel Davis " I yelled and he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry ma'am but he dead about 30 minutes ago" he explained to me.

I backed up from him shaking my head " no no no HE CANT BE YOU GOEN BRING HIS ASS BACK NOW" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do" he said and is stated screaming and crying loudly.

"My baby my fucking baby he was my lifeline " I cried dropping to the floor. I felt some hands pulled me into a hug. I looked to see it was Kamiya and she was patting my back as we both cried.

I looked up to see King walking over to us pulling us all into a hug. We just cried even harder together. After our episode in the hospital the people even us the information. We well have his funeral next week.

Walking to my car Kamiya stop me " Are you sure you gone be okay by yourself?" She asked .

I smiled and nodded my head. "Just call us if you need us alright even if it's killing me inside you been his life and I know he would want me to look after you" I smiled .

"I'm good okay guys see y'all tomorrow " I turn around.

"I love you cousin " Kamiya said.

"I love you too" I said getting into my car.

On the drive home I was so heart broken because when he came home tonight I had a surprise for him in to morning. After months of going to the doctor and even when they say I could I was finally pregnant. I'm 2 months to be exact I find out today when I went to my doctors appointment.

Now he's not gone be here with me and his child. But at least I still have a piece of him with me.

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